Google Cloud's Agent for SAP diagnostic information

For problems that are related to version 3.6 (latest) of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP, provide the following diagnostic information to Cloud Customer Care as soon as you can:

Detailed description of the problem

Provide a complete and detailed description of the problem, including the version of the agent, and the date and time when the problem occurred.

To check the version of your agent, complete the following steps:


For RHEL, follow these steps:

  1. Use SSH to connect to the host machine.
  2. Run the following command:
    yum info google-cloud-sap-agent

For SLES, follow these steps:

  1. Use SSH to connect to the host machine.
  2. Run the following command:
    zypper info google-cloud-sap-agent


  1. Use RDP to connect to the host machine.
  2. As an administrator, run the following command from PowerShell:
    googet installed google-cloud-sap-agent

Support Bundle

Support bundle is a collection of information from Google Cloud's Agent for SAP, that helps Customer Care in providing you troubleshooting support. This feature is available for Google Cloud's Agent for SAP version 2.1 or later.

Support bundle includes the following information:

  • Google Cloud's Agent for SAP log and configuration files, including those related to its Backint and disk snapshot features.
  • SAP HANA traces and topology files for the given hostname and SID.
  • Cloud Storage Backint agent for SAP HANA configuration file and logs.
  • For a high-availability (HA) cluster on RHEL, when you specify pacemaker-diagnosis="true", the output of the sosreport is saved in the following directory: /tmp/google-cloud-sap-agent/pacemaker-TIMESTAMP. If the execution of the sosreport command fails, then the output of crm_report is saved in the specified directory.
  • For an HA cluster on SUSE, when you specify pacemaker-diagnosis=true, the output of the hb_report and supportconfig utilities is saved in the following directory: /tmp/google-cloud-sap-agent/pacemaker-TIMESTAMP. If the execution of these utilities fails, then the output of the hb_report and crm_report are saved in the specified directory.

To generate the support bundle for an agent instance running on Linux, run the following command on your host:

sudo /usr/bin/google_cloud_sap_agent supportbundle --sid="SID" --instance-numbers="INSTANCE_NUMBERS" --hostname="HOST_NAME" [--pacemaker-diagnosis="BOOLEAN_VALUE"]

Replace the following:

  • SID: your SAP system ID.
  • INSTANCE_NUMBERS: the SAP instance numbers for which you want to generate the support bundle.

    To specify multiple instance numbers, separate them using a space. For example, 00 11 22. When you specify two or more SAP instance numbers, the command generates one combined support bundle for the specified instances.

  • HOST_NAME: the name of the host on which you run the command.
  • BOOLEAN_VALUE: the value true or false, which determines if the Pacemaker related diagnosis is performed or not; the default value is false.

Most recent data collected by the agent

Provide the most recent data collected by the agent. Save the most recent data collected by the agent to a file and attach the file to your support case.

To view the most recent data collected by the agent, complete the following steps:


  1. Use SSH to connect to the host machine.
  2. Run the following command:
    curl http://localhost:18181/


  1. Use RDP to connect to the host machine.
  2. As an administrator, run the following command from PowerShell:
    "(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'http://localhost:18181').RawContent"

Configuration file

After removing credentials such as the SAP HANA database username and passwords, provide the configuration file for Google Cloud's Agent for SAP.

To find the configuration file for the agent, navigate to the following path:




C:\Program Files\Google\google-cloud-sap-agent\conf\configuration.json

Log file

Provide the log file for Google Cloud's Agent for SAP.

To find the log file for the agent, navigate to the following path:




C:\Program Files\Google\google-cloud-sap-agent\logs\google-cloud-sap-agent.log