Hello image data: Clean up your project

Clean up the Google Cloud resources that you created to train your image classification model and get predictions from it. Follow these steps to avoid incurring unexpected charges from some of the resources.

This tutorial has several pages:

  1. Set up your project and environment.

  2. Create an image classification dataset, and import images.

  3. Train an AutoML image classification model.

  4. Evaluate and analyze model performance.

  5. Deploy a model to an endpoint, and send a prediction.

  6. Clean up your project.

Each page assumes that you have already performed the instructions from the previous pages of the tutorial.

Delete Vertex AI resources

This section describes how to undeploy your model, and then delete the following project resources: endpoint, model, dataset, and Cloud Storage bucket.

Undeploy your model

Before you can delete your model and endpoint, you must undeploy the model.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, in the Vertex AI section, go to the Training page.

    Go to the Training page

  2. Select your trained AutoML model. This takes you to the Evaluate tab.

  3. Click the Deploy & test tab.

  4. Find your model. On your model's row, click the three vertical dots , then click Undeploy model.

  5. In Undeploy model, click Confirm.

Delete your endpoint

  1. In the Google Cloud console, in the Vertex AI section, go to the Endpoints page.

    Go to the Endpoints page

  2. Find your endpoint, hello_automl_image. On that row, click the three vertical dots , then click Remove endpoint.

  3. In Remove endpoint, click Confirm.

Delete your model

  1. In the Google Cloud console, in the Vertex AI section, go to the Models page.

    Go to the Models page

  2. Find your model. On that row, click the three vertical dots , then click Delete model.

  3. In Delete model and all of its associated versions, click Delete.

Delete your dataset

  1. In the Google Cloud console, in the Vertex AI section, go to the Datasets page.

    Go to the Datasets page

  2. Find your dataset. On that row, click the three vertical dots , then click Delete dataset.

  3. In Delete dataset, click Delete.

Clean up your Cloud Shell session

Cloud Shell incurs no charges, and it automatically deletes your home disk after a period of inactivity.

Delete your Cloud Storage bucket

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Storage Buckets page.

    Go to Buckets

  2. Click the checkbox for the bucket that you want to delete.
  3. To delete the bucket, click Delete, and then follow the instructions.

What's next