Taiwan Bonvies: Offering secure and reliable business SaaS solutions in a high-performance cloud

About Bonvies

Taiwan Bonvies is a business SaaS provider founded in 2015 offering various digital solutions, including a veterinary hospital management system, a business telephone system, and a customer relationship management system. Currently providing services to 15 veterinary hospitals and more than 50 enterprises of all sizes in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, and Japan, Taiwan Bonvies continues to expand its product range to cater different industries' needs.

Industries: Healthcare
Location: Taiwan

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About iKala Cloud

iKala Cloud is a subsidiary specializing in the cloud services of iKala, a Taiwanese digitalization and AI commerce solution provider founded in 2011. The company has served more than 400 enterprise customers in various industries across Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Japan. Holding more than 60 professional cloud technology certifications, iKala Cloud has been a Google Cloud partner since 2017.

Leveraging the secure and reliable infrastructure and other diverse tools of Google Cloud, Taiwan Bonvies offers high-performance systems facilitating medical records and billing management, contact center services, and customer relationship management to its enterprise customers of all sizes.

Google Cloud results

  • Supports quick restoration to a previous software version for service stability with Cloud Run
  • Enables automated backups to ensure instant data recovery through Cloud SQL
  • Ensures secure data transferring with Virtual Private Cloud and Cloud Healthcare API
  • Helps realize a more cost-effective automated contact center solution with Speech-to-Text

Reduces software deployment time from two days to two hours

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions are increasingly popular among organizations of all sizes because of their ability to accelerate the process of digital transformation. Facing the increasing demand, business SaaS providers have been continuously upgrading their products and fine-tuning their services to better adapt to different industries' needs.

Taiwan Bonvies has been expanding its business SaaS product range since it was founded in 2015. Starting as a subsidiary of a veterinary hospital in Taiwan building and operating a medical records management system to facilitate the hospital's operations, it has transformed into an enterprise SaaS provider that offers billing, enterprise resource planning (ERP), business telephone and customer relationship management (CRM) systems to organizations across industries ranging from healthcare, retail, and finance. Currently, Taiwan Bonvies provides services to 15 veterinary hospitals, which cover 8% of the veterinary services capacity in Taiwan, and more than 50 enterprises of all sizes in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, and Japan.

"We needed to deploy our SaaS systems in a cloud environment to reduce operational workloads and ensure data recoverability. Google Cloud not only meets these needs, but also offers timely technical support and low network latency in Taiwan, which can help enhance our service quality."

Peter Huang, Co-Founder & CEO, Taiwan Bonvies

"After successfully building and deploying a veterinary medical records management system, we started to expand the capabilities of the system by adding features supporting billing, ERP, customer services and CRM," explains Peter Huang, Co-founder & CEO at Taiwan Bonvies. "Since these functionalities are also needed in many other industries like retail and finance, we're able to enlarge our customer base and provide SaaS solutions to organizations outside the veterinary sector."

When the Taiwan Bonvies team was developing its medical records management system in 2015, it deployed the system in an on-premise environment. However, during the testing phase, the team found that the on-prem infrastructure would induce more operational workloads than it could manage, and the database didn't support automated backups for data recovery. To overcome these challenges, Taiwan Bonvies decided to migrate its system to a public cloud platform and eventually landed on Google Cloud, because it has a data center in Taiwan that supports low network latency and offers prompt technical support.

"We needed to deploy our SaaS systems in a cloud environment to reduce operational workloads and ensure data recoverability," notes Huang. "Google Cloud not only meets these needs, but also offers timely technical support and low network latency in Taiwan, which can help enhance our service quality."

Simplifying software deployment with Cloud Run and Cloud Build

Before the migration to Google Cloud, the Taiwan Bonvies team was new to the use of cloud products. With the meticulous technical support of the Google Cloud team, Taiwan Bonvies smoothly moved its veterinary medical records management system from on-prem servers to Google Cloud in 2015. During Taiwan Bonvies' business expansion in the following years, Google Cloud partner iKala Cloud provided technical advice on how to adjust Taiwan Bonvies' services to meet different organizations' needs.

At the beginning of the migration, Taiwan Bonvies used virtual machines (VMs) on Compute Engine as the servers of its SaaS products. As the numbers of its products and customers increased, the team started leveraging Cloud Run to run most of its services, because the containerized architecture on Cloud Run requires less effort to deploy and operate software. With VMs, it usually takes the Taiwan Bonvies team two days to prepare for the deployment of a new software version. On Cloud Run, the whole deployment process can be completed in two hours, which has significantly reduced the team's operational workloads and enabled more frequent software updates. Cloud Run also supports simpler version control, which means that when an error occurs after a new software version is launched, the Taiwan Bonvies team can prevent its customers' business from being affected by quickly restoring the software to a previous version on Cloud Run.

"Cloud Run enables us to run software with minimal operational resources while ensuring high service quality. It not only helps us keep our operations team nimble, but also enables our customers with limited IT resources to adopt our SaaS solutions at ease."

Peter Huang, Co-Founder & CEO, Taiwan Bonvies

Using Cloud Run also enables Taiwan Bonvies to leverage Cloud Build to automate software deployments, which has further simplified the team's deployment work. As a result, Taiwan Bonvies can rely on a small operations team of 8 engineers to run services for all its customers.

"Cloud Run enables us to run software with minimal operational resources while ensuring high service quality. It not only helps us keep our operations team nimble, but also enables our customers with limited IT resources to adopt our SaaS solutions at ease," says Huang.

Supporting reliable databases while ensuring information security

For data storage and transferring, Taiwan Bonvies uses Cloud SQL to deploy the relational databases of its SaaS systems, Cloud Storage to store call recordings of its contact center system and large image files, and Pub/Sub to automate data exchange between its medical records management system and medical devices in different veterinary hospitals. Since Cloud SQL supports automated backups and binary logging, Taiwan Bonvies can fully prevent data loss for its customers and restore data in a few minutes if a problem happens.

To assure its customers, in particular those in the healthcare and finance industry, of information security, Taiwan Bonvies employs Virtual Private Cloud to transfer data between the servers and databases of its systems. This way, all sensitive data can stay in a private network. On top of that, the medical image transfers of its picture archiving and communication system (PACS) service are supported by Cloud Healthcare API, which meets popular healthcare data standards like HL7 and FHIR.

"Data recoverability and security are highly important to us, because our systems process a huge amount of our customers' data," notes Huang. "With tools like Cloud SQL and Virtual Private Cloud, we can easily provide our customers with highly reliable databases while safeguarding information security."

Realizing a more cost-effective contact center with speech and text automation

Taiwan Bonvies' business telephone system includes a contact center feature that can automatically respond to spoken commands, which is powered by Speech-to-Text and Text-to-Speech. For example, when a retail customer calls to verify their order, the system will convert the order number that the customer provides verbally into text, which is then used to retrieve relevant data from Cloud SQL, and give the information to the customer by turning text to speech. This way, Taiwan Bonvies' enterprise customers can offer faster contact center services and reduce the workloads of their customer service representatives. On top of that, by recording calls and transcribing the content through Speech-to-Text, Taiwan Bonvies' customers can analyze the text data and identify issues during customer service calls for service improvement.

Huang says that the greatest advantage of using Speech-to-Text and Text-to-Speech to realize contact center automation is cost-effectiveness. Thanks to the pay-as-you-go pricing model of the two tools, Taiwan Bonvies' customers can establish automated customer services with zero installation fee and a 20% less yearly cost compared to other similar offerings. Furthermore, the data center of Google Cloud in Taiwan supports network latency of less than 20 milliseconds, which enables Taiwan Bonvies to provide smooth automated contact center services.

Optimizing SaaS services by expanding the use of cloud tools

Moving forward, Taiwan Bonvies plans to develop more new features and upgrade its current services by expanding its use of the Google Cloud products. It will import its retail customers' sales data into BigQuery for analytics to create an AI-powered target audience recommendation system that can help enhance marketing effectiveness. The company will also employ Contact Center AI to analyze customer service calls processed by its business telephone system for greater analytics efficiency, and offer its customers more proactively generated business reports through Looker Studio to facilitate their decision-making.

"Leveraging the infrastructure and other diverse cloud tools of Google Cloud, we're able to provide a wide range of secure and reliable SaaS solutions to enterprise customers from different industries with a small DevOps team. We're confident that we can continue expanding our product range and upgrading our services on Google Cloud."

Peter Huang, Co-Founder & CEO, Taiwan Bonvies

Huang says, "Leveraging the infrastructure and other diverse cloud tools of Google Cloud, we're able to provide a wide range of secure and reliable SaaS solutions to enterprise customers from different industries with a small DevOps team. We're confident that we can continue expanding our product range and upgrading our services on Google Cloud."

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About Bonvies

Taiwan Bonvies is a business SaaS provider founded in 2015 offering various digital solutions, including a veterinary hospital management system, a business telephone system, and a customer relationship management system. Currently providing services to 15 veterinary hospitals and more than 50 enterprises of all sizes in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, and Japan, Taiwan Bonvies continues to expand its product range to cater different industries' needs.

Industries: Healthcare
Location: Taiwan

About iKala Cloud

iKala Cloud is a subsidiary specializing in the cloud services of iKala, a Taiwanese digitalization and AI commerce solution provider founded in 2011. The company has served more than 400 enterprise customers in various industries across Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Japan. Holding more than 60 professional cloud technology certifications, iKala Cloud has been a Google Cloud partner since 2017.