Plan a set of restores

This page describes how to create, edit, and delete a restore plan in Google Distributed Cloud (GDC) air-gapped.

Restore plans are pre-configured restore scenarios for a corresponding line of backups. Restore plans can assign permissions for users with the Backup Creator role to use these configurations.

Backup Creators can quickly and independently restore a backup when an incident occurs. For example, persistent data might be corrupted by a software update in a deployed application, putting the application namespace in an invalid state, which requires a restore.

During restoration, you can optionally apply a set of substitution rules which are used to match a set of resources and substitute the current value of an attribute on those resources for a new value. For example, a substitution rule can change the namespace of the backed up resources during the restore to migrate a workload from one namespace to another.

Before you begin

To create a restore plan, you must have the following:

  • The necessary identity and access role:

    • User Cluster Backup Admin: manages backup resources such as backup and restore plans in user clusters. Ask your Organization IAM Admin to grant you the User Cluster Backup Admin (user-cluster-backup-admin) role. For more information, see Role definitions.
    • If you are an Application Operator, ask your administrator that has User Cluster Backup Admin privileges to create a restore plan for you.

Create a restore plan

Create a restore plan using the GDC console or the API.


  1. Sign in to the GDC console.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Backup for Clusters.
  3. Click Create Restore Plan.
  4. In the Restore plan basics section, complete the following steps and click Next:
    1. In Restore plan name, enter the name of your restore plan.
    2. (Optional) In Restore plan description enter a description for the restore plan.
    3. In the Source cluster list, choose the source cluster for the restore plan.
    4. In the Project list, choose the project for the restore plan.
    5. Select the project which is attached to source cluster.
    6. In the Backup plan field, choose a backup plan for an existing cluster that corresponds to the backups that you want to restore.
    7. In the Target cluster field, choose the target cluster where you want to restore the backup.
  5. In the Choose namespaced resources section, complete the following steps and click Next:
    1. Choose what namespaces to restore:
      1. Click All namespaced resources to restore all namespaced resources in the backup.
      2. Click Selected namespaced resources to specify the namespaces in the backup to restore.
        1. Click Edit cluster namespaces and then Add cluster namespace to enter a namespace.
      3. Click Selected protected applications to add resources by specifying the namespace and application name.
    2. Choose how to handle conflicts:
      1. Click Fail on conflict (non-destructive) to fail the restore if any namespaces targeted for restore from a backup already exist in the target cluster.
      2. Click Rollback (destructive) to delete the existing namespaces before restoring the new namespaces if any namespaces targeted for restore from a backup already exist in the target cluster.
    3. Choose how to restore volume data:
      1. Click Provision new volumes and restore volume data from backup to restore volume data from the backup on a new persistent disk.
      2. Click Don't restore volume data to provision a new persistent volume. If the target cluster contains an unbound persistent volume that satisfies the PersistentVolumeClaim requirements, the cluster is bound to the volume.
      3. Click Reuse existing volumes containing your data to not restore volume backup data. Any PersistentVolumeClaims are bound to volumes that reference existing persistent disks.
  6. Optional: In the Choose cluster-scoped resources section, complete the following steps and click Next:
    1. Click Don't restore cluster-scoped resources to leave the existing version of the resource untouched.
    2. Click Restore cluster-scoped resources by GroupKind to restore these resources.
      1. Click Edit GroupKinds to add more cluster-scoped resources. Enter the API group and Object kind to match resources within those types.
    3. Click Preserve existing resources to create resources if they don't exist on the target cluster.
    4. Click Overwrite resources in target cluster to delete a resource if it already exists in the target cluster, and restore the copy from the backup.
  7. Optional: In the Add substitution rules section, complete the following steps and click Next:
    1. Click Add new rule.
    2. In the Cluster namespaces box, type a list of namespaces to match resources within those namespaces.
    3. To add GroupKinds, click Add GroupKind and enter the API group and Object kind to match resources within those types.
    4. In the JSON path field, type the JSON path that identifies the fields within the matched resources for which the substitution applies.
    5. In the Original value pattern field, type the original pattern to compare against the new value.
    6. In the New value field, type the new value that replaces the current value of the matched attributes.
    7. Click Save.
  8. Click Create.


Create a ClusterRestorePlan custom resource to plan restores from an existing ClusterBackupPlan. The ClusterRestorePlan assigns the exact set of resources and namespaces that a Backup Creator is permitted to restore. Here's an example of a ClusterRestorePlan:

kind: ClusterRestorePlan
  name: restoreplan-sample
  namespace:  PROJECT_NAME
    targetClusterType: UserCluster
      kind: "Cluster"
      name: "user-vm-1"
  description: "restores test clusters"
  clusterBackupPlanName: "backupplan-sample"
    volumeDataRestorePolicy: RestoreVolumeDataFromBackup
    clusterResourceConflictPolicy: UseBackupVersion
    namespacedResourceRestoreMode: DeleteAndRestore
        namespaces: ["nginx-2"]
    clusterBackupRepositoryRef: "backup-repository"
      - newValue: "newhippo"
        originValuePattern: game-config-2
          jsonPath: '{}'
          - nginx-2
      - newValue: "hippo"
        originValuePattern: game-config
          jsonPath: '{}'
          - nginx-2

Replace PROJECT_NAME with the name of your GDC project.

This example uses the following values:



clusterBackupPlanName The name of the ClusterBackupPlan to restore. The ClusterBackupPlan must exist in the same namespace as the ClusterRestorePlan.
targetClusterName Name of the source cluster in a project which this plan is associated with.
description A user-provided description for the purpose of the ClusterRestorePlan.
clusterRestoreConfig Configuration for the restore process.
clusterBackupRepositoryRef Specifies the repository to store the Restore resources. This repository can be different from the repository that the backup is from. The repository must be a ReadWrite repository in the cluster.
clusterResourceConflictPolicy Specifies behavior for handling cluster resource conflicts, such as if the resource already exists in the cluster. Specify one of:
  • UseExistingVersion: Does not overwrite existing resources during conflict
  • UseBackupVersion: Deletes and recreates existing cluster resources during conflict. This is a dangerous option which can cause unintended data loss if used inappropriately. For example, deleting a custom resource definition causes Kubernetes to delete all custom resources of that type.
volumeDataRestorePolicy Specify one of:
  • NoVolumeDataRestoration: PV/PVCs are not restored.
  • RestoreVolumeDataFromBackup: New PVs and PVCs are created from the backup.
  • ReuseVolumeHandleFromBackup: Does create new PVs, but attempts to restore PVCs using their original PVs. Intended for restoring to the same cluster that the backup was taken from.
namespacedResourceRestoreMode Handles the situation where the sets of namespaced resources being restored already exist in the target cluster. Specify one of:
  • DeleteAndRestore: When conflicting top-level resources such as the Namespaces or ProtectedApplications are encountered, this first triggers a deletion of the conflicting resource and all of its referenced resources before restoring the resources from the Backup. Use this mode only when you intend to revert some portion of a cluster to an earlier state.
  • FailOnConflict: If conflicting top-level resources such as the Namespace or ProtectedApplication resource are encountered at the beginning of the restore process or during the restore process, the Restore fails.
  • MergeSkipOnConflict: If conflicting resources are encountered during the restore process, this mode skips restoring the conflicting resources from the backup and continues restoring other resources which are not in the cluster.
  • MergeReplaceOnConflict: If conflicting resources are encountered during the restore process, this mode replaces the conflicting resources from the backup and continues restoring other resources which are not in the cluster.
namespacedResourceRestoreScope Specifies which Namespaces or ProtectedApplications are permitted for restoration.
  • selectedApplications associates a protected application with this restore.
  • selectedNamespaces associates a namespace with this restore.
substitutionRules Rules to substitute values in the backed-up Kubernetes resources during restore. An empty list means no substitution occurs. Substitution rules are applied sequentially in the order defined. This order is important, as changes made by a rule might impact the matching logic of the subsequent rule.

After a ClusterRestorePlan is created, users with the Backup Creator role can manually restore backups.

View a restore plan

View a restore plan using the GDC console:

  1. Sign in to the GDC console.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Backup for Clusters.
  3. Click Select project to select an organization or project depending on your role:
    1. User Cluster Backup Admin: Select an organization to see all restore plans in an organization or select a project to see all restore plans in a project.
    2. Backup Creator: Select a project to see all restore plans in a project.
  4. Click the Restore Plans tab.
  5. Click a restore plan in the list to view its details.

Edit a restore plan

If the backup repository associated with the restore plan you want to edit has a value in the Linked Cluster(read-only) field when the restore plan is created, it is created twice. The restore plan is propagated to both the read-write and read-only clusters.

When you edit the restore plan owned by a backup repository that has both read-write and read-only clusters set, you must edit the restore plan that has the TARGET CLUSTER set to the read-write cluster.

Edit a restore plan using the GDC console:

  1. Sign in to the GDC console.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Backup for Clusters.
  3. Click Select project to select an organization or project depending on your role:
    1. User Cluster Backup Admin: Select an organization to see all restore plans in an organization or select a project to see all restore plans in a project.
    2. Backup Creator: Select a project to see all restore plans in a project.
  4. Click the Restore Plans tab.
  5. Click the name of the restore plan you want to edit.
  6. Click the Plan Configuration tab to view the fields that can be modified.
  7. Click the Edit icon next to Namespaced resources to edit that resource:

    1. In the Choose namespaced resources section, select which namespaced resources in the backup that you want to restore:

      1. Select All namespaced resources to restore all namespaced resources in the backup.
      2. Select Selected namespaced resources to restore resources from the selected namespaces in the backup:

        1. Select Edit Cluster Namespaces to select the cluster namespace.
        2. In the Cluster namespace 1 field, enter the name for the namespace.
        3. Click the Save button.
      3. Select Selected protected applications to restore resources from the selected protected applications in the backup:

        1. Select Edit Protected Applications to select the namespace and protected application.
        2. In the Namespace 1 field, enter the name for the namespace.
        3. In the Protected application 1 field, enter the name of the protected application.
        4. Click the Save button.
  8. Click the Edit icon next to Cluster-scoped resources to edit that resource:

    1. Optional: In the Choose cluster-scoped resources section, select the cluster-scoped resources to restore by specifying the API groups and GroupKinds, and decide how the conflicts must be resolved:

      1. Select Don't restore cluster-scoped resources to remove cluster-scoped resources from the restore process.
      2. Select Restore cluster-scoped resources by GroupKind to restore the resources by the specified GroupKind:

      3. To specify a GroupKind, click the Edit GroupKind button.

      4. Click the Add GroupKind button.

      5. Enter the name of the GroupKind.

      6. Click the Save button.

    2. In the Conflict handling section, determine what action to take if the resource already exists in the target cluster:

      1. Select Preserve existing resources to create resources if they don't already exist on the cluster.
      2. Select Overwrite existing resources to delete any existing resources found, and replace this resource with the restored resource.
    3. Click the Save button to confirm your changes.

  9. In the Substitution rules section, click the Add New Rule button to add a new substitution rule:

    1. In the Cluster namespaces field, enter the name of the cluster namespace for which to apply this substitution rule.
    2. Click the Add GroupKind button to apply this rule to a certain GroupKind object.
    3. In the JSON path field, enter the path to the resource attribute that you want to substitute, in JSON format.
    4. In the Original value pattern field, enter a regular expression that matches the original value of the attribute.
    5. In the New value field, enter the value that is substituted for the target field. If this field is blank, the target field is removed from the resource.
    6. Click the Save button to complete the creation of the new substitution rule.
  10. In the Substitution rules section, click the Edit icon to edit an existing substitution rule.

  11. In the Substitution rules section, click the Delete icon to delete an existing substitution rule.

Delete a restore plan

RestorePlans can be deleted through GDC console or by deleting the resource directly from the Kubernetes API server. This cleans up any associated RestorePlan artifacts from the object storage.


  1. Sign in to the GDC console.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Backup for Clusters.
  3. Click Select project to select an organization or project depending on your role:
    1. User Cluster Backup Admin: Select an organization to see all of the restore plans in an organization, or select a project to see all of the restore plans in a project.
    2. Backup Creator: Select a project to see all of the restore plans in a project.
  4. Click the Restore Plans tab.
  5. Click the name of the restore plan that you want to delete.
  6. Click the Delete button.
  7. Enter the name of the restore plan into the field.
  8. Click the Delete button to confirm the deletion of this restore plan.


Delete the restore plan resource:

kubectl delete clusterRestoreplan RESTORE_PLAN_NAME -n NAMESPACE

Replace the following:

  • RESTORE_PLAN_NAME: the name of the restore plan.
  • NAMESPACE: the namespace that contains the restore plan.

What's next