Using the Looker Scheduler to deliver content

This page is about delivering content from Looks and Explores. For information about scheduling dashboards, visit the Scheduling and sending dashboards documentation page.

Looker provides several ways to share content from dashboards, data tables or visualizations from a Look, or Explore queries to the applications and services that are already a part of your workflow. With Looker's scheduling capability, you can send instant, one-time content deliveries or periodic, recurring content deliveries — also called "schedules" — to one of Looker's built-in delivery destinations or to a third-party service that is integrated with Looker. Built-in delivery destinations include email, webhook, an Amazon S3 bucket, and an SFTP server.

Looker admins and developers play critical roles in configuring schedules so that all Looker users can deliver content. See the following links for documentation that is relevant to each of these roles and to all Looker users.

Delivery documentation for Looker admins

Delivery documentation for Looker developers

Delivery documentation for all Looker users

Delivery options

Each type of Looker content has unique delivery options, which are summarized in the table below. Click each link to access the relevant documentation for that delivery option.

Content Delivery Options Destination Options Format Options
Explore One-time Data Table, Visualization, CSV, XLSX, JSON, Text, HTML
Look One-time, Recurring Data Table, Visualization, CSV, XLSX, JSON, Text, HTML
Dashboard One-time, Recurring PDF, Visualization, CSV ZIP file