Google Cloud's Agent for SAP operations guide

This guide covers operational considerations and procedures for running version 3.6 (latest) of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP on Compute Engine VM instances and Bare Metal Solution servers.

Understand the agent lifecycle

When managing the operations of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP, it's helpful to understand what the agent does. In general, here's how it works:

  • You must install Google Cloud's Agent for SAP on each Compute Engine VM instance or Bare Metal Solution server that hosts SAP systems. The agent runs as a Linux service or a Windows service.
  • On Compute Engine VM instances, the agent combines monitoring data from Monitoring and the Compute Engine APIs.
  • On Bare Metal Solution servers, for collection of only SAP Host Agent metrics, the agent does not access the Google Cloud APIs.
  • The SAP Host Agent polls Google Cloud's Agent for SAP for its cached data, over HTTP. It aggregates the SAP Host Agent metrics, reports them, and stores them in the SAP NetWeaver database.
  • SAP's transaction ST06 or the saposcol command line interface displays the aggregated SAP Host Agent metrics.
  • You can view the SAP Host Agent metrics from Google Cloud's Agent for SAP by running a command in a terminal window.

Verify that the agent is running

After installing the agent or restarting the agent, you can verify that the agent is running as expected.

To check whether the agent is running, follow these steps:


  1. Establish an SSH connection with your Bare Metal Solution server or VM instance.

  2. Run the following command:

    systemctl status google-cloud-sap-agent

    If the agent is functioning properly, then the output contains active (running). For example:

    google-cloud-sap-agent.service - Google Cloud Agent for SAP
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/google-cloud-sap-agent.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
    Active:  active (running)  since Fri 2022-12-02 07:21:42 UTC; 4 days ago
    Main PID: 1337673 (google-cloud-sa)
    Tasks: 9 (limit: 100427)
    Memory: 22.4 M (max: 1.0G limit: 1.0G)
    CGroup: /system.slice/google-cloud-sap-agent.service
           └─1337673 /usr/bin/google-cloud-sap-agent


  1. Use RDP to connect to the VM instance.

  2. As an administrator, run the following command from PowerShell:

    $(Get-Service -Name 'google-cloud-sap-agent' -ErrorAction Ignore).Status
    If the agent is running, then the status shows Running.

If Google Cloud's Agent for SAP isn't running, then restart the agent.

Check the version of the agent

After installing or restarting Google Cloud's Agent for SAP, you can check the version of the agent.

To check the version of your agent, complete the following steps:


For RHEL, follow these steps:

  1. Use SSH to connect to the host machine.
  2. Run the following command:
    yum info google-cloud-sap-agent

For SLES, follow these steps:

  1. Use SSH to connect to the host machine.
  2. Run the following command:
    zypper info google-cloud-sap-agent


  1. Use RDP to connect to the host machine.
  2. As an administrator, run the following command from PowerShell:
    googet installed google-cloud-sap-agent

List all available versions of the agent

To list all the available versions of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP:


  1. Establish an SSH connection with your host.

  2. Run the following command:

    sudo yum list --showduplicates google-cloud-sap-agent


  1. Establish an SSH connection with your host.

  2. Run the following command:

    sudo zypper search -s -t package -r google-cloud-sap-agent google-cloud-sap-agent

Verify that SAP Host Agent is receiving metrics

To verify that the infrastructure metrics are collected by Google Cloud's Agent for SAP and sent correctly to the SAP Host Agent, follow these steps:

  1. In your SAP system, enter transaction ST06.
  2. In the overview pane, check the availability and content of the following fields for the correct end-to-end setup of the SAP and Google monitoring infrastructure:

    • Cloud Provider: Google Cloud Platform
    • Enhanced Monitoring Access: TRUE
    • Enhanced Monitoring Details: ACTIVE

View the SAP Host Agent metrics

After installing or updating the configuration of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP, you can view the collected SAP Host Agent metrics.

To view the SAP Host Agent metrics collected by Google Cloud's Agent for SAP, follow these steps:


  1. Establish an SSH connection with your host VM instance of Bare Metal Solution server.

  2. Run the following command:

    curl http://localhost:18181

    If the metrics are available, then you should receive an XML output containing information about your system. For example:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
      <metric category="cpu" context="vm" type="double" unit="Percent" last-refresh="1670422670" refresh-interval="60">
      <name>VM Processing Power Consumption</name>


  1. Use RDP to connect to the VM instance.

  2. As an administrator, run the following command from PowerShell:

    (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'http://localhost:18181').RawContent

    If the metrics are available, you should see a XML output containing information about your system. For example:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
      <metric category="cpu" context="vm" type="double" unit="Percent" last-refresh="1670422528" refresh-interval="60">
      <name>VM Processing Power Consumption</name>

View the other metrics

After you update the configuration of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP to collect the Process Monitoring metrics or the SAP HANA monitoring metrics, we recommend that you view them to verify that the agent is collecting the metrics as expected.

You can view the metrics and information collected by Google Cloud's Agent for SAP in Cloud Monitoring by completing the following steps:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Monitoring Metrics explorer page.

    Go to Metrics explorer

  2. Select the Configuration tab.

  3. Expand the Select a metric menu.

  4. In the Resources menu, select VM instance.

  5. In the Metric category menu, select sap.

  6. In the Metric menu, select metric: or any of the new metrics to chart.

  7. Click Apply.

You should see a chart with the time series metric values.

Validate the Backint feature

After you enable the Backint feature of the agent, you must validate it by creating and restoring a backup.

For instructions, see Validate backup and recovery.

Restart the agent

If Google Cloud's Agent for SAP stops working or you update its configuration, then restart the agent.

Select your operating system, and then follow the steps:


  1. Establish an SSH connection with your host VM instance or Bare Metal Solution server.

  2. Run the following command:

    sudo systemctl restart google-cloud-sap-agent


  1. Establish an RDP connection with your host VM instance.

  2. As an administrator, run the following command from PowerShell:

    Restart-Service -Name 'google-cloud-sap-agent' -Force

Disable or enable the agent

To enable proper monitoring, the systemd service of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP on your compute instance must be running at all times. However, if you're required to disable or stop the agent on your Linux based compute instance, then run the following command:

sudo /usr/bin/google_cloud_sap_agent service -disable

To enable and start the agent's systemd service on your Linux based compute instance:

sudo /usr/bin/google_cloud_sap_agent service -enable

When you disable or enable the agent's systemd service on Linux, the action is logged in the following file: /var/log/google-cloud-sap-agent/service.log.

Upgrade to Google Cloud's Agent for SAP from other Google Cloud agents

Google Cloud's Agent for SAP is the successor to other Google Cloud agents. The following sections provide information for upgrading from these agents to version 3.6 (latest) of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP.

For instructions on installing and configuring Google Cloud's Agent for SAP, see Choose your Google Cloud's Agent for SAP installation and configuration guide.

Upgrading from Cloud Storage Backint agent for SAP HANA

To upgrade from Cloud Storage Backint agent for SAP HANA to version 3.6 (latest), complete the following steps:

  1. Make sure that no data backups are in-progress or scheduled for the period overlapping with the upgrade.

  2. Disable automatic log backups by setting the SAP HANA parameter enable_auto_log_backup parameter to no. For instructions, see the SAP HANA document Enable and Disable Automatic Log Backup.

  3. Install Google Cloud's Agent for SAP. For instructions, see the installation guide for your scenario.

  4. Enable the Backint feature of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP. For instructions, see Configure Backint based backup and recovery.

    Enabling the Backint feature of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP automatically detects the Backint agent on your host and disables it from your host machine.

  5. To create a JSON version of your existing Backint configuration text file, run the following command for each of your text files:

    /usr/bin/google_cloud_sap_agent configurebackint -f=PATH_TO_PARAMETERS_FILE

    Replace PATH_TO_PARAMETERS_FILE with the path to your PARAMETERS.txt file.

    The JSON files are created in the same location in your file system as the text files as long as Google Cloud's Agent for SAP has the permission to access those locations. While Google Cloud's Agent for SAP is capable of interpreting the Backint related parameters specified in the text file, we recommend that you use the JSON files for updating any configuration.

  6. Enable automatic log backups by setting the SAP HANA parameter enable_auto_log_backup parameter to yes. For instructions, see the SAP HANA document Enable and Disable Automatic Log Backup.

  7. Validate backup and recovery.

When you perform this upgrade, the following happen:

  • For backup and reference purposes, all installation files in the backint-gcs directory of Backint agent are copied to backint-gcs-old-TIMESTAMP/. These are required in case you need to revert to using the Backint agent.
  • The backint-gcs folder is then cleaned up to contain only those files that are required to run Google Cloud's Agent for SAP, which includes its configuration file, parameters.json, and the Backint configuration files such as PARAMETERS.txt.

For information about the mapping of the configuration parameters between the Backint agent and Google Cloud's Agent for SAP, expand the following section.

Mapping of configuration parameters

Parameter name in Backint agent Parameter name in Google Cloud's Agent for SAP
BUCKET bucket
ENCRYPTION_KEY encryption_key
KMS_KEY_NAME kms_key
PARALLEL_FACTOR parallel_streams
PARALLEL_PART_SIZE This is not available in Google Cloud's Agent for SAP.
RATE_LIMIT_MB rate_limit_mb
SERVICE_ACCOUNT service_account_key
THREADS thread
READ_IDLE_TIMEOUT file_read_timeout_ms
CHUNK_SIZE_MB buffer_size_mb
HTTP_READ_TIMEOUT This is not available in Google Cloud's Agent for SAP.

Upgrading from monitoring agent for SAP HANA

Installing version 3.6 (latest) of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP automatically detects versions of the monitoring agent for SAP HANA, disables them, and then removes them from your host machines during installation.

If this agent is detected, then its configuration is migrated to Google Cloud's Agent for SAP during its installation. For backup and reference purposes, the configuration of the monitoring agent for SAP HANA is copied to the following file:


Upgrading SSL-enabled instances

If you have configured the monitoring agent for SAP HANA to use SSL certificates for communication with your SAP HANA instances, then when you install Google Cloud's Agent for SAP, all the SAP HANA monitoring configuration except the SSL configuration are migrated to Google Cloud's Agent for SAP. In such a case, to use Google Cloud's Agent for SAP for monitoring your SAP HANA instances, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Establish an SSH connection with your host VM instance or Bare Metal Solution server.

  2. Open the configuration file of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP:

  3. In the hana_monitoring_configuration section, set the parameter enabled to true.

  4. In the hana_monitoring_configuration.hana_instances section, perform the following for each SAP HANA instance that uses the TLS/SSL protocol for secure communication:

    1. Specify the parameter enable_ssl and set its value to true.

    2. Specify the parameter host_name_in_certificate and set the SAP HANA hostname, as specified in the TLS/SSL certificate, as its value.

    3. Specify the parameter tls_root_ca_file and set the path, where the TLS/SSL certificate is stored, as its value.

  5. Save the configuration file.

  6. Restart the agent for the new settings to take effect:

    sudo systemctl restart google-cloud-sap-agent
  7. Verify that the agent is collecting the SAP HANA monitoring metrics. For instructions, see View the other metrics.

  8. Uninstall the monitoring agent for SAP HANA.

If you experience any connection issues with your SAP HANA instances after this upgrade, then you can view the agent's logs in Logging and use the troubleshooting guide to resolve the issue.

Upgrading from monitoring agent for SAP NetWeaver

Installing version 3.6 (latest) of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP automatically detects versions of the monitoring agent for SAP NetWeaver.

If this agent is detected, then its configuration is migrated to Google Cloud's Agent for SAP during its installation.

Update Google Cloud's Agent for SAP

To ensure that you have the latest version of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP, you need to check for updates periodically and update the agent.

Check for updates

Select your operating system, and then follow these steps:


  1. Establish an SSH connection with your instance.
  2. Run the following command:
    sudo yum check-update google-cloud-sap-agent


  1. Establish an SSH connection with your instance.
  2. Run the following command:
    sudo zypper list-updates -r google-cloud-sap-agent


  1. Establish an RDP connection with your host VM instance.
  2. As an administrator, run the following command from PowerShell:
    googet latest google-cloud-sap-agent

Install an update

Select your operating system, and then follow the steps:


  1. Establish an SSH connection with your instance.
  2. Update your agent instance:
    • (Recommended) To update to version 3.6 (latest) of the agent:
      sudo yum --nogpgcheck update google-cloud-sap-agent
    • To update to a specific version of the agent:
      sudo yum install google-cloud-sap-agent-VERSION_NUMBER.x86_64

      Replace VERSION_NUMBER with the agent's version number that you want to install, such as 3.1-606637668. For information about the agent versions that you can install, see List all available versions of the agent.


  1. Establish an SSH connection with your instance.
  2. Update your agent instance:
    • (Recommended) To update to version 3.6 (latest) of the agent:
      sudo zypper --no-gpg-checks update google-cloud-sap-agent
    • To update to a specific version of the agent:
      sudo zypper install google-cloud-sap-agent-VERSION_NUMBER.x86_64

      Replace VERSION_NUMBER with the agent's version number that you want to install, such as 3.1-606637668. For information about the agent versions that you can install, see List all available versions of the agent.


  1. Establish an RDP connection with your host VM instance.
  2. To update to version 3.6 (latest) of the agent, as an administrator, run the following command from PowerShell:
    googet install google-cloud-sap-agent

Downgrade Google Cloud's Agent for SAP

While we recommend that always using the latest version of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP, you can downgrade from its latest version to any other supported version of the agent by running the following command:


sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/google-cloud-sap-agent.repo << EOM
name=Google Cloud Agent for SAP
baseurl=$(cat /etc/redhat-release | cut -d . -f 1 | tr -d -c 0-9)-x86_64
sudo yum downgrade google-cloud-sap-agent-VERSION_NUMBER.x86_64


sudo zypper addrepo --refresh google-cloud-sap-agent
sudo zypper install google-cloud-sap-agent-VERSION_NUMBER.x86_64


sudo zypper addrepo --refresh google-cloud-sap-agent
sudo zypper install google-cloud-sap-agent-VERSION_NUMBER.x86_64

Replace VERSION_NUMBER with the agent's version number that you want to install, such as 3.1-606637668. For information about the agent versions that you can install, see List all available versions of the agent.

Roll back to using the other Google Cloud agents

This section provides information about rolling back from using version 3.6 (latest) of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP and using its predecessor agents.

Roll back to using the Backint agent

If you want to roll back to using the Backint agent and stop using the Backint feature of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP, then follow these steps:

  1. Delete all files related to the Backint feature of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP:

    rm -r /usr/sap/SID/SYS/global/hdb/opt/backint/backint-gcs

    Replace SID with the SID of your SAP system.

  2. Restore the files of the Backint agent that were stored as a backup when you upgraded to using Google Cloud's Agent for SAP, by copying them to the backint-gcs directory:

    cp -r /usr/sap/SID/SYS/global/hdb/opt/backint/backint-gcs-old-TIMESTAMP /usr/sap/SID/SYS/global/hdb/opt/backint/backint-gcs

    Replace the following:

    • SID: the SID of your SAP system
    • TIMESTAMP: the timestamp value in the name of the folder that was created when you upgraded from Backint agent to Google Cloud's Agent for SAP
  3. Use SAP HANA Studio or SAP HANA Cockpit to edit the global.ini file, and update the paths to your .txt configuration files. For information about the parameters for which you must specify the path to the .txt files, see Configure SAP HANA for the Backint feature.

  4. Save the changes made to the global.ini file.

Roll back to using the monitoring agent for SAP HANA

If you want to roll back to using the monitoring agent for SAP HANA and stop using the SAP HANA monitoring feature of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP, then follow these steps:


  1. Establish an SSH connection with your host VM instance or Bare Metal Solution server.

  2. To prevent the collection of duplicate metrics, disable the collection of SAP HANA monitoring metrics by Google Cloud's Agent for SAP:

    1. Open the configuration file of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP:

    2. In the hana_monitoring_configuration section, set the parameter enabled to false.

    3. Save the configuration file.

    4. Restart the agent for the new settings to take effect:

      sudo systemctl restart google-cloud-sap-agent
  3. Copy the configuration of monitoring agent for SAP HANA from the following file:

  4. Install the monitoring agent for SAP HANA version 2. For installation instructions, see Monitoring agent for SAP HANA V2.0 installation and operation guide.

  5. In the following file, paste the configuration of monitoring agent for SAP HANA that you copied in a previous step:

  6. Restart the monitoring agent for SAP HANA:

    sudo systemctl start google-saphanamonitoring-agent


  1. Establish an SSH connection with your host VM instance or Bare Metal Solution server.

  2. To prevent the collection of duplicate metrics, disable the collection of SAP HANA monitoring metrics by Google Cloud's Agent for SAP:

    1. Open the configuration file of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP:

    2. In the hana_monitoring_configuration section, set the parameter enabled to false.

    3. Save the configuration file.

    4. Restart the agent for the new settings to take effect:

      sudo systemctl restart google-cloud-sap-agent
  3. Copy the configuration of monitoring agent for SAP HANA from the following file:

  4. Install the monitoring agent for SAP HANA version 2. For installation instructions, see Monitoring agent for SAP HANA V2.0 installation and operation guide.

  5. In the following file, paste the configuration of monitoring agent for SAP HANA that you copied in a previous step:

  6. Restart the monitoring agent for SAP HANA:

    sudo systemctl start google-saphanamonitoring-agent

Uninstall the agent

To uninstall or remove the agent from your host:


  1. Establish an SSH connection with your host.

  2. Run the following command:

    sudo yum remove google-cloud-sap-agent


  1. Establish an SSH connection with your host.

  2. Run the following command:

    sudo zypper remove google-cloud-sap-agent


  1. Establish an RDP connection with your host VM instance.

  2. As an administrator, run the following command from PowerShell:

    Remove-Service -Name 'google-cloud-sap-agent'

View the agent's logs in Cloud Logging

By default, the logs for Google Cloud's Agent for SAP are redirected from your VM instances and Bare Metal Solution servers to Cloud Logging.

To view the agent's logs in Logging, follow these steps:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Logs Explorer page.

    Go to Logs explorer

  2. Go the Query pane.

  3. From the Resources drop-down menu, select Global, and then click Apply.

  4. In the query editor, enter google-cloud-sap-agent.

  5. Click Run query.

You should see the logs generated by the agent instances running on all your VM instances or Bare Metal Solution servers. To filter the logs from a specific machine, use the filters available in the interface.

You can disable the default redirection of agent's logs that is concerned with the collection of metrics. To do so, complete the following steps:

  1. Establish an SSH connection with your host VM instance or Bare Metal Solution server.

  2. Open the following configuration file:

  3. For the parameter log_to_cloud, update the value to false.

  4. Save the configuration file.

  5. Restart the agent for this change to take effect.

To disable the default redirection of the logs related to the Backint feature of Google Cloud's Agent for SAP, edit your Backint configuration file and set the log_to_cloud parameter to false.