BigQuery documentation
BigQuery is Google Cloud's fully managed, petabyte-scale, and cost-effective analytics data warehouse that lets you run analytics over vast amounts of data in near real time. With BigQuery, there's no infrastructure to set up or manage, letting you focus on finding meaningful insights using GoogleSQL and taking advantage of flexible pricing models across on-demand and flat-rate options. Learn more
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Documentation resources
Quickstarts: Console, Command line, or Client libraries
Creating and using tables
Introduction to partitioned tables
Introduction to BigQuery ML
Predefined roles and permissions
Introduction to loading data
Loading CSV data from Cloud Storage
Exporting table data
Create machine learning models in BigQuery ML
Querying external data sources
Functions in GoogleSQL
Operators in GoogleSQL
Conditional expressions in GoogleSQL
Date functions in GoogleSQL
Query syntax in GoogleSQL
String functions in GoogleSQL
Using the bq command-line tool
End-to-end journey for machine learning models
BigQuery API Client Libraries
Creating and training models
Related resources
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