180 Seguros: Powering its data management with Google Cloud’s BigQuery and AI

About 180 Seguros

180 Seguros is an insurtech company whose mission is to empower businesses to seamlessly offer insurance policies through flexible products, end-to-end technological infrastructure, and IT-driven operational excellence by combining a startup tech culture with the expertise of consultants from the country's traditional insurance market.

Industries: Financial Services & Insurance
Location: Brazil

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By optimizing data usage, 180 Seguros has enhanced data organization with more frequent updates and also made operational metrics tracking more efficient.

Google Cloud results

  • Data is more organized and more frequently updated
  • Faster tracking of operational metrics
  • Greater autonomy for teams, who now have more time to focus on evolving their own infrastructure

3x faster queries with BigQuery

180 Seguros is an insurtech company offering a wide range of products based on an end-to-end infrastructure so that businesses can sell insurance policies in a way that is seamlessly integrated into their customers' purchasing journeys.

Based in the city of São Paulo, the company's mission is to transform how insurance policies are sold and distributed across Brazil, combining startup tech culture with the expertise of consultants from the traditional insurance market.

With 60% of teams working in product and technology areas, and 100% of systems developed in-house, 180 Seguros is strongly committed to research, testing, and transparency when it comes to technical knowledge sharing.

All these factors influenced the decision to choose Google Cloud to migrate the company's analytics environment, which was previously hosted by another cloud provider. The aim was to lessen teams' efforts to keep the data environment up and running, as many of these tasks needed to be done manually.

"We chose Google Cloud because it's convenient: integrating services and developing tailored solutions is easy. It's also flexible, so we can adapt tools based on our needs."

Franco Lamping, Co-Founder and CTO, 180 Seguros

Considering the company's relationship with Google Cloud, Rodolfo Ferreira, Head of Data at 180 Seguros, highlights how clearly the solutions' possibilities were communicated and how they align with the organization's focus on attaining a more scalable environment to match business growth.

"Google Cloud believed in us from the very beginning. That's why we researched the platform to understand everything it could offer us. And this made our decision much easier. We assessed other players, but it was clear that Google Cloud was in a better position to help us achieve our future plans," he adds.

Accelerating data processing with BigQuery

As Rodolfo explains, 180 Seguros operates a more complex database structure, as systems are configured differently based on each channel and partner company selling insurance policies.

BigQuery has proved ideal for the organization of robust projects and datasets. Running queries, analyzing data, and adding customers and products is now more convenient thanks to BigQuery's documentation.

"In the insurance market, risk underwriting and pricing are key tasks. Understanding our data better makes everything much easier, as this is a huge constraint in what we do. That's why Google Cloud provided us with a competitive advantage, leveraging all these data analytics features in our company. And this is where we will stand out even more," says Franco Lamping, Co-Founder and CTO at 180 Seguros.

Data requests at 180 Seguros have also been optimized thanks to BigQuery. As Rodolfo explains, query performance in the data warehouse is now three times faster.

"We manage a considerable table of accounting transactions, including a high level of detail for each product operation. Previously, extracting data from this table took around five minutes to complete, which directly impacted the performance of other queries running at the same time. Today, BigQuery makes all this possible in just 14 seconds, with no impact whatsoever on the performance of other queries."

The organization's Head of Data points out that this type of query is executed several times a day, which increases time savings.

More efficient data management with Looker

Another important aspect was the Google Cloud team’s ideas, based on various use cases, mainly on AI. They helped the company define a clear roadmap involving AI solutions.

Recently, 180 Seguros has developed an experimental solution leveraging Google Cloud's generative AI resources: a conversational knowledge base for product professionals and developers in partner companies, which integrates into their own APIs.

Although this solution is in a testing stage, it should be implemented in-house shortly: "As we have built this tool together with Google Cloud, we're confident we can launch it soon," says Rodolfo.

"A Google Cloud specialist provided us with key guidance on how to streamline AI adoption. Everything ran smoothly, including the use of Vertex AI Search. We know we're in good hands whenever we need help to build our solutions on Google Cloud."

Rodolfo Ferreira, Head of Data, 180 Seguros

Concerning business intelligence, Looker has also been vital for increasing process agility, including metrics tracking.

The company is also developing an in-house system to track partners' operations, and Looker Embedded has helped teams reduce their efforts when incorporating graphics into the company's interfaces.

"Previously, we did all these incorporations manually. Even with improved library availability, nothing compares to Looker, as we can rely on frequently updated data and clear metrics for incorporations," Rodolfo says.

Valuable time and knowledge: "the sparks of an idea"

As time is deemed an invaluable resource, Datastream has also been well received within the company.

"When we needed to transfer our data to BigQuery, Datastream was truly a game changer: we managed to save the equivalent of three or four full-time workers."

Rodolfo Ferreira, Head of Data, 180 Seguros

Another significant development in employee day-to-day routines is how easy Google Cloud's infrastructure is to use: "There are no servers, no machines, and we don't need to worry about turning environments off," says Rodolfo.

The company wants to make the most of time savings by acquiring relevant knowledge for its business at events or trainings regularly offered by Google Cloud.

Rodolfo underscores the quick and efficient support provided by qualified, dedicated instructors.

"What we need the most today is inspiration, new cases, "sparks" that can transform into ideas. Our hands-on meetings with Google Cloud are high-level, essential to evangelize about its value for our company. In general, we receive positive feedback from the team, and everyone is eager to use these solutions."

Planning for the future: More security and efficiency for deliveries

Thinking about the future, the insurance company is planning to increasingly use data to improve claim processing, as well as to start using Dataform and Dataflow. According to Rodolfo, Google Cloud products are ready to support security-first solutions.

"We'll be able to help developers understand where they need to focus in relation to Brazil's Data Protection Act; for example, by making it even easier to organize the data reports we collect."

As teams continue using these tools across the company, they expect to identify areas involving sensitive data more efficiently, including internal company information that needs to be protected, such as wages or HR data.

"We're aware that today our analytics environment provides us with many opportunities to be explored: we just need to prioritize them. From now on, our deliveries will become more frequent, adding more value for our customers and partners," he says.

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About 180 Seguros

180 Seguros is an insurtech company whose mission is to empower businesses to seamlessly offer insurance policies through flexible products, end-to-end technological infrastructure, and IT-driven operational excellence by combining a startup tech culture with the expertise of consultants from the country's traditional insurance market.

Industries: Financial Services & Insurance
Location: Brazil