Using the GKE Applications page in the Google Cloud console

This tutorial describes how to use the Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Applications page in the Google Cloud console.

When you adopt Kubernetes for many applications and resources, it can be challenging to identify and track the various components related to one application. When you deploy multiple applications in each namespace, it can be difficult to know what resources are related to which application. Furthermore, you must often search in multiple locations for documentation and metadata that describe what the applications are, who the owners are, and how to interact with the services.

GKE helps solve these challenges with the Applications page:

A partial view of the Applications page that shows a list of applications
along with various properties.

The Applications page is an independent resource within your architecture that describes metadata about your system. You can use this page to visually organize your resources without changing the architecture. By defining values in a YAML file, you can group all your application resources and include vital metadata for your operations team. Creating, modifying, and deleting the YAML file doesn't affect existing resources, so you can immediately work with resources without risk to your system.

To demonstrate this page, this tutorial shows how to implement the Kubernetes Application resource against an application and add user-defined metadata in order to organize and simplify management of the application in GKE.

This tutorial is intended for developers who create applications to run in GKE. It assumes that you're familiar with basic Kubernetes concepts and have some experience writing Kubernetes resource YAML files.


  • Introduce the Kubernetes Application resource.
  • Add the Kubernetes Application resource to an existing architecture.
  • Create and view custom information about an application through the Google Cloud console.


In this document, you use the following billable components of Google Cloud:

To generate a cost estimate based on your projected usage, use the pricing calculator. New Google Cloud users might be eligible for a free trial.

When you finish the tasks that are described in this document, you can avoid continued billing by deleting the resources that you created. For more information, see Clean up.

Before you begin

  1. In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  2. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  3. Enable the Compute Engine and Kubernetes Engine APIs.

    Enable the APIs

  4. In the Google Cloud console, activate Cloud Shell.

    Activate Cloud Shell

    You run the commands for this tutorial in Cloud Shell or the Cloud Shell Editor.

Preparing your environment

  1. In Cloud Shell, set the environment variables for your project:

    gcloud config set core/project $PROJECT_ID
    gcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-c

    Replace PROJECT_ID with your Google Cloud project ID.

  2. Create a GKE cluster:

    gcloud container clusters create sample-cluster

    For this tutorial, you run applications in a default GKE cluster.

Installing the sample applications

In this tutorial, you simulate multiple applications running in the same namespace by using a basic Nginx sample application and the Bank of Anthos sample application.

  1. In Cloud Shell, install the Nginx sample application:

    kubectl apply -f

    This command creates a StatefulSet resource called web and a service called nginx. In the Google Cloud console, you can view these resources on the GKE Workloads and Services & Ingress pages.

  2. Clone the GitHub repository that contains the Bank of Anthos sample application:

    git clone
    cd bank-of-anthos
  3. Generate an SSH key and store it as a Kubernetes Secret:

    openssl genrsa -out jwtRS256.key 4096
    openssl rsa -in jwtRS256.key -outform PEM -pubout -out
    kubectl create secret generic jwt-key --from-file=./jwtRS256.key --from-file=./

    The Bank of Anthos sample application requires an SSH key to run.

  4. Deploy the sample application to your cluster:

    kubectl apply -f kubernetes-manifests

    After a few moments, you can view the application resources on the following pages in the Google Cloud console:

    Note the following:

    • The resources for the Nginx and Bank of Anthos sample applications are intermingled.
    • No resources are displayed yet on the Applications page. You populate the Applications page in later steps.

Preparing GKE

The resources that the Applications page displays are specified with the Kubernetes Application resource type, a custom resource definition (CRD) provided by the open source Kubernetes project. By default, the Application CRD isn't enabled in Kubernetes. Some services in GKE, such as Marketplace and Application Deployment, install the Application CRD, but if you're not using any of those services, the Application CRD isn't available by default.

To install the Application CRD, do the following:

  1. In Cloud Shell, apply the Application CRD once on each cluster:

    kubectl apply -f
  2. (Optional) After the command completes, view the Application CRD on the cluster:

    kubectl get crd

    The following output is a list of installed CRDs, including

    NAME                                    CREATED AT                 2020-07-24T19:32:20Z         2020-07-24T19:28:40Z   2020-07-24T19:28:57Z   2020-07-24T19:28:57Z       2020-07-24T19:28:57Z

Including application resources

Now that the Application CRD is available in the cluster, the next step is to create and deploy an instance of the Application resource.

Because the Application resource is a Kubernetes resource, it has a similar structure to other Kubernetes resources, including fields and options for apiVersion, kind, metadata, and spec:

kind: Application
  name: ...

In the following sections, you work with various fields and options that are available in the Application resource.

Create the base Application resource

You can add the Application resource to any existing set of resources. In this tutorial, you begin with an empty resource and fill in each section.

  1. In Cloud Shell, create and edit an application.yaml file in the kubernetes-manifests directory:

    touch kubernetes-manifests/application.yaml
    edit kubernetes-manifests/application.yaml

    The Cloud Shell Editor opens and displays a blank file.

  2. Paste the following lines to define your first application:

    kind: Application
      name: "bank-of-anthos"
  3. On the Cloud Shell menu bar, click Open Terminal.

  4. In Cloud Shell, apply the resource:

    kubectl apply -f kubernetes-manifests/application.yaml
  5. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Applications page.

    Go to Applications

    The Applications page displays the resources that you added:

    The Bank of Anthos application is included in the list of applications.

Include resources by component

The Applications page shows the Bank of Anthos application. When you click bank-of-anthos in the Name field, you see basic information about the application:

Application details include cluster, namespace, and creation

You can add various types of components to display in the Google Cloud console. For example, to show Services, Deployments, and StatefulSets, you edit the componentKinds section of the application.yaml definition—for example, as follows:

    - group: v1
      kind: Service
    - group: apps
      kind: Deployment
    - group: v1
      kind: StatefulSet

In the following steps, you add these components to the Bank of Anthos resource definition:

  1. On the Cloud Shell menu bar, click Open Editor.

  2. In the Cloud Shell Editor, overwrite the contents of the kubernetes-manifests/application.yaml file by pasting the following:

    kind: Application
      name: "bank-of-anthos"
        - group: v1
          kind: Service
        - group: apps
          kind: Deployment
        - group: v1
          kind: StatefulSet

    The addition of the spec section adds Service, Deployment, and StatefulSet to your application definition.

  3. In Cloud Shell, apply the resource:

    kubectl apply -f kubernetes-manifests/application.yaml
  4. In the Google Cloud console, go to the details page for the Bank of Anthos application.

    Go to Bank of Anthos details

    The components of a given type are displayed:

    The list of details includes component types such as
Service and Deployment.

Filter resources with selectors

At this point in the tutorial, the list of components includes all the resources for both sample applications for the defined set of components from the entire namespace. For example, the following diagram shows the nginx Service from the Nginx sample application and the transactionhistory Deployment from the Bank of Anthos sample application:

The list of components is generated from all applications in the

To ensure that only the resources for one application are displayed—for instance, for the Bank of Anthos application—you can use selectors to identify specific resources. To see how selectors work, you add a label to your resource in the following steps:

  1. In Cloud Shell, open the frontend.yaml file:

    edit kubernetes-manifests/frontend.yaml
  2. In the Cloud Shell Editor, paste the following label entry after line 18:

    labels: "bank-of-anthos"

    The metadata section looks like following:

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: frontend
      labels: "bank-of-anthos"

    The completed application.yaml file looks like the following:

    kind: Application
      name: "bank-of-anthos"
      labels: "bank-of-anthos"
        matchLabels: "bank-of-anthos"
        - group: v1
          kind: Service
        - group: apps
          kind: Deployment
        - group: v1
          kind: StatefulSet
  3. In Cloud Shell, apply the resources:

    kubectl apply -f kubernetes-manifests/
  4. In the Google Cloud console, go to the details page for the Bank of Anthos application.

    Go to Bank of Anthos details

    The only resource that matches a specific label is displayed:

    The components list shows the Deployment resource.

Apply labels to all resources with kustomize

Manually applying labels to every resource in an application can be tedious. The following steps show how to use kustomize to efficiently add labels to all resources:

  1. In Cloud Shell, download kustomize:

    curl -s "\
    kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/master/hack/" | bash
  2. Create and edit a kustomization.yaml file:

    touch kubernetes-manifests/kustomization.yaml
    edit kubernetes-manifests/kustomization.yaml
  3. In the Cloud Shell Editor, add the following lines to kustomization.yaml:

    kind: Kustomization
    - accounts-db.yaml
    - application.yaml
    - balance-reader.yaml
    - config.yaml
    - contacts.yaml
    - frontend.yaml
    - ledger-db.yaml
    - ledger-writer.yaml
    - loadgenerator.yaml
    - transaction-history.yaml
    - userservice.yaml
    commonLabels: "bank-of-anthos"

    In this kustomization.yaml definition, you specify which resources to apply the modifications to and what modifications to make. In this case, you specify that all resources should have a common label of "bank-of-anthos".

  4. In Cloud Shell, delete the old resources:

    kubectl delete -f kubernetes-manifests/

    It is necessary to delete the old resources before you apply the new resources that are specified in kustomization.yaml.

  5. Apply the resources using the kustomize flag instead of the file flag:

    ./kustomize build kubernetes-manifests/ | kubectl apply -f -
  6. In the Google Cloud console, go to the details page for the Bank of Anthos application.

    Go to Bank of Anthos details

    The details page displays the resources for the Bank of Anthos sample application and no resources from the Nginx sample application:

    Only Bank of Anthos components, such as StatefulSet, are

Adding useful metadata in the display

You can display custom metadata for an application in the Google Cloud console. You might include what the application does, who owns it, where to find more information about it, and how to log in to it. This type of information is valuable for various use cases—for instance, if you operate multiple applications within your organization.

The following sections describe some of the metadata that you can add.

Add a description and documentation

You can add a description and links that appear in the Application info panel. To access this panel from the Details page, click Show Info Panel.

To display information in this panel, you define elements such as description and links in the descriptor section of your application.yaml file.

    - description:

To update the descriptor section, do the following:

  1. In Cloud Shell Editor, overwrite the contents of the application.yaml file by pasting the following:

    kind: Application
      name: "bank-of-anthos"
      labels: "bank-of-anthos"
        matchLabels: "bank-of-anthos"
        - group: v1
          kind: Service
        - group: apps
          kind: Deployment
        - group: v1
          kind: StatefulSet
        description: |-
            This application simulates a bank's payment processing network using
            Bank of Anthos allows users to create artificial accounts and
            simulate transactions between accounts. Bank of Anthos was developed
            to create an end-to-end sample demonstrating Anthos best practices.
        - description: 'About Anthos on GCP'
          url: /anthos/
        - description: 'Bank of Anthos GitHub Repository'
  2. In Cloud Shell, deploy the Application resource:

    kubectl apply -f kubernetes-manifests/application.yaml
  3. In the Google Cloud console, go to the details page for the Bank of Anthos application.

    Go to Bank of Anthos details

  4. To review the updates, click Show Info Panel.

    The Application info panel shows a description and a list of documents:

    The documents in the list are formatted as hyperlinks.

Include the software type

The Applications page includes a field (Software) for software type in the applications list. You can customize this field to help organize and categorize your applications according to your needs. For example, you might indicate that the software is internal or external. Or, if you have multiple apps built from a shared base type, you might indicate what base type an application implements.

To add a custom description to the software type, you use the type field in the descriptor section of the application.yaml file:

    type: External App

You can display the value for type as a hyperlink in the Google Cloud console. You specify the URL for the hyperlink by using the first entry from the links section. In the following steps, you update the links section as follows:

    - description: 'Bank of Anthos GitHub Repository'
  1. In the Cloud Shell Editor, overwrite the contents of application.yaml by pasting the following:

    kind: Application
      name: "bank-of-anthos"
      labels: "bank-of-anthos"
        matchLabels: "bank-of-anthos"
        - group: v1
          kind: Service
        - group: apps
          kind: Deployment
        - group: v1
          kind: StatefulSet
        type: External App
        description: |-
            This application simulates a bank's payment processing network using [Anthos](/anthos/).
            Bank of Anthos allows users to create artificial accounts and simulate transactions between accounts. Bank of Anthos was developed to create an end-to-end sample demonstrating Anthos best practices.
        - description: 'About Anthos on GCP'
          url: /anthos/
        - description: 'Bank of Anthos GitHub Repository'
  2. In Cloud Shell, deploy the Application resource:

    kubectl apply -f kubernetes-manifests/application.yaml
  3. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Applications page.

    Go to Applications

    External App is displayed in the Software field:

    The software type External App is formatted as a hyperlink.

Include an application version

The main Applications page includes a field for version. In practice, the value for this field is updated programmatically to reference the actual version deployed.

To populate the version field, you include the version field under descriptor as in the following example:

    type: External App
    version: "2.3.2"

In the following steps, you add a field for the application version.

  1. In the Cloud Shell Editor, overwrite the contents of the application.yaml file by pasting the following:

    kind: Application
      name: "bank-of-anthos"
      labels: "bank-of-anthos"
        matchLabels: "bank-of-anthos"
        - group: v1
          kind: Service
        - group: apps
          kind: Deployment
        - group: v1
          kind: StatefulSet
        type: External App
        version: "2.3.2"
        description: |-
            This application simulates a bank's payment processing network using [Anthos](/anthos/).
            Bank of Anthos allows users to create artificial accounts and simulate transactions between accounts. Bank of Anthos was developed to create an end-to-end sample demonstrating Anthos best practices.
        - description: 'About Anthos on GCP'
          url: /anthos/
        - description: 'Bank of Anthos GitHub Repository'
  2. In Cloud Shell, deploy the Application resource:

    kubectl apply -f kubernetes-manifests/application.yaml
  3. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Applications page.

    Go to Applications

    The Version field for the Bank of Anthos application is shown as 2.3.2:

    Details for the application include the software type and version fields.

Add maintainer details

In this step, you add custom static text to the main section of the Applications page. You specify these details in the info section of the application.yaml file as follows:

  - name: LABEL
    value: STRING

To include static values, you provide details for LABEL and STRING in the info section. For example, you might enter Owner for name and John Smith for value.

  1. In the Cloud Shell Editor, overwrite the contents of application.yaml by pasting the following:

    kind: Application
      name: "bank-of-anthos"
      labels: "bank-of-anthos"
        matchLabels: "bank-of-anthos"
        - group: v1
          kind: Service
        - group: apps
          kind: Deployment
        - group: v1
          kind: StatefulSet
        type: External App
        version: "2.3.2"
        description: |-
            This application simulates a bank's payment processing network using [Anthos](/anthos/).
            Bank of Anthos allows users to create artificial accounts and simulate transactions between accounts. Bank of Anthos was developed to create an end-to-end sample demonstrating Anthos best practices.
        - description: 'About Anthos on GCP'
          url: /anthos/
        - description: 'Bank of Anthos GitHub Repository'
      - name: Owner
        value: John Smith
  2. In Cloud Shell, deploy the Application resource:

    kubectl apply -f kubernetes-manifests/application.yaml
  3. In the Google Cloud console, go to the details page for the Bank of Anthos application.

    Go to Bank of Anthos details

    The details page includes an owner for the Bank of Anthos application:

    John Smith is listed as the owner.

Expose an application endpoint

In addition to static values, you can expose dynamic values from the Deployment itself. In the following steps, you surface the load balancer IP address so that anyone who views the application details page can access the application directly.

To surface this value, you use the serviceRef specification. Other valid specifications include configMapKeyRef, ingressRef, and secretKeyRef.

In the serviceRef specification, you include these dynamic values by using the Reference type. For this tutorial, the specification for serviceRef is the following:

  - name: LABEL
    type: Reference
        name: SERVICE_NAME
        fieldPath: DATA_LOCATION

You can replace the following values:

  • LABEL: a label that describes a specific Reference instance—for example, App Frontend URL
  • SERVICE_NAME: the name that identifies the Service$mdash;for example, frontend
  • DATA_LOCATION: the location of the data in the Service—for example, status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip

The serviceRef and ingressRef specifications also support the path element. If your URL requires path-related details, you include those details in the path field:

  - name: LABEL
    type: Reference
        name: SERVICE_NAME
        fieldPath: DATA_LOCATION
        path: /wp-admin

The endpoint IP address and path are concatenated—for example,

You can also force the use of HTTP or HTTPS by using the protocol field as follows:

  - name: LABEL
    type: Reference
        name: SERVICE_NAME
        fieldPath: DATA_LOCATION
        path: /wp-admin
        protocol: HTTPS

These details produce the following URL:

In the following steps, you use serviceRef to expose the Service load balancer IP address for the Bank of Anthos application:

  1. In the Cloud Shell Editor, overwrite the contents of the application.yaml file with the following:

    kind: Application
      name: "bank-of-anthos"
      labels: "bank-of-anthos"
        matchLabels: "bank-of-anthos"
        - group: v1
          kind: Service
        - group: apps
          kind: Deployment
        - group: v1
          kind: StatefulSet
        type: External App
        version: "2.3.2"
        description: |-
            This application simulates a bank's payment processing network using [Anthos](/anthos/).
            Bank of Anthos allows users to create artificial accounts and simulate transactions between accounts. Bank of Anthos was developed to create an end-to-end sample demonstrating Anthos best practices.
        - description: 'About Anthos on GCP'
          url: /anthos/
        - description: 'Bank of Anthos GitHub Repository'
      - name: Owner
        value: John Smith
      - name: App Frontend URL
        type: Reference
            name: frontend
            fieldPath: status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip
            protocol: HTTPS
  2. In Cloud Shell, deploy the Application resource:

    kubectl apply -f kubernetes-manifests/application.yaml
  3. In the Google Cloud console, go to the details page for the Bank of Anthos application.

    Go to Bank of Anthos details

    The details page includes an endpoint IP address for the Bank of Anthos application:

    The IP address is labeled App Frontend URL.

Provide access credentials

As mentioned earlier, you can expose Kubernetes Secrets through the Google Cloud console using the secretKeyRef element. In this tutorial, you provide a username and password to the operator so that they can log in to the application.

  1. In Cloud Shell, create the Secret:

    kubectl create secret generic boa-access --from-literal=boa-user=testuser --from-literal=boa-pass=password
  2. In the Cloud Shell Editor, overwrite the contents of the application.yaml file by pasting the following. This update includes references to the username and password in the secretKeyRef annotation.

    kind: Application
      name: "bank-of-anthos"
      labels: "bank-of-anthos"
        matchLabels: "bank-of-anthos"
        - group: v1
          kind: Service
        - group: apps
          kind: Deployment
        - group: v1
          kind: StatefulSet
        type: External App
        version: "2.3.2"
        description: |-
            This application simulates a bank's payment processing network using [Anthos](/anthos/).
            Bank of Anthos allows users to create artificial accounts and simulate transactions between accounts. Bank of Anthos was developed to create an end-to-end sample demonstrating Anthos best practices.
        - description: 'About Anthos on GCP'
          url: /anthos/
        - description: 'Bank of Anthos GitHub Repository'
      - name: Owner
        value: John Smith
      - name: App Frontend URL
        type: Reference
            name: frontend
            fieldPath: status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip
            protocol: HTTPS
      - name: TestUser username
        type: Reference
            name: boa-access
            key: boa-user
      - name: TestUser password
        type: Reference
            name: boa-access
            key: boa-pass
  3. In Cloud Shell, deploy the Application resource:

    kubectl apply -f kubernetes-manifests/application.yaml
  4. In the Google Cloud console, go to the details page for the Bank of Anthos application.

    Go to Bank of Anthos details

  5. Click preview secret data. The username and password are revealed:

    The application details include links to access

The ability to reveal Secret data can be a helpful feature for your operations teams. However, the ability to view these Secrets is governed by Identity and Access Management (IAM) access permissions for the GKE details page. Anyone with permissions to view clusters can also view Secrets, so it's important to consider carefully what you expose.

Add an application icon

To make your application stand out, you can include a logo that's displayed on the applications list and your details page. To include a logo, you specify the data URI of the image in the annotation.

Converting an image to a data URI is outside the scope of this tutorial. However, a Google search on "convert image to data uri" returns various utilities to help you produce the data string from an image. Because the data URI for the image used in this section is so long, it's impractical to include it in the tutorial. The full data URI can be seen in the completed application.yaml file. The data URI string should begin like this: .... It ends with K5CYII=. Be sure not to include any trailing quotation marks or HTML characters.

The full application.yaml file is available as a gist for your reference.

To add an icon, you update the metadata section of application.yaml:

  1. Copy the following code:

    annotations: >-

    Replace DATA_URI with the string found in the completed application.yaml file that is referenced earlier.

  2. In the Cloud Shell Editor, paste the code that you copied after the labels section in the metadata section of application.yaml.

    That section of application.yaml looks similar to the following, where DATA_URI represents the data URI value.

    kind: Application
      name: "bank-of-anthos"
      labels: "bank-of-anthos"
      annotations: >-
  3. In Cloud Shell, deploy the application resource:

    kubectl apply -f kubernetes-manifests/application.yaml
  4. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Applications page.

    Go to Applications

    A logo is displayed in the list of applications:

    A logo is displayed next to the application name in the list of

  5. In the Google Cloud console, go to the details page for the Bank of Anthos application.

    Go to Bank of Anthos details

    A logo is displayed in the header of the details page:

    A logo is shown at the top of the list of application

Clean up

To avoid incurring charges to your Google Cloud account for the resources used in this tutorial, you can delete the Google Cloud project that you created for this tutorial.

Delete the project

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Manage resources page.

    Go to Manage resources

  2. In the project list, select the project that you want to delete, and then click Delete.
  3. In the dialog, type the project ID, and then click Shut down to delete the project.

What's next