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Automate with Generative AI

Do you want to transform from time-consuming, expensive business processes to consistently efficient, cost-effective ones? Equip your teams to deliver high-quality solutions by automating information retrieval and categorization or recommendation steps for a recurring process. Partner with Google experts and learn how to free your business for growth by automating tasks with Google’s generative AI solution.

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Automate solutions with generative AI

Is this offering right for you?

  • Are you looking for a solution that can read customer emails and convert them into well-documented tickets?
  • Do you need an easier way to retrieve specifics from legal/contractual documents and expedite analyses?
  • Are you looking for a secure, scalable, AI-driven solution without having to go through a huge build investment?
  • Are you interested in working with trusted leaders in AI to get started with generative AI on Google Cloud?

Create intelligent automation and fast-track work

What does your team get?

Kickoff and data understanding

Google experts gain a comprehensive understanding of your use case definition, data readiness, system prerequisites, and other relevant information.

Generative AI MVP development

Design a minimum viable product for your Automate with Generative AI use case. Iterate and build a working solution demonstrating use of best generative AI offerings from Google Cloud. 

Knowledge transfer and closeout

Google experts complete a knowledge transfer on your generative AI solution, sharing lessons learned, best practices, and recommendations for the future.