Collect Carbon Black App Control logs

Supported in:

This document explains how to collect Carbon Black App Control logs. The parser supports both CEF and JSON formats. It first attempts to parse the input as JSON; if that fails, it treats the input as CEF, performs text substitutions, extracts CEF fields, maps them to UDM, and sets the event type to "GENERIC_EVENT". Otherwise, it uses a separate JSON-specific UDM mapping include file.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that you have a Google Security Operations instance.
  • Ensure that you are using Windows 2016 or later, or a Linux host with systemd.
  • If running behind a proxy, ensure firewall ports are open.
  • Carbon Black App Control (CB Protection) Server (Version 8.x or later recommended).
  • Ensure that you have privileged access to Carbon Black App Control.

Get Google SecOps ingestion authentication file

  1. Sign in to the Google SecOps console.
  2. Go to SIEM Settings > Collection Agents.
  3. Download the Ingestion Authentication File. Save the file securely on the system where Bindplane will be installed.

Get Google SecOps customer ID

  1. Sign in to the Google SecOps console.
  2. Go to SIEM Settings > Profile.
  3. Copy and save the Customer ID from the Organization Details section.

Install Bindplane Agent

Windows Installation

  1. Open the Command Prompt or PowerShell as an administrator.
  2. Run the following command:

    msiexec /i "" /quiet

Linux Installation

  1. Open a terminal with root or sudo privileges.
  2. Run the following command:

    sudo sh -c "$(curl -fsSlL"

Additional Installation Resources

Configure Bindplane Agent to ingest Syslog and send to Google SecOps

  1. Access the configuration file:

    • Locate the config.yaml file. Typically, it's in the /etc/bindplane-agent/ directory on Linux or in the installation directory on Windows.
    • Open the file using a text editor (for example, nano, vi, or Notepad).
  2. Edit the config.yaml file as follows:

            # Replace the port and IP address as required
            listen_address: ""
            compression: gzip
            # Adjust the path to the credentials file you downloaded in Step 1
            creds: '/path/to/ingestion-authentication-file.json'
            # Replace with your actual customer ID from Step 2
            customer_id: <customer_id>
            # Add optional ingestion labels for better organization
                log_type: JSON
                namespace: cb_app_control
                raw_log_field: body
                    - tcplog
                    - chronicle/chronicle_w_labels
  3. Replace the port and IP address as required in your infrastructure.

  4. Replace <customer_id> with the actual customer ID.

  5. Update /path/to/ingestion-authentication-file.json to the path where the authentication file was saved in the Get Google SecOps ingestion authentication file section.

Restart Bindplane Agent to apply the changes

  • To restart the Bindplane Agent in Linux, run the following command:

    sudo systemctl restart bindplane-agent
  • To restart the Bindplane Agent in Windows, you can either use the Services console or enter the following command:

    net stop BindPlaneAgent && net start BindPlaneAgent

Configure CB App Control to Send Syslog Logs

  1. Sign in to CB App Control console with an Administrator account.
  2. Go to Admin > System Configuration > External Logging
  3. In the External Event Logging section:
    • Enable Syslog Logging: select the Syslog Enabled checkbox.
    • Server Address: <Bindplane Server IP>.
    • Port: <Bindplane Server PORT>.
    • Protocol: select TCP.
    • Syslog Format: select JSON.
  4. Under Event Logging Options, select the types of logs to send:
    • Policy Violations
    • File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) events
    • User Authentication Events
    • Threat Intelligence Data
  5. Click Save.

UDM Mapping Table

Log Field UDM Mapping Logic
ABId principal.asset.asset_id The ABId from the JSON log is used as part of the asset ID in the format PRODUCT_SPECIFIC_ID:{ABId}-{Bit9Server}.
Bit9Server principal.asset.asset_id Used as part of the principal's asset ID, combined with ABId. Also used to construct the metadata.url_back_to_product field.
CommandLine about.process.command_line Directly mapped.
EventType metadata.product_event_type Mapped with the corresponding EventTypeId in square brackets (e.g., "[5] - Discovery").
EventTypeId metadata.product_event_type Used with EventType to populate metadata.product_event_type.
EventSubType metadata.description Appended to the metadata.description field.
EventSubTypeId metadata.description Not explicitly mapped, but potentially contributes to the description based on the parser's internal logic.
externalId metadata.product_log_id Directly mapped.
FileHash about.file.sha256 Directly mapped.
FileName additional.fields (with key "FileName") Added as an additional field. Also used as part of file information in metadata.description for some events.
FilePath about.file.full_path Directly mapped.
FileThreat additional.fields (with key "fileThreat") Added as an additional field.
FileTrust additional.fields (with key "fileTrust") Added as an additional field.
HostId principal.asset.asset_id Used to construct the URL back to the product in metadata.url_back_to_product.
HostName target.hostname Directly mapped.
HostIP target.ip Directly mapped.
Message metadata.description Directly mapped.
PathName about.file.full_path Directly mapped.
Platform target.platform Mapped to the enum value WINDOWS.
Policy additional.fields (with key "Policy") Added as an additional field.
PolicyId additional.fields (with key "PolicyId") Added as an additional field.
ProcessKey additional.fields (with key "ProcessKey") Added as an additional field.
ProcessPath about.process.command_line Directly mapped.
ProcessPathName about.process.command_line Directly mapped.
ProcessThreat additional.fields (with key "ProcessThreat") Added as an additional field.
ProcessTrust additional.fields (with key "ProcessTrust") Added as an additional field.
RuleName additional.fields (with key "ruleName") Added as an additional field.
Timestamp metadata.event_timestamp Directly mapped.
UserName target.user.user_display_name Directly mapped.
UserSid principal.user.userid Directly mapped.
agent.ephemeral_id observer.labels (with key "ephemeral_id") Added as an observer label. principal.hostname, observer.hostname, observer.user.userid Mapped to multiple fields.
agent.type observer.application Directly mapped.
agent.version metadata.product_version Directly mapped for JSON logs. For CEF logs, extracted from the CEF message.
cat security_result.category_details Directly mapped.
cs1 additional.fields (with key "rootHash" or other cs1Label) Added as an additional field with the key defined by cs1Label.
cs1Label additional.fields Used as the key for the additional field populated by cs1.
cs2 additional.fields (with key "installerFilename" or other cs2Label) Added as an additional field with the key defined by cs2Label.
cs2Label additional.fields Used as the key for the additional field populated by cs2.
cs3 additional.fields (with key "Policy" or other cs3Label) Added as an additional field with the key defined by cs3Label.
cs3Label additional.fields Used as the key for the additional field populated by cs3.
cs5 additional.fields (with key "ruleName" or other cs5Label) Added as an additional field with the key defined by cs5Label.
cs5Label additional.fields Used as the key for the additional field populated by cs5.
cfp1 additional.fields (with key "fileTrust" or other cfp1Label) Added as an additional field with the key defined by cfp1Label.
cfp1Label additional.fields Used as the key for the additional field populated by cfp1.
cfp2 additional.fields (with key "processTrust" or other cfp2Label) Added as an additional field with the key defined by cfp2Label.
cfp2Label additional.fields Used as the key for the additional field populated by cfp2.
deviceProcessName about.process.command_line Directly mapped.
dhost target.hostname Directly mapped.
dst target.ip Directly mapped.
duser target.user.user_display_name Directly mapped.
dvchost about.hostname Directly mapped.
eventId additional.fields (with key "eventId") Added as an additional field.
fileHash about.file.sha256 Directly mapped.
flexString1 additional.fields (with key "fileThreat" or other flexString1Label) Added as an additional field with the key defined by flexString1Label.
flexString1Label additional.fields Used as the key for the additional field populated by flexString1.
flexString2 additional.fields (with key "processThreat" or other flexString2Label) Added as an additional field with the key defined by flexString2Label.
flexString2Label additional.fields Used as the key for the additional field populated by flexString2.
fname additional.fields (with key "fname") Added as an additional field. Also used as part of file information in metadata.description for some events.
host.architecture target.asset.hardware.cpu_platform Directly mapped.
host.hostname target.asset.asset_id Used as part of the target asset ID ("Host Id: {host.hostname}"). Also mapped to target.hostname. target.asset.asset_id Used as part of the target asset ID ("Host Id: {}").
host.ip target.asset.ip Directly mapped.
host.mac target.mac Directly mapped. target.hostname Directly mapped. target.platform_patch_level Directly mapped.
host.os.kernel target.platform_patch_level Appended to the target.platform_patch_level.
host.os.platform target.platform Mapped to the enum value WINDOWS.
host.os.type target.platform Mapped to the enum value WINDOWS.
host.os.version target.platform_version Directly mapped.
log.file.path target.file.full_path Directly mapped.
metadata.event_type metadata.event_type Set to "GENERIC_EVENT" for CEF logs, "SYSTEM_AUDIT_LOG_UNCATEGORIZED" for JSON logs.
metadata.log_type metadata.log_type Set to "CB_EDR".
metadata.product_log_id metadata.product_log_id Mapped from externalId for CEF logs. Not applicable for JSON logs.
metadata.product_name metadata.product_name Set to "App Control" for CEF logs, "CB_APP_CONTROL" for JSON logs.
metadata.product_version metadata.product_version Extracted from the CEF message for CEF logs. Mapped from agent.version for JSON logs.
metadata.vendor_name metadata.vendor_name Set to "Carbon Black".
msg metadata.description, additional.fields Used to populate metadata.description and potentially additional fields based on the parser's logic.
sproc principal.process.command_line Directly mapped.
metadata.url_back_to_product metadata.url_back_to_product Constructed using the Bit9Server and HostId fields for JSON logs. Not applicable for CEF logs.
security_result.severity security_result.severity Set to MEDIUM.
timestamp events.timestamp Directly mapped for JSON logs. For CEF logs, the parser logic determines the timestamp based on the raw log's rt field if available, or the collection_time if rt is not present.



  • Enhancement
  • Mapped the field 'agent.type' to 'observer.application'.
  • Mapped the field '' to 'observer.user.userid'.
  • Mapped the field '' to 'observer.hostname'.
  • Mapped the field 'agent.type' and '' to 'observer.asset_id'.
  • Mapped the field 'agent.ephemeral_id' to 'observer.labels'.
  • Mapped the field 'host.os.platform' to 'target.platform'.
  • Mapped the field 'host.os.version' to 'target.platform_version'.
  • Mapped the field 'host.os.kernel' to 'target.platform_patch_level'.
  • Mapped the field '' to 'principal.resource.product_object_id'.
  • Mapped the field '' to ''.
  • Mapped the field 'host.mac' to 'target.mac'.
  • Mapped the field 'host.ip' to 'target.asset.ip'.
  • Mapped the field '' to 'target.asset.asset_id'.
  • Mapped the field 'host.architecture' to 'target.asset.hardware'.
  • Mapped the field 'message.UserSID' to 'principal.user.userid'.
  • Mapped the field 'message.ProcessPath' to 'about.process.command_line'.
  • Mapped the field 'cloud.machine.type' and 'cloud.provider' to 'principal.resource.attribute.labels'.
  • Added conditional checks for 'message.Bit9Server' and 'message.HostId' mapped to 'metadata.url_back_to_product'.


  • Bug-Fix
  • Mapped hostId to principal.asset_id
  • Mapped Bit9Server and HostId combination to metadata.url_back_to_product


  • Bug-Fix
  • parsed requested logs in the bug
  • parsed api failed logs

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