Update a BigQuery ML model

Register an existing BigQuery ML model to the Model Registry

By default, BigQuery ML models, when trained without the model_registry parameter, are not automatically added to the Vertex AI Model Registry. Using ALTER MODEL, you can update the model to include in the Model Registry and update important metadata like the model ID, the description, and labels. To learn more, see the ALTER MODEL statement.

To learn more about generally updating your BigQuery ML models, see Update model metadata.

To register an existing model:


You can update a model using the bq command-line tool by running bq update and adding a vertex_ai_model_id to the model. The vertex_model_id can either be a new ID or an existing Model Registry model ID. Each BigQuery ML model can only be registered to one model_id in the Model Registry.

bq update --model --vertex_ai_model_id "[VERTEX_AI_MODEL_ID]" [PROJECT_ID]:[DATASET].[MODEL]


ALTER MODEL [IF EXISTS] <model_name> SET OPTIONS (vertex_ai_model_id="[VERTEX_AI_MODEL_ID]");


  1. Go to Method: models.patch
  2. Fill out the Request parameters and Request body.
  3. Click the EXECUTE button.
    "trainingRuns": [
        "vertexAiModelId": "vertex_model_id"

If you set it to a new ID when adding the model, the BigQuery ML model displays as model version 1 in the Model Registry. To add as a new version of an existing model in the Model Registry, add the existing model's ID - it automatically registers as the latest version.

Once registered, you can deploy your BigQuery ML model to a Vertex AI endpoint for online prediction. To learn more about Vertex AI prediction, see Vertex AI Prediction documentation.

Change the model ID of an existing BigQuery ML model

Once a BigQuery ML model is registered to the Model Registry, you can't change the vertex_ai_model_id value. To register the model with a new vertex_ai_model_id, use one of the following options:

  • Drop the model and recreate it, if the re-training cost is acceptable.

  • Copy the model and use the ALTER MODEL statement to register the model with a new vertex_ai_model_id value.

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