Google Distributed Cloud air-gapped release notes

February 22, 2024 [GDCH 1.11.4]

Google Distributed Cloud air-gapped 1.11.4 is now available.

See the product overview to learn about the features of Google Distributed Cloud air-gapped.

Updated Canonical Ubuntu OS image version to 20240114 to apply the latest security patches and important updates. To take advantage of the bug and security vulnerability fixes, you must upgrade all nodes with each release. The following security vulnerabilities are fixed:

The following container image security vulnerabilities are fixed:


  • Added an Infrastructure Operator (IO) tool container to provide consistent tooling and reliable access to documentation for IO.

Operations Suite Infrastructure Core Services (OIC)

  • Google Distributed Cloud air-gapped 1.11.4 collects OIC logs in Grafana.

Identity and access:

  • The issue with assigning the predefined role user-cluster-node-viewer to a user is fixed.


  • The alert OperationalLogsPipelineSlowLokiBehind that incorrectly sends and overcounts messages is fixed when SIEM exports are enabled.

Node Platform:

  • The issue with false positive alerts being reported after metrics were updated with new values is fixed.

Operations Suite Infrastructure - Core Services (OIC):

  • The issue where the OIC VM creation process left Hyper-V time synchronization enabled is fixed.


  • The issue with the node upgrade not responding for the operating system in-place upgrade is fixed.

VM Backup and Restore:

  • Role-based access control (RBAC) and schema settings in the VM manager is stopping users from starting VM backup and restore processes.
  • When upgrading a tenant organization, a preflight check might fail.


  • During upgrade, a job on baremetal is stuck at gathering facts.