You can upgrade the term of your 1-year commitments and convert them into 3-year commitments to get a higher discount rate for your committed resources and continue receiving the discounts for a longer time period.
This document shows you how to upgrade the term of your commitment from 1 year to 3 years.
How a term upgrade works
When you upgrade the term for your commitment, the expiration date of the commitment moves into the future by two years. The upgraded commitment term becomes valid at 12 AM US and Canadian Pacific Time (UTC-8, or UTC-7 during daylight saving time) on the day following the upgrade operation and you begin to receive the new discount percentage that is applicable for your upgraded term.
Upgrading the term doesn't affect the other properties of your commitment. The following commitment properties remain the same after the upgrade operation:
- Name
- Start date
- Region
- Project
- Commitment type
- Auto renew status
- Committed resources
Any attached reservations for your commitment continue to exist throughout the lifetime of your upgraded term, unless you manually replace them.
Example of an upgraded commitment
The following table shows an example where the term of an existing commitment
) gets upgraded by 2 years:
Commitment property | Before term upgrade | After term upgrade |
Name | commitment-1 | commitment-1 |
Type | N2 | N2 |
Region | us-central-1 | us-central-1 |
Project | example-project-1 | example-project-1 |
Resources |
Term | 1 year | 3 years |
Start date* | January 1, 2020 | January 1, 2020 |
End date† | January 1, 2021 | January 1, 2023 |
Auto-renew status | Disabled | Disabled |
*Commitment starts at 12 AM US and Canadian Pacific Time (UTC-8, or UTC-7) on the specified start date. †Commitment ends at 12 AM US and Canadian Pacific Time (UTC-8, or UTC-7) on the specified end date.
Quota considerations
You don't typically need to request additional quota when you upgrade your commitment's term. However, if you upgrade a commitment's term on the same day that it expires, you must verify that you still have sufficient quota available. That's because on the day that a commitment expires, whatever quota the commitment was using up gets released back into your pool of available quota, and it might get used up by your other business needs.
Pricing implications
Your commitment fee is the sum of the discounted prices of all your committed resources. When you upgrade your commitment's term, Compute Engine applies the new 3-year CUD percentage and recalculates the discounted price for each committed resource. To do this recalculation, Compute Engine uses the prevailing on-demand price of each resource on the day your original term became active. This new discounted price for each resource stays the same until the end of your upgraded term, even if the on-demand prices change.
- You can upgrade the term for only active commitments.
- You can't upgrade the term for software license commitments.
Perform a term upgrade
Upgrade your commitment's term by using the gcloud CLI, Google Cloud console, or the Compute Engine API.
In the Google Cloud console, select the project where you want to upgrade your commitment's term, and go to the Committed use discounts page.
To initiate the term upgrade operation for a commitment, select an active hardware commitment in the Hardware commitments tab of the Commitment list page and click
Upgrade.- Alternatively, you can click the name of the active commitment that you want to upgrade. After the Hardware commitment details page opens, click Upgrade.
In the Upgrade committed use discount pane that appears, verify the New end time of your modified commitment and click Upgrade.
To finish the term upgrade operation and return to the Commitment list page, in the Upgrade your commitment? dialogue that appears, review the terms and conditions and then click Upgrade.
To upgrade your commitment's term, use the
gcloud compute commitments update command
command with the --plan
gcloud compute commitments update COMMITMENT_NAME \ --plan=36-month \ --region=REGION \ --project=PROJECT_NAME
Replace the following:
: the name of the commitment whose term you want to upgrade.REGION
: the region of your commitment whose term you want to upgrade.PROJECT_NAME
: the name of the project for which you want to upgrade the commitment.
For example, consider a 1-year commitment, commitment-upgrade-example
, in
region and for the project project-upgrade-example
. The
following gcloud CLI command upgrades the commitment's term and
modifies it into a 3-year commitment.
gcloud compute commitments update commitment-upgrade-example \ --plan=36-month \ --region=us-central1 \ --project=project-upgrade-example
To upgrade your commitment's term, use the
Replace the following:
: the project ID of the project where you want to upgrade your commitment's term.REGION
: the region of the commitment whose term you want to upgrade.COMMITMENT_NAME
: the name of the commitment whose term you want to upgrade.
For example, consider a 1-year commitment, commitment-upgrade-example
region and for the project project-upgrade-example
. The
following Compute Engine API request upgrades the commitment's term
and modifies it into a 3-year commitment.
PATCH { "name": "commitment-upgrade-example", "plan": "THIRTY_SIX_MONTH", }
What's next
- Learn how to renew commitments automatically.
- Learn how to merge and split resource-based commitments.
- Learn how to analyze the effectiveness of your resource-based committed use discounts.