Identify developer permissions

To use Vertex AI services on Google Distributed Cloud (GDC) air-gapped, the Application Operator (AO) user must have the correct permissions. If the AO can't access or use a Vertex AI service, then contact the Project IAM Administrator to add them.

The required role for each service follows:

Vertex AI service Role Role description
Vertex AI Workbench workbench-notebooks-viewer You can access the Vertex AI Workbench UI.
You can see notebooks in a project.
You can access notebook instances.
Vertex AI Workbench workbench-notebooks-admin You can create or delete notebooks in their project.
You can do everything a user with the workbench-notebooks-viewer role can do.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) ai-ocr-developer
Speech-to-Text ai-speech-developer
Translation ai-translation-developer

For more information, see Grant IAM permission to open a JupyterLab notebook.