





日志源格式 标题示例 说明 此示例中的解析器概念
提取字段 从 JSON 格式的日志中提取字段。 无需代码
提取包含前提条件值的字段 从 JSON 格式的日志中提取字段,并将其归一化为带有前提条件的重复 UDM 字段


日志源格式 标题示例 说明 此示例中的解析器概念
添加 HTTP 用户代理
  • 提取网络 HTTP 解析器用户代理,并根据 requestUrl 创建 target hostname
  • 分配一个命名空间,以确保执行基于素材资源的别名化和丰富功能。
将任意字段提取到 additional UDM 对象中 将字段提取到 UDM > 实体 > additional UDM 对象 > 键值对 additional UDM 对象
从 Syslog 中提取优先级和严重性 将 Syslog Facility 和 Severity 值提取到 UDM 安全结果优先级和严重程度字段。 基于 Grok
包含 Syslog 标头的 JSON
  • 根据条件语句并了解代码段中的数据类型,将装饰(上下文信息)添加到 metadata.description 字段中。
  • 使用提取过滤条件时,系统可能会保留原始数据类型
  • Grok 条件语句应使用原始数据类型来评估字段。
  • 基于 Grok
  • Grok 条件语句
  • 系统可能会保留提取字段的原始数据类型。
  • Grok 条件语句应使用原始数据类型来评估字段。
包含 Syslog 标头的 JSON
  • 使用 convert 函数在解析器扩展程序中转换数据类型。
  • 使用 on_error 语句可确保正确处理错误,并避免因错误而导致解析器扩展程序失败。
  • 基于 Grok
  • 转换数据类型
  • 使用 on_error 语句提供错误处理。
包含 Syslog 标头的 JSON
为提高可读性而使用临时变量名称 您可以在代码段中使用临时变量名称,稍后再将其重命名为与最终输出 UDM 事件对象名称相匹配的名称。这有助于提高整体可读性。
  • 基于 Grok
  • 使用临时变量名称,稍后将其重命名为最终输出 UDM 名称。
包含 Syslog 标头的 JSON
重复字段 在代码段中处理重复字段(例如 security_result 字段)时,请务必谨慎。
将任意字段提取到 additional 对象中
  • 例如,提取并存储“Platform Version”值,以便报告和搜索过时的平台版本。
  • 在此示例中,没有合适的标准 UDM 字段,因此 additional 对象用于将信息存储为自定义键值对。
additional 对象用于将信息存储为自定义键值对。
  • 从 FQDN 中提取主机名。
  • 条件处理用于确定是否应覆盖 principal.hostname 字段。
  • Grok 语句使用正则表达式 (regex) 提取 hostname 字段。正则表达式本身使用命名的捕获组,这意味着,括号内匹配的所有内容都将存储在名为 hostname 的字段中,并匹配一个或多个字符,直到遇到一个圆点为止。这只会捕获 FQDN 中的 hostname
Grok overwrite 语句
  • 但是,运行预览 UDM 输出时,系统会返回以下错误:“LOG_PARSING_CBN_ERROR:数据中已存在字段 hostname,无法覆盖”。
  • 在 Grok 语句中,除非使用 overwrite 语句明确指定,否则命名捕获组无法覆盖现有变量。在这种情况下,我们可以为 Grok 语句中的命名捕获组使用不同的变量名称,也可以(如本示例所示)使用覆盖语句显式覆盖现有的主机名变量。
  • 基于 Grok
  • 条件处理用于确定是否应覆盖字段。
  • 使用正则表达式 (regex) 的 Grok 语句。
  • Grok overwrite 语句


以下示例展示了如何创建日志源为 JSON 格式的解析器扩展程序。

无代码 - 提取字段


  • 日志来源格式:JSON
  • 数据映射方法:无代码
  • 日志类型:GCP_IDS
  • 解析器扩展程序用途:提取字段
  • 说明:

    系统未提取多个与网络相关的字段。由于此日志示例是 JSON 格式的结构化日志,因此我们可以使用无代码映射数据字段)方法创建解析器扩展程序。


    • total_packets(字符串)
    • elapsed_time(字符串)
    • total_bytes(字符串)


    "insertId": "625a41542d64c124e7db097ae0906ccb-1@a3",
    "jsonPayload": {
      "destination_port": "80",
      "application": "incomplete",
      "ip_protocol": "tcp",
      "network": "projects/prj-p-shared-base/global/networks/shared-vpc-production",
      "start_time": "2024-10-29T21:14:59Z",
      "source_port": "41936",
      "source_ip_address": "",
      "total_packets": "6",
      "elapsed_time": "0",
      "destination_ip_address": "",
      "total_bytes": "412",
      "repeat_count": "1",
      "session_id": "1289742"
    "resource": {
      "type": "ids.googleapis.com/Endpoint",
      "labels": {
        "resource_container": "projects/12345678910",
        "location": "europe-west4-a",
        "id": "p-europe-west4"
    "timestamp": "2024-10-29T21:15:21Z",
    "logName": "projects/prj-p-shared-base/logs/ids.googleapis.com%2Ftraffic",
    "receiveTimestamp": "2024-10-29T21:15:24.051990717Z"


    前提条件路径 前提条件运算符 Precondition Value 原始数据路径 目标字段*
    jsonPayload.total_bytes NOT_EQUAL "" jsonPayload.total_bytes udm.principal.network.received_bytes
    jsonPayload.elapsed_time NOT_EQUAL "" jsonPayload.elapsed_time udm.principal.network.session_duration.seconds
    jsonPayload.total_packets NOT_EQUAL "" jsonPayload.total_packets udm.principal.network.received_packets

    运行解析器扩展程序会成功将三个提取的字段添加到 principal.network 对象中。

    metadata.product_log_id = "625a41542d64c124e7db097ae0906ccb-1@a3"
    metadata.event_timestamp = "2024-10-29T21:14:59Z"
    metadata.event_type = "NETWORK_CONNECTION"
    metadata.vendor_name = "Google Cloud"
    metadata.product_name = "IDS"
    metadata.ingestion_labels[0].key = "label"
    metadata.ingestion_labels[0].value = "GCP_IDS"
    metadata.log_type = "GCP_IDS"
    principal.ip[0] = ""
    principal.port = 41936
    principal.network.received_bytes = 412
    principal.network.session_duration.seconds = "0s"
    principal.network.received_packets = 6
    target.ip[0] = ""
    target.port = 80
    target.application = "incomplete"
    observer.location.country_or_region = "EUROPE"
    observer.location.name = "europe-west4-a"
    observer.resource.name = "projects/12345678910"
    observer.resource.resource_type = "CLOUD_PROJECT"
    observer.resource.attribute.cloud.environment = "GOOGLE_CLOUD_PLATFORM"
    observer.resource.product_object_id = "p-europe-west4"
    network.ip_protocol = "TCP"
    network.session_id = "1289742"

无代码 - 提取具有前提条件值的字段


  • 日志来源格式:JSON
  • 数据映射方法:无代码
  • 解析器扩展程序用途:提取具有前提条件值的字段
  • 说明:

    原始解析器不会提取受 DLP(数据泄露防护)提醒影响的主要用户的 email address

    此示例使用无代码解析器扩展程序提取 email address,并将其标准化为带有前提条件重复 UDM 字段。


    • replace(替换现有 UDM 对象中重复字段的所有值),或
    • 附加(将提取的值附加到重复字段)。


    此示例会替换标准化 principal.user.email_address 字段中的所有现有电子邮件地址。

    借助前提条件,您可以在执行提取操作之前执行条件检查。在大多数情况下,前提条件字段与要提取的原始数据字段相同,前提条件运算符not Null,例如 foo != ""

    不过,有时(如我们的示例所示),您要提取的原始数据字段值并非存在于所有日志条目中。在这种情况下,您可以使用其他前提条件字段来过滤提取操作。在我们的示例中,您要提取的原始 triggeringUserEmail 字段仅存在于 type = Data Loss Prevention 为 true 的日志中。


    前提条件路径 前提条件运算符 Precondition Value 原始数据路径 目标字段*
    type EQUALS 数据泄露防护 data.ruleViolationInfo.triggeringUserEmail udm.principal.user.email_addresses



    运行解析器扩展程序会成功将 email_address 添加到 principal.user 对象中。

    metadata.product_log_id = "Ug71LGqBr6Q="
    metadata.event_timestamp = "2022-12-18T12:17:35.154368Z"
    metadata.event_type = "USER_UNCATEGORIZED"
    metadata.vendor_name = "Google Workspace"
    metadata.product_name = "Google Workspace Alerts"
    metadata.product_event_type = "DlpRuleViolation"
    metadata.log_type = "WORKSPACE_ALERTS"
    additional.fields["resource_title"] = "bq-results-20221215-112933-1671103787123.csv"
    principal.user.email_addresses[0] = "foo.bar@altostrat.com"
    target.resource.name = "DRIVE"
    target.resource.resource_type = "STORAGE_OBJECT"
    target.resource.product_object_id = "1wLteoF3VHljS_8_ABCD_VVbhFTfcTQplJ5k1k7cL4r8"
    target.labels[0].key = "resource_title"
    target.labels[0].value = "bq-results-20221321-112933-1671103787697.csv"
    about[0].resource.resource_type = "CLOUD_ORGANIZATION"
    about[0].resource.product_object_id = "C01abcde2"
    security_result[0].about.object_reference.id = "ODU2NjEwZTItMWE2YS0xMjM0LWJjYzAtZTJlMWU2YWQzNzE3"
    security_result[0].category_details[0] = "Data Loss Prevention"
    security_result[0].rule_name = "Sensitive Projects Match"
    security_result[0].summary = "Data Loss Prevention"
    security_result[0].action[0] = "ALLOW"
    security_result[0].severity = "MEDIUM"
    security_result[0].rule_id = "rules/00abcdxs183abcd"
    security_result[0].action_details = "ALERT, DRIVE_WARN_ON_EXTERNAL_SHARING"
    security_result[0].alert_state = "ALERTING"
    security_result[0].detection_fields[0].key = "start_time"
    security_result[0].detection_fields[0].value = "2022-12-18T12:17:35.154368Z"
    security_result[0].detection_fields[1].key = "status"
    security_result[0].detection_fields[1].value = "NOT_STARTED"
    security_result[0].detection_fields[2].key = "trigger"
    security_result[0].detection_fields[2].value = "DRIVE_SHARE"
    security_result[0].rule_labels[0].key = "detector_name"
    security_result[0].rule_labels[0].value = "EMAIL_ADDRESS"
    network.email.to[0] = "foo.bar@altostrat.com"

代码段 - 添加 HTTP 用户代理


  • 日志来源格式:JSON
  • 数据映射方法:代码段
  • 日志类型:GCP_IDS
  • 解析器扩展程序用途:添加 HTTP 用户代理
  • 说明:

    以下是一个非标准 UDM 对象类型的示例,无代码方法不支持此类型,因此需要使用代码段。默认解析器不会提取 Network HTTP Parser User Agent 分析。此外,为保持一致:

    1. 系统会根据 requestUrl 创建 Target Hostname
    2. 系统会分配 Namespace,以确保执行基于素材资源的别名和丰富功能
    # owner: @owner
    # updated: 2022-12-23
    # Custom parser extension that:
    # 1) adds consistent Namespace 
    # 2) adds Parsed User Agent Object 
    filter {
        # Initialize placeholder
        mutate {
            replace => {
                "httpRequest.userAgent" => ""
                "httpRequest.requestUrl" => ""
        json {
            on_error => "not_json"
            source => "message"
            array_function => "split_columns"
        if ![not_json] {
          #1 - Override Namespaces
            mutate {
                replace => {
                    "event1.idm.read_only_udm.principal.namespace" => "TMO"
            mutate {
                replace => {
                    "event1.idm.read_only_udm.target.namespace" => "TMO"
            mutate {
                replace => {
                    "event1.idm.read_only_udm.src.namespace" => "TMO"
            #2 - Parsed User Agent
            if [httpRequest][requestUrl]!= "" {
                grok {
                    match => {
                        "httpRequest.requestUrl" => ["\/\/(?P<_hostname>.*?)\/"]
                    on_error => "_grok_hostname_failed"
                if ![_grok_hostname_failed] {
                    mutate {
                        replace => {
                            "event1.idm.read_only_udm.target.hostname" => "%{_hostname}"
            if [httpRequest][userAgent] != "" {
                mutate {
                    convert => {
                        "httpRequest.userAgent" => "parseduseragent"
                #Map the converted "user_agent" to the new UDM field "http.parsed_user_agent".
                mutate {
                    rename => {
                        "httpRequest.userAgent" => "event1.idm.read_only_udm.network.http.parsed_user_agent"
            mutate {
                merge => {
                    "@output" => "event1"

CSV 示例

以下示例展示了如何创建日志源为 CSV 格式的解析器扩展程序。

代码段 - 将任意字段提取到 additional 对象中


  • 日志来源格式:CSV
  • 数据映射方法:代码段
  • 日志类型:MISP_IOC
  • 解析器扩展程序用途:将任意字段提取到 additional 对象中
  • 说明:

    在此示例中,使用了 MISP_IOC UDM 实体情境集成。additional 键值对 UDM 对象将用于捕获默认解析器未提取的情境信息,以及添加每个组织专有的字段。例如,指向其特定 MISP 实例的网址。

    以下是本例基于 CSV 的日志源:

    1 9d66d38a-14e1-407f-a4d1-90b82aa1d59f
    2 3908
    3 Network activity
    4 ip-dst
    8 1687894564
    14 DigitalSide Malware report\: MD5\: 59ce0baba11893f90527fc951ac69912
    15 ORGNAME
    17 0
    18 Medium
    19 0
    20 2023-06-23
    21 tlp:white,type:OSINT,source:DigitalSide.IT,source:urlhaus.abuse.ch
    22 1698036218


    # MISP_IOC
    # owner: @owner
    # updated: 2024-06-21
    # Custom parser extension that:
    # 1) adds a link back to internal MISP tenant 
    # 2) extracts missing fields into UDM > Entity > Additional fields
    filter {
        # Set the base URL for MISP. Remember to replace this placeholder!
        mutate {
            replace => {
                "misp_base_url" => "https://<YOUR_MISP_URL>"
        # Parse the CSV data from the 'message' field. Uses a comma as the separator.
        # The 'on_error' option handles lines that are not properly formatted CSV.
        csv {
            source => "message"
            separator => ","
            on_error => "broken_csv"
        # If the CSV parsing was successful...
        if ![broken_csv] {
            # Rename the CSV columns to more descriptive names.
            mutate {
                rename => {
                    "column2" => "event_id"
                    "column8" => "object_timestamp"
                    "column16" => "event_source_org"
                    "column17" => "event_distribution"
                    "column19" => "event_analysis"
                    "column22" => "attribute_timestamp"
        # Add a link to view the event in MISP, if an event ID is available.
        # "column2" => "event_id"
        if [event_id] != "" {
            mutate {
                replace => {
                    "additional_url.key" => "view_in_misp"
                    "additional_url.value.string_value" => "%{misp_base_url}/events/view/%{event_id}"
            mutate {
                merge => {
                    "event.idm.entity.additional.fields" => "additional_url"
        # Add the object timestamp as an additional field, if available.
        # "column8" => "object_timestamp"
        if [object_timestamp] != "" {
            mutate {
                replace => {
                    "additional_object_timestamp.key" => "object_timestamp"
                    "additional_object_timestamp.value.string_value" => "%{object_timestamp}"
            mutate {
                merge => {
                    "event.idm.entity.additional.fields" => "additional_object_timestamp"
        # Add the event source organization as an additional field, if available.
        # "column16" => "event_source_org"
        if [event_source_org] != "" {
            mutate {
                replace => {
                    "additional_event_source_org.key" => "event_source_org"
                    "additional_event_source_org.value.string_value" => "%{event_source_org}"
            mutate {
                merge => {
                    "event.idm.entity.additional.fields" => "additional_event_source_org"
        # Add the event distribution level as an additional field, if available.
        # Maps numerical values to descriptive strings.
        # "column17" => "event_distribution"
        if [event_distribution] != "" {
            if [event_distribution] == "0" {
                mutate {
                    replace => {
                        "additional_event_distribution.value.string_value" => "YOUR_ORGANIZATION_ONLY"
            } else if [event_distribution] == "1" {
                mutate {
                    replace => {
                        "additional_event_distribution.value.string_value" => "THIS_COMMUNITY_ONLY"
            } else if [event_distribution] == "2" {
                mutate {
                    replace => {
                        "additional_event_distribution.value.string_value" => "CONNECTED_COMMUNITIES"
            } else if [event_distribution] == "3" {
                mutate {
                    replace => {
                        "additional_event_distribution.value.string_value" => "ALL_COMMUNITIES"
            } else if [event_distribution] == "4" {
                mutate {
                    replace => {
                        "additional_event_distribution.value.string_value" => "SHARING_GROUP"
            } else if [event_distribution] == "5" {
                mutate {
                    replace => {
                        "additional_event_distribution.value.string_value" => "INHERIT_EVENT"
            mutate {
                replace => {
                    "additional_event_distribution.key" => "event_distribution"
            mutate {
                merge => {
                    "event.idm.entity.additional.fields" => "additional_event_distribution"
        # Add the event analysis level as an additional field, if available.
        # Maps numerical values to descriptive strings.
        # "column19" => "event_analysis"
        if [event_analysis] != "" {
            if [event_analysis] == "0" {
                mutate {
                    replace => {
                        "additional_event_analysis.value.string_value" => "INITIAL"
            } else if [event_analysis] == "1" {
                mutate {
                    replace => {
                        "additional_event_analysis.value.string_value" => "ONGOING"
            } else if [event_analysis] == "2" {
                mutate {
                    replace => {
                        "additional_event_analysis.value.string_value" => "COMPLETE"
            mutate {
                replace => {
                    "additional_event_analysis.key" => "event_analysis"
            mutate {
                merge => {
                    "event.idm.entity.additional.fields" => "additional_event_analysis"
        # Add the attribute timestamp as an additional field, if available.
        # "column22" => "attribute_timestamp" 
        if [attribute_timestamp] != "" {
            mutate {
                replace => {
                    "additional_attribute_timestamp.key" => "attribute_timestamp"
                    "additional_attribute_timestamp.value.string_value" => "%{attribute_timestamp}"
            mutate {
                merge => {
                    "event.idm.entity.additional.fields" => "additional_attribute_timestamp"
        # Finally, merge the 'event' data into the '@output' field.
        mutate {
            merge => {
                "@output" => "event"

    运行解析器扩展程序会成功将 CSV 中的自定义字段添加到 additional 对象中。

    metadata.product_entity_id = "9d66d38a-14e1-407f-a4d1-90b82aa1d59f"
    metadata.collected_timestamp = "2024-10-31T15:16:08Z"
    metadata.vendor_name = "MISP"
    metadata.product_name = "MISP"
    metadata.entity_type = "IP_ADDRESS"
    metadata.description = "ip-dst"
    metadata.interval.start_time = "2023-06-27T19:36:04Z"
    metadata.interval.end_time = "9999-12-31T23:59:59Z"
    metadata.threat[0].category_details[0] = "Network activity"
    metadata.threat[0].description = "tlp:white,type:OSINT,source:DigitalSide.IT,source:urlhaus.abuse.ch - additional info: DigitalSide Malware report: MD5: 59ce0baba11893f90527fc951ac69912"
    metadata.threat[0].severity_details = "Medium"
    metadata.threat[0].threat_feed_name = "DIGITALSIDE.IT"
    entity.ip[0] = ""
    additional.fields["view_in_misp"] = "https:///events/view/3908"
    additional.fields["object_timestamp"] = "1687894564"
    additional.fields["event_source_org"] = "DIGITALSIDE.IT"
    additional.fields["event_distribution"] = "YOUR_ORGANIZATION_ONLY"
    additional.fields["event_analysis"] = "INITIAL"
    additional.fields["attribute_timestamp"] = "1698036218"

Grok 示例

以下示例展示了如何创建基于 Grok 的解析器扩展程序。

代码段(和 Grok)- 提取优先级和严重程度


  • 日志源格式:Syslog
  • 数据映射方法:使用 Grok代码段
  • 解析器扩展程序用途:提取优先级和严重性
  • 说明:

    在此示例中,我们创建了一个基于 Grok 的解析器扩展程序,以将 Syslog Facility 和 Severity 值提取到 UDM 安全结果 PrioritySeverity 字段中。

    filter {
        # Use grok to parse syslog messages. The on_error clause handles messages that don't match the pattern.
        grok {
            match => {
                "message" => [
                    # Extract message with syslog headers.
                    "(<%{POSINT:_syslog_priority}>)%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:datetime} %{DATA:logginghost}: %{GREEDYDATA:log_data}"
            on_error => "not_supported_format"
        # If the grok parsing failed, tag the event as unsupported and drop it.
        if ![not_supported_format] {
            if [_syslog_priority] != "" {
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /0|8|16|24|32|40|48|56|64|72|80|88|96|104|112|120|128|136|144|152|160|168|176|184/ {
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.severity_details" => "EMERGENCY" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /1|9|17|25|33|41|49|57|65|73|81|89|97|105|113|121|129|137|145|153|161|169|177|185/ {
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.severity_details" => "ALERT" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /2|10|18|26|34|42|50|58|66|74|82|90|98|106|114|122|130|138|146|154|162|170|178|186/ {
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.severity_details" => "CRITICAL" } }
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /3|11|19|27|35|43|51|59|67|75|83|91|99|107|115|123|131|139|147|155|163|171|179|187/ {
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.severity_details" => "ERROR" } }
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /4|12|20|28|36|44|52|60|68|76|84|92|100|108|116|124|132|140|148|156|164|172|180|188/ {
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.severity_details" => "WARNING" } }
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /5|13|21|29|37|45|53|61|69|77|85|93|101|109|117|125|133|141|149|157|165|173|181|189/ {
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.severity_details" => "NOTICE" } }
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /6|14|22|30|38|46|54|62|70|78|86|94|102|110|118|126|134|142|150|158|166|174|182|190/ {
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.severity_details" => "INFORMATIONAL" } }
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /7|15|23|31|39|47|55|63|71|79|87|95|103|111|119|127|135|143|151|159|167|175|183|191/ {
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.severity_details" => "DEBUG" } }
                # Facilities (mapped to priority)
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "KERNEL" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "USER" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "MAIL" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /24|25|26|27|28|29|30|31/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "SYSTEM" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /32|33|34|35|36|37|38|39/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "SECURITY" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /40|41|42|43|44|45|46|47/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "SYSLOG" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /48|49|50|51|52|53|54|55/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "LPD" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /56|57|58|59|60|61|62|63/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "NNTP" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /64|65|66|67|68|69|70|71/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "UUCP" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /72|73|74|75|76|77|78|79/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "TIME" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /80|81|82|83|84|85|86|87/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "SECURITY" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /88|89|90|91|92|93|94|95/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "FTPD" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /96|97|98|99|100|101|102|103/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "NTPD" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /104|105|106|107|108|109|110|111/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "LOGAUDIT" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /112|113|114|115|116|117|118|119/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "LOGALERT" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /120|121|122|123|124|125|126|127/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "CLOCK" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /128|129|130|131|132|133|134|135/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "LOCAL0" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /136|137|138|139|140|141|142|143/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "LOCAL1" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /144|145|146|147|148|149|150|151/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "LOCAL2" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /152|153|154|155|156|157|158|159/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "LOCAL3" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /160|161|162|163|164|165|166|167/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "LOCAL4" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /168|169|170|171|172|173|174|175/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "LOCAL5" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /176|177|178|179|180|181|182|183/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "LOCAL6" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /184|185|186|187|188|189|190|191/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "LOCAL7" } } 
                mutate {
                    merge => {
                        "event.idm.read_only_udm.security_result" => "_security_result"
            mutate {
                merge => {
                    "@output" => "event"


    metadata.product_log_id = "6161053"
    metadata.event_timestamp = "2024-10-31T15:10:10Z"
    metadata.event_type = "PROCESS_LAUNCH"
    metadata.vendor_name = "Microsoft"
    metadata.product_name = "PowerShell"
    metadata.product_event_type = "600"
    metadata.description = "Info"
    metadata.log_type = "POWERSHELL"
    principal.hostname = "win-adfs.lunarstiiiness.com"
    principal.resource.name = "in_powershell"
    principal.resource.resource_subtype = "im_msvistalog"
    principal.asset.hostname = "win-adfs.lunarstiiiness.com"
    target.hostname = "Default Host"
    target.process.command_line = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure AD Sync\Bin\miiserver.exe"
    target.asset.hostname = "Default Host"
    target.asset.asset_id = "Host ID:bf203e94-72cf-4649-84a5-fc02baedb75f"
    security_result[0].severity_details = "INFORMATIONAL"
    security_result[0].priority_details = "USER"

代码段(和 Grok)- 事件装饰、临时变量名称和数据类型转换


  • 日志来源格式:带有 Syslog 标头的 JSON
  • 数据映射方法:使用 Grok代码段
  • 解析器扩展程序用途:修饰事件、临时变量名称和数据类型
  • 说明:



    此示例添加了(背景信息)说明,解释了 WINDOWS_SYSMON 中的每种事件类型的含义。它使用条件语句检查 EventID,然后添加 Description,例如 EventID 1 是 Process Creation 事件。

    使用提取过滤器(例如 JSON)时,系统可能会保留原始数据类型。

    在以下示例中,EventID 值默认会被提取为整数。条件语句会将 EventID 值评估为整数,而不是字符串。

    if [EventID] == 1 {
      mutate {
        replace => {
          "_description" => "[1] Process creation"


    您可以使用 convert 函数在解析器扩展程序中转换数据类型。

    mutate {
      convert => {
        "EventID" => "string"
      on_error => "_convert_EventID_already_string"


    您可以在代码段中使用临时变量名称,稍后再将其重命名为与最终输出 UDM 事件对象名称相匹配的名称。这有助于提高整体可读性。

    在以下示例中,description 变量已重命名为 event.idm.read_only_udm.metadata.description

    mutate {
      rename => {
        "_description" => "event.idm.read_only_udm.metadata.description"



    filter {
    # initialize variable
    mutate {
      replace => {
        "EventID" => ""
    # Use grok to parse syslog messages.
    # The on_error clause handles messages that don't match the pattern.
    grok {
      match => {
        "message" => [
          "(<%{POSINT:_syslog_priority}>)%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:datetime} %{DATA:logginghost}: %{GREEDYDATA:log_data}"
      on_error => "not_supported_format"
    if ![not_supported_format] {
      json {
        source => "log_data"
        on_error => "not_json"
      if ![not_json] {
        if [EventID] == 1 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[1] Process creation"
        if [EventID] == 2 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[2] A process changed a file creation time"
        if [EventID] == 3 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[3] Network connection"
        if [EventID] == 4 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[4] Sysmon service state changed"
        if [EventID] == 5 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[5] Process terminated"
        if [EventID] == 6 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[6] Driver loaded"
        if [EventID] == 7 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[7] Image loaded"
        if [EventID] == 8 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[8] CreateRemoteThread"
        if [EventID] == 9 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[9] RawAccessRead"
        if [EventID] == 10 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[10] ProcessAccess"
        if [EventID] == 11 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[11] FileCreate"
        if [EventID] == 12 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[12] RegistryEvent (Object create and delete)"
        if [EventID] == 13 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[13] RegistryEvent (Value Set)"
        if [EventID] == 14 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[14] RegistryEvent (Key and Value Rename)"
        if [EventID] == 15 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[15] FileCreateStreamHash"
        if [EventID] == 16 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[16] ServiceConfigurationChange"
        if [EventID] == 17 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[17] PipeEvent (Pipe Created)"
        if [EventID] == 18 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[18] PipeEvent (Pipe Connected)"
        if [EventID] == 19 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[19] WmiEvent (WmiEventFilter activity detected)"
        if [EventID] == 20 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[20] WmiEvent (WmiEventConsumer activity detected)"
        if [EventID] == 21 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[21] WmiEvent (WmiEventConsumerToFilter activity detected)"
        if [EventID] == 22 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[22] DNSEvent (DNS query)"
        if [EventID] == 23 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[23] FileDelete (File Delete archived)"
        if [EventID] == 24 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[24] ClipboardChange (New content in the clipboard)"
        if [EventID] == 25 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[25] ProcessTampering (Process image change)"
        if [EventID] == 26 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[26] FileDeleteDetected (File Delete logged)"
        if [EventID] == 255 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[255] Error"
        mutate {
          rename => {
            "_description" => "event.idm.read_only_udm.metadata.description"
        mutate {
          merge => {
            "@output" => "event"

    运行解析器扩展程序会成功将装饰添加到 metadata.description 字段中。

    metadata.product_log_id = "6008459"
    metadata.event_timestamp = "2024-10-31T14:41:53.442Z"
    metadata.event_type = "REGISTRY_CREATION"
    metadata.vendor_name = "Microsoft"
    metadata.product_name = "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon"
    metadata.product_event_type = "12"
    metadata.description = "[12] RegistryEvent (Object create and delete)"
    metadata.log_type = "WINDOWS_SYSMON"
    additional.fields["thread_id"] = "3972"
    additional.fields["channel"] = "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational"
    additional.fields["Keywords"] = "-9223372036854776000"
    additional.fields["Opcode"] = "Info"
    additional.fields["ThreadID"] = "3972"
    principal.hostname = "win-adfs.lunarstiiiness.com"
    principal.user.userid = "tim.smith_admin"
    principal.user.windows_sid = "S-1-5-18"
    principal.process.pid = "6856"
    principal.process.file.full_path = "C:\Windows\system32\wsmprovhost.exe"
    principal.process.product_specific_process_id = "SYSMON:{927d35bf-a374-6495-f348-000000002900}"
    principal.administrative_domain = "LUNARSTIIINESS"
    principal.asset.hostname = "win-adfs.lunarstiiiness.com"
    target.registry.registry_key = "HKU\S-1-5-21-3263964631-4121654051-1417071188-1116\Software\Policies\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\CA\Certificates"
    observer.asset_id = "5770385F:C22A:43E0:BF4C:06F5698FFBD9"
    observer.process.pid = "2556"
    about[0].labels[0].key = "Category ID"
    about[0].labels[0].value = "RegistryEvent"
    security_result[0].rule_name = "technique_id=T1553.004,technique_name=Install Root Certificate"
    security_result[0].summary = "Registry object added or deleted"
    security_result[0].severity = "INFORMATIONAL"
    security_result[1].rule_name = "EventID: 12"
    security_result[2].summary = "12"

XML 示例

以下示例展示了如何创建日志源为 XML 格式的解析器扩展程序。

代码段 - 将任意字段提取到 additional 对象中


  • 日志来源格式:XML
  • 数据映射方法:代码段
  • 解析器扩展程序用途:将任意字段提取到 additional 对象中
  • 说明:

    本例的目标是提取并存储 Platform Version 值,例如,能够针对 outdated platform versions 生成报告和进行搜索。

    查看重要 UDM 字段文档后,我们没有发现任何合适的标准 UDM 字段。因此,此示例将使用 additional 对象将此信息存储为自定义键值对。

    # Parser Extension for WINDOWS_DEFENDER_AV
    # 2024-10-29: cmmartin: Extracting 'Platform Version' into Additional
    filter {
        # Uses XPath to target the specific element(s)
        xml {
            source => "message"
                xpath => {
                    "/Event/EventData/Data[@Name='Platform version']" => "platform_version"
            on_error => "_xml_error"
        # Conditional processing: Only proceed if XML parsing was successful
        if ![_xml_error] {
            # Prepare the additional field structure using a temporary variable
                replace => {
                    "additional_platform_version.key" => "Platform Version"
                    "additional_platform_version.value.string_value" => "%{platform_version}"
                on_error => "no_platform_version"
            # Merge the additional field into the event1 structure.
            if ![no_platform_version] {
                mutate {
                    merge => {
                        "event1.idm.read_only_udm.additional.fields" => "additional_platform_version"
            mutate {
                merge => {
                    "@output" => "event1"

    运行预览 UDM 输出结果,您会看到新字段已成功添加。

    metadata.event_timestamp = "2024-10-29T14:08:52Z"
    metadata.event_type = "STATUS_HEARTBEAT"
    metadata.vendor_name = "Microsoft"
    metadata.product_name = "Windows Defender AV"
    metadata.product_event_type = "MALWAREPROTECTION_SERVICE_HEALTH_REPORT"
    metadata.description = "Endpoint Protection client health report (time in UTC)."
    metadata.log_type = "WINDOWS_DEFENDER_AV"
    additional.fields["Platform Version"] = "4.18.24080.9"
    principal.hostname = "win-dc-01.ad.1823127835827.altostrat.com"
    security_result[0].description = "EventID: 1151"
    security_result[0].action[0] = "ALLOW"
    security_result[0].severity = "LOW"

代码段(和 Grok)- 将任意字段提取到主机名


  • 日志来源格式:XML
  • 数据映射方法:使用 Grok代码段
  • 解析器扩展用途:将任意字段提取到主机名
  • 说明:

    本例的目标是从 FQDN 中提取 Hostname 并覆盖 principal.hostname 字段。

    此示例用于检查原始日志 Computer name 字段是否包含 FQDN。如果是,则仅提取 Hostname 部分,并覆盖 UDM Principal Hostname 字段。

    查看解析器和重要 UDM 字段文档后,我们可以明确地得出结论,应使用 principal.hostname 字段。

    # Parser Extension for WINDOWS_DEFENDER_AV
    # 2024-10-29: Extract Hostname from FQDN and overwrite principal.hostname
    filter {
        # Uses XPath to target the specific element(s)
        xml {
            source => "message"
                xpath => {
                    "/Event/System/Computer" => "hostname"
            on_error => "_xml_error"
        # Conditional processing: Only proceed if XML parsing was successful
        if ![_xml_error] {
      # Extract all characters before the first dot in the hostname variable
            grok {
                match => { "hostname" => "(?<hostname>[^.]+)" }
            mutate {
                replace => {
                    "event1.idm.read_only_udm.principal.hostname" => "%{hostname}"
            mutate {
                merge => {
                    "@output" => "event1"

    此解析器扩展程序使用 Grok 语句运行正则表达式 (regex) 来提取 hostname 字段。正则表达式本身使用命名捕获组,这意味着,括号内匹配的所有内容都将存储在名为 hostname 的字段中,并匹配一个或多个字符,直到遇到一个点为止。这只会捕获 FQDN 中的 hostname

    不过,运行预览 UDM 输出时,系统会返回错误。这是为什么?

    generic::unknown: pipeline.ParseLogEntry failed:
     LOG_PARSING_CBN_ERROR: "generic::internal: pipeline failed: filter grok (2) failed: 
    field\ "hostname\" already exists in data and is not overwritable"

    Grok overwrite 语句

    在 Grok 语句中,除非使用 overwrite 语句明确指定,否则命名捕获组无法覆盖现有变量。在这种情况下,我们可以为 Grok 语句中的命名捕获组使用其他变量名称,或者(如以下代码段示例所示)使用 overwrite 语句明确覆盖现有的 hostname 变量。

    # Parser Extension for WINDOWS_DEFENDER_AV
    # 2024-10-29: cmmartin: Overwriting principal Hostname
    filter {
      xml {
        source => "message"
          xpath => {
            "/Event/System/Computer" => "hostname"
        on_error => "_xml_error"
      if ![_xml_error] {
        grok {
          match => { "hostname" => "(?<hostname>[^.]+)" }
          overwrite => ["hostname"]
          on_error => "_grok_hostname_error"
        mutate {
          replace => {
            "event1.idm.read_only_udm.principal.hostname" => "%{hostname}"
        mutate {
          merge => {
            "@output" => "event1"

    再次运行预览 UDM 输出后,您会看到系统从 FQDN 中提取 hostname 后,添加了新字段。

    metadata.product_name"Windows Defender AV"
    metadata.description"Endpoint Protection client health report (time in UTC)."
    security_result[0].description"EventID: 1151"

需要更多帮助?向社区成员和 Google SecOps 专业人士寻求解答。