Crear glosarios

Esta muestra de código se puede usar para crear un glosario mediante la API de Cloud Translation (v3) de Google Cloud.

Un glosario es un diccionario personalizado que la API de Cloud Translation (v3) usa para traducir de manera coherente la terminología específica del dominio de la empresa.

Asegúrate de que un archivo de glosario esté preparado y subido a un bucket de Cloud Storage en el mismo proyecto de Google Cloud. Para obtener más información sobre cómo preparar un archivo de glosario, consulta Crea y usa glosarios (Advanced).

Si deseas obtener una colección completa de muestras de código del SDK de ABAP para Google Cloud, consulta el repositorio GoogleCloudPlatform/google-cloud-abap/abap-sdk/ZGOOG_SDK_DOCS_SAMPLES en GitHub.

Muestra de código

*  Copyright 2023 Google LLC                                         *
*                                                                    *
*  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");   *
*  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.  *
*  You may obtain a copy of the License at                           *
*                   *
*  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,        *
*  software distributed under the License is distributed on an       *
*  either express or implied.                                        *
*  See the License for the specific language governing permissions   *
*  and limitations under the License.                                *

REPORT zr_create_glossaries.

DATA: lv_p_projects_id  TYPE string,
      lv_p_locations_id TYPE string,
      ls_input          TYPE /goog/cl_translation_v3=>ty_022.


*    Open HTTP Connection
    DATA(lo_translate) = NEW /goog/cl_translation_v3( iv_key_name = 'TRANSLATE_DEMO' ). "Pass the configured client key

*    Populate required parameters
    lv_p_projects_id  = lo_translate->gv_project_id.    " Derive project id from the object
    lv_p_locations_id = 'us-central1'.                  "Set a location id, 'us-central1' is used as example

    ls_input-display_name = 'Finance Term Glossary EN to ES'.  "Pass a display name

    ls_input-language_pair-source_language_code = 'en-US'.   "Source language in BCP-47 format
    ls_input-language_pair-target_language_code = 'es-ES'.   "Target language in BCP-47 format

*    Complete name of glossary has following format:
*    projects/<PROJECT_ID>/locations/<LOCATION_ID>/glossaries/<GLOSSARY_ID>
    CONCATENATE 'projects/'
                 INTO ls_input-name.

*    Pass the complete path of glossary file which is stored in GCS bucket
*    Below example shows a file named: fi_glossary_data.tsv is stored in a GCS bucket named: glossary_repo
    ls_input-input_config-gcs_source-input_uri = 'gs://glossary_repo/fi_glossary_data.tsv'.

*     Call API method
    CALL METHOD lo_translate->create_glossaries
        iv_p_projects_id  = lv_p_projects_id
        iv_p_locations_id = lv_p_locations_id
        is_input          = ls_input
        es_output         = DATA(ls_output)
        ev_ret_code       = DATA(lv_ret_code)
        ev_err_text       = DATA(lv_err_text)
        es_err_resp       = DATA(ls_err_resp).
    IF /goog/cl_http_client=>is_success( lv_ret_code ).
*      This returns a long running operation id as glossary creation is adhoc
*      You can use the LRO ID to poll to check the status of the operation (SUCCESS Or FAILURE)
      WRITE: 'LRO ID:', ls_output-name.
      MESSAGE lv_err_text TYPE 'E'.

*    Close HTTP Connection
    lo_translate->close( ).

  CATCH /goog/cx_sdk INTO DATA(lo_exception).
    MESSAGE lo_exception->get_text( ) TYPE 'E'.