Collect Zscaler CASB logs

Supported in:

This document explains how to export Zscaler CASB logs by setting up a Google Security Operations feed and how log fields map to Google SecOps Unified Data Model (UDM) fields.

For more information, see Data ingestion to Google SecOps overview.

A typical deployment consists of Zscaler CASB and the Google SecOps Webhook feed configured to send logs to Google SecOps. Each customer deployment can differ and might be more complex.

  1. Sign in to the Google SecOps console.
  2. Go to SIEM Settings > Collection Agents.
  3. Download the Ingestion Authentication File. Save the file securely on the system where Bindplane will be installed.
  • Zscaler CASB: The platform from which you collect logs.

  • Google SecOps feed: The Google SecOps feed that fetches logs from Zscaler CASB and writes logs to Google SecOps.

Install Bindplane Agent

Windows installation

Before you begin

  • Ensure that you have access to Zscaler Internet Access console. For more information, see Secure Internet and SaaS Access ZIA Help.
  • Ensure that you are using Zscaler CASB 2024 or later.
  • Ensure that all systems in the deployment architecture are configured with the UTC time zone.
  • Ensure that you have the API key which is needed to complete feed setup in Google SecOps. For more information, see Setting up API keys.

Linux Iistallation

  1. Go to SIEM Settings > Feeds.
  2. Click Add new.
  3. In the Feed name field, enter a name for the feed (for example, Zscaler CASB Logs).
  4. Select Webhook as the Source Type.
  5. Select Zscaler CASB as the Log Type.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Optional: Specify values for the following input parameters:
    1. Split delimiter: the delimiter that is used to separate the logs lines (leave blank if a delimiter is not used).
    2. Asset namespace: the asset namespace.
    3. Ingestion labels: the label to be applied to the events from this feed.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Review your new feed configuration in the Finalize screen, and then click Submit.
  10. Click Generate Secret Key to generate a secret key to authenticate this feed.

Set up Zscaler CASB

Additional installation resources

Configure Bindplane Agent to ingest Syslog and send to Google SecOps

  1. Access the configuration file:

    • Locate the config.yaml file. Typically, it's in the /etc/bindplane-agent/ directory on Linux or in the installation directory on Windows.
    • Open the file using a text editor (for example, nano, vi, or Notepad).
  2. Edit the config.yaml file as follows:

            # Replace the below port <54525> and IP <> with your specific values
            listen_address: "" 
            compression: gzip
            # Adjust the creds location below according the placement of the credentials file you downloaded
            creds: '{ json file for creds }'
            # Replace <customer_id> below with your actual ID that you copied
            customer_id: <customer_id>
            # You can apply ingestion labels below as preferred
            log_type: SYSLOG
            namespace: vmware_nsx
            raw_log_field: body
                    - tcplog
                    - chronicle/chronicle_w_labels
    • CHRONICLE_REGION: region where your Google SecOps instance is hosted (for example, US).
    • GOOGLE_PROJECT_NUMBER: BYOP project number (obtain this from C4).
    • LOCATION: Google SecOps region (for example, US).
    • CUSTOMER_ID: Google SecOps customer ID (obtain this from C4).
    • FEED_ID: Feed ID shown on the Feed UI on the new webhook created.

    Sample API URL:

Restart Bindplane Agent to apply changes

  • In Linux, to restart the Bindplane Agent, run the following command:

    sudo systemctl restart bindplane-agent
  • In Windows, to restart the Bindplane Agent, you can either use the Services console or enter the following command:

    net stop BindPlaneAgent && net start BindPlaneAgent

Configure Zscaler Cloud Web Security

  1. Sign in to the Zscaler Analytics Admin console.
  2. Select Administration > Settings > Nanolog streaming service (NSS).
  3. Select NSS feeds.
  4. Click Add.
  5. In the Add NSS feed window that appears, do the following:

    1. Feed name: enter the feed name.
    2. NSS type: select either NSS for web or NSS for firewall depending on your requirements.
    3. NSS name: select NSS virtual machine (VM) that collects logs from the cloud (only one NSS VM can be mapped to a feed).
    4. Status: select Enabled to activate the feed.
    5. SIEM IP: enter the syslog server/Bindplane IP address.
    6. SIEM TCP port: enter the syslog server/Bindplane port number for TCP communication (Zscaler supports only the TCP connection).
    7. Log type: select Web log or Firewall logs based on the NSS type selected.
    8. Feed output type: select Custom.
    9. Feed output format: specify the web log or firewall log.
    10. User obfuscation: select Disabled to display the login usernames in the output. For random values, select Enabled.
    11. Time zone: select the appropriate time zone (default time zone is GMT).
    12. Duplicate logs: enter the number of minutes that NSS takes to send the duplicate logs (you can select the time based on your requirements).
    13. Transactions filters: there are various parameters available based on which you can filter the logs sent by the NSS Virtual machine.

    For more information on different filter sets, see NSS document section in the Help portal.

  6. Use Policy admin console or Analytics admin console:

    1. To use Policy admin console, click Done.
    2. To use Analytics admin console, click Save. After the Add NSS feed window is closed, return to the previous window, and the added feed details display under the Configure feeds section.
  7. Use Policy admin console or Analytics admin console:

    1. To use Policy admin console, do the following:
      • In the Configure feeds section, click Save.
      • Click Activate now (the status of the result appears in a new window).
      • Click Done.
    2. To use Analytics admin console, click Activate now (the status of the result appears on top of the window).

Configure web and firewall log feed

In the Feed output format field, use the following feeds:

  • If the collector supports customized format, specify the following web log feed:

    |ZSCALER|DATE|%s{mon} %d{dd} %02d{hh}:%02d{mm}:%02d{ss}|NSSFEEDIP|%s{nsssvcip}|CLIENTINTIP|%s{cintip}|RECORDID|%d{recordid}|LOGINNAME|%s{login}|PROTOCOL|%s{proto}|URL|%s{url}|HOST|%s{host}|ACTION|%s{action}|REASON|%s{reason}|RISKSCORE|%d{riskscore}|APPNAME|%s{appname}|APPCLASS|%s{appclass}|REQSIZE|%d{reqsize}|RESPSIZE|%d{respsize}|CTIME|%d{ctime}|URLCLASS|%s{urlclass}|SUPERCAT|%s{urlsupercat}|URLCAT|%s{urlcat}|MALWARECAT|%s{malwarecat}|MALWARECLASS|%s{malwareclass}|THREATNAME|%s{threatname}|FILETYPE|%s{filetype}|FILECLASS|%s{fileclass}|DLPENGINE|%s{dlpeng}|DLPDICT|%s{dlpdict}|BWTHROTTLE|%s{bwthrottle}|LOCATION|%s{location}|DEPARTMENT|%s{dept}|CLIENTIP|%s{cip}|DESTINATIONIP|%s{sip}|REQMETHOD|%s{reqmethod}|RESPCODE|%s{respcode}|USERAGENT|%s{ua}|REFERER|%s{referer}|MD5HASH|%s{bamd5}|DLPRULENAME|%s{dlprulename}|DLPMD5|%s{dlpmd5}|DLPIDENTIFIER|%d{dlpidentifier}|DLPDICTHITCOUNT|%s{dlpdicthitcount}|\n
  • If the collector supports firewall feed subscription, specify the following firewall feed:

    |ZSCALERFIREWALL|DATE|%s{mon}%d{dd} %02d{hh}:%02d{mm}:%02d{ss}|CLIENTIP|%s{csip}|RECORDID|%d{recordid}|LOGINNAME|%s{login}|PROTOCOL|%s{ipproto}|ACTION|%s{action}|DESTINATIONIP|%s{cdip}|SOURCEPORT|%d{csport}|DESTINATIONPORT|%d{cdport}|CLIENTTUNIP|%s{tsip}|CLIENTTUNPORT|%d{tsport}|LOCATION|%s{location}|DEPARTMENT|%s{dept}|DESTINATIONCOUNTRY|%s{destcountry}|INCOMINGBYTES|%ld{inbytes}|NETWORKAPP|%s{nwapp}|NETWORKSVC|%s{nwsvc}|RULELABEL|%s{rulelabel}|NATTING|%s{dnat}|SESSIONDURATION|%d{duration}|AGGREGATEDSESSION|%d{numsessions}|AVERAGEDURATION|%d{avgduration}|TUNNELTYPE|%s{ttype}|SERVERDESTPORT|%d{sdport}|SERVERSOURCEIP|%s{ssip}|SERVERSOURCEPORT|%d{ssport}|IPCAT|%s{ipcat}|\n
    1. Select the time zone for the Time field in the output file in the Timezone list. By default, the time zone is set to your organization's time zone.
    2. Review the configured settings.
    3. Click Save to test connectivity. If the connection is successful, a green tick accompanied by the message Test Connectivity Successful: OK (200) appears.

For more information about Google SecOps feeds, see Google SecOps feeds documentation. For information about requirements for each feed type, see Feed configuration by type.

If you encounter issues when you create feeds, contact Google SecOps support.

UDM Mapping Table

Field mapping reference: ZSCALER_CASB

The following table lists the log fields of the ZSCALER_CASB log type and their corresponding UDM fields.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_UNCATEGORIZED.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to CASB.
metadata.vendor_name The metadata.vendor_name UDM field is set to Zscaler.
principal.user.attribute.roles.type If the is_admin_act log field value is equal to 1, then the principal.user.attribute.roles.type UDM field is set to ADMINISTRATOR.
security_result.associations.type If the malware log field value is not empty, then the security_result.associations.type UDM field is set to MALWARE.
security_result.severity If the severity log field value is equal to High, then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to HIGH.

Else, if the severity log field value is equal to Medium, then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to MEDIUM.

Else, if the severity log field value is equal to Low, then the security_result.sevrity UDM field is set to LOW.

Else, if the severity log field value is equal to Information, then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to INFORMATIONAL.
target.resource.resource_type If the bucketname log field value is not empty, then the target.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to STORAGE_BUCKET.

If the reponame log field value is not empty, then the target.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to REPOSITORY.
act_cnt additional.fields[act_cnt]
act_type_name metadata.product_event_type
any_incident security_result.detection_fields[any_incident]
applicationname principal.application If the applicationname log field value is not empty, then the applicationname log field is mapped to the principal.application UDM field.

Else, the appname log field is mapped to the principal.application UDM field.
attchcomponentfilenames target.file.names
attchcomponentfilesizes target.file.size If the attchcomponentfilesizes log field value is not empty, then the attchcomponentfilesizes log field is mapped to the target.file.size UDM field.
attchcomponentfiletypes additional.fields[attchcomponentfiletypes]
bucketid target.resource.product_object_id
bucketname If the bucketname log field value is not empty, then the bucketname log field is mapped to the UDM field.
bucketowner target.resource.attribute.labels[bucketowner]
channel_name additional.fields[channel_name]
collabnames additional.fields[collabnames]
collabscope additional.fields[collabscope]
company principal.user.company_name
companyid additional.fields[companyid]
component additional.fields[component]
datacentercountry target.location.country_or_region
datetime metadata.event_timestamp If the datetime log field value is not empty, then the datetime log field is mapped to the metadata.event_timestamp UDM field.
day additional.fields[day]
dd additional.fields[dd]
department principal.user.department
dept principal.user.department
dlpdictcount security_result.detection_fields[dlpdictcount] If the dlpdictcount log field value is not empty and the dlpdictcount log field value is not equal to None, then the dlpdictcount log field is mapped to the security_result.detection_fields.dlpdictcount UDM field.
dlpdictnames security_result.detection_fields[dlpdictnames]
dlpenginenames security_result.detection_fields[dlpenginenames] If the dlpenginenames log field value is not empty and the dlpenginenames log field value is not equal to None, then the dlpenginenames log field is mapped to the security_result.detection_fields.dlpenginenames UDM field.
dlpidentifier security_result.detection_fields[dlpidentifier]
epochlastmodtime additional.fields[epochlastmodtime]
epochtime metadata.event_timestamp If the epochtime log field value is not empty, then the epochtime log field is mapped to the metadata.event_timestamp UDM field.
eventtime metadata.event_timestamp If the eventtime log field value is not empty, then the eventtime log field is mapped to the metadata.event_timestamp UDM field.
extcollabnames additional.fields[extcollabnames]
external_collabnames additional.fields[externalcollabnames]
external_recptnames For index in external_recptnames, the index is mapped to the UDM field.
externalownername additional.fields[externalownername]
extownername additional.fields[extownername]
extrecptnames For index in extrecptnames, the index is mapped to the UDM field.
file_msg_id additional.fields[file_msg_id]
file_msg_mod_time target.file.last_modification_time If the lastmodtime log field value is not empty, then the lastmodtime log field is mapped to the target.file.last_modification_time UDM field.

Else if the file_msg_mod_time log field value is not empty, then the file_msg_mod_time log field is mapped to the target.file.fullpath UDM field.
filedownloadtimems additional.fields[filedownloadtimems]
fileid additional.fields[fileid]
filemd5 target.file.md5 If the filemd5 log field value is not equal to None and the filemd5 log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-fA-F0-9]{32}$, then the filemd5 log field is mapped to the target.file.md5 UDM field.

Else, if the attchcomponentmd5s log field value matches the regular expression pattern ^[a-fA-F0-9]{32}$, then the attchcomponentmd5s log field is mapped to the target.file.md5 UDM field.
filename target.file.names
filepath target.file.full_path If the filesource log field value is not empty, then the filesource log field is mapped to the target.file.full_path UDM field.

Else if the filepath log field value is not empty, then the filepath log field is mapped to the target.file.full_path UDM field.
filescantimems additional.fields[filescantimems]
filesize target.file.size If the attchcomponentfilesizes log field value is not empty, then the attchcomponentfilesizes log field is mapped to the target.file.size UDM field.

Else if the filesize log field value is not empty, then the filesize log field is mapped to the target.file.size UDM field.
filesource target.file.full_path If the filesource log field value is not empty, then the filesource log field is mapped to the target.file.full_path UDM field.
filetypecategory additional.fields[filetypecategory]
filetypename target.file.mime_type
fullurl principal.url If the fullurl log field is not empty and the fullurl log field value is not equal to Unknown URL, then the fullurl log field is mapped to the principal.url UDM field.
hh additional.fields[hh]
hostname target.hostname If the hostname log field value is not empty, then the hostname log field is mapped to the target.hostname UDM field.
intcollabnames additional.fields[intcollabnames] If intcollabnames log field value does not match the regular expression pattern None then, for index in intcollabnames, the index is mapped to the additional.fields.value.list_value UDM field.
internal_collabnames additional.fields[internal_collabnames]
internal_recptnames For index in internal_recptnames, the index is mapped to the UDM field.
intrecptnames For index in intrecptnames, the index is mapped to the UDM field.
is_admin_act principal.user.attribute.labels[is_admin_act]
is_inbound security_result.detection_fields[is_inbound]
lastmodtime target.file.last_modification_time If the lastmodtime log field value is not empty, then the lastmodtime log field is mapped to the target.file.last_modification_time UDM field.
login principal.user.email_addresses If the login log field value matches the regular expression pattern (^.*@.*$), then the login log field is mapped to the principal.user.email_addresses UDM field.
login principal.user.userid If the login log field value does not match the regular expression pattern ^.+@.+$, then the login log field is mapped to the principal.user.userid UDM field.
malwareclass security_result.detection_fields[malwareclass]
messageid additional.fields[messageid]
mm additional.fields[mm]
mon additional.fields[mon]
msgid security_result.detection_fields[msgid]
msgsize additional.fields[msgsize]
mth additional.fields[mth]
num_ext_recpts additional.fields[num_ext_recpts]
num_external_collab additional.fields[num_external_collab]
num_int_recpts additional.fields[num_int_recpts]
num_internal_collab additional.fields[num_internal_collab]
numcollab additional.fields[numcollab]
oattchcomponentfilenames security_result.detection_fields[oattchcomponentfilenames]
object_name_1 If the object_name_1 log field value is not empty, then the object_name_1 log field is mapped to the UDM field.
object_type target.resource.resource_subtype
objectname If the objectname log field value is not empty, then the objectname log field is mapped to the UDM field.
objecttype target.resource.resource_subtype If the objecttype log field value is not empty, then the objecttype log field is mapped to the target.resource.resource_subtype UDM field.
objnames1 If the objnames1 log field value is not empty, then the objnames1 log field is mapped to the UDM field.
objtypename1 target.resource.resource_subtype If the objtypename1 log field value is not empty, then the objtypename1 log field is mapped to the target.resource.resource_subtype UDM field.
objtypename2 about.resource.resource_subtype
obucketname security_result.detection_fields[obucketname]
obucketowner security_result.detection_fields[obucketowner]
ochannel_name security_result.detection_fields[ochannel_name]
ocollabnames security_result.detection_fields[ocollabnames]
odlpdictnames security_result.detection_fields[odlpdictnames]
odlpenginenames security_result.detection_fields[odlpenginenames]
oextcollabnames security_result.detection_fields[oextcollabnames]
oexternal_collabnames security_result.detection_fields[oexternal_collabnames]
oexternal_recptnames security_result.detection_fields[oexternal_recptnames]
oexternalownername security_result.detection_fields[oexternalownername]
oextownername security_result.detection_fields[oextownername]
oextrecptnames security_result.detection_fields[oextrecptnames]
ofile_msg_id security_result.detection_fields[ofile_msg_id]
ofileid security_result.detection_fields[ofileid]
ofullurl security_result.detection_fields[ofullurl]
ohostname security_result.detection_fields[ohostname]
ointcollabnames security_result.detection_fields[ointcollabnames]
ointernal_collabnames security_result.detection_fields[ointernal_collabnames]
ointernal_recptnames security_result.detection_fields[ointernal_recptnames]
ointrecptnames security_result.detection_fields[ointrecptnames]
omessageid security_result.detection_fields[omessageid]
omsgid security_result.detection_fields[omsgid]
oowner security_result.detection_fields[oowner]
orulelabel security_result.detection_fields[orulelabel]
osender security_result.detection_fields[osender]
osharedchannel_hostname security_result.detection_fields[osharedchannel_hostname]
otenant security_result.detection_fields[otenant]
ouser security_result.detection_fields[ouser]
owner principal.user.email_addresses If the owner log field value matches the regular expression pattern (^.*@.*$), then the owner log field is mapped to the principal.user.email_addresses UDM field.
policy security_result.rule_labels[policy]
projectname target.resource.attribute.labels[projectname]
recordid metadata.product_log_id
repochtime additional.fields[repochtime]
reponame If the reponame log field value is not empty, then the reponame log field is mapped to the UDM field.
rtime additional.fields[rtime]
rulelabel security_result.rule_name
ruletype security_result.rule_labels[ruletype]
sender If the sender log field value matches the regular expression pattern (^.*@.*$), then the sender log field is mapped to the UDM field.
sha target.file.sha256
sharedchannel_hostname target.hostname If the hostname log field value is not empty, then the hostname log field is mapped to the target.hostname UDM field.

Else if the sharedchannel_hostname log field value is not empty, then the sharedchannel_hostname log field is mapped to the target.hostname UDM field.
sourcetype security_result.detection_fields[sourcetype]
src_ip principal.ip
ss additional.fields[ss]
suburl additional.fields[suburl]
tenant additional.fields[tenant]
threatname security_result.threat_name If the threatname log field value is not empty and the dlpdictcount log field value is not equal to None, then the threatname log field is mapped to the security_result.threat_name UDM field.
time metadata.event_timestamp If the time log field value is not empty, then the time log field is mapped to the metadata.event_timestamp UDM field.
tz additional.fields[tz]
upload_doctypename additional.fields[upload_doctypename]
user principal.user.email_addresses If the user log field value matches the regular expression pattern (^.*@.*$), then the user log field is mapped to the principal.user.email_addresses UDM field.
username principal.user.email_addresses If the username log field value matches the regular expression pattern (^.*@.*$), then the username log field is mapped to the principal.user.email_addresses UDM field.
yyyy additional.fields[yyyy]

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