Spring Framework support

The Spring Cloud GCP project brings the Pivotal-developed Spring Framework to the Google Cloud APIs. Spring simplifies application development by providing the infrastructure for enterprise applications to accomplish common tasks, such as exposing services and interacting with databases and messaging systems.

The Spring Cloud GCP page provides the full list of features and the documentation on how to get started.

You can find the source code and additional resources in the GitHub repository.

The repository also contains code samples to help you develop your application.

The reference documentation provides detailed information on how to integrate Google Cloud APIs with your Spring and Spring Boot applications.


Learn how to get started using Spring on Google Cloud. These codelabs are designed to get you up and running quickly using GCP products and resources.

Talks and Presentations

See our latest talks and presentations.

Date Title Event
July 26, 2018 Bootiful Google Cloud Google Cloud Next 2018
November 7, 2017 Cloud Native with Spring Boot on Google Cloud Devoxx Belgium 2017
December 6, 2017 Power of Google Cloud with Spring Cloud GCP SpringOne Platform

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