Using autohealing for highly available apps

This interactive tutorial shows how to use autohealing to build highly available apps on Compute Engine.

Highly available apps are designed to serve clients with minimal latency and downtime. Availability is compromised when an app crashes or freezes. Clients of a compromised app can experience high latency or downtime.

Autohealing lets you automatically restart apps that are compromised. It promptly detects failed virtual machine (VM) instances and recreates them automatically, so clients can be served again. With autohealing, you no longer need to manually bring an app back to service after a failure.


  • Configure a health check and an autohealing policy.
  • Set up a demo web service on a managed instance group (MIG).
  • Simulate health check failures and witness the autohealing recovery process.


This tutorial uses billable components of Google Cloud including:

  • Compute Engine

Before you begin

    Sign in to your Google Cloud account. If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how our products perform in real-world scenarios. New customers also get $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.

    In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

    Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

    Enable the Compute Engine API.

    Enable the API

    In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

    Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

    Enable the Compute Engine API.

    Enable the API

If you prefer to work from the command line, install the Google Cloud CLI.

  • Install the Google Cloud CLI.
  • To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:

    gcloud init

App architecture

The app includes the following Compute Engine components:

System architecture for a health check and an instance group.

How the health check probes the demo webservice

A health check sends probe requests to a VM using a specified protocol, such as HTTP(S), SSL, or TCP. For more information, see how health checks work and health check categories, protocols, and ports.

The health check in this tutorial is an HTTP health check that probes the HTTP path /health on port 80. For an HTTP health check, the probe request passes only if the path returns an HTTP 200 (OK) response. For this tutorial, the demo web server defines the path /health to return an HTTP 200 (OK) response when healthy or an HTTP 500 (Internal Server Error) response when unhealthy. For more information, see success criteria for HTTP, HTTPS, and HTTP/2.

Create the health check

To set up autohealing, create a custom health check and configure the network firewall to allow health check probes.

In this tutorial, you create a regional health check. For autohealing, you can use either a regional or a global health check. Regional health checks reduce cross-region dependencies and help to achieve data residency. Global health checks are convenient if you want to use the same health check for MIGs in multiple regions.


  1. Create a health check.

    1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Create health check page.

      Go to Create health check

    2. In the Name field, enter autohealer-check.

    3. Set the Scope to Regional.

    4. In the Region drop-down, select europe-west1.

    5. For Protocol select HTTP.

    6. Set Request path to /health. This indicates what HTTP path the health check uses. For this tutorial, the demo web server defines the path /health to return either an HTTP 200 (OK) response when healthy or an HTTP 500 (Internal Server Error) response when unhealthy.

    7. Set the Health criteria:

      1. Set Check interval to 10. This defines the amount of time from the start of one probe to the start of the next one.
      2. Set Timeout to 5. This defines the amount of time that Google Cloud waits for a response to a probe. This value must be less than or equal to the check interval.
      3. Set Healthy threshold to 2. This defines the number of sequential probes that must succeed for the VM to be considered healthy.
      4. Set Unhealthy threshold to 3. This defines the number of sequential probes that must fail for the VM to be considered unhealthy.
    8. Leave default values for the other options.

    9. Click Create at the bottom.

  2. Create a firewall rule to allow health check probes to make HTTP requests.

    1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Create firewall rule page.

      Go to Create firewall rule

    2. For Name, enter default-allow-http-health-check.

    3. For Network, select default.

    4. For Targets, select All instances in the network.

    5. For Source filter, select IPv4 ranges.

    6. For Source IPv4 ranges, enter,

    7. In Protocols and ports, select TCP and enter 80.

    8. Leave default values for the other options.

    9. Click Create.


  1. Create a health check using the health-checks create http command.

    gcloud compute health-checks create http autohealer-check \
        --region europe-west1 \
        --check-interval 10 \
        --timeout 5 \
        --healthy-threshold 2 \
        --unhealthy-threshold 3 \
        --request-path "/health"
    • check-interval defines the amount of time from the start of one probe to the start of the next one.
    • timeout defines the amount of time that Google Cloud waits for a response to a probe. This value must be less than or equal to the check interval.
    • healthy-threshold defines the number of sequential probes that must succeed for the VM to be considered healthy.
    • unhealthy-threshold defines the number of sequential probes that must fail for the VM to be considered unhealthy.
    • request-path indicates what HTTP path the health check uses. For this tutorial, the demo web server defines the path /health to return either an HTTP 200 (OK) response when healthy or an HTTP 500 (Internal Server Error) response when unhealthy.
  2. Create a firewall rule to allow health check probes to make HTTP requests.

    gcloud compute firewall-rules create default-allow-http-health-check \
        --network default \
        --allow tcp:80 \

What makes a good autohealing health check

Health checks used for autohealing should be conservative so they don't preemptively delete and recreate your instances. When an autohealer health check is too aggressive, the autohealer might mistake busy instances for failed instances and unnecessarily restart them, reducing availability.

  • unhealthy-threshold. Should be more than 1. Ideally, set this value to 3 or more. This protects against rare failures like a network packet loss.
  • healthy-threshold. A value of 2 is sufficient for most apps.
  • timeout. Set this time value to a generous amount (five times or more than the expected response time). This protects against unexpected delays like busy instances or a slow network connection.
  • check-interval. This value should be between 1 second and two times the timeout (not too long nor too short). When a value is too long, a failed instance is not caught soon enough. When a value is too short, the instances and the network can become measurably busy, given the high number of health check probes being sent every second.

Set up the web service

This tutorial uses a web app that is stored on GitHub. If you would like learn more about how the app was implemented, see the GoogleCloudPlatform/python-docs-samples GitHub repository.

To set up the demo web service, create an instance template that launches the demo web server on startup. Then, use this instance template to deploy a managed instance group and enable autohealing.


  1. Create an instance template. Include a startup script that starts up the demo web server.

    1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Create instance template page.

      Go to Create instance template

    2. Set the Name to webserver-template.

    3. In the Location section, from the Region drop-down, select europe-west1.

    4. In the Machine configuration section, for the Machine type drop-down, select e2-medium.

    5. In the Firewall section, select the Allow HTTP traffic checkbox.

    6. Expand the Advanced options section to reveal advanced settings. Several sub-sections appear.

    7. In the Management section, find Automation and enter the following Startup script:

      apt update && apt -y install git python3-pip python3-venv
      git clone
      python3 -m venv venv
      ./venv/bin/pip3 install -Ur ./python-docs-samples/compute/managed-instances/demo/requirements.txt
      ./venv/bin/pip3 install gunicorn
      ./venv/bin/gunicorn --bind app:app --daemon --chdir ./python-docs-samples/compute/managed-instances/demo

    8. Leave default values for the other options.

    9. Click Create.

  2. Deploy the web server as a managed instance group.

    1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Create instance group page.

      Go to Create instance group

    2. Set the Name to webserver-group.

    3. For Instance template, select webserver-template.

    4. For Region, select europe-west1.

    5. For Zone, select europe-west1-b.

    6. In the Autoscaling section, for Autoscaling mode, select Off: do not autoscale.

    7. Scroll back to the Number of instances field and set it to 3.

    8. In the Autohealing section, do the following:

      1. In the Health check drop-down, select autohealer-check.
      2. Set Initial delay to 180.

    9. Leave default values for the other options.

    10. Click Create.

  3. Create a firewall rule that allows HTTP requests to the web servers.

    1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Create firewall rule page.

      Go to Create firewall rule

    2. For Name, enter default-allow-http.

    3. For Network, select default.

    4. For Targets, select Specified target tags.

    5. For Target Tags, enter http-server.

    6. For Source filter, select IPv4 ranges.

    7. For Source IPv4 ranges, enter

    8. In Protocols and ports, select TCP and enter 80.

    9. Leave default values for the other options.

    10. Click Create.


  1. Create an instance template. Include a startup script that starts the demo web server.

    gcloud compute instance-templates create webserver-template \
        --instance-template-region europe-west1 \
        --machine-type e2-medium \
        --tags http-server \
        --metadata startup-script='
      apt update && apt -y install git python3-pip python3-venv
      git clone
      python3 -m venv venv
      ./venv/bin/pip3 install -Ur ./python-docs-samples/compute/managed-instances/demo/requirements.txt
      ./venv/bin/pip3 install gunicorn
      ./venv/bin/gunicorn --bind app:app --daemon --chdir ./python-docs-samples/compute/managed-instances/demo'
  2. Create a managed instance group.

    gcloud compute instance-groups managed create webserver-group \
        --zone europe-west1-b \
        --template projects/PROJECT_ID/regions/europe-west1/instanceTemplates/webserver-template \
        --size 3 \
        --health-check projects/PROJECT_ID/regions/europe-west1/healthChecks/autohealer-check \
        --initial-delay 180
  3. Create a firewall rule that allows HTTP requests to the web servers.

    gcloud compute firewall-rules create default-allow-http \
        --network default \
        --allow tcp:80 \
        --target-tags http-server

Wait a few minutes for the managed instance group to create and verify its VMs.

Simulate health check failures

To simulate health check failures, the demo web server provides ways for you to force a health check failure.


  1. Navigate to a web server VM.

    1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the VM instances page.

      Go to VM instances

    2. For any webserver-group VM, under the External IP column, click the IP address. A new tab opens in your web browser. If the request times out or the web page is not available, wait a minute to let the server finish setting up and try again.

    The demo web server displays a page similar to the following:

    Demo web page showing green status buttons and blue action buttons.

  2. On the demo web page, click Make unhealthy.

    This causes the web server to fail the health check. Specifically, the web server makes the /health path return an HTTP 500 (Internal Server Error). You can verify this yourself by quickly clicking the Check health button (this stops working after the autohealer has started rebooting the VM).

  3. Wait for the autohealer to take action.

    1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the VM instances page.

      Go to VM instances

    2. Wait for the status of the web server VM to change. The green checkmark next to the VM name should change to a grey square, indicating that the autohealer has started rebooting the unhealthy VM.

    3. Click Refresh at the top of the page periodically to get the most recent status.

    4. The autohealing process is finished when the grey square changes back to a green checkmark, indicating the VM is healthy again.


  1. Monitor the status of the managed instance group. (When you have finished, stop by pressing Ctrl+C.)

    while : ; do \
        gcloud compute instance-groups managed list-instances webserver-group \
        --zone europe-west1-b \
        ; done
      NAME: webserver-group-0zx6
      ZONE: europe-west1-b
      INSTANCE_TEMPLATE: webserver-template
      NAME: webserver-group-4qbx
      ZONE: europe-west1-b
      INSTANCE_TEMPLATE: webserver-template
      NAME: webserver-group-m5v5
      ZONE: europe-west1-b
      INSTANCE_TEMPLATE: webserver-template

    All VMs in the group must show STATUS: RUNNING and ACTION: NONE. If not, wait a few minutes to let the VMs finish setting up and try again.

  2. Open a new Cloud Shell session with the Google Cloud CLI installed.

  3. Get the address of a web server VM.

    gcloud compute instances list --filter webserver-group

    Under the EXTERNAL_IP column, copy the IP address of any web server VM and save it as a local bash variable.

  4. Verify the web server has finished setting up. The server returns an HTTP 200 OK response.

    curl --head $IP_ADDRESS/health
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Server: gunicorn

    If you get a Connection refused error, wait a minute to let the server finish setting up and try again.

  5. Make the web server unhealthy.

    curl $IP_ADDRESS/makeUnhealthy > /dev/null

    This causes the web server to fail the health check. Specifically, the web server makes the /health path return an HTTP 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR. You can verify this yourself by quickly making a request to /health (this stops working after the autohealer has started rebooting the VM).

    curl --head $IP_ADDRESS/health
    Server: gunicorn
  6. Return to your first shell session to monitor the managed instance group and wait for the autohealer to take action.

    1. When the autohealing process has started, the STATUS and ACTION columns update, indicating that the autohealer has started rebooting the unhealthy VM.

        NAME: webserver-group-0zx6
        ZONE: europe-west1-b
        INSTANCE_TEMPLATE: webserver-template
    2. The autohealing process has finished when the VM again reports a STATUS of RUNNING and an ACTION of NONE, indicating the VM is successfully restarted.

        NAME: webserver-group-0zx6
        ZONE: europe-west1-b
        ACTION: NONE
        INSTANCE_TEMPLATE: webserver-template
    3. When you have finished monitoring the managed instance group, stop by pressing Ctrl+C.

Feel free to repeat this exercise. Here are some ideas:

  • What happens if you make all VMs unhealthy at one time? For more information about autohealing behavior during concurrent failures, see autohealing behavior.

  • Can you update the health check configuration to heal VMs as fast as possible? (In practice, you should set the health check parameters to use conservative values as explained in this tutorial. Otherwise, you may risk VMs being mistakenly deleted and restarted when there is no real problem.)

  • The managed instance group has an initial delay configuration setting. Can you determine the minimum delay needed for this demo web server? (In practice, you should set the delay to somewhat longer (10%–20%) than it takes for a VM to boot and start serving app requests. Otherwise, you risk the VM getting stuck in an autohealing boot loop.)

View autohealer history (optional)

To view a history of autohealer operations use the following gcloud command:

gcloud compute operations list --filter='*'

For more information, see viewing historical autohealing operations

Clean up

After you finish the tutorial, you can clean up the resources that you created so that they stop using quota and incurring charges. The following sections describe how to delete or turn off these resources.

If you created a separate project for this tutorial, delete the entire project. Otherwise, if the project has resources that you want to keep, only delete the specific resources created in this tutorial.

Deleting the project

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Manage resources page.

    Go to Manage resources

  2. In the project list, select the project that you want to delete, and then click Delete.
  3. In the dialog, type the project ID, and then click Shut down to delete the project.

Deleting specific resources

If you can't delete the project used for this tutorial, delete the tutorial resources individually.

Deleting the instance group


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Instance groups page.

    Go to Instance groups

  2. Select the checkbox for your webserver-group instance group.
  3. To delete the instance group, click Delete.


gcloud compute instance-groups managed delete webserver-group --zone europe-west1-b -q

Deleting the instance template


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Instance templates page.

    Go to Instance templates

  2. Click the checkbox next to the instance template.

  3. Click Delete at the top of the page. In the new window, click Delete to confirm the deletion.


gcloud compute instance-templates delete webserver-template -q

Deleting the health check


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Health checks page.

    Go to Health checks

  2. Click the checkbox next to the health check.

  3. Click Delete at the top of the page. In the new window, click Delete to confirm the deletion.


gcloud compute health-checks delete autohealer-check -q

Deleting the firewall rules


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Firewall rules page.

    Go to Firewall rules

  2. Click the checkboxes next to the firewall rules named default-allow-http and default-allow-http-health-check.

  3. Click Delete at the top of the page. In the new window, click Delete to confirm the deletion.


gcloud compute firewall-rules delete default-allow-http default-allow-http-health-check -q

What's next