
Backup is the Schema for the backups API

Appears in: - BackupList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string Backup
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec BackupSpec
status BackupStatus


BackupList contains a list of Backup

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string BackupList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items Backup array


BackupPlan is the Schema for the backupplans API

Appears in: - BackupPlanList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string BackupPlan
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec BackupPlanSpec
status BackupPlanStatus


BackupPlanList contains a list of BackupPlan

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string BackupPlanList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items BackupPlan array


BackupPlanSpec defines the desired state of BackupPlan.

Appears in: - BackupPlan

Field Description
dbclusterRef DBClusterRef The DBCluster this backupplan configures
backupRetainDays integer Number of days after which the service will delete a Backup. If specified, a Backup created under this BackupPlan will be automatically deleted after its age reaches create_time + backup_retain_days. The valid values are from 1 to 90 days. Default to 14 retain days.
paused boolean A flag to indicate if the backup creation under this BackupPlan is paused. If set to true, the service will pause the scheduling of new Backups under this BackupPlan. Default to False.
PITREnabled boolean A flag to indicate whether logs replication is enabled to support point-in-time recovery. Default to False.


BackupPlanStatus defines the observed state of BackupPlan.

Appears in: - BackupPlan

Field Description
observedGeneration integer
reconciled boolean
criticalIncidents CriticalIncident array CriticalIncidents is a flat list of all active Critical Incidents.
conditions Condition array Conditions represents the latest available observations of the Entity's current state.
phase BackupPlanPhase
lastBackupTime Time LastBackupTime is the timestamp for the most recently executed backup.
nextBackupTime Time NextBackupTime is the timestamp for the next scheduled backup.
recoveryWindow TimeWindow RecoveryWindow is the currently available recovery window.


BackupSpec defines the desired state of Backup.

Appears in: - Backup

Field Description
dbclusterRef DBClusterRef The DBCluster this backup belongs to
backupPlanRef BackupPlanRef Name of the BackupPlan from which this backup was created.
manual boolean Indicate whether this backup is a scheduled or manual backup. Default to false (scheduled backup) if not specified.


BackupStatus defines the observed state of Backup.

Appears in: - Backup

Field Description
observedGeneration integer
reconciled boolean
criticalIncidents CriticalIncident array CriticalIncidents is a flat list of all active Critical Incidents.
conditions Condition array Conditions represents the latest available observations of the Entity's current state.
phase BackupPhase
createTime Time Creation time of the Backup
completeTime Time Completion time of the Backup


DBCluster is the Schema for the dbclusters API

Appears in: - DBClusterList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string DBCluster
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec DBClusterSpec
status DBClusterStatus


DBClusterList contains a list of DBCluster

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string DBClusterList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items DBCluster array


DBClusterSpec defines the desired state of DBCluster

Appears in: - DBCluster

Field Description
primaryCluster string
isDeleted boolean Indicate if a DBCluster object is soft-deleted. The default is false.
mode string Indicate the mode of this DBCluster.
availability Availability Availability contains adjustable settings for DbCluster HA features
allowExternalIncomingTraffic boolean
tls TLSSpec TLS configures encryption for connections to the database instance. Immutable.
databaseImage string DatabaseImage is the path of the customized database image provided by users.
primarySpec PgInstanceSpec


DBClusterStatus defines the observed state of DBCluster

Appears in: - DBCluster

Field Description
observedGeneration integer
reconciled boolean
criticalIncidents CriticalIncident array CriticalIncidents is a flat list of all active Critical Incidents.
conditions Condition array Conditions represents the latest available observations of the Entity's current state.
phase DBClusterPhase
primary PrimaryStatus
restoredFrom RestoredFrom
maintenanceStatus MaintenancePolicyStatus
upgradeScheduledAt Time UpgradeScheduledAt is a timestamp that indicates when the next upgrade is scheduled to start. If it is nil, it means there is no upcoming upgrade scheduled.
serviceAccounts object (keys:OpType, values:ServiceAccountRef) ServiceAccounts is a map of k8s service accounts created during dbcluster provision time to be used by different operations. Currently, only import is supported.
certificateReference CertificateRef CertificateReference refers to a secret and a key to look up an X.509 certificate that can be used to connect to the database.
latestFailoverStatus FailoverStatus LatestFailoverStatus represents the status of the most recently updated failover for the database cluster
migrationStatus MigrationStatus MigrationStatus represents the status of migration for the database cluster.


Export is the Schema for the export API.

Appears in: - ExportList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string Export
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ExportSpec
status ExportStatus


Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ExportList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items Export array


ExportSpec defines the desired state of Export.

Appears in: - Export

Field Description
dbclusterRef DBClusterRef DBClusterRef is the dbcluster name within the same namespace to export from.
exportLocation StorageSpec ExportLocation specifies a storage location for the export files. A user is to ensure proper write access to the storage bucket from within the Operator.


ExportStatus defines the observed state of Export.

Appears in: - Export

Field Description
observedGeneration integer
reconciled boolean
criticalIncidents CriticalIncident array CriticalIncidents is a flat list of all active Critical Incidents.
conditions Condition array Conditions represents the latest available observations of the Entity's current state.
phase ExportPhase Phase is a summary of current state of the export.
startTime Time StartTime is the time export started.
completeTime Time CompleteTime is the time export completed.
exportSubDirectory string ExportSubDirectory is the subdirectory appended to ExportLocation to store exported files.


ExternalServer is the Schema for the ExternalServer API.

Appears in: - ExternalServerList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ExternalServer
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ExternalServerSpec
status ExternalServerStatus


Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ExternalServerList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items ExternalServer array


ExternalServerSpec defines metadata of an external database server used for migration.

Appears in: - ExternalServer

Field Description
host string Host is the host ip of the external database server.
port integer Port is the port of the external database server.
username string UserName is the name of the user used to connect to the external database.
password SecretReference Password is the reference to the secret storing external database server password.
certRef SecretReference CertRef is the reference to the secret storing external database server certificate.


Appears in: - ExternalServer

Field Description
observedGeneration integer
reconciled boolean
criticalIncidents CriticalIncident array CriticalIncidents is a flat list of all active Critical Incidents.
conditions Condition array Conditions represents the latest available observations of the Entity's current state.


Import is the Schema for the import API.

Appears in: - ImportList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string Import
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ImportSpec
status ImportStatus


Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string ImportList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items Import array


ImportSpec defines the desired state of Import.

Appears in: - Import

Field Description
dbclusterRef DBClusterRef DBClusterRef is the dbcluster name within the same namespace to import into.
databaseName string DatabaseName is the database resource name within Instance to import into.
dumpStorage StorageSpec DumpStorage specifies a storage location for the import dump files. A user is to ensure proper read access to the storage bucket from within the Operator.
logStorage StorageSpec LogStorage optionally specifies a storage location to copy import log to. A user is to ensure proper write access to the storage bucket from within the Operator.
downloadOnly boolean DownloadOnly when set to true means dump file will be downloaded but not imported into DB. Default is false.
tableExistAction string TableExistAction is the action to take when importing into an existing table. The default is to skip.


ImportStatus defines the observed state of Import.

Appears in: - Import

Field Description
observedGeneration integer
reconciled boolean
criticalIncidents CriticalIncident array CriticalIncidents is a flat list of all active Critical Incidents.
conditions Condition array Conditions represents the latest available observations of the Entity's current state.
phase ImportPhase Phase is a summary of current state of the import.
startTime Time StartTime is the time import started.
completeTime Time CompleteTime is the time import completed.
dumpPath string DumpPath is the path of the downloaded dump file for download only import.


Migration is the Schema for the migration API.

Appears in: - MigrationList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string Migration
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec MigrationSpec
status MigrationStatus


Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string MigrationList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items Migration array


MigrationSpec defines the spec of the migration job.

Appears in: - Migration

Field Description
source SourceDatabaseServer Source is a database server that acts as the source for migration.
target TargetDatabaseServer Target is a database server that acts as the target of migration.
control MigrationControl Control is used to control the state of a migration job.


MigrationStatus defines the status of the migration job.

Appears in: - Migration

Field Description
observedGeneration integer
reconciled boolean
criticalIncidents CriticalIncident array CriticalIncidents is a flat list of all active Critical Incidents.
conditions Condition array Conditions represents the latest available observations of the Entity's current state.


Appears in: - DBClusterSpec

Field Description
version string Version of a database.
images object (keys:string, values:string) Service agent and other data plane GCR images. This is an optional map that allows a customer to specify GCR images different from those chosen/provided.
component object (keys:InstanceComponentName, values:InstanceComponentSpec) The list of instance components An instance is composed of dataplane and controlPlaneAgent components
dbLoadBalancerOptions DBLoadBalancerOptions DBNetworkServiceOptions allows to override some details of kubernetes Service created to expose a connection to database.
sourceCidrRanges string array Source IP CIDR ranges allowed for a client.
parameters object (keys:string, values:string) Parameters contains the database flags in the map format
services object (keys:Service, values:boolean) Services list the optional semi-managed services that the customers can choose from.
resources Resource Resource specification for the database container.
mode InstanceMode Mode specifies how this instance will be managed by the operator.
databasePatchingTimeout Duration Max threshold for database patching. This timeout is used independently for sts patching and OPatch/datapatch execution.
adminUser AdminUserSpec AdminUser represents the admin user specification
isStopped boolean IsStopped indicates whether instance is stopped by users
availabilityOptions AvailabilityOptions AvailabilityOptions contains adjustable settings for HA features
allowExternalIncomingTrafficToInstance boolean AllowExternalIncomingTrafficToInstance will be used to configure the external LB creation.
auditLogTarget AuditLogTargetSpec AuditLogTarget configures the sink for the database audit logs
replication ReplicationSpec Replication configures replication connections to other db instances
tls TLSSpec TLS configures encryption for connections to the database instance. Immutable.


Restore is the Schema for the restores API

Appears in: - RestoreList

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string Restore
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec RestoreSpec
status RestoreStatus


RestoreList contains a list of Restores

Field Description
apiVersion string
kind string RestoreList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items Restore array


RestoreSpec defines the desired state of Restore.

Appears in: - Restore

Field Description
sourceDBCluster DBClusterRef SourceDBCluster to restore from.
pointInTime Time Previous point-in-time to restore to. Without specifying this will end-up restore the latest available time point.
clonedDBClusterConfig ClonedDBClusterConfig Settings for the cloned DBCluster. Without specifying this will end-up restore the sourceDBCluster.


RestoreStatus defines the observed state of Restore.

Appears in: - Restore

Field Description
observedGeneration integer
reconciled boolean
criticalIncidents CriticalIncident array CriticalIncidents is a flat list of all active Critical Incidents.
conditions Condition array Conditions represents the latest available observations of the Entity's current state.
phase RestorePhase
createTime Time Creation time of the Restore
completeTime Time Completion time of the Restore
restoredPointInTime Time Actual point-in-time this restore brings the target DBCluster into. Might be different from value specified in spec.PointInTime.