Crear una instancia de VM a partir de una plantilla de instancias.

En esta página, se explica cómo usar una plantilla de instancias para crear una instancia de VM. Una plantilla de instancias es un recurso de API que define las propiedades de las instancias de VM. Define propiedades como tipo de máquina, imagen de SO, configuración del disco persistente, metadatos, secuencias de comandos de inicio y mucho más en una plantilla de instancias, y luego puedes usar la plantilla de instancias para crear instancias de VM individuales o grupos de instancias administrados.

Cuando creas una instancia de VM a partir de una plantilla de instancias, el comportamiento predeterminado es crear una instancia de VM idéntica a las propiedades especificadas en la plantilla, excepto el nombre de la instancia de VM y la zona donde se alojará la instancia. Otra opción es anular algunos campos de forma opcional durante la creación de la instancia si deseas cambiar algunas propiedades de la plantilla de instancias para usos específicos.

En este documento, se supone que tienes una plantilla de instancias lista para usar. Si no tienes una plantilla de instancias, sigue las instrucciones para crear una plantilla de instancias nueva.

Antes de comenzar

  • Lee la documentación Plantilla de instancias.
  • Crea una plantilla de instancias.
  • Si aún no lo hiciste, configura la autenticación. La autenticación es el proceso mediante el cual se verifica tu identidad para acceder a los servicios y las APIs de Google Cloud . Para ejecutar código o muestras desde un entorno de desarrollo local, puedes autenticarte en Compute Engine seleccionando una de las siguientes opciones:

    Select the tab for how you plan to use the samples on this page:


    When you use the Google Cloud console to access Google Cloud services and APIs, you don't need to set up authentication.


    1. Install the Google Cloud CLI, then initialize it by running the following command:

      gcloud init
    2. Set a default region and zone.
    3. Go

      Para usar las muestras de Go de esta página en un entorno de desarrollo local, instala e inicializa gcloud CLI y, luego, configura las credenciales predeterminadas de la aplicación con tus credenciales de usuario.

      1. Install the Google Cloud CLI.
      2. To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:

        gcloud init
      3. If you're using a local shell, then create local authentication credentials for your user account:

        gcloud auth application-default login

        You don't need to do this if you're using Cloud Shell.

      Para obtener más información, consulta Set up authentication for a local development environment.


      Para usar las muestras de Java de esta página en un entorno de desarrollo local, instala e inicializa gcloud CLI y, luego, configura las credenciales predeterminadas de la aplicación con tus credenciales de usuario.

      1. Install the Google Cloud CLI.
      2. To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:

        gcloud init
      3. If you're using a local shell, then create local authentication credentials for your user account:

        gcloud auth application-default login

        You don't need to do this if you're using Cloud Shell.

      Para obtener más información, consulta Set up authentication for a local development environment.


      Para usar las muestras de Node.js de esta página en un entorno de desarrollo local, instala e inicializa gcloud CLI y, luego, configura las credenciales predeterminadas de la aplicación con tus credenciales de usuario.

      1. Install the Google Cloud CLI.
      2. To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:

        gcloud init
      3. If you're using a local shell, then create local authentication credentials for your user account:

        gcloud auth application-default login

        You don't need to do this if you're using Cloud Shell.

      Para obtener más información, consulta Set up authentication for a local development environment.


      Para usar las muestras de Python de esta página en un entorno de desarrollo local, instala e inicializa gcloud CLI y, luego, configura las credenciales predeterminadas de la aplicación con tus credenciales de usuario.

      1. Install the Google Cloud CLI.
      2. To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:

        gcloud init
      3. If you're using a local shell, then create local authentication credentials for your user account:

        gcloud auth application-default login

        You don't need to do this if you're using Cloud Shell.

      Para obtener más información, consulta Set up authentication for a local development environment.


      Para usar las muestras de la API de REST en esta página en un entorno de desarrollo local, debes usar las credenciales que proporcionas a la CLI de gcloud.

        Install the Google Cloud CLI, then initialize it by running the following command:

        gcloud init

      Para obtener más información, consulta Autentica para usar REST en la documentación de autenticación de Google Cloud .

Crea una instancia de VM a partir de una plantilla de instancias

Para crear una instancia de VM, puedes usar una plantilla de instancias regional o global. Para crear una instancia tal y como se describe en la plantilla de instancias, sigue estas instrucciones.


  1. En la consola de Google Cloud, ve a la página Crea una instancia.

    Ir a Crear una instancia

  2. En el menú Create VM from ..., selecciona Instance templates.

  3. En la ventana Create VM from template que aparece, haz lo siguiente:

    1. Selecciona una plantilla.

    2. Para crear y, también, iniciar la VM, haz clic en Crear.


Para crear una VM a partir de una plantilla de instancias regional o global, usa el mismo comando gcloud compute instances create que usarías para crear una instancia normal, pero agrega la marca --source-instance-template:

gcloud compute instances create VM_NAME \
    --source-instance-template INSTANCE_TEMPLATE_NAME

Reemplaza lo siguiente:

  • VM_NAME: Es el nombre de la instancia.
  • INSTANCE_TEMPLATE_NAME: Es el nombre de la plantilla de instancias que se utilizará. Para una plantilla de instancias regional, debes especificar la URL completa o parcial de la plantilla. Un ejemplo de una URL completa es y una URL parcial es projects/example-project/regions/us-central1/instanceTemplates/example-regional-instance-template.

Por ejemplo:

gcloud compute instances create example-instance \
    --source-instance-template my-instance-template


import (

	compute ""
	computepb ""

// createInstanceFromTemplate creates a Compute Engine VM instance from an instance template.
func createInstanceFromTemplate(w io.Writer, projectID, zone, instanceName, instanceTemplateUrl string) error {
	// projectID := "your_project_id"
	// zone := "europe-central2-b"
	// instanceName := "your_instance_name"
	// instanceTemplateUrl := "global/instanceTemplates/your_instance_template"

	ctx := context.Background()
	instancesClient, err := compute.NewInstancesRESTClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("NewInstancesRESTClient: %w", err)
	defer instancesClient.Close()

	req := &computepb.InsertInstanceRequest{
		Project: projectID,
		Zone:    zone,
		InstanceResource: &computepb.Instance{
			Name: proto.String(instanceName),
		SourceInstanceTemplate: &instanceTemplateUrl,

	op, err := instancesClient.Insert(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to create instance: %w", err)

	if err = op.Wait(ctx); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to wait for the operation: %w", err)

	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Instance created\n")

	return nil


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;

public class CreateInstanceFromTemplate {

  public static void main(String[] args)
      throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException, TimeoutException {
    /*  TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
        projectId - ID or number of the project you want to use.
        zone - Name of the zone you want to check, for example: us-west3-b
        instanceName - Name of the new instance.
        instanceTemplateURL - URL of the instance template using for creating the new instance.
        It can be a full or partial URL.
        - projects/project/global/instanceTemplates/example-instance-template
        - global/instanceTemplates/example-instance-template
    String projectId = "your-project-id";
    String zone = "zone-name";
    String instanceName = "instance-name";
    String instanceTemplateUrl = "instance-template-url";
    createInstanceFromTemplate(projectId, zone, instanceName, instanceTemplateUrl);

  // Create a new instance from template in the specified project and zone.
  public static void createInstanceFromTemplate(String projectId, String zone, String instanceName,
      String instanceTemplateName)
      throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException, TimeoutException {

    try (InstancesClient instancesClient = InstancesClient.create();
        InstanceTemplatesClient instanceTemplatesClient = InstanceTemplatesClient.create()) {

      InstanceTemplate instanceTemplate = instanceTemplatesClient.get(projectId,

      // Adjust diskType field of the instance template to use the URL formatting 
      // required by instances.insert.diskType
      // For instance template, there is only a name, not URL.
      List<AttachedDisk> reformattedAttachedDisks = new ArrayList<>();
      for (AttachedDisk disk : instanceTemplate.getProperties().getDisksList()) {
        disk = AttachedDisk.newBuilder(disk)
                        "zones/%s/diskTypes/%s", zone, disk.getInitializeParams().getDiskType()))


      // Clear existing disks and set the reformatted disks in the instance template.
      instanceTemplate = InstanceTemplate

      InsertInstanceRequest insertInstanceRequest = InsertInstanceRequest.newBuilder()

      Operation response = instancesClient.insertAsync(insertInstanceRequest)
          .get(3, TimeUnit.MINUTES);

      if (response.hasError()) {
        System.out.println("Instance creation from template failed ! ! " + response);
          .printf("Instance creation from template: Operation Status %s: %s ", instanceName,


 * TODO(developer): Uncomment and replace these variables before running the sample.
// const projectId = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID';
// const zone = 'europe-central2-b'
// const instanceName = 'YOUR_INSTANCE_NAME'
// const instanceTemplateUrl = 'YOUR_INSTANCE_TEMPLATE_URL'

const compute = require('@google-cloud/compute');

// Create a new instance from template in the specified project and zone.
async function createInstanceFromTemplate() {
  const instancesClient = new compute.InstancesClient();

    `Creating the ${instanceName} instance in ${zone} from template ${instanceTemplateUrl}...`

  const [response] = await instancesClient.insert({
    project: projectId,
    instanceResource: {
      name: instanceName,
    sourceInstanceTemplate: instanceTemplateUrl,
  let operation = response.latestResponse;
  const operationsClient = new compute.ZoneOperationsClient();

  // Wait for the create operation to complete.
  while (operation.status !== 'DONE') {
    [operation] = await operationsClient.wait({
      project: projectId,

  console.log('Instance created.');



from __future__ import annotations

import sys
from typing import Any

from google.api_core.extended_operation import ExtendedOperation
from import compute_v1

def wait_for_extended_operation(
    operation: ExtendedOperation, verbose_name: str = "operation", timeout: int = 300
) -> Any:
    Waits for the extended (long-running) operation to complete.

    If the operation is successful, it will return its result.
    If the operation ends with an error, an exception will be raised.
    If there were any warnings during the execution of the operation
    they will be printed to sys.stderr.

        operation: a long-running operation you want to wait on.
        verbose_name: (optional) a more verbose name of the operation,
            used only during error and warning reporting.
        timeout: how long (in seconds) to wait for operation to finish.
            If None, wait indefinitely.

        Whatever the operation.result() returns.

        This method will raise the exception received from `operation.exception()`
        or RuntimeError if there is no exception set, but there is an `error_code`
        set for the `operation`.

        In case of an operation taking longer than `timeout` seconds to complete,
        a `concurrent.futures.TimeoutError` will be raised.
    result = operation.result(timeout=timeout)

    if operation.error_code:
            f"Error during {verbose_name}: [Code: {operation.error_code}]: {operation.error_message}",
        print(f"Operation ID: {}", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
        raise operation.exception() or RuntimeError(operation.error_message)

    if operation.warnings:
        print(f"Warnings during {verbose_name}:\n", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
        for warning in operation.warnings:
            print(f" - {warning.code}: {warning.message}", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)

    return result

def create_instance_from_template(
    project_id: str, zone: str, instance_name: str, instance_template_url: str
) -> compute_v1.Instance:
    Creates a Compute Engine VM instance from an instance template.

        project_id: ID or number of the project you want to use.
        zone: Name of the zone you want to check, for example: us-west3-b
        instance_name: Name of the new instance.
        instance_template_url: URL of the instance template used for creating the new instance.
            It can be a full or partial URL.
            - projects/project/global/instanceTemplates/example-instance-template
            - global/instanceTemplates/example-instance-template

        Instance object.
    instance_client = compute_v1.InstancesClient()

    instance_insert_request = compute_v1.InsertInstanceRequest()
    instance_insert_request.project = project_id = zone
    instance_insert_request.source_instance_template = instance_template_url = instance_name

    operation = instance_client.insert(instance_insert_request)
    wait_for_extended_operation(operation, "instance creation")

    return instance_client.get(project=project_id, zone=zone, instance=instance_name)


A fin de crear una VM a partir de una plantilla de instancias regional o global, crea una solicitud normal para crear una instancia, pero incluye el parámetro de consulta sourceInstanceTemplate seguido de una ruta de acceso calificada a una plantilla de instancias.


En el cuerpo de la solicitud, proporciona un name para la instancia de VM:

{ "name": "example-instance" }

Por ejemplo, el siguiente fragmento incluye una ruta de acceso completamente calificada en la plantilla:

{ "name": "example-instance" }

Crea una instancia de VM a partir de una plantilla de instancias con anulaciones

Cuando utilizas una plantilla de instancias para iniciar una instancia de VM, el comportamiento predeterminado es crear una instancia de VM tal y como se describe en la plantilla de instancias, excepto el nombre y la zona.

Si deseas crear una instancia basada en principio en una plantilla de instancias, pero con algunos cambios, puedes usar el comportamiento de anulación. Si deseas usar el comportamiento de anulación, pasa los atributos a la anulación de la plantilla de instancias existente cuando crees la instancia.


  1. En la consola de Google Cloud, ve a la página Crea una instancia.

    Ir a Crear una instancia

  2. En el menú Create VM from ..., selecciona Instance templates.

  3. En la ventana Create VM from template que aparece, selecciona una plantilla y, luego, haz clic en Customize.

  4. Opcional: Especifica otras opciones de configuración. Para obtener más información, consulta Opciones de configuración durante la creación de instancias.

  5. Para crear y, luego, iniciar la instancia, haz clic en Crear.


Con la CLI de gcloud, realiza una solicitud para crear una instancia con la marca --source-instance-template y anula cualquier propiedad que desees con la marca de gcloud adecuada. Para ver una lista de marcas aplicables, revisa la referencia de gcloud.

Por ejemplo, proporciona las siguientes marcas para anular el tipo de máquina, los metadatos, el sistema operativo, el disco de arranque de Persistent Disk y un disco secundario de una plantilla de instancias:

gcloud compute instances create example-instance \
    --source-instance-template example-instance --machine-type e2-standard-2 \
    --image-family debian-9 --image-project debian-cloud \
    --metadata bread=butter --disk=boot=no,name=my-override-disk


import (

	compute ""
	computepb ""


// createInstanceFromTemplate creates a Compute Engine VM instance from an instance template, but overrides the disk and machine type options in the template.
func createInstanceFromTemplateWithOverrides(w io.Writer, projectID, zone, instanceName, instanceTemplateName, machineType, newDiskSourceImage string) error {
	// projectID := "your_project_id"
	// zone := "europe-central2-b"
	// instanceName := "your_instance_name"
	// instanceTemplateName := "your_instance_template_name"
	// machineType := "n1-standard-2"
	// newDiskSourceImage := "projects/debian-cloud/global/images/family/debian-12"

	ctx := context.Background()
	instancesClient, err := compute.NewInstancesRESTClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("NewInstancesRESTClient: %w", err)
	defer instancesClient.Close()

	intanceTemplatesClient, err := compute.NewInstanceTemplatesRESTClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("NewInstanceTemplatesRESTClient: %w", err)
	defer intanceTemplatesClient.Close()

	// Retrieve an instance template by name.
	reqGetTemplate := &computepb.GetInstanceTemplateRequest{
		Project:          projectID,
		InstanceTemplate: instanceTemplateName,

	instanceTemplate, err := intanceTemplatesClient.Get(ctx, reqGetTemplate)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to get intance template: %w", err)

	for _, disk := range instanceTemplate.Properties.Disks {
		diskType := disk.InitializeParams.GetDiskType()
		if diskType != "" {
			disk.InitializeParams.DiskType = proto.String(fmt.Sprintf(`zones/%s/diskTypes/%s`, zone, diskType))

	reqInsertInstance := &computepb.InsertInstanceRequest{
		Project: projectID,
		Zone:    zone,
		InstanceResource: &computepb.Instance{
			Name:        proto.String(instanceName),
			MachineType: proto.String(fmt.Sprintf(`zones/%s/machineTypes/%s`, zone, machineType)),
			Disks: append(
				// If you override a repeated field, all repeated values
				// for that property are replaced with the
				// corresponding values provided in the request.
				// When adding a new disk to existing disks,
				// insert all existing disks as well.
					InitializeParams: &computepb.AttachedDiskInitializeParams{
						DiskSizeGb:  proto.Int64(10),
						SourceImage: &newDiskSourceImage,
					AutoDelete: proto.Bool(true),
					Boot:       proto.Bool(false),
					Type:       proto.String(computepb.AttachedDisk_PERSISTENT.String()),
		SourceInstanceTemplate: instanceTemplate.SelfLink,

	op, err := instancesClient.Insert(ctx, reqInsertInstance)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to create instance: %w", err)

	if err = op.Wait(ctx); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable to wait for the operation: %w", err)

	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Instance created\n")

	return nil


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;

public class CreateInstanceFromTemplateWithOverrides {

  public static void main(String[] args)
      throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException, TimeoutException {
    /* TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
     * projectId - ID or number of the project you want to use.
     * zone - Name of the zone you want to check, for example: us-west3-b
     * instanceName - Name of the new instance.
     * instanceTemplateName - Name of the instance template to use when creating the new instance.
     * machineType - Machine type you want to set in following format:
     *    "zones/{zone}/machineTypes/{type_name}". For example:
     *    "zones/europe-west3-c/machineTypes/f1-micro"
     *    You can find the list of available machine types using:
     * newDiskSourceImage - Path the the disk image you want to use for your new
     *    disk. This can be one of the public images
     *    (like "projects/debian-cloud/global/images/family/debian-11")
     *    or a private image you have access to.
     *    You can check the list of available public images using the doc:
    String projectId = "your-project-id";
    String zone = "zone-name";
    String instanceName = "instance-name";
    String instanceTemplateName = "instance-template-name";

    createInstanceFromTemplateWithOverrides(projectId, zone, instanceName, instanceTemplateName);

  // Creates a Compute Engine VM instance from an instance template,
  // but overrides the disk and machine type options in the template.
  public static void createInstanceFromTemplateWithOverrides(String projectId, String zone,
      String instanceName, String instanceTemplateName)
      throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException, TimeoutException {

    try (InstancesClient instancesClient = InstancesClient.create();
        InstanceTemplatesClient instanceTemplatesClient = InstanceTemplatesClient.create()) {

      String machineType = "n1-standard-1";
      String newDiskSourceImage = "projects/debian-cloud/global/images/family/debian-11";

      // Retrieve an instance template.
      InstanceTemplate instanceTemplate = instanceTemplatesClient
          .get(projectId, instanceTemplateName);

      // Adjust diskType field of the instance template to use the URL formatting 
      // required by instances.insert.diskType
      // For instance template, there is only a name, not URL.
      List<AttachedDisk> reformattedAttachedDisks = new ArrayList<>();
      for (AttachedDisk disk : instanceTemplate.getProperties().getDisksList()) {
        disk = AttachedDisk.newBuilder(disk)
                        "zones/%s/diskTypes/%s", zone, disk.getInitializeParams().getDiskType()))


      AttachedDisk newdisk = AttachedDisk.newBuilder()

      Instance instance = Instance.newBuilder()
          .setMachineType(String.format("zones/%s/machineTypes/%s", zone, machineType))
          // If you override a repeated field, all repeated values
          // for that property are replaced with the
          // corresponding values provided in the request.
          // When adding a new disk to existing disks,
          // insert all existing disks as well.

      InsertInstanceRequest insertInstanceRequest = InsertInstanceRequest.newBuilder()

      Operation response = instancesClient.insertAsync(insertInstanceRequest)
          .get(3, TimeUnit.MINUTES);

      if (response.hasError()) {
        System.out.println("Instance creation from template with overrides failed ! ! " + response);
          .printf("Instance creation from template with overrides: Operation Status %s: %s ",
              instanceName, response.getStatus());



 * TODO(developer): Uncomment and replace these variables before running the sample.
// const projectId = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID';
// const zone = 'europe-central2-b';
// const instanceName = 'YOUR_INSTANCE_NAME';
// const instanceTemplateName = 'YOUR_INSTANCE_TEMPLATE_NAME';
// const machineType = 'n1-standard-1';
// const newDiskSourceImage = 'projects/debian-cloud/global/images/family/debian-11';

const compute = require('@google-cloud/compute');

// Creates a new instance in the specified project and zone using a selected template,
// but overrides the disk and machine type options in the template.
async function createInstanceFromTemplateWithOverrides() {
  const instancesClient = new compute.InstancesClient();
  const instanceTemplatesClient = new compute.InstanceTemplatesClient();

    `Creating the ${instanceName} instance in ${zone} from template ${instanceTemplateName}...`

  // Retrieve an instance template by name.
  const [instanceTemplate] = await instanceTemplatesClient.get({
    project: projectId,
    instanceTemplate: instanceTemplateName,

  // Adjust diskType field of the instance template to use the URL formatting required by instances.insert.diskType
  // For instance template, there is only a name, not URL.
  for (const disk of {
    if (disk.initializeParams.diskType) {
      disk.initializeParams.diskType = `zones/${zone}/diskTypes/${disk.initializeParams.diskType}`;

  const [response] = await instancesClient.insert({
    project: projectId,
    instanceResource: {
      name: instanceName,
      machineType: `zones/${zone}/machineTypes/${machineType}`,
      disks: [
        // If you override a repeated field, all repeated values
        // for that property are replaced with the
        // corresponding values provided in the request.
        // When adding a new disk to existing disks,
        // insert all existing disks as well.,
          initializeParams: {
            diskSizeGb: '10',
            sourceImage: newDiskSourceImage,
          autoDelete: true,
          boot: false,
          type: 'PERSISTENT',
    sourceInstanceTemplate: instanceTemplate.selfLink,
  let operation = response.latestResponse;
  const operationsClient = new compute.ZoneOperationsClient();

  // Wait for the create operation to complete.
  while (operation.status !== 'DONE') {
    [operation] = await operationsClient.wait({
      project: projectId,

  console.log('Instance created.');



from __future__ import annotations

import sys
from typing import Any

from google.api_core.extended_operation import ExtendedOperation
from import compute_v1

def wait_for_extended_operation(
    operation: ExtendedOperation, verbose_name: str = "operation", timeout: int = 300
) -> Any:
    Waits for the extended (long-running) operation to complete.

    If the operation is successful, it will return its result.
    If the operation ends with an error, an exception will be raised.
    If there were any warnings during the execution of the operation
    they will be printed to sys.stderr.

        operation: a long-running operation you want to wait on.
        verbose_name: (optional) a more verbose name of the operation,
            used only during error and warning reporting.
        timeout: how long (in seconds) to wait for operation to finish.
            If None, wait indefinitely.

        Whatever the operation.result() returns.

        This method will raise the exception received from `operation.exception()`
        or RuntimeError if there is no exception set, but there is an `error_code`
        set for the `operation`.

        In case of an operation taking longer than `timeout` seconds to complete,
        a `concurrent.futures.TimeoutError` will be raised.
    result = operation.result(timeout=timeout)

    if operation.error_code:
            f"Error during {verbose_name}: [Code: {operation.error_code}]: {operation.error_message}",
        print(f"Operation ID: {}", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
        raise operation.exception() or RuntimeError(operation.error_message)

    if operation.warnings:
        print(f"Warnings during {verbose_name}:\n", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
        for warning in operation.warnings:
            print(f" - {warning.code}: {warning.message}", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)

    return result

def create_instance_from_template_with_overrides(
    project_id: str,
    zone: str,
    instance_name: str,
    instance_template_name: str,
    machine_type: str,
    new_disk_source_image: str,
) -> compute_v1.Instance:
    Creates a Compute Engine VM instance from an instance template, changing the machine type and
    adding a new disk created from a source image.

        project_id: ID or number of the project you want to use.
        zone: Name of the zone you want to check, for example: us-west3-b
        instance_name: Name of the new instance.
        instance_template_name: Name of the instance template used for creating the new instance.
        machine_type: Machine type you want to set in following format:
            "zones/{zone}/machineTypes/{type_name}". For example:
            - "zones/europe-west3-c/machineTypes/f1-micro"
            - You can find the list of available machine types using:
        new_disk_source_image: Path the the disk image you want to use for your new
            disk. This can be one of the public images
            (like "projects/debian-cloud/global/images/family/debian-12")
            or a private image you have access to.
            For a list of available public images, see the documentation:

        Instance object.
    instance_client = compute_v1.InstancesClient()
    instance_template_client = compute_v1.InstanceTemplatesClient()

    # Retrieve an instance template by name.
    instance_template = instance_template_client.get(
        project=project_id, instance_template=instance_template_name

    # Adjust diskType field of the instance template to use the URL formatting required by instances.insert.diskType
    # For instance template, there is only a name, not URL.
    for disk in
        if disk.initialize_params.disk_type:
            disk.initialize_params.disk_type = (

    instance = compute_v1.Instance() = instance_name
    instance.machine_type = machine_type
    instance.disks = list(

    new_disk = compute_v1.AttachedDisk()
    new_disk.initialize_params.disk_size_gb = 50
    new_disk.initialize_params.source_image = new_disk_source_image
    new_disk.auto_delete = True
    new_disk.boot = False
    new_disk.type_ = "PERSISTENT"


    instance_insert_request = compute_v1.InsertInstanceRequest()
    instance_insert_request.project = project_id = zone
    instance_insert_request.instance_resource = instance
    instance_insert_request.source_instance_template = instance_template.self_link

    operation = instance_client.insert(instance_insert_request)
    wait_for_extended_operation(operation, "instance creation")

    return instance_client.get(project=project_id, zone=zone, instance=instance_name)


En la API, usa el parámetros de búsqueda sourceInstanceTemplate y proporciona los campos que deseas anular en el cuerpo de la solicitud cuando realices una solicitud normal para crear una instancia.

El comportamiento de anulación en la API sigue las reglas de parche de combinación JSON, como se describe en RFC 7396.

En particular, haz lo siguiente:

  • Si anulas un campo básico, el campo básico correspondiente en la plantilla de instancias se reemplazará por el valor del campo básico en la solicitud. Los campos básicos incluyen machineType, sourceImage, name, etcétera.
  • Si anulas un campo repetido, todos los valores repetidos de esa propiedad se reemplazarán por los valores correspondientes proporcionados en la solicitud. Por lo general, los campos repetidos son propiedades del tipo list. Por ejemplo, disks y networkInterfaces son campos repetidos.
  • Si anulas un nested object, el objeto de la plantilla de instancias se combinará con la especificación del objeto correspondiente en la solicitud. Ten en cuenta que, si un objeto anidado se aloja dentro de un campo repetido, el campo se trata de acuerdo con las reglas para campos repetidos. Las etiquetas son una excepción a esta regla y se tratan como un campo repetido, aunque sean del tipo object.

Por ejemplo, supongamos que tienes una plantilla de instancias con dos discos que no son de arranque, pero deseas anular uno de los discos. Debes proporcionar la especificación disks completa en tu solicitud, incluidos los discos que desees conservar.

URL de esta solicitud:


Cuerpo de la solicitud:

      "disks": [
          # Since you are overriding the repeated disk property, you must
          # specify a boot disk in the request, even if it is already
          # specified in the instance template
          "autoDelete": true,
          "boot": true,
          "initializeParams": {
            "sourceImage": "projects/debian-cloud/global/images/family/debian-8"
          "mode": "READ_WRITE",
          "type": "PERSISTENT"
          # New disk you want to use
          "autoDelete": false,
          "boot": false,
          "mode": "READ_WRITE",
          "source": "zones/us-central1-f/disks/my-override-disk",
          "type": "PERSISTENT"
           # Assume this disk is already specified in instance template, but
           # you must specify it again since you are overriding the disks
           # property
          "autoDelete": false,
          "boot": false,
          "mode": "READ_WRITE",

          "source": "zones/us-central1-f/disks/my-other-disk-to-keep",
          "type": "PERSISTENT"
      "machineType": "zones/us-central1-f/machineTypes/e2-standard-2",
      "name": "example-instance"

¿Qué sigue?