Collect Okta logs

Supported in:

This document explains how to ingest Okta logs to Google Security Operations using the Okta API. The parser extracts system logs, handling both single events and batched events within a JSON array. It normalizes the data into the UDM format, mapping Okta fields to UDM equivalents, enriching the data with parsed user agents, geographical information, and authentication details, and generating security result events based on outcomes and risk information.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that you have a Google SecOps instance.
  • Ensure that you have privileged access to Okta.

Configure Okta

To configure Okta SSO, complete the following tasks:

Create Okta Administrative user with read-only privileges

  1. Sign in to the Okta administrator console.
  2. Create a Standard User.

    • Go to Directory > People.
    • Click Add person and complete the required fields.
  3. Select Security > Administrators.

  4. Click Add Administrator.

  5. In the Administrator assignment by admin field, find the Standard User.

  6. In the roles section, select Read-Only Administrator from the list.

  7. Sign out from the administrator account.

Get API Key

  1. Sign in to the Okta Administrator Console with the read-only administrator user.
  2. Go to Security > API > Tokens.
  3. Click Create Token.
  4. Provide a meaningful name for the token.
  5. Provide the IP zone, where the API will be used (you can select any IP if you are not sure).
  6. Click Create Token.
  7. Copy the API key.
  8. Click OK, got it.

Configure a feed in Google SecOps to ingest Okta logs

  1. Go to SIEM Settings > Feeds.
  2. Click Add new.
  3. In the Feed name field, enter a name for the feed (for example, Okta Logs).
  4. Select Third party API as the Source type.
  5. Select Okta as the Log type.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Specify values for the following input parameters:
    • Authentication HTTP header: enter Okta API Key in the following format: Authorization:<API_KEY>.
    • API Hostname: specify the domain name of your Okta host (for example, <your-domain>
    • Asset namespace: the asset namespace.
    • Ingestion labels: the label applied to the events from this feed.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Review the feed configuration in the Finalize screen, and then click Submit.

UDM Mapping Table

Log Field UDM Mapping Logic
actor.alternateId principal.user.email_addresses Extracted from actor.alternateId if it is an email address. If not an email address, used as principal.user.userid.
actor.displayName principal.user.user_display_name Directly mapped. principal.user.product_object_id Directly mapped.
actor.type Directly mapped.
authenticationContext.authenticationProvider security_result.detection_fields.value Directly mapped, with key authenticationProvider.
authenticationContext.credentialProvider security_result.detection_fields.value Directly mapped, with key credentialProvider.
authenticationContext.credentialType extensions.auth.mechanism Used to derive the authentication mechanism (OTP, USERNAME_PASSWORD, LOCAL).
authenticationContext.externalSessionId network.parent_session_id Directly mapped.
client.device principal.asset.type / additional.fields.value.string_value Mapped to principal.asset.type (WORKSTATION, MOBILE, ROLE_UNSPECIFIED) based on value. Also mapped as string value with key device in additional.fields. Directly mapped. principal.location.country_or_region Directly mapped. principal.location.region_latitude Directly mapped.
client.geographicalContext.geolocation.lon principal.location.region_longitude Directly mapped.
client.geographicalContext.postalCode additional.fields.value.string_value Directly mapped as string value with key Postal code in additional.fields.
client.geographicalContext.state principal.location.state Directly mapped.
client.ipAddress principal.ip, principal.asset.ip Directly mapped.
client.userAgent.browser target.resource.attribute.labels.value Directly mapped, with key Browser.
client.userAgent.os principal.platform Mapped to platform (LINUX, WINDOWS, MAC) based on value.
client.userAgent.rawUserAgent network.http.user_agent, network.http.parsed_user_agent Directly mapped and parsed. additional.fields.value.string_value Directly mapped as string value with key zone in additional.fields.
debugContext.debugData.behaviors security_result.description, security_result.detection_fields Directly mapped to description. Individual behaviors are extracted and added as detection fields.
debugContext.debugData.changedAttributes security_result.detection_fields.value Directly mapped, with key changedAttributes.
debugContext.debugData.clientAddress principal.ip, principal.asset.ip Directly mapped if request.ipChain and client.ipAddress are missing.
debugContext.debugData.deviceFingerprint target.asset.asset_id Directly mapped, prefixed with device_finger_print:.
debugContext.debugData.dtHash security_result.detection_fields.value Directly mapped, with key dtHash.
debugContext.debugData.factor security_result.detection_fields.value Directly mapped, with key factor.
debugContext.debugData.factorIntent security_result.detection_fields.value Directly mapped, with key factorIntent.
debugContext.debugData.logOnlySecurityData.risk.reasons security_result.detection_fields.value Directly mapped, with key Risk Reasons.
debugContext.debugData.privilegeGranted target.user.attribute.roles Split into individual privileges and added as roles with name and description.
debugContext.debugData.pushOnlyResponseType security_result.detection_fields.value Directly mapped, with key pushOnlyResponseType.
debugContext.debugData.pushWithNumberChallengeResponseType security_result.detection_fields.value Directly mapped, with key pushWithNumberChallengeResponseType.
debugContext.debugData.requestUri extensions.auth.auth_details Directly mapped.
debugContext.debugData.suspiciousActivityEventId security_result.detection_fields.value Directly mapped, with key suspiciousActivityEventId.
debugContext.debugData.suspiciousActivityEventType security_result.detection_fields.value Directly mapped, with key suspiciousActivityEventType.
debugContext.debugData.threatDetections security_result.detection_fields.value Directly mapped, with key threatDetections.
debugContext.debugData.threatSuspected security_result.detection_fields.value, security_result.threat_status Mapped as a detection field with key threatSuspected. Used to derive threat status (ACTIVE or FALSE_POSITIVE).
debugContext.debugData.url target.url Directly mapped.
displayMessage security_result.summary Directly mapped.
legacyEventType security_result.detection_fields.value Directly mapped, with key legacyEventType.
outcome.reason security_result.category_details Directly mapped.
outcome.result security_result.action Mapped to action (ALLOW, CHALLENGE, BLOCK) based on value.
published metadata.event_timestamp Parsed to timestamp.
request.ipChain.n.geographicalContext intermediary.location Geographical context of intermediary IPs in the request chain.
request.ipChain.n.ip intermediary.ip IP addresses of intermediaries in the request chain.
securityContext.asNumber security_result.detection_fields.value Directly mapped, with key asNumber.
securityContext.asOrg security_result.detection_fields.value Directly mapped, with key asOrg.
securityContext.domain security_result.detection_fields.value Directly mapped, with key domain.
securityContext.isp security_result.detection_fields.value Directly mapped, with key isp.
securityContext.isProxy security_result.detection_fields.value Directly mapped, with key anonymized IP.
target.n.alternateId target.user.email_addresses / target.user.userid If it is an email address, mapped to target.user.email_addresses. If not an email address, used as target.user.userid.
target.n.detailEntry.clientAppId target.asset_id Directly mapped, prefixed with Client_app_id:.
target.n.detailEntry.methodTypeUsed target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels.value Directly mapped, with key methodTypeUsed when target type is AuthenticatorEnrollment.
target.n.detailEntry.methodUsedVerifiedProperties target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels.value Directly mapped, with key methodUsedVerifiedProperties when target type is AuthenticatorEnrollment.
target.n.detailEntry.policyType target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels.value Directly mapped, with key Policy Type.
target.n.detailEntry.signOnModeType security_result.detection_fields.value Directly mapped, with key signOnModeType.
target.n.displayName target.user.user_display_name / target.application / Mapped based on target type. target.user.product_object_id / target.resource.product_object_id / target.resource_ancestors.product_object_id Mapped based on target type.
target.n.type / target.resource.resource_subtype / target.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype Mapped based on target type. network.session_id Directly mapped.
transaction.type additional.fields.value.string_value Directly mapped as string value with key type in additional.fields.
uuid metadata.product_log_id Directly mapped.
N/A metadata.vendor_name Set to Okta.
N/A metadata.product_name Set to Okta.
N/A extensions.auth.type Set to SSO.
N/A is_alert Set to true for security.threat.detected and user.account.report_suspicious_activity_by_enduser events.
N/A is_significant Set to true for security.threat.detected and user.account.report_suspicious_activity_by_enduser events.



  • If is_alert is true and is_significant is true, then set security_result.alert_state as ALERTING.


  • Updated security_result.action field to reflect whether the traffic was allowed or blocked.


Bug fix:

  • When target.0.type is User or AppUser, then mapped target.0.alternateId to target.user.userid.
  • When target.1.type is User or AppUser, then mapped target.1.alternateId to target.user.userid.


  • Mapped securityContext.asNumber to security_result.detection_fields.
  • Mapped legacyEventType to security_result.detection_fields.
  • Added conditional_check before setting metadata.event_type.


  • Mapped complete value of debugContext.debugData.suspiciousActivityEventType to security_result.detection_fields.
  • Mapped complete value of debugContext.debugData.logOnlySecurityData.behaviors.New Device to security_result.detection_fields.


  • The field debugContext.debugData.deviceFingerprint is mapped to target.asset.asset_id.
  • Mapped complete value of debugContext.debugData.risk.reasons to security_result.detection_fields.


  • The field 'authenticationContext.externalSessionId' is mapped to 'network.parent_session_id'.
  • The field 'debugContext.debugData.pushOnlyResponseType' is mapped to 'security_result.detection_fields.key/value'.
  • The field 'debugContext.debugData.factor' is mapped to 'security_result.detection_fields.key/value'.
  • The field 'debugContext.debugData.factorIntent' is mapped to 'security_result.detection_fields.key/value'.
  • The field 'debugContext.debugData.pushWithNumberChallengeResponseType' is mapped to 'security_result.detection_fields.key/value'.
  • The field 'debugContext.debugData.dtHash' is mapped to 'security_result.detection_fields.key/value'.
  • The field 'client.userAgent.rawUserAgent' is mapped to 'network.http.user_agent'.
  • Changed the mapping from 'ALLOW_WITH_MODIFICATION' to enum value 'CHALLENGE' under 'security_result.action'.
  • For the eventType 'system.api_token.create', changed metadata.event_type from 'USER_UNCATEGORIZED' to 'RESOURCE_CREATION'.


Bug fix:

  • Modified mapping for security_result.threat_status to ACTIVE when debugContext.debugData.threatSuspected is true else mapped to FALSE_POSITIVE.


  • Mapped logOnlySecurityData fields to security_result.detection_fields.
  • Additionally, resolved parsing error by adding DEFERRED to action list.


  • Remapped the fields which are mapped to http.user_agent to http.parsed_user_agent.
  • Mapped target.displayName to
  • Mapped targetfield.detailEntry.methodTypeUsed to target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels.
  • Mapped targetfield.detailEntry.methodUsedVerifiedProperties to target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels.


  • Changed metadata.event_type from USER_LOGIN to STATUS_UPDATE where eventType is user.authentication.auth_via_AD_agent


  • Mapped debugContext.debugData.changedAttributes to security_result.detection_fields.
  • Added null check for


  • The field target[n].alternateId is mapped to target.resource.attribute.labels.
  • The field is mapped to target.resource.attribute.labels.


Bug fix:

  • Added condition for proper email check for field user_email.
  • Added check for field Action1 not in RATE_LIMIT.
  • Added null, unknown check for actor.displayName.


  • Added support for logs having multiple events.


  • signOnModeType mapped to security_result.detection_fields.
  • authenticationProvider mapped to security_result.detection_fields.
  • credentialProvider mapped to security_result.detection_fields.
  • device mapped to additional.fields.
  • zone mapped to additional.fields.
  • type mapped to additional.fields.


Bug fix:

  • Added conditional check for 'principal.user.email_addresses' and 'target.user.email_addresses'.
  • Added grok to check for valid ip_address for the field 'request.ipChain.0.ip' mapped to 'principal.ip'.
  • Added on_error condition for the field 'debugContext.debugData.url' mapped to 'target.url'.


  • Mapped client.userAgent.os to principal.platform.
  • Mapped client.device to principal.asset.type.
  • Mapped anonymized IP (hardcoded string) to security_result.detection_fields.key where 'securityContext.isProxy' value to corresponding security_result.detection_fields.value.


  • 'securityContext.asOrg' mapped to 'security_result.category_details'.
  • 'securityContext.isProxy' mapped to 'security_result.detection_fields'.
  • 'securityContext.domain' mapped to 'security_result.detection_fields'.
  • 'securityContext.isp' mapped to 'security_result.detection_fields'.
  • 'debugContext.debugData.risk.level' mapped to 'security_result.severity'.
  • 'debugContext.debugData.risk.reasons' mapped to 'security_result.detection_fields'.


  • the newly ingested logs have been parsed and mapped to following fields:
  • 'detail.uuid' mapped to 'metadata.product_log_id'.
  • 'detail.eventType' mapped to 'metadata.product_event_type'
  • '' mapped to 'principal.user.product_object_id'.
  • if '' mapped to 'principal.user.userid' else
  • '' mapped to 'principal.user.email_addresses'.
  • '' mapped to 'principal.user.user_display_name'.
  • '' mapped to '.principal.user.attribute.roles'.
  • 'detail.client.ipChain.0.ip' mapped to 'principal.ip'.
  • 'detail.client.ipChain.0.geographicalContext.state' mapped to 'principal.location.state'.
  • '' mapped to ''.
  • '' mapped to 'principal.location.country_or_region'.
  • 'detail.debugContext.debugData.requestUri' mapped to 'target.url'.
  • '' mapped to 'target.resource.resource_subtype'.
  • '' mapped to 'target.resource.resource.product_object_id'.
  • '' mapped to 'target.resource.resource_subtype'.
  • '' mapped to 'target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels'.
  • 'detail.outcome.reason' mapped to 'security_result.category_details'.
  • 'detail.debugContext.debugData.threatSuspected' mapped to 'security_result.detection_fields'.
  • 'detail.displayMessage' mapped to 'security_result.summary'.
  • 'detail.outcome.result' mapped to 'security_result.action'.
  • 'detail.severity' mapped to 'security_result.severity'.
  • '' mapped to 'network.session_id'.
  • 'detail.debugContext.debugData.requestUri' mapped to 'extensions.auth.auth_details'.


  • Modified mapping for actor.type from principal.user.role_name to principal.user.attribute.roles.
  • Modified mapping for target.0.type from target.user.role_name to target.user.attribute.roles.
  • Modified mapping for target.1.type from target.user.role_name to target.user.attribute.roles.



  • for target.0.type == Token.
  • Mapped target.0.detailEntry.clientAppId to target.asset_id.
  • Added conditional check for the field '' mapped to the UDM field 'network.session_id'.



  • Mapped debugContext.debugData.privilegeGranted to additionally.
  • Mapped debugContext.debugData.requestUri to extensions.auth.auth_details.
  • Mapped debugContext.debugData.suspiciousActivityEventId, debugContext.debugData.threatDetections, debugContext.debugData.threatSuspected to security_result.detection_fields.



  • debugContext.debugData.behaviors mapped to security_result.description.
  • debugContext.debugData.threatSuspected mapped to security_result.threat_status.
  • debugContext.debugData.risk mapped to security_result.severity.

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