gdcloud disaster-recovery restores create


gdcloud disaster-recovery restores create - Create a disaster recovery restore.


gdcloud disaster-recovery restores create [flags]


      --backup string                Name of the backup used for the disaster recovery restoration.
      --cluster string               Name of the cluster where the restore is located.
      --name string                  Name of the disaster recovery restore.
      --restore-scope restoreScope   Scope of the disaster recovery restore, must of one of [drcontroller, gitlab, hwdr, controlplane, custom].


      --all-namespaces                     Whether to restore resources in all namespaces, the flag only works in the custom scope.
      --cluster-resources stringArray      A list of allowed cluster resources to be restored for the custom scope, the resources are provided by <group>/<kind> format, e.g.
      --dry-run                            Whether to dry run the command.
  -h, --help                               help for create
      --namespaced-resources stringArray   A list of allowed namespaced resources to be restored for the custom scope, the resources are provided by <group>/<kind> format, e.g. apps/Deployment.
      --namespaces stringArray             A list of namespaces of the resources to restore, the list only works in the custom scope.