gdcloud storage cp


gdcloud storage cp - Upload, download, and copy objects.


gdcloud storage cp SOURCE [SOURCE ...] DESTINATION
    [--all-versions, -A]
    [--no-clobber, -n]
    [--continue-on-error, -c]
    [--daisy-chain, -D]
    [--preserve-posix, -P]
    [--recursive, -r]
    [--verbosity=VERBOSITY] [flags]


Copy data between your local file system and object storage. You can also copy data within object storage.


The following command uploads all text files from the local directory to a

    gdcloud storage cp *.txt s3://my-bucket

The following command downloads all text files from a bucket to your current

    gdcloud storage cp s3://my-bucket/*.txt .

Use the --recursive option to copy an entire directory tree. The following
command uploads the directory tree "dir":

    gdcloud storage cp --recursive dir s3://my-bucket


  -A, --all-versions                            Copy all source versions from a source bucket or folder. If not set, only
                                                the live version of each source object is copied. Note: This option is only
                                                useful when the destination bucket has Object Versioning enabled.
                                                Additionally, the generation numbers of copied versions do not necessarily
                                                match the order of the original generation numbers.
      --cache-control string                    How caches should handle requests and responses.
      --clear-custom-metadata                   Clear all custom metadata on objects. When used with --preserve-posix,
                                                POSIX attributes are still stored in custom metadata.
      --content-disposition string              How content should be displayed.
      --content-encoding string                 How content is encoded (e.g. gzip).
      --content-language string                 Content's language (e.g. "en" signifies "English").
      --content-md5 string                      Manually specified MD5 hash digest for the contents of an uploaded
                                                file. This flag cannot be used when uploading multiple files.
      --content-type string                     Type of data contained in the object (e.g. text/html).
  -c, --continue-on-error                       If any operations are unsuccessful, the command will exit with a non-zero
                                                exit status after completing the remaining operations. This flag takes
                                                effect only in sequential execution mode (i.e. processor and thread count
                                                are set to 1). Parallelism is default.
      --custom-metadata stringToString          Set custom metadata on objects. When used with --preserve-posix, POSIX
                                                attributes are also stored in custom metadata. (default [])
  -D, --daisy-chain                             Copy in "daisy chain" mode, which means copying an object by first
                                                downloading it to the machine where the command is run, then uploading it
                                                to the destination bucket. The default mode is a "copy in the cloud,"
                                                where data is copied without uploading or downloading. During a copy in
                                                the cloud, a source composite object remains composite at its destination.
                                                However, you can use daisy chain mode to change a composite object into a
                                                non-composite object.
      --do-not-decompress                       Do not automatically decompress downloaded gzip files.
      --ignore-symlinks                         Ignore file symlinks instead of copying what they point to. Symlinks
                                                pointing to directories are always ignored.
      --log-http                                Log all HTTP server requests and responses to stderr.
  -n, --no-clobber                              Do not overwrite existing files or objects at the destination. Skipped
                                                items will be printed. This option performs an additional GET request for
                                                cloud objects before attempting an upload.
  -P, --preserve-posix                          Preserve POSIX attributes when objects are copied. With this
                                                feature enabled, gdcloud storage will copy several fields provided by the
                                                stat command: access time, modification time, owner UID, owner group GID,
                                                and the mode (permissions) of the file.
                                                For uploads, these attributes are read off of local files and stored in the
                                                cloud as custom metadata. For downloads, custom cloud metadata is set as
                                                POSIX attributes on files after they are downloaded.
      --print-created-message                   Print the version-specific URL for each copied object.
  -r, --recursive                               Recursively copy the contents of any directories that match the source
                                                path expression.
      --remove-custom-metadata stringArray      Remove individual custom metadata keys from objects. This flag can be
                                                used with --update-custom-metadata. When used with --preserve-posix,
                                                POSIX attributes specified by this flag are not preserved.
      --update-custom-metadata stringToString   Add or set individual custom metadata key-value pairs on objects.
                                                Existing custom metadata not specified with this flag is not changed.   This
                                                flag can be used with --remove-custom-metadata. When keys overlap with
                                                those provided by --preserve-posix, values specified by this flag are used. (default [])
      --verbosity string                        Override the default verbosity for this command. VERBOSITY must be one of:
                                                debug, info, warning, error, critical, none. (default "warning")


These flags are available to all commands: --configuration, --format, --help, --project, --quiet.

For more information, see the gdcloud CLI reference overview page.