View machine type

When you create a virtual machine (VM) workload in Google Distributed Cloud air-gapped (GDC), you can select the VirtualMachineType template which determines the resources allocated to that VM. These templates are called VirtualMachineType. GDC has some predefined VirtualMachineType templates to choose from during your VM workload creation. Use either the Console (UI) or command-line interface (CLI) to view all available VirtualMachineType templates.


GDC defines a VirtualMachineType with some parameters for a VM, which include CPU, memory, and GPU. GDC has various VirtualMachineType templates for different purposes. For example, it uses n2-standard-2-gdc for general purpose VM workloads. You can also find VirtualMachineTypes for memory- optimized purposes, such as n2-highcpu-8-gdc.

The following is a list of all GDC predefined VirtualMachineTypes:

Name vCPUs Memory GPU count
n2-standard-2-gdc 2 8G N/A
n2-standard-4-gdc 4 16G N/A
n2-standard-8-gdc 8 32G N/A
n2-standard-16-gdc 16 64G N/A
n2-standard-32-gdc 32 128G N/A
n2-highcpu-8-gdc 8 8G N/A
n2-highmem-2-gdc 2 16G N/A
n2-highmem-4-gdc 4 32G N/A
n2-highmem-8-gdc 8 64G N/A
n2-highmem-16-gdc 16 128G N/A
n2-highmem-32-gdc 32 256G N/A
a2-highgpu-1g-gdc 12 85G 1
a2-ultragpu-1g-gdc 12 170G 1

List all predefined VirtualMachineTypes

To view all available VirtualMachineType templates in your environment, you can directly check the VirtualMachineType drop-down list on the UI. Run either of the following kubectl CLI or gdcloud CLI command:


gdcloud compute machine-types list


kubectl --kubeconfig ORG_ADMIN_KUBECONFIG get -n vm-system
  • Replace ORG_ADMIN_KUBECONFIG with your kubeconfig to org admin cluster path.

View a single VirtualMachineType

To view a specific VirtualMachineType, directly check it from UI on the VM workload creation page, or run the following kubectl CLI:


kubectl --kubeconfig ORG_ADMIN_KUBECONFIG get VMType_NAME -n vm-system
-o yaml

Replace the following:

  • ORG_ADMIN_KUBECONFIG with your kubeconfig to org admin cluster path.
  • VMType_NAME with the name of the VirtualMachineType you want to query.