Identity Platform pricing

This document explains Identity Platform pricing details.

If you pay in a currency other than USD, the prices listed in your currency on Cloud Platform SKUs apply.

Pricing overview

Identity Platform charges per Monthly Active User (MAU) for most sign-in methods. Any account that has signed in within a given month is considered an active user. Inactive users are stored at no cost.

Phone and multi-factor authentication users are charged per message sent.

Pricing calculator

You can use the Google Cloud Platform Pricing Calculator to estimate the cost of using Identity Platform.

Pricing table

Pricing for Identity Platform is divided into different tiers based on the authentication method used.

To view current pricing, see For phone authentication and multi-factor authentication.

To view usage metrics for your project, see Viewing usage.

Tier 1 providers

  • Email
  • Phone
  • Anonymous
  • Social

Monthly Active Users (MAU) Price per MAU ($)
0 - 49,999 0
50,000 - 99,999 0.0055
100,000 - 999,999 0.0046
1,000,000 - 9,999,999 0.0032
10,000,000 + 0.0025

If you pay in a currency other than USD, the prices listed in your currency on Cloud Platform SKUs apply.

Tier 2 providers

  • OpenID Connect (OIDC)
  • Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)

Monthly Active Users (MAU) Price per MAU ($)
0 - 49 0
50 + 0.015

If you pay in a currency other than USD, the prices listed in your currency on Cloud Platform SKUs apply.

For phone authentication and multi-factor authentication

The following table displays current prices for each SMS sent using phone and multi-factor authentication. The first ten SMS that you send per day are not billed.

Regions Price per SMS sent ($)
Andorra (AD) $0.08
United Arab Emirates (AE) $0.08
Afghanistan (AF) $0.29
Antigua and Barbuda (AG) $0.16
Anguilla (AI) $0.12
Albania (AL) $0.08
Armenia (AM) $0.15
Angola (AO) $0.08
Argentina (AR) $0.08
American Samoa (AS) $0.14
Austria (AT) $0.05
Australia (AU) $0.03
Aruba (AW) $0.14
Åland Islands (AX) $0.07
Azerbaijan (AZ) $0.33
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA) $0.06
Barbados (BB) $0.14
Bangladesh (BD) $0.22
Belgium (BE) $0.08
Burkina Faso (BF) $0.09
Bulgaria (BG) $0.11
Bahrain (BH) $0.03
Burundi (BI) $0.26
Benin (BJ) $0.14
Saint Barthélemy (BL) $0.12
Bermuda (BM) $0.13
Brunei Darussalam (BN) $0.01
Bolivia, Plurinational State of (BO) $0.13
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba (BQ) $0.15
Brazil (BR) $0.03
Bahamas (BS) $0.03
Bhutan (BT) $0.29
Bouvet Island (BV) $0.21
Botswana (BW) $0.08
Belarus (BY) $0.19
Belize (BZ) $0.20
Canada (CA) $0.01
Cocos (Keeling) Islands (CC) $0.01
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the (CD) $0.15
Central African Republic (CF) $0.09
Congo (CG) $0.17
Switzerland (CH) $0.06
Côte d'Ivoire (CI) $0.23
Cook Islands (CK) $0.11
Chile (CL) $0.05
Cameroon (CM) $0.12
China (CN) $0.02
Colombia (CO) $0.03
Costa Rica (CR) $0.02
Cuba (CU) $0.06
Cabo Verde (CV) $0.16
Curaçao (CW) $0.15
Christmas Island (CX) $0.14
Cyprus (CY) $0.04
Czechia (CZ) $0.05
Germany (DE) $0.08
Djibouti (DJ) $0.10
Denmark (DK) $0.05
Dominica (DM) $0.12
Dominican Republic (DO) $0.04
Algeria (DZ) $0.22
Ecuador (EC) $0.18
Estonia (EE) $0.04
Egypt (EG) $0.21
Western Sahara (EH) $0.19
Eritrea (ER) $0.07
Spain (ES) $0.04
Ethiopia (ET) $0.23
Finland (FI) $0.07
Fiji (FJ) $0.15
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) (FK) $0.05
Micronesia, Federated States of (FM) $0.05
Faroe Islands (FO) $0.05
France (FR) $0.07
Gabon (GA) $0.14
United Kingdom (GB) $0.04
Grenada (GD) $0.16
Georgia (GE) $0.12
French Guiana (GF) $0.15
Guernsey (GG) $0.09
Ghana (GH) $0.17
Gibraltar (GI) $0.07
Greenland (GL) $0.03
Gambia (GM) $0.13
Guinea (GN) $0.18
Guadeloupe (GP) $0.12
Equatorial Guinea (GQ) $0.12
Greece (GR) $0.05
Guatemala (GT) $0.06
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (GS) $0.05
Guam (GU) $0.05
Guinea-Bissau (GW) $0.11
Guyana (GY) $0.16
Hong Kong (HK) $0.05
Heard Island and McDonald Islands (HM) $0.06
Honduras (HN) $0.08
Croatia (HR) $0.08
Haiti (HT) $0.19
Hungary (HU) $0.06
Indonesia (ID) $0.31
Ireland (IE) $0.06
Israel (IL) $0.16
Isle of Man (IM) $0.06
India (IN) $0.07
British Indian Ocean Territory (IO) $0.03
Iraq (IQ) $0.22
Iran, Islamic Republic of (IR) $0.17
Iceland (IS) $0.05
Italy (IT) $0.05
Jersey (JE) $0.07
Jamaica (JM) $0.15
Jordan (JO) $0.25
Japan (JP) $0.06
Kenya (KE) $0.13
Kyrgyzstan (KG) $0.20
Cambodia (KH) $0.15
Kiribati (KI) $0.13
Comoros (KM) $0.35
Saint Kitts and Nevis (KN) $0.14
Korea, Republic of (KR) $0.03
Kuwait (KW) $0.17
Cayman Islands (KY) $0.15
Kazakhstan (KZ) $0.20
Lao People's Democratic Republic (LA) $0.16
Lebanon (LB) $0.24
Saint Lucia (LC) $0.14
Liechtenstein (LI) $0.02
Sri Lanka (LK) $0.27
Liberia (LR) $0.10
Lesotho (LS) $0.15
Lithuania (LT) $0.04
Luxembourg (LU) $0.06
Latvia (LV) $0.04
Libya (LY) $0.29
Morocco (MA) $0.16
Monaco (MC) $0.11
Moldova, Republic of (MD) $0.07
Montenegro (ME) $0.10
Saint Martin (French part) (MF) $0.07
Madagascar (MG) $0.38
Marshall Islands (MH) $0.05
North Macedonia (MK) $0.05
Mali (ML) $0.18
Myanmar (MM) $0.23
Mongolia (MN) $0.23
Macao (MO) $0.03
Northern Mariana Islands (MP) $0.04
Martinique (MQ) $0.15
Mauritania (MR) $0.18
Montserrat (MS) $0.08
Malta (MT) $0.07
Mauritius (MU) $0.11
Maldives (MV) $0.14
Malawi (MW) $0.19
Mexico (MX) $0.10
Malaysia (MY) $0.24
Mozambique (MZ) $0.08
Namibia (NA) $0.03
New Caledonia (NC) $0.07
Niger (NE) $0.14
Norfolk Island (NF) $0.02
Nigeria (NG) $0.19
Nicaragua (NI) $0.12
Netherlands (NL) $0.08
Norway (NO) $0.06
Nepal (NP) $0.17
Nauru (NR) $0.10
Niue (NU) $0.03
New Zealand (NZ) $0.06
Oman (OM) $0.09
Panama (PA) $0.10
Peru (PE) $0.13
French Polynesia (PF) $0.10
Papua New Guinea (PG) $0.15
Philippines (PH) $0.16
Pakistan (PK) $0.24
Poland (PL) $0.03
Saint Pierre and Miquelon (PM) $0.09
Pitcairn (PN) $0.10
Puerto Rico (PR) $0.02
Palestine, State of (PS) $0.22
Portugal (PT) $0.03
Palau (PW) $0.06
Paraguay (PY) $0.11
Qatar (QA) $0.16
Réunion (RE) $0.07
Romania (RO) $0.05
Serbia (RS) $0.31
Russian Federation (RU) $0.49
Rwanda (RW) $0.15
Saudi Arabia (SA) $0.14
Solomon Islands (SB) $0.05
Seychelles (SC) $0.03
Sudan (SD) $0.11
Sweden (SE) $0.06
Singapore (SG) $0.10
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha (SH) $0.03
Slovenia (SI) $0.19
Svalbard and Jan Mayen (SJ) $0.14
Slovakia (SK) $0.06
Sierra Leone (SL) $0.14
San Marino (SM) $0.05
Senegal (SN) $0.16
Somalia (SO) $0.14
Suriname (SR) $0.15
South Sudan (SS) $0.14
Sao Tome and Principe (ST) $0.05
El Salvador (SV) $0.05
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) (SX) $0.08
Syrian Arab Republic (SY) $0.09
Eswatini (SZ) $0.06
Turks and Caicos Islands (TC) $0.16
Chad (TD) $0.11
French Southern Territories (TF) $0.19
Togo (TG) $0.30
Thailand (TH) $0.04
Tajikistan (TJ) $0.29
Tokelau (TK) $0.05
Timor-Leste (TL) $0.07
Turkmenistan (TM) $0.14
Tunisia (TN) $0.25
Tonga (TO) $0.14
Türkiye (TR) $0.02
Trinidad and Tobago (TT) $0.15
Tuvalu (TV) $0.05
Taiwan, Province of China (TW) $0.04
Tanzania, United Republic of (TZ) $0.22
Ukraine (UA) $0.14
Uganda (UG) $0.15
United States Minor Outlying Islands (UM) $0.16
United States (US) $0.01
Uruguay (UY) $0.07
Uzbekistan (UZ) $0.31
Holy See (Vatican City State) (VA) $0.33
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VC) $0.15
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of (VE) $0.11
Virgin Islands, British (VG) $0.14
Virgin Islands, U.S. (VI) $0.01
Viet Nam (VN) $0.17
Vanuatu (VU) $0.15
Wallis and Futuna (WF) $0.06
Samoa (WS) $0.14
Kosovo (XK) $0.16
Yemen (YE) $0.21
Mayotte (YT) $0.18
South Africa (ZA) $0.07
Zambia (ZM) $0.14
Zimbabwe (ZW) $0.17
All other regions (ZZ) $0.49

If you pay in a currency other than USD, the prices listed in your currency on Cloud Platform SKUs apply.

Cloud Run functions

Any functions you create are billed at the normal Cloud Run functions rate. See the pricing information for Cloud Run functions to learn more.

Viewing usage

To view your current Identity Platform usage:

  1. Open the Billing page in the Google Cloud console.
    Go to the billing page

  2. Open the Reports tab.

  3. Under Filters, select Identity Platform and Firebase Authentication from the Products dropdown menu.

The chart shows your current billing amount. If your usage is below the free tier allowance, the graph will show a flat line.

The table breaks down costs by authentication method. Phone and multi-factor charges are listed as Firebase Authentication.

View usage metrics

To view detailed metrics on usage, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Metrics explorer page.

    Go to Metrics explorer

  2. Select Project > Usage.

  3. Select the metric you want to view. For example, Sent SMS, Verified SMS, or Blocked SMS.

  4. Select Transform > None.

  5. Under Group by, select region_code using Sum.

  6. Click Add sort & limit.

  7. Under Datapoint alignment, select Sum over 1d.

View forecasted metrics

To forecast costs from current usage, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Metrics explorer page.

    Go to Metrics explorer

  2. Select Project > Usage > Sent SMS.

  3. Under Group by, select region_code.

  4. Filter out counts for previous months.

View SMS sent versus verified

The Firebase console shows both sent and verified SMS usage metrics. Use the Metrics explorer page to view more detailed metrics.

Go to Metrics explorer

If verification rates are very low in some regions, use SMS regions to create an allow or deny list. For example, you can block regions your app is not launched in or regions with low verification rates.

Pricing examples

The following table includes example Identity Platform usage patterns for three variations of applications and services, and the potential cost per month.

Authentication Type Example Application or Service
Consumer App Enterprise SaaS Hybrid Service
Anonymous users 5,000 0 1,000
Email users with or without password 70,000 45,000 60,000
Social users from Google, Facebook, etc. 150,000 0 70,000
Sub-total 225,000 MAU
50,000 * 0 = $0
50,000 * 0.0055 = $275
125,000 * 0.0046 = $575
Sub-total: $850
45,000 MAU
45,000 * 0 = $0
Sub-total: $0
131,000 MAU
50,000 * 0 = $0
50,000 * 0.0055 = $275
31,000 * 0.0046 = $143
Sub-total: $418
Phone / SMS Sent 1,300 to Region US ($0.01 per SMS) 0 1,300 to Region CA ($0.01 per SMS)
Sub-total 1,300 SMS sent
300 * Free = $0
1,000 * 0.01 = $10
Sub-total: $10
$0 2,300 SMS sent
300 * Free = $0
2,000 * 0.01 = $20
Sub-total: $20
Federated SAML users 0 2,000 1,000
Federated OIDC users 0 75,000 9,000
Sub-total $0 77,000 MAU
50 * 0 = $0
76,950 * 0.015 = $1154
Sub-total: $1154
10,000 MAU
50 * 0 = $0
9,950 * 0.015 = $149
Sub-total: $149
Total cost (monthly) $860 $1154 $587

The above examples demonstrate the following common usage trends:

  • Consumer Applications usually rely on users that sign up and sign in with credentials from social providers, or users created directly in Identity Platform using phone and email authentication. You might also want to make use of anonymous users who are testing your application and can be upgraded to full user accounts to maintain their state and user identifier. The above example also uses an SMS one-time password to sign in to the application.
  • Enterprise SaaS Services usually use federation to sign in to the service because organizations want to maintain centralized and organizational control of their identities. The above example still has some users who sign up for accounts within the Identity Platform service, but there are a large number of users who are using OIDC for federation. There are also some users who are using SAML federation.
  • Hybrid Services are a blend of customers, partners, employees, and anyone else who needs access to an application or service. The example above has a broad mix of sign-in methods by the creation of local accounts and the use of enterprise federation technologies like SAML and OIDC.

What's next

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