Protected application strategies

This page describes the different protected application strategies available in Google Distributed Cloud (GDC) air-gapped.

Protected application strategies lets you run specific pre-execution and post-execution hooks and define custom behavior for quiescing, backing up, or restoring a stateful workload.

There are three backup and restore strategies that you can use when defining a ProtectedApplication resource:

Strategy definitions can include the following values:

Type Attribute Description
BackupAllRestoreAll Back up and restore everything in the component.
backupPreHooks List of hooks to execute before backup.
backupPostHooks List of hooks to execute after backup.
volumeSelector Label selector specifying what persistent volumes to backup. If empty, all PVs are selected.
backupOneRestoreAll Back up one copy of a selected pod and use it to restore all pods.
backupTargetName The name of the preferred Deployment or StatefulSet to use for the backup.
backupPreHooks List of hooks to execute before backup.
backupPostHooks List of hooks to execute after backup.
volumeSelector Label selector specifying what persistent volumes to back up. If empty, all PVs are selected.
dumpAndLoad Uses a dedicated volume for backup and restore.
dumpTarget Specifies the name of the preferred Deployment or StatefulSet that is used to dump the component data. The target pod is selected based on how this component is composed:
  • Deployment: pick the only pod created by the target Deployment.
  • Single-StatefulSet: pick the second pod created by the target StatefulSet if the replica number is greater than two. Otherwise, pick the only pod.
  • Multi-StatefulSet: pick the first pod created by the target StatefulSet
loadTarget Specifies the name of the preferred Deployment or StatefulSet that is used to load the component data. The target pod is selected based on how this component is composed:
  • Deployment: pick the only pod created by the target Deployment.
  • StatefulSet: always pick the first pod created by the target StatefulSet.
dumpHooks List of hooks that are used to dump the data.
backupPostHooks List of hooks to execute after backup.
loadHooks List of hooks that are used to load the data of this component from dedicated volume. It might also include cleanup steps after the load is completed. The execution target pod is one of the pods selected from the LoadTarget.
volumeSelector Label selector specifying what persistent volumes to backup. If empty, all PVs are selected.

Back up all and restore all

This strategy backs up all of the application resources during the backup, and restores all of those resources during the restore. This strategy works best for standalone applications, where applications have no replication between pods.

For a backup all and restore all strategy, include the following information in the resource definition:

  • Hooks: define commands that are executed before and after taking volume backups, such as application quiesce and unquiesce steps. These commands are executed on all pods within a component.

  • Volume selection: provides finer granularity on which volumes are backed up and restored within the component. Any volumes not selected are not backed up. During a restore, any volumes skipped during backup are restored as empty volumes.

This example creates a ProtectedApplication resource that quiesces the file system before backing up the logs volume and unquiesces after the backup:

kind: ProtectedApplication
  name: nginx
  namespace: sales
    type: Selector
        app: nginx
  - name: nginx-app
    resourceKind: Deployment
    resourceNames: ["nginx"]
      type: BackupAllRestoreAll
        - name: fsfreeze
          container: nginx
          Commands: [ /sbin/fsfreeze, -f, /var/log/nginx ]
        - name: fsunfreeze
          container: nginx
          commands: [ /sbin/fsfreeze, -u, /var/log/nginx ]

Back up one and restore all

This strategy backs up one copy of a selected pod. This single copy is the source for restoring all pods during a restore. This method can help reduce storage cost and backup time. This strategy works in a high availability configuration when a component is deployed with one primary PersistentVolumeClaim and multiple secondary PersistentVolumeClaims.

For a back up one and restore all strategy, you must include the following information in the resource definition:

  • Backup target: specifies which Deployment or StatefulSet to use to back up the data. The best pod to back up is automatically selected. In a high availability configuration, Google recommends to back up from a secondary PersistentVolumeClaim.
  • Hooks: defines commands that are executed before and after taking volume backups, such as application quiesce and unquiesce steps. These commands are only executed on the selected backup pod.
  • Volume selection: provides finer granularity on which volumes are backed up and restored within the component.

If a component is configured with multiple Deployment or StatefulSet resources, all resources must have the same PersistentVolume structure, and follow these rules:

  • The number of PersistentVolumeClaim resources used by all Deployment or StatefulSet resources must be the same.
  • The purpose of PersistentVolumeClaim resources in the same index must be the same. For StatefulSet resources, the index is defined in the volumeClaimTemplate. For Deployment resources, the index is defined in Volume resources and any non-persistent volumes are skipped.

Given these considerations, multiple volume sets can be selected for backup, but only one volume from each volume set is selected.

This example, assuming an architecture of one primary StatefulSet and a secondary StatefulSet, shows a backup of the volumes within a single pod in a secondary StatefulSet, and then a restore to all other volumes:

kind: ProtectedApplication
  name: mariadb
  namespace: mariadb
    type: Selector
        app: mariadb
  - name: mariadb
    resourceKind: StatefulSet
    resourceNames: ["mariadb-primary", "mariadb-secondary"]
      type: BackupOneRestoreAll
        backupTargetName: mariadb-secondary
        - name: quiesce
          container: mariadb
          command: [...]
        - name: unquiesce
          container: mariadb
          command: [...]

Dump and load

This strategy uses a dedicated volume for backup and restore processes and requires a dedicated PersistentVolumeClaim attached to a component that stores dump data. For a dump and load strategy, include the following information in the resource definition:

  • Dump target: specifies which Deployment or StatefulSet should be used to dump the data. The best pod to back up is automatically selected. In a high availability configuration, it is recommended to back up from a secondary PersistentVolumeClaim.
  • Load target: specifies which Deployment or StatefulSet should be used to load the data. The best pod to back up is automatically selected. The load target does not have to be the same as the dump target.
  • Hooks: defines the commands that are executed before and after taking volume backups. There are specific hooks you must define for dump and load strategies:
    • Dump hooks: defines the hooks that dump the data into the dedicated volume before back up. This hook is executed only on the selected dump pod.
    • Load hooks: defines the hooks that load the data after the application starts. This hook is executed only on the selected load pod.
    • Optional - Post-backup hooks: defines the hooks that are executed after the dedicated volumes are backed up, such as cleanup steps. This hook is executed only on the selected dump pod.
  • Volume selection: specifies all of the dedicated volumes that store the dump data. You must select only one volume for each dump and load pod.

If the application consists of Deployments, each Deployment must have exactly one replica.

This example, assuming an architecture of one primary StatefulSet and a secondary StatefulSet with dedicated PersistentVolumeClaims for both primary and secondary StatefulSets, shows a dump and load strategy:

kind: ProtectedApplication
  name: mariadb
  namespace: mariadb
    type: Selector
        app: mariadb
  - name: mariadb-dump
    resourceKind: StatefulSet
    resourceNames: ["mariadb-primary", "mariadb-secondary"]
      type: DumpAndLoad
        loadTarget: mariadb-primary
        dumpTarget: mariadb-secondary
        - name: db_dump
          container: mariadb
          - bash
          - "-c"
          - |
            mysqldump -u root --all-databases > /backup/mysql_backup.dump
        - name: db_load
          container: mariadb
          - bash
          - "-c"
          - |
            mysql -u root < /backup/mysql_backup.sql
      matchLabels: dedicated-volume

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