Google Distributed Cloud air-gapped release notes

November 14, 2023 [GDCH 1.11.1]

Google Distributed Cloud air-gapped 1.11.1 is now available.

See the product overview to learn about the features of Google Distributed Cloud air-gapped.

Updated the base image to digest sha256:a17ac8990b4395aab186b9538ca04715d2a7408dfd2b6473ff7b16d098d0cb09 to apply the latest security patches and important updates.


Add-on Manager:

Authentication and authorization:

  • The issue when infrastructure operator project roles are not deployed to system projects is fixed.


  • The issue with system cluster health issue is fixed.


  • The issue when platform administrators cannot find firewall logs in the monitoring dashboard is fixed.
  • The issue with pulling images from the Harbor registry is fixed.
  • The issue with the master key rotation failure is fixed.
  • The issue when the TLS certificate is not installed is fixed.
  • The role-based access control (RBAC) issue with the instance firewall policy reconciler is fixed.

Infrastructure as Code:

  • The issue with Infrastructure as Code Manager HTTP call is fixed.


  • The issue with high CPU usage for cortex and cortex-tenant is fixed.

Platform security:

  • The issue with trust distribution when CSR is signed in a root admin cluster is fixed.

Node and operating system:

  • The issue with customizing the message of the day banner also known as system use notification is fixed. See instructions for updating caption and message text and creating a SubcomponentOverride CR in Infrastructure as Code when performing an upgrade.
  • The issue with an org admin cluster node upgrade failing at preflight simulating execution is fixed.
  • The issue with NodeUpgrade BIOS upgrade verification after power cycle is fixed.

User interface:

  • The issue with displaying an entry point to testing pages is fixed.

Authentication and authorization:

  • Unable to assign the predefined role user-cluster-node-viewer to a user.


  • The firewall gdcloud commands for mgmt-setup and install might fail.
  • Org creation does not progress.

File and block storage:

  • The system cluster might fail to install NetApp Trident.


  • Alerts in organization system clusters don't reach the ticketing system.

Node and operating system:

  • bm-system-machine-init job fails for an org admin node.


  • /opt/cni/bin/loopback is corrupted.

Vertex AI:

  • The Vertex AI monitoring dashboards don't display system metrics.

VM Backup and Restore:

  • Role-based access control (RBAC) and schema settings in the VM manager is stopping users from starting VM backup and restore processes.