Dotz Inc: Innovating and data centralizing with Looker

About Dotz Inc

Dotz Inc operates as a B2B2C platform that integrates and monetizes three highly synergistic business lines: Loyalty, Marketplace, and TechFin. The company has been a pioneer in the coalition loyalty industry in Brazil with the Dotz program, which has over 50 million registered customers across the country.

Industries: Retail & Consumer Goods
Location: Brazil

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About HVAR

Founded in 2011, HVAR is a consultancy focused on Data, Analytics, and AI solutions. Experienced in large technology projects, it helps companies drive business with projects that require turning huge amounts of data into insights.

Supported by HVAR, the company migrated to Looker and developed a data culture for its strategic areas from the public cloud.

Google Cloud results

  • Possibility of having a single analytics platform.
  • Broader and faster data visualization across dashboards.
  • Ability to easily create products and services.
  • Improved organization of internal data.

R$ 120,000 savings by retiring features

Dotz Inc is a robust technology company that constantly enhances its knowledge of consumers. A leader in the coalition loyalty industry in Brazil with the Dotz program, the company has over 50 million registered customers across the country and has built its business model on the following pillars: technology, data, loyalty, marketplace, and techfin.

Based in São Paulo with over 500 employees, Dotz Inc engages in extensive data collection and creates individualized consumer insights to benefit its users and partners.

As a data-driven company, Dotz Inc faced technical challenges related to the different tools it used for integration, visualization, and analysis. Many unique features and various dashboards were not working well with each other. A solution had to be found to centralize and organize information scattered across those sources to improve data interpretation.

The company also sought to modernize its built-in analytics scenario to gain scalability and adopt the continuous intelligence model to get real-time analytics integrated with operations through predictive actions.

Finally, there was a need for a governed data environment, with defined rules and policies to ensure good usage practices. After identifying all these demands, Dotz Inc looked to the partner HVAR for support in researching and assessing Looker, a Google Cloud solution.

"Looker's capability caught our attention right away. We had to migrate data from several tools, each with their own characteristics, and centralize everything into one platform. The solution we chose had to meet Dotz's current and future needs. In the assessment, Looker was excellent at meeting our requirements."

Jonathas Mendes, Head of Data, Dotz Inc

Building a consolidated path to analytics

Dotz Inc created a new phased project to plan its migration journey, which occurred in 2022. HVAR provided support from the start, for example, by mapping all data sources and sets in previous tools, as well as analytics views. The data sources became available in BigQuery and were then standardized in Looker by integrating both solutions.

Using Looker combined with BigQuery allowed Dotz Inc to consolidate the analytics framework into a single solution, improve organization of internal data, and strengthen information security. From a business perspective, the company can innovate using AI features, create new products and services more easily, and expand its ability to grow.

Retirement of old features saved R$ 120,000 and streamlined data exploration. An example is the Industry dashboard, which compiles data from the shopping cart of Dotz customers at the SKU (stock keeping unit) level. With the previous tools, the team took one day to process and visualize data for a period of at least two months, while Looker shows data for a period of 13 months in a matter of seconds.

"This Google Cloud-based project has not only brought analytical data visualization and interpretation, but also helped focus on all the possible benefits of using a certified solution like Looker, by making the most of it."

Daniel Capeletto, Head of Data Governance and Analytics, HVAR

Looker also became a focal point for exploring and reporting. Besides setting up the environment, the teams organized actions to introduce Looker to professionals dealing with data (architects, analysts, and governance and security teams).

"We were supported by both Google Cloud and HVAR, and migration was smooth and coordinated. Training courses proved essential to help our professionals learn how to use Looker and improve our use of the platform. We can now say that we keep evolving and growing, with a more strategic vision."

Jonathas Mendes, Head of Data, Dotz Inc

Intelligent data use and good results

Today, the use of Looker can translate into business intelligence (BI), which provides both internal users and Dotz Inc partners with facilitated access to information. The positive change has been observed on several fronts, especially executive areas, which can extract their own insights using Looker. The company even triggers a daily release of indicators for its executives.

Another advancement is 'Meu Varejo' (My Retail), a new product for partner retailers that fully consolidates operational information from supermarkets. The data is available on the Dotz web platform, integrated with Looker, in the form of built-in analytics. "Our partners have loved the tool. We've even created a survey to measure their satisfaction, and the rates couldn't have been better," says Jonathas Mendes.

"The company's technological maturity is relevant, and this enabled Dotz Inc to make the right decision about Looker. The solution serves the company as a BI and analytics platform. And the path from migration to the present was a key change, significantly improving its internal processes," explains Lucas Nascimento, Analytics Leader at HVAR.

By adopting a structured architecture approach, Dotz Inc intends to pave the way to technological evolution. It will achieve this by continuing to partner with HVAR to delve deeper into Looker and further evaluate and explore data.

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About Dotz Inc

Dotz Inc operates as a B2B2C platform that integrates and monetizes three highly synergistic business lines: Loyalty, Marketplace, and TechFin. The company has been a pioneer in the coalition loyalty industry in Brazil with the Dotz program, which has over 50 million registered customers across the country.

Industries: Retail & Consumer Goods
Location: Brazil

About HVAR

Founded in 2011, HVAR is a consultancy focused on Data, Analytics, and AI solutions. Experienced in large technology projects, it helps companies drive business with projects that require turning huge amounts of data into insights.