Node.js on Google Cloud

Quickly build and deploy Node.js applications on Google Cloud.

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Build, deploy, debug, and monitor Node.js applications

Google Cloud has the tools JavaScript developers need to successfully build cloud native applications. Build your apps quicker with SDKs, in-IDE assistance, and native runtime support on Cloud Run, Cloud Functions, and GKE. Google Cloud can run your application end-to-end.

Libraries optimized for Node.js

Idiomatic libraries make writing Node.js apps for Google Cloud simple and intuitive. Libraries handle all the low-level details of communication with the server, including authenticating with Google so you can focus on your app.

Deep IDE integrations

Cloud Code helps you write, run, and debug cloud-native apps quickly and easily. Extensions such as Visual Studio Code and IntelliJ provide support for Node.js and Typescript development including code completion, linting, and snippets.

Find, diagnose, and fix complex issues

Node.js on Google Cloud integrates with Cloud Monitoring, Cloud Trace, Cloud Logging, and Error Reporting, allowing you to transparently instrument live production applications to diagnose performance bottlenecks and software bugs.

Run workloads anywhere

Google Cloud lets you choose the best environment to run your Node.js applications, with options for serverless, Kubernetes, VMs, or custom hardware.

Universal artifact management

Artifact Registry integrates with CI/CD and Google Cloud runtimes to streamline your software delivery process. Manage the full artifact lifecycle with support for multiple repositories, granular access controls, repository-native IAM, and more.

Cloud Functions

Instant startup times make Node.js a great choice for our scalable pay-as-you-go Functions-as-a-Service (FaaS) environment.


Monitor, troubleshoot, and improve Node.js application performance on your Google Cloud environment with Operations (formerly Stackdriver).

Cloud Run

Quickly deploy and scale containerized Node.js applications using our fully managed compute platform.  

Google Kubernetes Engine

Secured and managed Kubernetes service with four-way auto scaling and multi-cluster support.

Cloud Code

Everything you need to write, debug, and deploy your cloud-native applications in Visual Studio Code or IntelliJ.

Cloud SDK

Tools and libraries for interacting with Google Cloud products and services. 

Take the next step

Start building on Google Cloud with $300 in free credits and 20+ always free products.

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