Nama relies on Google Cloud to further generative AI and become a more strategic business

About Nama

Nama transforms business searches and customer experience through cognitive automation and advanced language models. Its star no-code product optimizes document conversion into smart solutions, integrating APIs and chatbots. This innovative company tailors technologies to customers' specific requirements, ensuring efficiency and accuracy.

Industries: Technology
Location: Brazil

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The migration gave the company a secure infrastructure and native, seamless integration between apps, especially in terms of AI tools.

Google Cloud results

  • 55% cost reduction in new AI models thanks to optimizations
  • 50% less response time in AI Search's language models
  • 87.5% faster development for new AI models

New, 4x faster AI algorithms

Founded in São Paulo in 2014, Nama helps companies transform their operations with generative artificial intelligence. Its AIaaS (AI as a Service) platform offers integration features so that organizations from several industries can automate interactions, customize replies, and boost customer satisfaction through their contact channels. Nama is known for its expertise in tailoring solutions that deliver real business value.

At the beginning, when there were fewer robust AI features, new concepts had to be tested, and more basic tools created. In almost 10 years of experience in the AI market, Nama's technical and operating challenges have evolved as the company and its IT resources have expanded.

Participating in Google for Startups’ Accelerate in 2016 was key. Throughout this program, aimed at supporting successful, diverse, and inclusive startup communities across countries, startups have access to experts, best practices, and recommended products to help them grow.

On top of all the benefits, including the support provided by Google Cloud's engineering and technical teams and the ease-of-use brought by service integration, Nama realized it could advance further with AI solutions, its #1 priority, making them more customizable, scalable, and reliable.

"Since 2016, we have been conducting research on natural language generation, which then became generative AI. Everything was still in its infancy, and we realized that Google Cloud's support could prove crucial to offer even more security."

Rodrigo Scotti, CEO, Nama

A migration journey focused on generative AI

It was during the Google for Startups program that the team finally decided to migrate to Google Cloud. And this plan came to life in 2018. The migration took approximately four months to complete, and, since then, the startup has run 100% on Google Cloud.

Google Cloud's technical and business help, offered in every development stage throughout the migration, proved essential for Nama while its team was familiarizing themselves with the new environment.

Over the years, the company has managed to improve its products and services using Google Cloud tools. And it discovered a new niche market, generative AI solutions, applying all its expertise in this area.

Today, AI Search has become its key differentiator. AI Search is a proprietary solution that indexes company data, including internal documents and knowledge bases, and uses it to feed systems in its contact channels. Consequently, organizations can provide their customers with accurate responses based on context and available information instead of ones that are generic or inconsistent.

Vertex AI is one of the tools behind AI Search's architecture. This solution allows teams to test, customize, and deploy language model instances, and adjust them based on each solution's requirements.

"Relying on a structure based on Google Cloud really helps us a lot. When a user sends a query, we take it to the vector, identify the requested information, and then insert it into a language model to get a coherent response. Thanks to PaLM 2, we now have a more agile process."

Rodrigo Scotti, CEO, Nama

Other key Google Cloud tools include Google Kubernetes Engine, supporting Nama's microservice architecture, Looker Studio, providing the necessary autonomy for business teams to develop custom reports for customers, and Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), responsible for internal and external communications across services and applications.

Advantages that go beyond bits and bytes

Some of the benefits achieved with the support of Google Cloud solutions can be translated into figures. The new AI models now require 87.5% less development time, and costs have been reduced by 55% as a result of cloud-enabled optimizations.

Vertex AI has lowered the response time for AI Search's language models by 50% on average. Other significant improvements were Nama's new artificial intelligence algorithms, which are now four times faster.

And the benefits go further. Google Cloud solutions are natively and seamlessly integrated into the most popular apps in the market, especially in relation to AI tools.

The infrastructure security now features components that simplify communication between environments and accounts. Google Cloud experts continue to help the company unlock new opportunities, drive business operations, and overcome challenges.

"With Google Cloud, we can move beyond bits and bytes. We understand the complexity of how an application works, not only at a technical level, but also in terms of strategy. And this has had a direct impact on the sustainable growth of our business."

Rodrigo Scotti, CEO, Nama

The company now intends to keep expanding the scope of AI Search as a whole, with the aid of Google Cloud's language models. The team is also assessing the possibility of deploying other solutions, including BigQuery to store user interaction data. This is just the beginning of the journey.

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About Nama

Nama transforms business searches and customer experience through cognitive automation and advanced language models. Its star no-code product optimizes document conversion into smart solutions, integrating APIs and chatbots. This innovative company tailors technologies to customers' specific requirements, ensuring efficiency and accuracy.

Industries: Technology
Location: Brazil