gdcloud storage ls


gdcloud storage ls - List storage buckets and objects


gdcloud storage ls [PATH ...]
    [--all-versions, -a]
    [--buckets, -b]
    [--recursive, -r]
    [--full, -L | --json, -j | --long, -l]
    [--verbosity=VERBOSITY] [flags]


List your storage buckets and objects in your buckets. This command treats forward slashes in object names as directories.


The following command lists the contents of a bucket:

    gdcloud storage ls s3://my-bucket

You can use wildcards to match multiple paths, including multiple buckets.
Bucket wildcards are expanded to match only buckets contained in your
current project. The following command matches .txt objects that begin with
"log" and that are stored in buckets in your project that begin with "my-b":

    gdcloud storage ls s3://my-b*/log*.txt

The following wildcards are valid and match only within the current

    *: Matches zero or more characters
    ?: Matches zero or one characters
    []: Matches a character range (ex. [a-z] or [0-9])

You can use double-star wildcards to match zero or more directory levels in
a path. The following command matches all .txt objects in a bucket.

    gdcloud storage ls s3://my-bucket/**/*.txt

Double-star expansion can not be combined with other expressions in a given
path segment and operates as a single star in that context. For example:


is treated as:


and instead should be written as:


to get the recursive behavior.

The following command lists all items recursively with formatting by using

    gdcloud storage ls --recursive s3://bucket

Recursive listings are similar to ** except recursive listings include
line breaks and header formatting for each subdirectory.


  -a, --all-versions       Include non-current object versions in the listing. This flag is
                           typically only useful for buckets with object versioning enabled. If
                           combined with the --long option, the metageneration for each listed
                           object is also included.
  -b, --buckets            When given a bucket URL, only return buckets. Useful for avoiding the
                           rule that prints the top-level objects of buckets matching a query.
                           Typically used in combination with --full to get the full metadata of
  -L, --full               List all available metadata about items in rows.
  -j, --json               List all available metadata about items as a JSON dump.
      --log-http           Log all HTTP server requests and responses to stderr.
  -l, --long               List objects only. List size in bytes, creation time, and URL.
  -r, --recursive          Recursively list the contents of any directories that match the path expression.
      --verbosity string   Override the default verbosity for this command. VERBOSITY must be one of:
                           debug, info, warning, error, critical, none. (default "warning")


These flags are available to all commands: --configuration, --format, --help, --project, --quiet.

For more information, see the gdcloud CLI reference overview page.