gdcloud compute backend-services create


gdcloud compute backend-services create - Create backend services for a load balancer.


gdcloud compute backend-services create BACKEND_SERVICE_NAME [flags]


To create a zonal backend service "backend-service-1" for a load balancer, run:

    gdcloud compute backend-services create backend-service-1 \
      --health-check=my-health-check \

    To create a global backend service "backend-service-1" for a load balancer, run:

    gdcloud compute backend-services create backend-service-1 \
      --health-check=my-health-check \
      --target-ports=UDP:80:8080 \


      --global                 If set, the global backend service object is created.
      --health-check string    Name of the health check parameters object for this backend service.
      --target-ports strings   Comma-separated list of target ports that this backend service will translate, where each target port specifies the protocol, the port on the forwarding rule, and the port on the backend instance. Format: '{protocol}:{port}:{targetport}'.
      --zone string            Zone to use for this invocation. To preset the zone flag for all commands that require it, run: "gdcloud config set core/zone ZONE". The zone flag is available only in multi-zone environments.


These flags are available to all commands: --configuration, --format, --help, --project, --quiet.

For more information, see the gdcloud CLI reference overview page.