Cloud Domains pricing

This document explains pricing details for Cloud Domains. The pricing table lists all the domain endings that Cloud Domains supports.

Cloud Domains is available in all the countries where Google Cloud is available.

Pricing overview

Domains are registered in increments of one year. By registering a domain, you're committing to paying for the whole year. Domains are renewed automatically. If your domain renews in Cloud Domains, you are billed for the 12 months following your renewal date. If you want to stop paying for your domain, or if don't want your domain to automatically renew, see Turn off automatic renewal for a domain name.

Pricing per domain ending

Prices vary based on domain endings (TLDs) listed in the pricing table. For example, if you buy,, and, the yearly cost of each of these domains differ because the domain endings .com, .charity, and .wiki have different costs. The yearly price of each domain that you register is added to get the total cost. See the Pricing example.

Cloud Domains does not support the following kinds of domains:

Billing models

Subscription billing (for Cloud Billing accounts outside Brazil)

The Subscription billing model bills you the yearly amount for the domain in the first month following a domain registration, renewal, or transfer. This applies to all domains that are registered, renewed, or transferred at Cloud Domains general availability.

Charges from Cloud Domains show up on your invoice under Charges not specific to a project because the charges are tied to the Cloud Billing account.

The Subscription billing model is not included in the Enterprise Discount Program.

Commitment billing (for Cloud Billing accounts in Brazil)

If your Cloud Billing account has a Brazil address, the Commitment billing model bills you 1/12 of the total cost every month for the next 12 months until the domain expires. This applies to all domains that are registered, renewed, or transferred at Cloud Domains general availability.

Charges from Cloud Domains show up on your invoice under Charges not specific to a project because the charges are tied to the billing account.

The Subscription billing model is not included in the Enterprise Discount Program.

If you choose to transfer a registered domain to another registrar during the 12-month period from your registration, renewal, or transfer to Cloud Domains date, you are charged a cancellation fee. The cancellation fee is equal to the unbilled portion of the annual cost of the domain.

Billing for newly registered domains

When you register a domain using Cloud Domains, you are committing to paying for a full year of registration.

Billing for transferred-in domains

When you transfer in a domain from another provider, billing is as follows.

  • Your existing registration time with your original provider is maintained.
  • On completion of the transfer, the registration time is extended by a year.
  • You are billed for the extended year right away.
  • You are not billed again until your domain is about to expire and needs to be renewed.
Any domains transferred-in use subscription or commitment billing.


The following examples explain how billing works for transferred-in domains.

  • If the domain had one month of registration time left before transfer, you get billed for 1 year at time of transfer. The next billing event after the transfer completes is the domain's next renewal, 13 months (1 month + 1 year) after the transfer.
  • If the domain had two years of registration time left before transfer, the next billing event is 3 years (2 years + 1 year) later.

Billing for renewals

Renewed domains are billed using either subscription or commitment billing.

To stop automatic renewal, see Turn off automatic renewal for a domain name. To manage a domain's billing account individually (outside of a Google Cloud project), you must transfer it out to a third-party registrar. However, once you register a domain with Cloud Domains, if you choose to transfer your domain to a third party before the 12-month period expires, you are still charged for the domain for the remainder of the 12 months. The billing frequency depends on the billing model for your resource.

For more information about renewals, see Squarespace purchase of Google Domains FAQ.

You must use Cloud Domains billing to manage the billing of domains registered with Cloud Domains.

Free usage

Cloud Domains does not offer free usage for domain registration. For information on quotas, see the Quotas page.

Pricing table

Domain ending or TLD Yearly price per unit (USD)
.academy 30
.accountant 30
.actor 40
.agency 20
.airforce 30
.apartments 60
.app 14
.army 30
.art 14
.associates 30
.attorney 40
.auction 30
.autos 15
.band 20
.bargains 30
.best 20
.bid 30
.bike 30
.bingo 50
.biz 15
.black 60
.blog 30
.blue 20
.boats 15
.boutique 30
.builders 30
.business 12
.buzz 40
.cab 30
.cafe 40
.camera 40
.camp 40
.capital 50
.cards 30
.care 30
.careers 50
.cash 30
.catering 30
.cc 20
.center 20
.charity 30
.chat 40
.cheap 30
.church 40
.city 20
.claims 60
.cleaning 40
.clinic 50
.clothing 30
.cloud 20
.club 13
.co 30 11 19 12
.coach 60
.codes 50
.coffee 30
.com 12 20
.community 30
.company 14
.computer 30
.contact 12
.condos 50
.construction 30
.consulting 30
.contractors 30
.cool 30
.coupons 60
.cricket 30
.cruises 50
.dance 20
.date 30
.dating 50
.day 12
.de 7
.deals 40
.degree 40
.delivery 60
.democrat 30
.dental 50
.dentist 40
.design 40
.dev 12
.diamonds 50
.digital 40
.direct 40
.directory 20
.discount 30
.dog 40
.domains 30
.download 30
.earth 20
.education 20
.email 20
.engineer 30
.engineering 50
.enterprises 30
.equipment 20
.estate 30
.events 30
.exchange 30
.expert 50
.exposed 20
.express 30
.fail 30
.faith 30
.family 20
.fan 40
.fans 12
.farm 30
.finance 60
.financial 50
.fish 30
.fitness 30
.flights 50
.florist 30
.football 30
.forsale 30
.foundation 30
.fr 10
.fun 20
.fund 50
.furniture 50
.futbol 13
.fyi 20
.gallery 20
.games 20
.gifts 40
.gives 30
.glass 40
.gmbh 30
.golf 60
.graphics 20
.gratis 20
.gripe 30
.group 20
.guide 40
.guru 28
.haus 28
.healthcare 60
.hockey 60
.holdings 50
.holiday 50
.homes 15
.hospital 50
.house 30
.how 30
.icu 12
.immo 40
.immobilien 30
.in 12
.industries 30
.info 12
.ink 28
.institute 20
.insure 60
.international 20
.io 60
.irish 14
.jetzt 20
.jewelry 60
.jp 40
.kaufen 30
.kitchen 40
.land 30
.lawyer 40
.lease 50
.legal 60
.life 40
.lighting 20
.limited 30
.limo 50
.live 20
.llc 30
.loan 30
.love 30
.ltd 20
.luxury 40
.maison 50
.management 20
.market 40
.marketing 30
.mba 40
.me 20
.media 30
.memorial 60
.men 30
.mobi 20
.moda 30
.money 40
.mortgage 40
.mx 40
.navy 30
.net 12
.network 20
.news 30
.ninja 19
.nl 8
.one 12
.online 30
.ooo 30
.org 12
.page 10
.partners 50
.parts 30
.party 30
.photography 20
.photos 20
.pictures 11
.pizza 60
.place 15
.plumbing 40
.plus 40
.press 60
.pro 20
.productions 30
.promo 20
.properties 30
.pub 30
.pw 9
.racing 30
.recipes 50
.red 20
.rehab 30
.reisen 20
.rentals 30
.repair 30
.report 20
.republican 30
.rest 40
.restaurant 60
.review 30
.reviews 20
.rip 20
.rocks 13
.run 20
.sale 30
.salon 50
.sarl 40
.school 40
.schule 20
.science 30
.services 30
.shoes 40
.shopping 30
.show 40
.singles 30
.site 20
.ski 50
.soccer 20
.social 30
.software 40
.solar 40
.solutions 20
.soy 20
.space 20
.store 50
.stream 30
.studio 20
.style 40
.supplies 20
.supply 20
.support 20
.surgery 50
.systems 20
.tax 50
.taxi 60
.team 40
.tech 40
.technology 20
.tennis 60
.theater 60
.tienda 50
.tips 20
.today 20
.tools 30
.tours 60
.town 30
.toys 40
.trade 30
.training 30
.tube 30
.uk 12
.university 50
.uno 20
.vacations 30
.vegas 60
.ventures 50
.vet 30
.viajes 50
.video 20
.villas 50
.vin 60
.vision 30
.voyage 50
.watch 30
.webcam 30
.website 20
.wiki 28
.win 30
.wine 60
.works 30
.world 40
.wtf 30
.xyz 12
.zone 30

If you pay in a currency other than USD, the prices listed in your currency on Cloud Platform SKUs apply.

Billing SKUs

To search for appropriate SKUs for the billing model applicable to your registration, transfer, or renewal, use the following links.

Pricing example

The following examples use US pricing.

Example 1

Subscription billing: You buy a $12 .com domain. On your next monthly bill you are charged $12. Your next charge is one year later when the domain renews for $12.

Commitment billing: You buy a $12 .com domain. On your next monthly bill you are charged $1, and you are charged $1 for each monthly billing cycle until the domain expires. If you decide to delete the domain after being billed for 5 months ($5 total), you are billed a $7 cancellation fee to bring the billed total to $12.

Example 2

Suppose that you have registered three domains:,, and

The cost is:

.charity = $30/year

.wiki = $28/year

.info = $12/year

Subscription cost = $30 + $28 + $12 = $70/year

Commitment billing = 1/12th of the yearly price = $70/12 = $5.83/month

What's next

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