Document AI pricing

This document explains Document AI pricing details.

Document AI is a solution and intended to be used with other Google Cloud products. You might need to review the pricing for Cloud Vision, Cloud Natural Language API, or Vertex AI. You are not billed for failed requests (4xx or 5xx response codes).

If you pay in a currency other than USD, the prices listed in your currency on Cloud Platform SKUs apply.

Digitize text

Processor 1 - 5,000,000 pages/month 5 5,000,001+ pages/month
Enterprise Document OCR Processor $1.50 per 1,000 pages $0.60 per 1,000 pages
OCR add ons 2 $6 per 1,000 pages $6 per 1,000 pages

Extract structures and entities from documents

Processor 1 - 1,000,000 pages/month 1,000,001+ pages/month
Custom extractor 1 $30 per 1,000 pages $20 per 1,000 pages
Form Parser $30 per 1,000 pages $20 per 1,000 pages
Layout Parser (Includes initial chunking) $10 per 1,000 pages $10 per 1,000 pages

Break documents into chunks

Processor Price
Re-chunking parsed documents $0.02 per 1,000 pages

If you pay in a currency other than USD, the prices listed in your currency on Cloud Platform SKUs apply.

Pricing examples

Example 1

You sent 100 pages to Form Parser in your monthly billing cycle. Your monthly bill is:

  • ($30 / 1,000 pages) * (100 pages) = $3 for prediction services

Example 2

You sent 6 million pages to Form Parser in your monthly billing cycle, your monthly bill is:

  • ($20 / 1,000 pages) * (5,000,000 pages) = $100,000 for prediction services
  • ($30 / 1,000 pages) * (1,000,000 pages) = $30,000 for prediction services
  • Total: $130,000

Fine-tuning charges

For the US region, the cost is $46.39 per hour.

  • Document AI fine-tuning charges based on the costs of the underlying Vertex AI machines used for fine-tuning. Document AI fine-tuning uses the following Vertex AI hardware:

    • One a2-ultragpu-8g compute engine machine
    • Eight 80GB NVIDIA A100 accelerators
    • A 500GB pd-ssd compute engine disk
  • The price of Document AI fine-tuning may change as the underlying hardware used evolves and/or if the cost to use the underlying hardware changes.

  • Fine-tuning charges are only applicable when you fine-tune a generative AI model type. There is no charge to train custom models in Document AI.

Classify documents

Processor 1 - 1,000,000 pages/month 1,000,001+ pages/month
Custom splitter $5 per 1,000 pages $3 per 1,000 pages
Custom classifier $5 per 1,000 pages $3 per 1,000 pages
Summarizer $25 per 1,000 pages $25 per 1,000 pages

Custom processor hosting

With custom processors, you pay for hosting and prediction.

Hosting charges

Operation Price
Hosting $0.05 per hour per deployed processor version you create

Pricing example:

One processor version deployed for a year costs $438 ($.05 * 24 * 365).

Pretrained processor charges

Processor Pricing
Invoice parser $0.10 for every 10 pages in a document
Expense parser (formerly receipt parser) $0.10 for every 10 pages in a document
Utility parser 3 $0.10 for every 10 pages in a document
Procurement document splitter & classifier 3 4 $0.05 per classified document
Bank statement parser $0.10 per classified document
Pay slip parser $0.30 per classified document
W2 parser $0.30 per classified document
Lending document splitter and classifier $0.05 per classified document
US driver license parser $0.10 per document
US passport parser $0.10 per document
Identity document proofing $0.10 per document

Pricing examples

Here are a few pricing examples:

  • To parse a document with between 1 to 10 pages costs $0.10.
  • To parse a document with between 11 to 20 pages costs $0.20.
  • To parse a document with between 91 to 100 pages costs $1.

Note that documents with more than 10 pages are not supported by synchronous requests. You can process multiple documents, each up to 200 pages, by sending a batch request. For more information, see Limits for specialized processors.

If you pay in a currency other than USD, the prices listed in your currency on Cloud Platform SKUs apply.

If the input document has multiple eligible forms, only the first is processed and charged the price listed. If the input document has no eligible form, processing doesn't occur and no charge is made.

Billing questions

Use the following resources to get help with billing questions:

What's next


[1] The cost to call the custom extractor is the same whether you use a generative AI-powered processor version or custom model.

[2] Only available for Enterprise Document OCR processor (v2).

[3] This processor is only available to limited access customers.

To request API access, fill out and submit the Document AI limited access customer request form. The form requests information about you, your company, and your use case. Note that a Google Cloud Project ID is required for access. To create a new Google Cloud project, or identify your existing project's Project ID see the following instructions.

After you submit the form, the Document AI team will review your request to ensure you meet the criteria for access. If approved, you will receive an email with instructions on how to access and use this feature.

[4] You are not billed if a document is classified as "other," by Procurement Document Splitter & Classifier instead of a specific document type.

[5] The size of a page depends on the file format.

  • Images (JPEG/JPG, PNG, BMP, HEIF): Each image = 1 page
  • PDF: Each page in the PDF = 1 page
  • TIFF: Each image in the TIFF = 1 page
  • Word (DOCX): Up to 3,000 characters = 1 page
  • Excel (XLSX): Each tab = 1 page
  • Powerpoint (PPTX): Each slide = 1 page
  • HTML: Up to 3,000 characters = 1 page
  • Parsed Documents: Up to 3,000 characters = 1 page

Request a custom quote

With Google Cloud's pay-as-you-go pricing, you only pay for the services you use. Connect with our sales team to get a custom quote for your organization.
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