Admin settings - Export

You will see the Export page in your instance if all of the following situations are true:

  • You are using a Looker (original) instance and not a Looker (Google Cloud core) instance.
  • Your Looker (original) instance is Looker-hosted and not customer-hosted.
  • You have the Admin role in the Looker instance.

You use the Export page when you are performing self-service migration.

The Export page is where you perform these tasks:

  • Create a request to export the data from your existing Looker (original) instance so that it can be migrated to the Looker (Google Cloud core) environment.
  • View the status of any submitted requests.

See the Self-service migration from Looker (original) to Looker (Google Cloud core) documentation page for information about how to generate the information that needs to be entered onto the Export page and how to complete the migration.

Entering export information

Follow the steps on the Self-service migration from Looker (original) to Looker (Google Cloud core) documentation page up to the Request the export section. Then enter the following information into the Export page in your Looker (original) instance:

  • The name of the Cloud Storage bucket that you created
  • The Cloud Storage folder name
  • The name of the KMS key used to encrypt the migration data
  • The JSON text that contains the service-account key

Once you have entered the information, click Request Export to initiate the export.

When you click the Request Export button, it triggers a background process that exports the data to the specified Cloud Storage bucket. This can take a few hours.

The export operation shouldn't cause any disruption or require downtime in your Looker (original) instance.

List of export requests

Once an export request has been submitted, it will appear in a table at the bottom of the Export page, with one of the following statuses:

  • REQUESTED — Export request has been submitted but export has not begun.
  • PROCESSING — Export operation has begun but is not completed.
  • COMPLETE — Export operation is complete and data files should be in the Cloud Storage bucket that is listed in the request.
  • ERROR — Export operation was not complete due to an error. Clicking the ERROR status reveals an error message.

The export process takes a few hours. Return to the Export page to view the status of the request during that time.

Once the export has been completed and the data appears in your Cloud Storage bucket, continue with the steps on the Self-service migration from Looker (original) to Looker (Google Cloud core) documentation page, beginning with the Import the data into the new "empty" Looker (Google Cloud core) instance section, to complete the migration.

Issues during export

If an issue occurs with the export of your Looker (original) data, a status of ERROR will appear in the row of the export request. Clicking the ERROR status reveals an error message.

Common sources of errors are the following:

  • The Cloud Storage bucket, KMS key, or <export-service-account> is invalid.
  • The <export-service-account> lacks the necessary permissions.

It is helpful to confirm the status of these objects before submitting your export request.