gdcloud storage objects list


gdcloud storage objects list - List storage objects.


gdcloud storage objects list URLs [URLs ...]
    [--verbosity=VERBOSITY] [flags]


The following command lists all objects in bucket my-bucket:

    gdcloud storage objects list s3://my-bucket

The following command lists all objects in bucket beginning with "o":

    gdcloud storage objects list s3://my-bucket/o*

The following command lists all objects in bucket with JSON formatting, only returning the
value of the name metadata field:

    gdcloud storage objects list s3://my-bucket --format="json(name)"


      --format string      Set the format for printing command output resources. The default is a
                           command-specific human-friendly output format. The supported formats are
                           limited to: config, csv, default, diff, disable, flattened, get, json,
                           list, multi, none, object, table, text, value, yaml.
  -h, --help               help for list
      --log-http           Log all HTTP server requests and responses to stderr.
      --verbosity string   Override the default verbosity for this command. VERBOSITY must be one of:
                           debug, info, warning, error, critical, none. (default "warning")