Collect Zscaler Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) alert logs

Supported in:

This document describes how you can collect the Zscaler Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) alert logs. This parser extracts fields from JSON formatted logs, handling potential formatting inconsistencies. It maps extracted fields to the UDM, creating or merging fields within principal, metadata, additional, and security_result objects, and ultimately merges everything into a unified @output field. The parser also performs several data transformations, including string manipulation and date parsing.

Before you begin

  • Ensure you have a Google Security Operations instance.
  • Ensure that you are using Windows 2016 or later, or a Linux host with systemd.
  • If running behind a proxy, ensure firewall ports are open.
  • Ensure you have administrative access to ZScaler.

Get Google SecOps ingestion authentication file

  1. Sign in to the Google SecOps console.
  2. Go to SIEM Settings > Collection Agents.
  3. Download the Ingestion Authentication File. Save the file securely on the system where BindPlane will be installed.

Get Google SecOps customer ID

  1. Sign in to the Google SecOps console.
  2. Go to SIEM Settings > Profile.
  3. Copy and save the Customer ID from the Organization Details section.

Install BindPlane Agent

Windows Installation

  1. Open the Command Prompt or PowerShell as an administrator.
  2. Run the following command:

    msiexec /i "" /quiet

Linux Installation

  1. Open a terminal with root or sudo privileges.
  2. Run the following command:

    sudo sh -c "$(curl -fsSlL"

Additional Installation Resources

Configure BindPlane Agent to ingest Syslog and send to Google SecOps

  1. Access the configuration file:

    • Locate the config.yaml file. Typically, it's in the /etc/bindplane-agent/ directory on Linux or in the installation directory on Windows.
    • Open the file using a text editor (for example, nano, vi, or Notepad).
  2. Edit the config.yaml file as follows:

            # Replace the below port <54525> and IP <> with your specific values
            listen_address: "" 
            compression: gzip
            # Adjust the creds location below according the placement of the credentials file you downloaded
            creds: '{ json file for creds }'
            # Replace <customer_id> below with your actual ID that you copied
            customer_id: <customer_id>
            # You can apply ingestion labels below as preferred
            log_type: SYSLOG
            namespace: vmware_nsx
            raw_log_field: body
                    - tcplog
                    - chronicle/chronicle_w_labels
  3. Replace the port and IP address as required in your infrastructure.

  4. Replace <customer_id> with the actual customer ID.

  5. Update /path/to/ingestion-authentication-file.json to the path where the authentication file was saved in the Get Google SecOps ingestion authentication file section.

Restart BindPlane Agent to apply the changes

  • In Linux, to restart the BindPlane Agent, run the following command:

    sudo systemctl restart bindplane-agent
  • In Windows, to restart the BindPlane Agent, you can either use the Services console or enter the following command:

    net stop BindPlaneAgent && net start BindPlaneAgent

Configure Zscaler Cloud Web Security

  1. Sign in to the Zscaler Analytics Admin console.
  2. Select Administration > Settings > Nanolog streaming service (NSS).
  3. Select NSS feeds.
  4. Click Add.
  5. In the Add NSS feed window that appears, do the following:

    1. Feed name: enter the feed name.
    2. NSS type: select either NSS for web or NSS for firewall depending on your requirements.
    3. NSS name: select NSS virtual machine (VM) that collects logs from the cloud (only one NSS VM can be mapped to a feed).
    4. Status: select Enabled to activate the feed.
    5. SIEM IP: enter the syslog server/Bindplane IP address.
    6. SIEM TCP port: enter the syslog server/Bindplane port number for TCP communication (Zscaler supports only the TCP connection).
    7. Log type: select Web log or Firewall logs based on the NSS type selected.
    8. Feed output type: select Custom.
    9. Feed output format: specify the web log or firewall log.
    10. User obfuscation: select Disabled to display the login usernames in the output. For random values, select Enabled.
    11. Time zone: select the appropriate time zone (default time zone is GMT).
    12. Duplicate logs: enter the number of minutes that NSS takes to send the duplicate logs (you can select the time based on your requirements).
    13. Transactions filters: there are various parameters available based on which you can filter the logs sent by the NSS Virtual machine.

    For more information on different filter sets, see NSS document section in the Help portal.

  6. Use Policy admin console or Analytics admin console:

    1. To use Policy admin console, click Done.
    2. To use Analytics admin console, click Save. After the Add NSS feed window is closed, return to the previous window, and the added feed details display under the Configure feeds section.
  7. Use Policy admin console or Analytics admin console:

    1. To use Policy admin console, do the following:
      • In the Configure feeds section, click Save.
      • Click Activate now (the status of the result appears in a new window).
      • Click Done.
    2. To use Analytics admin console, click Activate now (the status of the result appears on top of the window).

Configure web and firewall log feed

In the Feed output format field, use the following feeds:

  • If the collector supports customized format, specify the following web log feed:

    |ZSCALER|DATE|%s{mon} %d{dd} %02d{hh}:%02d{mm}:%02d{ss}|NSSFEEDIP|%s{nsssvcip}|CLIENTINTIP|%s{cintip}|RECORDID|%d{recordid}|LOGINNAME|%s{login}|PROTOCOL|%s{proto}|URL|%s{url}|HOST|%s{host}|ACTION|%s{action}|REASON|%s{reason}|RISKSCORE|%d{riskscore}|APPNAME|%s{appname}|APPCLASS|%s{appclass}|REQSIZE|%d{reqsize}|RESPSIZE|%d{respsize}|CTIME|%d{ctime}|URLCLASS|%s{urlclass}|SUPERCAT|%s{urlsupercat}|URLCAT|%s{urlcat}|MALWARECAT|%s{malwarecat}|MALWARECLASS|%s{malwareclass}|THREATNAME|%s{threatname}|FILETYPE|%s{filetype}|FILECLASS|%s{fileclass}|DLPENGINE|%s{dlpeng}|DLPDICT|%s{dlpdict}|BWTHROTTLE|%s{bwthrottle}|LOCATION|%s{location}|DEPARTMENT|%s{dept}|CLIENTIP|%s{cip}|DESTINATIONIP|%s{sip}|REQMETHOD|%s{reqmethod}|RESPCODE|%s{respcode}|USERAGENT|%s{ua}|REFERER|%s{referer}|MD5HASH|%s{bamd5}|DLPRULENAME|%s{dlprulename}|DLPMD5|%s{dlpmd5}|DLPIDENTIFIER|%d{dlpidentifier}|DLPDICTHITCOUNT|%s{dlpdicthitcount}|\n
  • If the collector supports firewall feed subscription, specify the following firewall feed:

    |ZSCALERFIREWALL|DATE|%s{mon}%d{dd} %02d{hh}:%02d{mm}:%02d{ss}|CLIENTIP|%s{csip}|RECORDID|%d{recordid}|LOGINNAME|%s{login}|PROTOCOL|%s{ipproto}|ACTION|%s{action}|DESTINATIONIP|%s{cdip}|SOURCEPORT|%d{csport}|DESTINATIONPORT|%d{cdport}|CLIENTTUNIP|%s{tsip}|CLIENTTUNPORT|%d{tsport}|LOCATION|%s{location}|DEPARTMENT|%s{dept}|DESTINATIONCOUNTRY|%s{destcountry}|INCOMINGBYTES|%ld{inbytes}|NETWORKAPP|%s{nwapp}|NETWORKSVC|%s{nwsvc}|RULELABEL|%s{rulelabel}|NATTING|%s{dnat}|SESSIONDURATION|%d{duration}|AGGREGATEDSESSION|%d{numsessions}|AVERAGEDURATION|%d{avgduration}|TUNNELTYPE|%s{ttype}|SERVERDESTPORT|%d{sdport}|SERVERSOURCEIP|%s{ssip}|SERVERSOURCEPORT|%d{ssport}|IPCAT|%s{ipcat}|\n

Configure Zscaler Private Access

  1. User activity: select Log type.
  2. Log template: select CSV.
  3. Log stream: run the following command:

    *%s{LogTimestamp:time} User Activity zpa-lss: %s{Username},%d{ServicePort},%s{ClientPublicIP},%s{ClientCountryCode},%s{ConnectionStatus},%d{IPProtocol},%s{ClientZEN},%s{Policy},%s{Connector},%s{ConnectorZEN},%s{ConnectorIP},%s{Host},%s{ServerIP},%s{TimestampConnectionStart:iso8601},%d{ServerPort}\n*

UDM Mapping Table

Log Field UDM Mapping Logic
applicationname principal.application The value of applicationname from the raw log is assigned to this UDM field.
company principal.user.company_name The value of company from the raw log is assigned to this UDM field.
datetime metadata.event_timestamp The value of datetime from the raw log is parsed and converted to a timestamp, which is then assigned to this UDM field. The parser uses multiple date formats to handle variations in the raw log.
dept principal.user.department The value of dept from the raw log is assigned to this UDM field.
dlpdictcount additional.fields If dlpdictcount is present and not "None" or empty in the raw log, a new field with key "dlpdictcount" and a string value of dlpdictcount is added to the additional.fields array.
dlpdictnames additional.fields If dlpdictnames is present and not "None" or empty in the raw log, a new field with key "dlpdictnames" and a string value of dlpdictnames is added to the additional.fields array.
dlpenginenames additional.fields If dlpenginenames is present and not "None" or empty in the raw log, a new field with key "dlpenginenames" and a string value of dlpenginenames is added to the additional.fields array.
event.extcollabnames additional.fields If extcollabnames is present in the raw log, it is split by the "
event.extownername additional.fields If extownername is present in the raw log, a new field with key "extownername" and a string value of extownername is added to the additional.fields array.
filedownloadtimems additional.fields If filedownloadtimems is present in the raw log, a new field with key "File Download Time" and a string value of filedownloadtimems is added to the additional.fields array.
fileid additional.fields If fileid is present in the raw log, a new field with key "fileid" and a string value of fileid is added to the additional.fields array.
filename principal.process.file.full_path The value of filename from the raw log is assigned to this UDM field. The parser handles escaped characters and special cases in the filename.
filemd5 principal.process.file.md5 If filemd5 is present and not "None" or empty in the raw log, its value is assigned to this UDM field.
filescantimems additional.fields If filescantimems is present in the raw log, a new field with key "File Scan Time" and a string value of filescantimems is added to the additional.fields array.
filesource additional.fields If filesource is present in the raw log, a new field with key "File Source" and a string value of filesource is added to the additional.fields array. The parser handles escaped characters and special cases in the filesource.
fullurl principal.url If fullurl is present and not "Unknown URL" or empty in the raw log, its value is assigned to this UDM field.
intcollabnames additional.fields If intcollabnames is present in the raw log, it is split by the "
lastmodtime metadata.event_timestamp If lastmodtime is present in the raw log, it is parsed and converted to a timestamp, which is then assigned to this UDM field. The parser uses multiple date formats to handle variations in the raw log.
login principal.user.email_addresses, principal.user.userid If login is present and matches an email address format, its value is assigned to both principal.user.email_addresses and principal.user.userid. If login is present but does not match an email address format, its value is assigned only to principal.user.userid. If login is not present, principal.user.userid is set to "n/a".
policy security_result.rule_name If policy is present and not "None" or empty in the raw log, its value is assigned to this UDM field.
recordid metadata.product_log_id If recordid is present in the raw log, its value is assigned to this UDM field.
tenant additional.fields If tenant is present in the raw log, a new field with key "Tenant" and a string value of tenant is added to the additional.fields array.
threatname security_result.threat_name If threatname is present and not "None" or empty in the raw log, its value is assigned to this UDM field.
(Parser Logic) metadata.event_type The parser sets this field to "USER_UNCATEGORIZED".
(Parser Logic) metadata.log_type The parser sets this field to "ZSCALER_CASB".
(Parser Logic) metadata.product_name The parser sets this field to "Zscaler CASB".
(Parser Logic) metadata.vendor_name The parser sets this field to "Zscaler".



  • Added "gsub" function to handle invalid escape characters in the following fields: "filename", "fileid", "filemd5", and "filesource".


  • Added "gsub" function to handle invalid escape character in "filename".


  • Mapped "event.fileid", "event.intcollabnames", "event.extownername", "event.extcollabnames" to "additional.fields".


  • Added "gsubs" function to handle invalid escape character, "," in "filesource".
  • Added "gsubs" function to handle invalid escape character in "filename".


  • Added gsubs to handle invalid characters for unparsed JSON logs.


  • Mapped "event.login" to "principal.user.userid". If not available, set "principal.user.userid" to "n/a".
  • Added "on_error" check for "date" filter as "event.lastmodtime" which is an optional parameter.


  • Newly created parser

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