Set up Integrations and Connectors

After creating the Remote Agents, you need to set up integrations and connectors to run with the Remote Agent.

Set up integration

Let's now set up an integration from the Google Security Operations Marketplace to run remotely via the Agent.

  1. Navigate to the Google Security Operations Marketplace.
  2. Select the required environment.
  3. Select the required integration and click Configure Integration.
  4. Select Run Remotely and click Save.
  5. Actions that run on cases from this environment can now run remotely (manual actions and playbook actions).

Set up Connector

Next, you will set up the connector to run remotely via the Agent. You can assign as many connectors as you like.

  1. Navigate to SOAR Settings > Ingestion > Connectors.
  2. Click add Create New Connector.
  3. Select Remote Connector.
  4. Click Create.
  5. Select the required environment.
  6. Select the required Remote Agent. The Remote Agent status appears on the top of the page.