Text tile parameters for LookML dashboards

This page demonstrates how to add and customize a LookML dashboard element of type: text with LookML dashboard parameters in a dashboard.lkml file.

For information about adding text to a dashboard through the Looker UI, see the Creating user-defined dashboards documentation page.

Example usage

name: element_name
type: text
height: N
width: N
top: N
left: N
row: N
col: N

title_text: title text
subtitle_text: subtitle text
body_text: body text

Parameter definitions

Parameter Name Description
Basic Parameters
name (for elements) Creates an element
type (for elements) Determines the type of visualization to be used in the element
height (for elements) Defines the height of an element in units of tile_size for layout: tile and layout: static dashboards
width (for elements) Defines the width of an element in units of tile_size for layout: tile and layout: static dashboards
top Defines the top-to-bottom position of an element in units of tile_size for layout: static dashboards
left Defines the left-to-right position of an element in units of tile_size for layout: static dashboards
row Defines the top-to-bottom position of an element in units of rows for layout: newspaper dashboards
col Defines the left-to-right position of an element in units of columns for layout: newspaper dashboards
Text Parameters
title_text Specifies a title for a dashboard element of type: text
subtitle_text Specifies a subtitle for a dashboard element of type: text
body_text Specifies body text for a dashboard element of type: text

Basic parameters

When defining a LookML dashboard element of type: text, you must specify values for at least the name and type parameters.


This section refers to the name parameter that is part of a dashboard element.

name can also be used as part of a dashboard filter, described on the Dashboard parameters documentation page.

Each name declaration creates a new dashboard element and assigns it a name. Element names must be unique. Names are sometimes referenced in the elements parameter when you're using layout: grid dashboards.

- name: orders_by_date


This section refers to the type parameter that is part of a dashboard element.

type can also be used as part of a dashboard filter, described on the Dashboard parameters documentation page.

type can also be used as part of a join, described on the type (for joins) parameter documentation page.

type can also be used as part of a dimension, described on the Dimension, filter, and parameter types documentation page.

type can also be used as part of a measure, described on the Measure types documentation page.

The type parameter determines the type of visualization to be used in the element.

- name: element_name
  type: text | looker_grid | table | single_value | looker_single_record |
        looker_column | looker_bar | looker_scatter | looker_line | looker_area |
        looker_pie | looker_donut_multiples | looker_funnel | looker_timeline |
        looker_map | looker_google_map | looker_geo_coordinates | looker_geo_choropleth | looker_waterfall | looker_wordcloud | looker_boxplot

See the type (for LookML dashboards) documentation page for an overview of the different types of LookML dashboard elements.


This section refers to the height parameter that is part of a dashboard element.

height can also be used as part of a dashboard row, described on the Dashboard parameters documentation page.

For dashboards with tile or static layouts

The height parameter defines the height of an element, in units of tile_size (which is defined in pixels), for layout: tile and layout: static dashboards.

For example, the following code specifies tile_size: 100 and height: 4, making the orders_by_date element 400 pixels in height.

- dashboard: sales_overview
  tile_size: 100

  - name: orders_by_date
    height: 4

For dashboards with newspaper layout

The height parameter defines the height of an element, in units of row, for layout: newspaper dashboards.

A dashboard with newspaper layout defaults to an element height of 6 rows, or about 300 pixels. The minimum height is 1 row for dashboards with a preferred viewer parameter set to dashboards-next. The minimum height is 2 rows for dashboards with a preferred viewer parameter set to dashboards.

For example, the following code sets an element to be 12 rows tall, or twice as tall as other elements that are set to the default:

- dashboard: sales_overview
  layout: newspaper

  - name: orders_by_date
    height: 12


This section refers to the width parameter that is part of a dashboard element.

width can also be used as part of a dashboard, described on the Dashboard parameters documentation page.

The width parameter defines the width of an element, in units of tile_size, for layout: tile and layout: static dashboards.

For example, the following code specifies tile_size: 100 and width: 4, making the orders_by_date element 400 pixels in width.

- dashboard: sales_overview
  tile_size: 100

  - name: orders_by_date
    width: 4

The width parameter defines the width of an element, in units of columns, for layout: newspaper dashboards.

A dashboard with newspaper layout defaults to a width of 24 columns.

For example, the following code sets the element to half the width of the dashboard:

- dashboard: sales_overview
  layout: newspaper

  - name: orders_by_date
    width: 12


The top parameter defines the top-to-bottom position of an element, in units of tile_size, for layout: static dashboards.

For example, the following code specifies tile_size: 100 and top: 4, positioning the top edge of the orders_by_date element 400 pixels from the top of the dashboard.

- dashboard: sales_overview
  tile_size: 100

  - name: orders_by_date
    top: 4


The left parameter defines the left-to-right position of an element, in units of tile_size, for layout: static dashboards.

For example, the following code specifies tile_size: 100 and left: 4, positioning the left edge of the orders_by_date element 400 pixels from the left side of the dashboard.

- dashboard: sales_overview
  tile_size: 100

  - name: orders_by_date
    left: 4


For layout: newspaper dashboards, the row parameter defines the row that the top edge of an element is placed on.

A dashboard begins with row 0 at the top of the dashboard. A dashboard with newspaper layout defaults to an element height of 6 rows, meaning the dashboard elements at the top of a dashboard (row: 0) would default to taking up rows 0-5.

Each row is 50 pixels tall, which means the default element height of 6 rows is 300 pixels.

For example, the following code sets an element to be set on the second row of elements in the dashboard, assuming elements are set at the default height:

- dashboard: sales_overview
  layout: newspaper

  - name: orders_by_date
    row: 6


For layout: newspaper dashboards, the col parameter defines the column that the left edge of the element is placed on.

Dashboards are divided into 24 columns. A dashboard begins with column 0 at the left of the dashboard. A dashboard with newspaper layout defaults to an element width of 8 columns, meaning the dashboard elements at the left of a dashboard (col: 0) would default to taking up columns 0-7.

For example, the following code sets an element to be set in the third column of elements in the dashboard:

- dashboard: sales_overview
  layout: newspaper

  - name: orders_by_date
    col: 16

Text parameters

Dashboard LookML that is generated from text tiles created with the Text option in the Looker UI will not use the title_text or subtitle_text parameters.

The parameters described in this section can be used to add content to a LookML dashboard element of type: text.


The title_text parameter specifies the text that will appear on a type: text element in the largest font size available. It is shown at the top of the tile.

title_text: title text


The subtitle_text parameter specifies the text that will appear on a type: text element in the middle font size available. If title_text is present, the subtitle_text will appear below it.

subtitle_text: subtitle text


The body_text parameter specifies the text that will appear on a type: text element in the smallest font size available. This parameter is shown last in the text tile. The Using Markdown in Markdown tiles documentation page provides an overview of the Markdown that you can use to format text or to add links and images to a text tile.

body_text: body text