Troubleshooting SSH errors

This document describes common errors that you may run into when connecting to virtual machine (VM) instances using SSH, ways to resolve errors, and methods for diagnosing failed SSH connections.

SSH troubleshooting tool

Use the SSH troubleshooting tool to help determine why an SSH connection failed. The troubleshooting tool performs the following tests to check for the cause of failed SSH connections:

  • User permissions tests: Checks if you have the required IAM permissions to connect to the VM using SSH.
  • Network connectivity tests: Checks if the VM is connected to the network.
  • VM instance status tests: Checks the VM's CPU status to see if the VM is running.
  • VPC settings tests: Checks the default SSH port.

Run the troubleshooting tool

You can use the Google Cloud console or the Google Cloud CLI to check for networking problems and user permission errors that might cause SSH connections to fail.


After an SSH connection fails, you have the option to Retry the connection, or Troubleshoot the connection using the SSH-in-browser troubleshooting tool.

To run the troubleshooting tool, click Troubleshoot.

Launch SSH troubleshooting tool.


Run the troubleshooting tool by using the gcloud compute ssh command:

gcloud compute ssh VM_NAME \

Replace VM_NAME with the name of the VM that you can't connect to.

The tool prompts you to provide permission to perform the troubleshooting tests.

Review the results

After running the troubleshooting tool, do the following:

  1. Review the test results to understand why the VM's SSH connection isn't working.
  2. Resolve SSH connections by performing the remediation steps provided by the tool.
  3. Try reconnecting to the VM.

    If the connection isn't successful, try manually troubleshooting by doing the following:

Common SSH errors

The following are examples of common errors you might encounter when you use SSH to connect to Compute Engine VMs.

SSH-in-Browser errors

Unauthorized Error 401

The following error might occur when you connect to your VM using the SSH-in-browser from the Google Cloud console:

Error 401

This error occurs if your user is part of an organization that is managed from within Google Workspace and there is an active restriction in the Workspace policy that prevents users from accessing SSH-in-browser and the serial console within Google Cloud.

To resolve this issue, have a Google Workspace admin do the following:

  1. Confirm that Google Cloud is enabled for the organization.

    If Google Cloud is disabled, enable it and retry the connection.

  2. Confirm that services that aren't controlled individually are enabled.

    If these services are disabled, enable them and retry the connection.

If the problem persists after enabling Google Cloud settings in Google Workspace, do the following:

  1. Capture the network traffic in an HTTP Archive Format (HAR) file starting from when you start the SSH-in-Browser SSH connection.

  2. Create a Cloud Customer Care case and attach the HAR file.

Could Not Connect, Retrying...

The following error might occur when you start an SSH session:

Could not connect, retrying ...

Could not connect, retrying

To resolve this issue, do the following:

  1. After the VM has finished booting, retry the connection. If the connection is not successful, verify that the VM did not boot in emergency mode by running the following command:

    gcloud compute instances get-serial-port-output VM_NAME \
    | grep "emergency mode"

    If the VM boots in emergency mode, troubleshoot the VM startup process to identify where the boot process is failing.

  2. Verify that thegoogle-guest-agent.service service is running, by running the following command in the serial console.

    systemctl status google-guest-agent.service

    If the service is disabled, enable and start the service, by running the following commands:

    systemctl enable google-guest-agent.service
    systemctl start google-guest-agent.service
  3. Verify that the Linux Google Agent scripts are installed and running. For more information, see Determining Google Agent Status. If the Linux Google Agent is not installed, re-install it.

  4. Verify that you have the required roles to connect to the VM. If your VM uses OS Login, see Assign OS Login IAM role. If the VM doesn't use OS Login, you need the compute instance admin role or the service account user role (if the VM is set up to run as a service account). The roles are needed to update the instance or project SSH keys-metadata.

  5. Verify that there is a firewall rule that allows SSH access by running the following command:

    gcloud compute firewall-rules list | grep "tcp:22"
  6. Verify that there is a default route to the Internet (or to the bastion host). For more information, see Checking routes.

  7. Make sure that the root volume is not out of disk space. For more information, see Troubleshooting full disks and disk resizing.

  8. Make sure the VM has not run out of memory, by running the following command:

    gcloud compute instances get-serial-port-output instance-name \
    | grep "Out of memory: Kill process" - e "Kill process" -e "Memory cgroup out of memory" -e "oom"

    If the VM is out of memory, connect to serial console to troubleshoot.

Linux errors

Permission denied (publickey)

The following error might occur when you connect to your VM:

USERNAME@VM_EXTERNAL_IP: Permission denied (publickey).

This error can occur for several reasons. The following are some of the most common causes of this error:

  • You used an SSH key stored in metadata to connect to a VM that has OS Login enabled. If OS Login is enabled on your project, your VM doesn't accept SSH keys that are stored in metadata. If you aren't sure if OS Login is enabled, see Checking if OS Login is configured.

    To resolve this issue, try one of the following:

  • You used an SSH key stored in an OS Login profile to connect to a VM that doesn't have OS Login enabled. If you disable OS Login, your VM doesn't accept SSH keys that were stored in your OS Login profile. If you aren't sure if OS Login is enabled, see Checking if OS Login is configured.

    To resolve this issue, try one of the following:

  • The VM has OS Login enabled, but you don't have sufficient IAM permissions to use OS Login. To connect to a VM that has OS Login enabled, you must have the permissions required for OS Login. If you aren't sure if OS Login is enabled, see Checking if OS Login is configured.

    To resolve this issue, grant the required OS Login IAM roles.

  • Your key expired and Compute Engine deleted your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. If you manually added SSH keys to your VM and then connected to your VM using the Google Cloud console, Compute Engine created a new key pair for your connection. After the new key pair expired, Compute Engine deleted your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file in the VM, which included your manually added SSH key.

    To resolve this issue, try one of the following:

  • You connected using a third-party tool and your SSH command is misconfigured. If you connect using the ssh command but don't specify a path to your private key or you specify an incorrect path to your private key, your VM refuses your connection.

    To resolve this issue, try one of the following:

    • Run the following command:

      Replace the following:
      • PATH_TO_PRIVATE_KEY: the path to your private SSH key file.
      • USERNAME: the username of the user connecting to the instance. If you manage your SSH keys in metadata, the username is what you specified when you created the SSH key. For OS Login accounts, the username is defined in your Google profile.
      • EXTERNAL_IP: The external IP address for your VM.
    • Connect to your VM using the Google Cloud console or the Google Cloud CLI. When you use these tools to connect, Compute Engine manages key creation for you. For more information, see Connecting to VMs.
  • Your VM's guest environment is not running. If this is the first time that you are connecting to your VM and the guest environment is not running, then the VM might refuse your SSH connection request.

    To resolve this issue, do the following:

    1. Restart the VM.
    2. In the Google Cloud console, inspect the system startup logs in the serial port output to determine if the guest environment is running. For more information, see Validating the guest environment.
    3. If the guest environment is not running, manually install the guest environment by cloning VM's boot disk and using a startup script.
  • The OpenSSH Daemon (sshd) isn't running or configured properly. The sshd provides secure remote access to the system via SSH protocol. If it's misconfigured or not running, you can't connect to your VM via SSH.

    To resolve this issue, try one or more of the following:

    • Review the user guide for your operating system to ensure that your sshd_config is set up correctly.

    • Ensure the you have the required ownership and permission settings for the following:

      • $HOME and $HOME/.ssh directories
      • $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys file


      The guest environment stores authorized SSH public keys in the $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys file. The owner of the $HOME and $HOME/.ssh directories and the $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys file must be the same as the user connecting to the VM.


      The guest environment requires the following Linux permissions:

      Path Permissions
      /home 0755
      $HOME 0700 or 0750 or 0755 *
      $HOME/.ssh 0700
      $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys 0600

      * To find out which of the options is the correct default permission for your $HOME directory, refer to the official documentation for your specific Linux distribution.

      Alternatively, you can create a new VM based on the same image and check its default permissions for $HOME.

      To learn how to change permissions and ownership, read about chmod and chown.

    • Restart the sshd by running the following command:

      systemctl restart sshd.service

      Check if there are any errors in the status by running the following command:

      systemctl status sshd.service

      The status output may contain information such as the exit code, the reason for the failure, etc. You can use these details for further troubleshooting.

  • The VM's boot disk is full. When an SSH connection is established, the guest environment adds the session's public SSH key to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. If the disk is full, the connection fails.

    To resolve this issue, do one or more of the following:

    • Confirm the boot disk is full by debugging with the serial console to identify no space left errors.
    • Resize the disk.
    • If you know which files are using the disk space, create a startup script that deletes unnecessary files and frees space. After the VM starts and you connect to it, delete the startup-script metadata.
  • The permissions or ownership on $HOME, $HOME/.ssh, or $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys is wrong.


    The guest environment stores authorized SSH public keys in the $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys file. The owner of the $HOME and $HOME/.ssh directories and the $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys file must be the same as the user connecting to the VM.


    The guest environment requires the following Linux permissions:

    Path Permissions
    /home 0755
    $HOME 0700 or 0750 or 0755 *
    $HOME/.ssh 0700
    $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys 0600

    * To find out which of the options is the correct default permission for your $HOME directory, refer to the official documentation for your specific Linux distribution.

    Alternatively, you can create a new VM based on the same image and check its default permissions for $HOME.

    To learn how to change permissions and ownership, read about chmod and chown.

Connection failed

The following errors might occur when you connect to your VM from the Google Cloud console, the gcloud CLI, a bastion host or a local client:

  • The Google Cloud console:

    Connection Failed
    We are unable to connect to the VM on port 22.
  • The gcloud CLI:

    ERROR: (gcloud.compute.ssh) [/usr/bin/ssh] exited with return code [255].
  • A bastion host or a local client:

    port 22: Connection timed out.
    port 22: Connection refused

These errors can occur for several reasons. The following are some of the most common causes of the errors:

  • The VM is booting up and sshd is not running yet. You can't connect to a VM before it is running.

    To resolve this issue, wait until the VM has finished booting and try to connect again.

  • sshd is running on a custom port. If you configured sshd to run on a port other than port 22, you won't be able to connect to your VM.

    To resolve this issue, create a custom firewall rule allowing tcp traffic on the port that your sshd is running on using the following command:

    gcloud compute firewall-rules create FIREWALL_NAME \
      --allow tcp:PORT_NUMBER

    For more information about creating custom firewall rules, see Creating firewall rules.

  • The SSH firewall rule is missing or doesn't allow traffic from IAP or the public internet. SSH connections are refused if firewall rules do not allow connections from IAP or TCP ingress traffic for IP range

    To resolve this issue, do one of the following:

    • If you use Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) for TCP forwarding, update your custom firewall rule to accept traffic from IAP, then check your IAM permissions.

      1. Update your custom firewall rule to allow traffic from, the IP address range that IAP uses for TCP forwarding. For more information, see Create a firewall rule.
      2. Grant permissions to use IAP TCP forwarding, if you haven't already done so.
    • If you don't use IAP update your custom firewall rule to allow ingress SSH traffic.

      1. Update your custom firewall rule to Allow ingress ssh connections to VMs.
  • The SSH connection failed after you upgraded the VM's kernel. A VM might experience a kernel panic after a kernel update, causing the VM to become inaccessible.

    To resolve this issue, do the following:

    1. Mount the disk to another VM.
    2. Update the grub.cfg file to use the previous version of the kernel.
    3. Attach the disk to the unresponsive VM.
    4. Verify that the status of the VM is RUNNING by using the gcloud compute instances describe command.
    5. Reinstall the kernel.
    6. Restart the VM.

    Alternatively, if you created a snapshot of the boot disk before upgrading the VM, use the snapshot to create a VM.

  • The OpenSSH Daemon (sshd) isn't running or configured properly. The sshd provides secure remote access to the system via SSH protocol. If it's misconfigured or not running, you can't connect to your VM via SSH.

    To resolve this issue, try one or more of the following:

    • Review the user guide for your operating system to ensure that your sshd_config is set up correctly.

    • Ensure the you have the required ownership and permission settings for the following:

      • $HOME and $HOME/.ssh directories
      • $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys file


      The guest environment stores authorized SSH public keys in the $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys file. The owner of the $HOME and $HOME/.ssh directories and the $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys file must be the same as the user connecting to the VM.


      The guest environment requires the following Linux permissions:

      Path Permissions
      /home 0755
      $HOME 0700 or 0750 or 0755 *
      $HOME/.ssh 0700
      $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys 0600

      * To find out which of the options is the correct default permission for your $HOME directory, refer to the official documentation for your specific Linux distribution.

      Alternatively, you can create a new VM based on the same image and check its default permissions for $HOME.

      To learn how to change permissions and ownership, read about chmod and chown.

    • Restart the sshd by running the following command:

      systemctl restart sshd.service

      Check if there are any errors in the status by running the following command:

      systemctl status sshd.service

      The status output may contain information such as the exit code, the reason for the failure, etc. You can use these details for further troubleshooting.

  • The VM isn't booting and you can't connect using SSH or the serial console. If the VM is inaccessible, then your OS might be corrupted. If the boot disk doesn't boot, you can diagnose the issue. If you want to recover the corrupted VM and retrieve data, see Recovering a corrupted VM or a full boot disk.

  • The VM is booting in maintenance mode. When booting in maintenance mode, the VM doesn't accept SSH connections, but you can connect to the VM's serial console and log in as the root user.

    To resolve this issue, do the following:

    1. If you haven't set a root password for the VM, use a metadata startup script to run the following command during boot:

      echo "root:NEW_PASSWORD" | chpasswd

      Replace NEW_PASSWORD` with a password of your choice.

    2. Restart the VM.

    3. Connect to the VM's serial console and log in as the root user.

Unexpected error

The following error might occur when you try to connect to a Linux VM:

Connection Failed
You cannot connect to the VM instance because of an unexpected error. Wait a few moments and then try again.

This issue can occur for several reasons. The following are some common causes of the error:

  • The OpenSSH Daemon (sshd) isn't running or configured properly. The sshd provides secure remote access to the system via SSH protocol. If it's misconfigured or not running, you can't connect to your VM via SSH.

    To resolve this issue, try one or more of the following:

    • Review the user guide for your operating system to ensure that your sshd_config is set up correctly.

    • Ensure the you have the required ownership and permission settings for the following:

      • $HOME and $HOME/.ssh directories
      • $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys file


      The guest environment stores authorized SSH public keys in the $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys file. The owner of the $HOME and $HOME/.ssh directories and the $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys file must be the same as the user connecting to the VM.


      The guest environment requires the following Linux permissions:

      Path Permissions
      /home 0755
      $HOME 0700 or 0750 or 0755 *
      $HOME/.ssh 0700
      $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys 0600

      * To find out which of the options is the correct default permission for your $HOME directory, refer to the official documentation for your specific Linux distribution.

      Alternatively, you can create a new VM based on the same image and check its default permissions for $HOME.

      To learn how to change permissions and ownership, read about chmod and chown.

    • Restart the sshd by running the following command:

      systemctl restart sshd.service

      Check if there are any errors in the status by running the following command:

      systemctl status sshd.service

      The status output may contain information such as the exit code, the reason for the failure, etc. You can use these details for further troubleshooting.

  • Unknown SSH daemon issue. To diagnose an unknown SSH daemon issue, check the serial console logs for errors.

    Depending on the output of the serial console logs, try to rescue the VM and fix the SSH daemon related issues by doing the following:

    1. Attach the disk to another Linux VM.
    2. Connect to the VM that has the mounted disk.
    3. Mount the disk inside OS to a directory MOUNT_DIR inside VM..
    4. View the SSH-related logs, /var/log/secure or /var/log/auth.log for any issues/errors. If you see any issues that you can fix, attempt to fix them. Otherwise, create a support case and attach the logs.
    5. Unmount the disk from the OS using umount command:

      cd ~/
      umount /mnt
    6. Detach the disk from the VM.

    7. Attach the disk to the original VM.

    8. Start the VM.

Failed to connect to backend

The following errors might occur when you connect to your VM from the Google Cloud console or the gcloud CLI:

  • The Google Cloud console:

    -- Connection via Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy Failed
    -- Code: 4003
    -- Reason: failed to connect to backend
  • The gcloud CLI:

    ERROR: (gcloud.compute.start-iap-tunnel) Error while connecting [4003: 'failed to connect to backend'].

These errors occur when you try to use SSH to connect to a VM that doesn't have a public IP address and for which you haven't configured Identity-Aware Proxy on port 22.

To resolve this issue Create a firewall rule on port 22 that allows ingress traffic from Identity-Aware Proxy.

Host key does not match

The following error might occur when you connect to your VM:

Host key for server IP_ADDRESS does not match

This error occurs when the host key in the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file doesn't match the VM's host key.

To resolve this issue, delete the host key from the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file, then retry the connection.

Metadata value is too large

The following error might occur when you try to add a new SSH key to metadata:

ERROR:"Value for field 'metadata.items[X].value' is too large: maximum size 262144 character(s); actual size NUMBER_OF_CHARACTERS."

Metadata values have a maximum limit of 256 KB. To mitigate this limitation, do one of the following:

Windows errors

Permission denied, please try again

The following error might occur when you connect to your VM:

USERNAME@compute.INSTANCE_ID's password:
Permission denied, please try again.

This error indicates the user trying to connect to the VM doesn't exist on the VM. The following are some of the most common causes of this error:

  • Your version of gcloud CLI is out of date

    If gcloud CLI is out of date, you may be attempting to connect using a username that is not configured. To resolve this issue, update the gcloud CLI.

  • You tried to connect to a Windows VM that doesn't have SSH enabled.

    To resolve this error, set the enable-windows-ssh key to TRUE in project or instance metadata. For more information about setting medata, see Set custom metadata.

Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive)

The following error might occur when you connect to a VM that doesn't have SSH enabled:

Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive).

To resolve this error, set the enable-windows-ssh key to TRUE in project or instance metadata. For more information about setting medata, see Set custom metadata.

Could not SSH into the instance

The following error might occur when you connect to your VM from the gcloud CLI:

ERROR: (gcloud.compute.ssh) Could not SSH into the instance.
It is possible that your SSH key has not propagated to the instance yet.
Try running this command again.  If you still cannot connect, verify that the firewall and instance are set to accept ssh traffic.

This error can occur for several reasons. The following are some of the most common causes of the errors:

  • You tried to connect to a Windows VM that doesn't have SSH installed.

    To resolve this issue, follow the instructions to Enable SSH for Windows on a running VM.

  • The OpenSSH Server (sshd) isn't running or isn't configured properly. The sshd provides secure remote access to the system via SSH protocol. If it's misconfigured or not running, you can't connect to your VM via SSH.

    To resolve this issue, review OpenSSH Server configuration for Windows Server and Windows to ensure that sshd is set up correctly.

Connection timed out

Timed out SSH connections might be caused by one of the following:

  • The VM hasn't finished booting. Allow a short time for the VM to boot.

    To resolve this issue, wait until the VM has finished booting and try to connect again.

  • The SSH package isn't installed. Windows VMs require you to install the google-compute-engine-ssh package before you can connect using SSH.

    To resolve this issue, install the SSH package.

Diagnose failed SSH connections

The following sections describe steps you can take to diagnose the cause of failed SSH connections and the steps you can take to fix your connections.

Before you diagnose failed SSH connections, complete the following steps:

Diagnosis methods for Linux and Windows VMs

Test connectivity

You might not be able to SSH to a VM instance because of connectivity issues linked to firewalls, network connection, or the user account. Follow the steps in this section to identify any connectivity issues.

Check your firewall rules

Compute Engine provisions each project with a default set of firewall rules that permit SSH traffic. If you are unable to access your instance, use the gcloud compute command-line tool to check your list of firewalls and ensure that the default-allow-ssh rule is present.

On your local workstation, run the following command:

gcloud compute firewall-rules list

If the firewall rule is missing, add it back:

gcloud compute firewall-rules create default-allow-ssh \
    --allow tcp:22

To view all data associated with the default-allow-ssh firewall rule in your project, use the gcloud compute firewall-rules describe command:

gcloud compute firewall-rules describe default-allow-ssh \

For more information about firewall rules, see Firewall rules in Google Cloud.

Test the network connection

To determine whether the network connection is working, test the TCP handshake:

  1. Obtain the external natIP for your VM:

    gcloud compute instances describe VM_NAME \

    Replace VM_NAME with the name of the VM you can't connect to.

  2. Test the network connection to your VM from your workstation:

    Linux, Windows 2019/2022, and macOS

    curl -vso /dev/null --connect-timeout 5 EXTERNAL_IP:PORT_NUMBER

    Replace the following:

    • EXTERNAL_IP: the external IP address you obtained in the previous step
    • PORT_NUMBER: the port number

    If the TCP handshake is successful, the output is similar to the following:

    Expire in 0 ms for 6 (transfer 0x558b3289ffb0)
    Expire in 5000 ms for 2 (transfer 0x558b3289ffb0)
    Expire in 200 ms for 4 (transfer 0x558b3289ffb0)
    Connected to ( port 443 (#0)
    > GET / HTTP/1.1
    > Host:
    > User-Agent: curl/7.64.0
    > Accept: */*
    Empty reply from server
    Connection #0 to host left intact

    The Connected to line indicates a successful TCP handshake.

    Windows 2012 and 2016

    PS C:> New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient('EXTERNAL_IP',PORT_NUMBER)

    Replace the following:

    • EXTERNAL_IP: the external IP you obtained in the previous step
    • PORT_NUMBER: the port number

    If the TCP handshake is successful, the output is similar to the following:

    Available           : 0
    Client              : System.Net.Sockets.Socket
    Connected           : True
    ExclusiveAddressUse : False
    ReceiveBufferSize   : 131072
    SendBufferSize      : 131072
    ReceiveTimeout      : 0
    SendTimeout         : 0
    LingerState         : System.Net.Sockets.LingerOption
    NoDelay             : False

    The Connected: True line indicates a successful TCP handshake.

If the TCP handshake completes successfully, a software firewall rule is not blocking the connection, the OS is correctly forwarding packets, and a server is listening on the destination port. If the TCP handshake completes successfully but the VM doesn't accept SSH connections, the issue might be with that the sshd daemon is misconfigured or not running properly. Review the user guide for your operating system to ensure that your sshd_config is set up correctly.

To run connectivity tests for analyzing the VPC network path configuration between two VMs and check whether the programmed configuration should allow the traffic, see Check for misconfigured firewall rules in Google Cloud.

Connect as a different user

The issue that prevents you from logging in might be limited to your user account. For example, the permissions on the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the instance might not be set correctly for the user.

Try logging in as a different user with the gcloud CLI by specifying ANOTHER_USERNAME with the SSH request. The gcloud CLI updates the project's metadata to add the new user and allow SSH access.

gcloud compute ssh ANOTHER_USERNAME@VM_NAME

Replace the following:

  • ANOTHER_USERNAME is a username other than your own username
  • VM_NAME is the name of the VM you want to connect to

Debug issues using the serial console

We recommend that you review the logs from the serial console for connection errors. You can access the serial console as the root user from your local workstation by using a browser. This approach is useful when you cannot log in with SSH, or if the instance has no connection to the network. The serial console remains accessible in both of these situations.

To log into the VM's serial console and troubleshoot problems with the VM, follow these steps::

  1. Enable interactive access to the VM's serial console.

  2. For Linux VMs, modify the root password, add the following startup script to your VM:

    echo root:PASSWORD | chpasswd

    Replace PASSWORD with a password of your choice.

  3. Use the serial console to connect to your VM.

  4. For Linux VMs, after you're done debugging all the errors, disable the root account login:

    sudo passwd -l root

Diagnosis methods for Linux VMs

Inspect the VM instance without shutting it down

You might have an instance that you cannot connect to that continues to correctly serve production traffic. In this case, you might want to inspect the disk without interrupting the instance.

To inspect and troubleshoot the disk:

  1. Back up your boot disk by creating a snapshot of the disk.
  2. Create a regular persistent disk from that snapshot.
  3. Create a temporary instance.
  4. Attach and mount the regular persistent disk to your new temporary instance.

This procedure creates an isolated network that only allows SSH connections. This setup prevents any unintended consequences of the cloned instance interfering with your production services.

  1. Create a new VPC network to host your cloned instance:

    gcloud compute networks create debug-network

    Replace NETWORK_NAME with the name you want to call your new network.

  2. Add a firewall rule to allow SSH connections to the network:

    gcloud compute firewall-rules create debug-network-allow-ssh \
       --network debug-network \
       --allow tcp:22
  3. Create a snapshot of the boot disk.

    gcloud compute disks snapshot BOOT_DISK_NAME \
       --snapshot-names debug-disk-snapshot

    Replace BOOT_DISK_NAME with the name of the boot disk.

  4. Create a new disk with the snapshot you just created:

    gcloud compute disks create example-disk-debugging \
       --source-snapshot debug-disk-snapshot
  5. Create a new debugging instance without an external IP address:

    gcloud compute instances create debugger \
       --network debug-network \
  6. Attach the debugging disk to the instance:

    gcloud compute instances attach-disk debugger \
       --disk example-disk-debugging
  7. Follow the instructions to Connect to a VM using a bastion host.

  8. After you have logged into the debugger instance, troubleshoot the instance. For example, you can look at the instance logs:

    sudo su -
    mkdir /mnt/VM_NAME
    mount /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0Google_PersistentDisk_example-disk-debugging /mnt/VM_NAME
    cd /mnt/VM_NAME/var/log
    # Identify the issue preventing ssh from working

    Replace VM_NAME with the name of the VM you can't connect to.

Use a startup script

If none of the preceding helped, you can create a startup script to collect information right after the instance starts. Follow the instructions for running a startup script.

Afterward, you also need to reset your instance before the metadata takes effect by using gcloud compute instances reset.

Alternatively, you can also recreate your instance by running a diagnostic startup script:

  1. Run gcloud compute instances delete with the --keep-disks flag.

    gcloud compute instances delete VM_NAME \
       --keep-disks boot

    Replace VM_NAME with the name of the VM you can't connect to.

  2. Add a new instance with the same disk and specify your startup script.

    gcloud compute instances create NEW_VM_NAME \
       --disk name=BOOT_DISK_NAME,boot=yes \
       --metadata startup-script-url URL

    Replace the following:

    • NEW_VM_NAME is the name of the new VM you're creating
    • BOOT_DISK_NAME is the name of the boot disk from the VM you can't connect to
    • URL is the Cloud Storage URL to the script, in either gs://BUCKET/FILE or format.

Use your disk on a new instance

If you still need to recover data from your persistent boot disk, you can detach the boot disk and then attach that disk as a secondary disk on a new instance.

  1. Delete the VM you can't connect to and keep its boot disk:

    gcloud compute instances delete VM_NAME \

    Replace VM_NAME with the name of the VM you can't connect to.

  2. Create a new VM with your old VM's boot disk. Specify the name of the boot disk of the VM you just deleted.

  3. Connect to your new VM using SSH:

    gcloud compute ssh NEW_VM_NAME

    Replace NEW_VM_NAME with the name of your new VM.

Check whether or not the VM boot disk is full

Your VM might become inaccessible if its boot disk is full. This scenario can be difficult to troubleshoot as it's not always obvious when the VM connectivity issue is due to a full boot disk. For more information about this scenario, see Troubleshooting a VM that is inaccessible due to a full boot disk.

Diagnosis methods for Windows VMs

Reset SSH metadata

If you can't connect to a Windows VM using SSH, try unsetting the enable-windows-ssh metadata key and re-enabling SSH for Windows.

  1. Set the enable-windows-ssh metadata key to FALSE. For information about how to set metadata, see Set custom metadata.

    Wait a few seconds for the change to take place.

  2. Re-enable SSH for Windows

  3. Reconnect to the VM.

Connect to the VM using RDP

If you can't diagnose and resolve the cause of failed SSH connections to your Windows VM, connect using RDP.

After you establish a connection to the VM, review the OpenSSH logs.

Debug SSH issues with gcpdiag

gcpdiag is an open source tool. It is not an officially supported Google Cloud product. You can use the gcpdiag tool to help you identify and fix Google Cloud project issues. For more information, see the gcpdiag project on GitHub.

This gcpdiag runbook investigates potential causes for SSH connection issues on both Windows and Linux VMs in Google Cloud examining the following areas:
  • VM Health: Checks if the VM is running and has sufficient resources (CPU, memory, disk storage).
  • Permissions: Ensures you have the right IAM permissions to configure SSH keys.
  • VM Settings: Verifies SSH keys and other metadata are configured correctly.
  • Network Rules: Reviews firewall rules to confirm SSH traffic is allowed.
  • Guest OS: Looks for internal OS issues that might block SSH.

Google Cloud console

  1. Complete and then copy the following command.
      gcpdiag runbook gce/ssh --project=PROJECT_ID \
        --parameter name=VM_NAME \
        --parameter zone=ZONE \
        --parameter principal=PRINCIPAL \
        --parameter tunnel_through_iap=IAP_ENABLED \
        --parameter check_os_login=OS_LOGIN_ENABLED \
        --auto --reason=REASON
  3. Open the Google Cloud console and activate Cloud Shell.
  4. Open Cloud console
  5. Paste the copied command.
  6. Run the gcpdiag command, which downloads the gcpdiag docker image, and then performs diagnostic checks. If applicable, follow the output instructions to fix failed checks.


You can run gcpdiag using a wrapper that starts gcpdiag in a Docker container. Docker or Podman must be installed.

  1. Copy and run the following command on your local workstation.
    curl >gcpdiag && chmod +x gcpdiag
  2. Execute the gcpdiag command.
    ./gcpdiag runbook gce/ssh --project=PROJECT_ID \
        --parameter name=VM_NAME \
        --parameter zone=ZONE \
        --parameter principal=PRINCIPAL \
        --parameter tunnel_through_iap=IAP_ENABLED \
        --parameter check_os_login=OS_LOGIN_ENABLED

View available parameters for this runbook.

Replace the following:

  • VM_NAME: The name of the target VM within your project.
  • ZONE: The zone in which your target VM is located.
  • PRINCIPAL: The user or service account principal initiating the SSH connection. For key-based authentication, use the user authenticated by your Cloud Shell command-line tool or signed into the Google Cloud console. For service account impersonation, it should be the service account's email.
  • IAP_ENABLED: A boolean value (true or false) indicating whether Identity-Aware Proxy is used for establishing the SSH connection. Default: true
  • OS_LOGIN_ENABLED: A boolean value (true or false) indicating whether OS Login is used for SSH authentication. Default: true

Useful flags:

For a list and description of all gcpdiag tool flags, see the gcpdiag usage instructions.

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