e-Xyon: Delivering secure, innovative legal solutions to businesses with Google Cloud

About e-Xyon

Founded in 2001, e-Xyon specializes in information technology for the legal market. It provides highly available solutions and services to some of the industry's biggest companies.

Industries: Technology
Location: Brazil

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IPNET, a Google Cloud managed service provider, provides customized digital transformation solutions tailored to business needs.

Google Cloud results

  • Migrates hosted data centers to the cloud in just three months
  • Provides a highly secure cloud environment for legal sector customers
  • Drives faster innovation thanks to pioneering cloud technology and cost predictability

Reduced infrastructure costs by 35 percent

Founded in 2001, e-Xyon provides IT solutions for the legal sector including risk management and contract lifecycle management software. The company helps clients improve productivity and compliance while enabling executives and managers to achieve their strategic goals and enhance business governance.

Renata Melo, Infrastructure Manager, e-Xyon, says, "Our solutions allow lawyers to focus on legal analysis as we minimize the time they spend on day-to-day internal operations. We offer a framework that manages operational activities so our customers can focus on their core business."

e-Xyon uses highly secure, low-latency Google Cloud solutions including Compute Engine, App Engine, and Cloud Storage to run its applications, manage data, and rapidly scale its IT infrastructure. The company also partners with managed service provider IPNET, which oversaw the migration to Google Cloud and now supports e-Xyon's long-term strategy for innovation in the legal sector.

Responding at speed to new commercial opportunities

e-Xyon originally migrated to Google Cloud in 2021 with the support of managed service provider IPNET. This replaced a cumbersome datacenter architecture which was expensive and prevented the business from responding quickly to new business opportunities. "Adding capacity and storage was expensive and the only way to reduce costs was to re-negotiate our contract. That wasn't fast enough to keep up with our customers, so we often ended up paying for capacity that we didn't need."

The original migration, including 54 terabytes of files, took just three months and reduced running costs by 35 percent compared with the previous architecture. Melo says, "Our business transformation has been dramatic. We can now implement as much capacity as we need at a moment's notice. We are also more competitive thanks to Google Cloud cost efficiencies that we can pass on to customers."

"Our business transformation has been dramatic. We can now implement as much capacity as we need at a moment's notice. We are also more competitive thanks to Google Cloud cost efficiencies that we can pass on to customers."

Renata Melo, Infrastructure Manager, e-Xyon

Speed and accuracy are essential for the legal technology industry where there's no time for delay and the smallest errors can have enormous consequences. "IPNET completely understands our rigorous approach to technology and the need to convince our clients that the cloud is safe and secure. Like all our own customers, I can be very demanding, but I have 100 percent trust in IPNET, Google Cloud, and their ability to deliver," says Melo.

e-Xyon's systems now run on Compute Engine, which allows virtual machines to be created in and run on Google Cloud infrastructure. Managed solutions such as Cloud Storage and App Engine enable e-Xyon to better manage storage, and it is testing other tools to further evolve its architecture and products. Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) and Vision AI are also used by the company's AI department. Vision AI, for instance, was deployed in one of e-Xyon's products to deliver a resource that reads electronic litigation documents, updates them, and notifies lawyers.

Leandro Marques, Account Manager, CO, IPNET, says, "Google Cloud offers e-Xyon a far more flexible and agile infrastructure. But this is just the beginning. Google Cloud works around the clock developing and testing new features while ensuring that security is intrinsic to every aspect of the environment. It is a platform for today and tomorrow."

"Google Cloud has a large, skilled team working round the clock developing and testing new features while ensuring that security is intrinsic to every aspect of the environment. It is a platform for today and tomorrow."

Leandro Marques, Account Manager, CO, IPNET

Innovation based on secure cloud infrastructure

Melo also values IPNET's close ties to the Google Cloud team. "When we have an urgent question, I know that IPNET can go directly to the Google Cloud team and get the answer quickly," she says. "Our customers never stand still so neither can our infrastructure. IPNET ensures that we benefit from new Google Cloud features including the most current software releases, training, and pricing structures."

In the two years since the original migration, IPNET has worked closely with Melo and her team to further refine e-Xyon's Google Cloud environment. This includes helping to streamline storage costs and finding additional ways to reduce consumption. To achieve this goal, e-Xyon used migVisor by EPAM, a key Google Cloud solution for cloud database migrations. MigVisor helps identify the best migration path for each database, using sophisticated scoring logic to rank databases according to the complexity of migrating to a cloud-centric technology stack.

"Our customers never stand still so neither can our infrastructure. IPNET ensures that we benefit from new Google Cloud features including the most current software releases, training, and new pricing."

Renata Melo, Infrastructure Manager, e-Xyon

"To get the best value from the cloud you need to monitor, measure, and adjust accordingly," says Melo. "That's why we enjoy working with IPNET and Google Cloud. As demand from the business and our customers evolves, we know that we are always taking the most cost-effective path."

Greater financial efficiency and predictability have also helped e-Xyon step up the pace of innovation. When an e-Xyon solution architect wants to bring a new product to market, Melo uses the Google Cloud Pricing Calculator to determine an accurate cost for the additional infrastructure. "We only had two products before migrating to Google Cloud. Since then, we've been able to add a whole suite of solutions including legal litigation, contract management, and credit recovery."

In the future, Melo and the e-Xyon infrastructure team are looking forward to working with IPNET to develop new products and refine existing solutions, including a cloud-native version of the company's flagship solution XX. "IPNET's expertise is invaluable when rolling out pilot projects and managing risk, while their close partnership with Google Cloud makes them the ideal partner for e-Xyon as well as our customers."

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About e-Xyon

Founded in 2001, e-Xyon specializes in information technology for the legal market. It provides highly available solutions and services to some of the industry's biggest companies.

Industries: Technology
Location: Brazil


IPNET, a Google Cloud managed service provider, provides customized digital transformation solutions tailored to business needs.