Google Distributed Cloud air-gapped release notes

January 19, 2024 [GDC 1.11.3]

Google Distributed Cloud air-gapped 1.11.3 is now available.

See the product overview to learn about the features of Google Distributed Cloud air-gapped.

Updated Canonical Ubuntu OS image version to 20231208 to apply the latest security patches and important updates. To take advantage of the bug and security vulnerability fixes, you must upgrade all nodes with each release. The following security vulnerabilities are fixed:

Add-on Manager:

File and block storage:

  • The issue with failure to read the certificate due to incorrect formatting is fixed.


  • The issue where alerts in organization system clusters don't reach the ticketing system is fixed.


  • The issue with Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) packets being rejected is fixed.

Node OS:

  • VM node stuck at reboot after the manual workaround for the os-policy pod.

Physical servers:

  • The root admin cluster update progress is stuck at node upgrade, specifically NodeBIOSFirmwareUpgradeCompleted.


  • Node upgrade fails for os in-place node upgrade.
  • If organization upgrade is re-created, it goes back to preflight check that might fail.
  • After an organization upgrade is re-created, skipping preflight check request is denied.
  • Artifact management displays a preflight check error when upgrading an organization.
  • The cortex-etcd container fails to start when upgrading an organization.
  • Switch upgrade fails to run command install add bootflash://..


  • Upgrade on file and block storage from 1.11.0 to 1.11.3 fails to read the certificate due to incorrect formatting.

VM Backup and Restore:

  • Role-based access control (RBAC) and schema settings in the VM manager is stopping users from starting VM backup and restore processes.

Object storage:

  • ObjectStorageSite and ObjectStorageTenant are Ready: false