All Vertex AI code samples
This page contains code samples for Vertex AI. To search and filter code samples for other Google Cloud products, see the Google Cloud sample browser.
Menghitung token dalam prompt
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menghitung jumlah token dalam perintah menggunakan Vertex AI Gemini API.
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- JavaScript
- Python
- Go
- Java
- Node JS
- C#
- Sample
Menampilkan respons dari LLM
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menjalankan kueri pengambilan untuk mendapatkan respons dari LLM.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Python
- Sample
Membuat respons teks menggunakan Gemini API dengan panggilan fungsi eksternal dalam skenario chat
Buat respons teks menggunakan Gemini API dengan panggilan fungsi eksternal. Contoh ini menunjukkan skenario chat dengan dua fungsi dan dua perintah berurutan.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Python
- Sample
Membuat perintah untuk melakukan chat tentang kode (AI Generatif)
Buat perintah untuk bekerja sama dengan model chat kode penayang guna melakukan percakapan chatbot tentang kode.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- C#
- Java
- Sample
Membuat teks menggunakan Model AI Generatif
Contoh kode ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan model AI Generatif untuk membuat konten untuk input teks tertentu
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Python
- Node JS
- C#
- C++
- Java
- JavaScript
- Go
- Sample
Meningkatkan kualitas gambar produk dengan mengubah konten latar belakang menggunakan Imagen
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan model Imagen untuk pengeditan gambar produk. Tentukan apa yang harus ditampilkan di latar belakang. Tampilan produk dipertahankan di latar depan.
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Sample
Mendapatkan evaluasi model untuk ekstraksi entity teks
Mendapatkan evaluasi model untuk ekstraksi entity teks menggunakan metode get_model_evaluation.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Java
- Python
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Sample
Mengekspor model
Mengekspor model menggunakan metode export_model.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- JavaScript
- Python
- Java
- Node JS
- Sample
Memuat atau mengambil perintah
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara memuat atau mengambil perintah yang telah disimpan ke resource online.
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Sample
Mengimpor data untuk ekstraksi entity teks
Mengimpor data untuk ekstraksi entity teks menggunakan metode import_data.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Node JS
- Java
- Python
- JavaScript
- Sample
Membuat gambar dari teks
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan model Imagen untuk membuat gambar dari teks.
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- JavaScript
- C#
- Python
- Java
- Node JS
- Sample
Merangkum file audio dengan Gemini 1.5 Pro
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan file audio untuk meringkas podcast. Contoh ini hanya berfungsi dengan Gemini 1.5 Pro.
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- JavaScript
- Go
- Python
- C#
- Node JS
- Java
- Sample
Mendapatkan evaluasi model untuk klasifikasi gambar
Mendapatkan evaluasi model untuk klasifikasi gambar menggunakan metode get_model_evaluation.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Node JS
- Java
- Python
- JavaScript
- Sample
Membuat pipeline pelatihan untuk regresi tabulasi
Membuat pipeline pelatihan untuk regresi tabel menggunakan metode create_training_pipeline.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Java
- JavaScript
- Python
- Node JS
- Sample
Mendapatkan evaluasi model untuk klasifikasi teks
Mendapatkan evaluasi model untuk klasifikasi teks menggunakan metode get_model_evaluation.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Python
- Java
- Sample
Mencantumkan semua perintah
Contoh kode ini menunjukkan cara mencantumkan semua perintah di Project Google Cloud.
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Sample
Mengupload file RAG
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara mengupload file RAG, yang berisi informasi tambahan yang memberikan konteks ke LLM untuk menghasilkan respons yang lebih akurat.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Sample
Mendapatkan Tugas Penyesuaian yang Diawasi
Contoh kode ini menunjukkan cara mengambil informasi tentang Tugas Penyesuaian yang Diawasi.
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Sample
Mencantumkan file RAG dalam indeks
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara mencantumkan file RAG dalam indeks.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Sample
Mengekstrak informasi dari teks (Generative AI)
Ekstrak informasi dari teks menggunakan model teks penayang.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- JavaScript
- Python
- Java
- Node JS
- C#
- Sample
Membuat indeks
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara membuat indeks untuk mengimpor atau mengupload dokumen.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Sample
Memberi landasan pada respons model Gemini ke Google Penelusuran
Gunakan ini untuk melandasi output model Gemini ke hasil Google Penelusuran
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Python
- C#
- Sample
Mencantumkan Item Konten yang Di-cache
Contoh kode ini menunjukkan cara mencantumkan semua item konten yang di-cache untuk project dan lokasi tertentu.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Go
- Sample
Membuat embedding teks
Contoh kode ini menunjukkan cara menyematkan teks dengan model dasar yang telah dilatih sebelumnya.
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Sample
Menghapus perintah
Contoh kode ini menunjukkan cara menghapus perintah yang ditentukan.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Sample
Menghapus indeks
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menghapus indeks.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Python
- Sample
Membuat Kueri Mesin Penalaran
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara mengirim kueri ke instance Reasoning Engine.
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Python
- Sample
Mencantumkan versi perintah yang tersedia
Contoh kode ini menunjukkan cara mencantumkan semua versi perintah.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Sample
Membuat teks dari gambar dengan setelan keamanan
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan model Gemini dengan setelan keamanan untuk membuat teks dari gambar.
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Java
- C#
- Node JS
- Go
- JavaScript
- Sample
Menggunakan panggilan fungsi dengan Gemini menggunakan OpenAI SDK
Contoh kode ini menunjukkan cara melakukan panggilan fungsi di Gemini menggunakan Chat Completions API di OpenAI SDK.
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Sample
Membuat tugas prediksi batch
Membuat tugas prediksi batch menggunakan metode create_batch_prediction_job.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Java
- Python
- Sample
Memverifikasi watermark digital gambar
Secara default, watermark digital ditambahkan ke gambar apa pun yang dihasilkan oleh versi model Imagen yang mendukung pembuatan watermark. Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan model verifikasi Imagen untuk menentukan apakah gambar berisi watermark ini.
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Java
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Sample
Buat endpoint
Membuat endpoint menggunakan metode create_endpoint.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Node JS
- Terraform
- Java
- Python
- JavaScript
- Sample
Membuat teks streaming menggunakan model Claude dari Anthropic
Gunakan Anthropic Vertex AI SDK untuk mengirim perintah ke model Claude Anthropic, lalu menghasilkan teks streaming.
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Sample
Panggilan fungsi paralel
Contoh kode ini menunjukkan cara menjalankan beberapa panggilan fungsi secara paralel dan menampilkan hasilnya ke model untuk menghasilkan respons lengkap.
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Go
- Sample
Menambahkan konten gambar menggunakan deteksi mask otomatis dan inpainting dengan Imagen
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan model Imagen untuk pengeditan gambar tanpa mask. Imagen otomatis mendeteksi dan membuat area mask untuk menambahkan konten gambar.
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Sample
Membuat teks dari gambar
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan model Gemini untuk membuat teks dari gambar.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Python
- C++
- Java
- JavaScript
- Node JS
- Sample
Menyatukan Gemini ke penyimpanan data Vertex AI Search
Gunakan ini untuk melandasi output Gemini ke data Anda sendiri yang disimpan di penyimpanan data Vertex AI Search
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- C#
- Sample
Mendapatkan tugas penyesuaian hyperparameter
Mendapatkan tugas penyesuaian hyperparameter menggunakan metode get_hyperparameter_tuning_job.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- JavaScript
- Python
- Java
- Node JS
- Sample
Mencantumkan indeks dalam project
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara mencantumkan indeks dalam project tertentu.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Python
- Sample
Menggunakan Gemini untuk meringkas file PDF
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan Gemini untuk membuat ringkasan file PDF.
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Sample
Output JSON pembuatan terkontrol dengan nilai null
Izinkan model menghasilkan respons null jika tidak memiliki cukup konteks untuk menghasilkan respons yang bermakna.
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Go
- Python
- C#
- Java
- Sample
Memprediksi label tunggal klasifikasi teks
Mendapatkan prediksi untuk label tunggal klasifikasi teks menggunakan metode prediksi.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Sample
Output JSON pembuatan terkontrol dengan enum
Menampilkan objek berformat JSON dengan nilai enum, dengan deskripsi objek dan daftar nilai yang dapat dipilih.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- C#
- Python
- Java
- Go
- Sample
Membuat pipeline pelatihan untuk ekstraksi entity teks
Membuat pipeline pelatihan untuk ekstraksi entity teks menggunakan metode create_training_pipeline.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- JavaScript
- Java
- Node JS
- Python
- Sample
Membatalkan Tugas Penyesuaian Berpengawasan di Vertex AI
Contoh kode ini menunjukkan cara membatalkan tugas penyesuaian yang ada di Vertex AI.
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Python
- Sample
Memprediksi ekstraksi entity teks
Mendapatkan prediksi untuk ekstraksi entity teks menggunakan metode prediksi.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Java
- JavaScript
- Node JS
- Python
- Sample
Membuat respons menggunakan file RAG
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara membuat konten menggunakan file RAG.
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Sample
Membatalkan tugas pelabelan data
Membatalkan tugas pelabelan data menggunakan metode cancel_data_labeling_job.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Java
- Python
- Sample
Pembuatan teks interaktif dengan chatbot
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan model Gemini untuk membuat teks secara interaktif.
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Go
- Java
- C#
- Python
- Sample
Memproses gambar, video, audio, dan teks dengan Gemini 1.5 Pro
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara memproses gambar, video, audio, dan teks secara bersamaan. Contoh ini hanya berfungsi dengan Gemini 1.5 Pro.
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Java
- Go
- Python
- C#
- Sample
Merangkum file video dengan audio menggunakan Gemini 1.5 Pro
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara meringkas file video dengan audio dan menampilkan segmen dengan stempel waktu. Contoh ini hanya berfungsi dengan Gemini 1.5 Pro.
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Go
- C#
- C++
- Java
- Node JS
- Python
- JavaScript
- Sample
Mengklasifikasikan sentimen dalam teks (AI Generatif)
Mengklasifikasikan sentimen yang disampaikan dalam teks sebagai positif atau negatif.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- C#
- Java
- JavaScript
- Python
- Node JS
- Sample
Menyesuaikan model dasar bahasa (Generative AI)
Menyesuaikan model dasar bahasa dengan set data penyesuaian.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Java
- Sample
Membuat set data untuk teks
Membuat set data untuk teks menggunakan metode create_dataset.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- JavaScript
- Node JS
- Java
- Python
- Terraform
- Sample
Membuat tugas kustom
Membuat tugas kustom menggunakan metode create_custom_job.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- JavaScript
- Python
- Node JS
- Java
- Sample
Membuat set data untuk Cloud Storage tabulasi
Membuat set data untuk Cloud Storage tabulasi menggunakan metode create_dataset.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- JavaScript
- Node JS
- Python
- Java
- Sample
Membuat teks streaming menggunakan Gemini dan Chat Completions API
Buat teks streaming menggunakan Chat Completions API, yang memungkinkan Anda mengirim permintaan ke model Vertex AI menggunakan library OpenAI.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Python
- Sample
Panggilan fungsi dengan Model AI Gemini
Contoh kode menunjukkan cara menggunakan Model Generatif Vertex AI untuk melakukan panggilan fungsi.
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Python
- Sample
Membuat tugas pelabelan data untuk kumpulan spesialis
Membuat tugas pelabelan data untuk kumpulan spesialis menggunakan metode create_data_labeling_job.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Java
- Sample
Menguji perintah teks (Generative AI)
Uji perintah pengujian untuk menghasilkan ide menggunakan model teks penayang.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Node JS
- Ruby
- JavaScript
- Java
- C#
- Sample
Mencantumkan semua instance Reasoning Engine
Contoh kode ini menunjukkan cara mencantumkan semua instance Reasoning Engine dalam project Anda.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Sample
Membuat pipeline pelatihan
Membuat pipeline pelatihan menggunakan metode create_training_pipeline.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Java
- Python
- Sample
Mengoptimalkan perintah untuk pembuatan teks dengan Vertex AI
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan Pengoptimal Perintah Vertex AI untuk mengoptimalkan perintah untuk model pembuatan teks.
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Python
- Sample
Panggilan fungsi dengan Model AI Gemini
Contoh kode menunjukkan cara menggunakan Model Generatif Vertex AI untuk melakukan panggilan fungsi.
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- JavaScript
- Node JS
- Go
- Sample
Membuat tugas pelabelan data untuk pembelajaran aktif
Membuat tugas pelabelan data untuk pembelajaran aktif menggunakan metode create_data_labeling_job.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Java
- Python
- Sample
Membuat teks dari prompt multimodal
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara membuat teks dari perintah multimodal menggunakan model Gemini. Perintah ini terdiri dari tiga gambar dan dua perintah teks. Model ini menghasilkan respons teks yang mendeskripsikan gambar dan perintah teks.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- JavaScript
- Go
- Node JS
- Python
- C#
- Java
- Sample
Mengimpor data untuk pengenalan tindakan video
Mengimpor data untuk pengenalan tindakan video menggunakan metode import_data.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Java
- Sample
Membuat ekstensi penafsir kode
Buat ekstensi penafsir kode dari ekstensi bawaan Google.
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Sample
Membuat pipeline pelatihan untuk klasifikasi teks
Membuat pipeline pelatihan untuk klasifikasi teks menggunakan metode create_training_pipeline.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Java
- Python
- JavaScript
- Node JS
- Sample
Menghapus cache konteks
Menghapus cache konteks tertentu yang tidak lagi digunakan.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- C#
- Python
- Go
- Sample
Mendapatkan teks singkat untuk gambar
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan model Imagen untuk mendapatkan deskripsi umum singkat tentang gambar yang disediakan.
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Python
- Java
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Sample
Membuat set data untuk gambar
Membuat set data untuk gambar menggunakan metode create_dataset.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Java
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Terraform
- Python
- Sample
Mengedit konten gambar menggunakan mask dengan Imagen v.002
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan model Imagen untuk pengeditan gambar berbasis mask. Tentukan area mask yang ditargetkan dan tentukan pengeditan menggunakan perintah teks.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Python
- Sample
Mengimpor data untuk klasifikasi video
Mengimpor data untuk klasifikasi video menggunakan metode import_data.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Java
- Sample
Menghapus Mesin Penalaran
Contoh kode Python ini menunjukkan cara menghapus Reasoning Engine.
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Python
- Sample
Membuat cache konteks
Buat cache konteks untuk mengurangi biaya dengan permintaan berulang yang berisi input jumlah token yang sama.
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Go
- C#
- Sample
Mendapatkan informasi tentang indeks
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara mendapatkan informasi tentang indeks.
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Sample
Membuat teks menggunakan Gemini dan Chat Completions API
Buat teks menggunakan Chat Completions API, yang memungkinkan Anda mengirim permintaan ke model Vertex AI menggunakan library OpenAI.
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Sample
Mendapatkan pipeline pelatihan
Mendapatkan pipeline pelatihan menggunakan metode get_training_pipeline.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Node JS
- Python
- Java
- JavaScript
- Sample
Mengimpor data untuk pelacakan objek video
Mengimpor data untuk pelacakan objek video menggunakan metode import_data.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- JavaScript
- Python
- Java
- Node JS
- Sample
Membuat teks dengan model Gemma2 dengan akselerator TPU
Contoh kode ini menunjukkan cara menjalankan interferensi pada model Gemma2 yang di-deploy ke endpoint Vertex AI dengan akselerator TPU.
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Java
- Node JS
- Python
- Go
- JavaScript
- Sample
Mengimpor data untuk analisis sentimen teks
Mengimpor data untuk analisis sentimen teks menggunakan metode import_data.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Python
- JavaScript
- Node JS
- Java
- Sample
Menggunakan panggilan fungsi dengan Anthropic untuk meningkatkan kemampuan Claude
Gunakan panggilan fungsi dengan Anthropic Claude untuk membuat kueri alat eksternal, seperti Google Places API. Contoh ini memanggil Text Search Places API langsung dari perintah Claude Anda untuk mengambil informasi tentang tempat berdasarkan kueri pengguna.
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Sample
Membuat pipeline pelatihan untuk perkiraan tabular
Membuat pipeline pelatihan untuk perkiraan tabel menggunakan metode create_training_pipeline.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Sample
Prediksi kode batch dengan model terlatih
Lakukan prediksi kode batch menggunakan model pembuatan kode yang telah dilatih sebelumnya.
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Java
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Python
- Go
- Sample
Menyesuaikan Model Pembuatan Kode
Menyesuaikan model pembuatan kode terlatih.
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Sample
Menjelaskan gambar menggunakan Gemini dan Chat Completions API
Buat deskripsi teks gambar menggunakan Chat Completions API, yang memungkinkan Anda mengirim permintaan ke model Vertex AI menggunakan library OpenAI.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Sample
Menghapus endpoint
Menghapus endpoint menggunakan metode delete_endpoint.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Java
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Sample
Mengupload model untuk menjelaskan container terkelola tabulasi
Mengupload model untuk menjelaskan container terkelola berbentuk tabel menggunakan metode upload_model.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Sample
Menghapus file RAG dari indeks
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menghapus file RAG dari indeks.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Sample
Mengimpor file RAG dari Google Drive atau Cloud Storage
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara mengimpor file RAG secara asinkron dari Google Drive atau Cloud Storage.
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Sample
Menetapkan petunjuk sistem ke Gemini 1.5 Pro
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menetapkan petunjuk sistem ke Gemini 1.5 Pro.
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- JavaScript
- C#
- Node JS
- Go
- Python
- Java
- Sample
Mendapatkan jumlah token permintaan secara lokal
Contoh kode ini menunjukkan cara mendapatkan jumlah token untuk permintaan secara lokal tanpa memanggil Count Tokens API.
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Sample
Menghapus konten gambar menggunakan inpainting berbasis mask dengan Imagen
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan model Imagen untuk pengeditan gambar berbasis mask. Tentukan area mask yang ditargetkan untuk menghapus konten gambar.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- JavaScript
- Node JS
- Python
- Java
- Sample
Membuat tugas prediksi batch untuk perkiraan tabulasi
Membuat tugas prediksi batch untuk perkiraan berbentuk tabel menggunakan metode create_batch_prediction_job.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Sample
Membuat dan menggunakan Perintah Vertex AI untuk membuat teks
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara membuat instance Perintah, membuat teks menggunakan perintah yang telah dirakit, dan menyimpan versi Perintah.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Sample
Mengonfigurasi parameter model Gemini
Membuat teks dari gambar menggunakan model Gemini dan menampilkan teks yang dihasilkan. Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menetapkan parameter konfigurasi model.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Python
- Sample
Mengedit konten gambar menggunakan pengeditan tanpa mask dengan Imagen v.002
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan model Imagen untuk pengeditan gambar tanpa mask. Tentukan pengeditan menggunakan perintah teks.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Python
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Java
- Sample
Menjelaskan video
Contoh kode ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan Gemini untuk membuat deskripsi teks untuk video.
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Sample
Membuat prompt untuk membuat pengujian unit (AI Generatif)
Membuat perintah yang dapat digunakan dengan model chat penayang untuk membuat pengujian unit.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Node JS
- Python
- JavaScript
- Java
- C#
- Sample
Evaluasi Kualitas Ringkasan Pasangan
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara mengevaluasi dua model AI Generatif untuk kualitas ringkasannya menggunakan perbandingan berpasangan. Evaluasi menggunakan metrik yang menilai seberapa baik setiap model meringkas teks tertentu.
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Python
- Go
- Sample
Mendapatkan evaluasi model untuk deteksi objek gambar
Mendapatkan evaluasi model untuk deteksi objek gambar menggunakan metode get_model_evaluation.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- JavaScript
- Python
- Node JS
- Java
- Sample
Menggunakan Gemini untuk meringkas video YouTube
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan Gemini untuk meringkas video YouTube.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Python
- Sample
Mendapatkan evaluasi model untuk klasifikasi video
Mendapatkan evaluasi model untuk klasifikasi video menggunakan metode get_model_evaluation.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- JavaScript
- Java
- Node JS
- Python
- Sample
Membuat embedding untuk input multimodal
Contoh kode ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan model multimodal untuk membuat embedding bagi input teks dan gambar.
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Go
- Python
- Sample
Membuat tugas penyesuaian hyperparameter
Membuat tugas penyesuaian hyperparameter menggunakan metode create_hyperparameter_tuning_job.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Python
- Java
- Sample
Output JSON pembuatan terkontrol
Contoh kode ini menunjukkan cara mendapatkan respons dalam format JSON.
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- C#
- Java
- Go
- Sample
Memprediksi pendeteksian objek gambar
Mendapatkan prediksi untuk deteksi objek gambar menggunakan metode prediksi.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- JavaScript
- Java
- Python
- Node JS
- Sample
Mengimpor data untuk pendeteksian objek gambar
Mengimpor data untuk deteksi objek gambar menggunakan metode import_data.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Node JS
- Java
- Python
- JavaScript
- Sample
Mendapatkan evaluasi model untuk pengenalan tindakan video
Mendapatkan evaluasi model untuk pengenalan tindakan video menggunakan metode get_model_evaluation.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Java
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Python
- Sample
Memproses file PDF dengan Gemini
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara memproses dokumen PDF menggunakan Gemini.
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Java
- C#
- Go
- JavaScript
- Node JS
- Python
- Sample
Membuat teks dengan model Gemma2 dengan akselerator GPU
Contoh kode ini menunjukkan cara menjalankan interferensi pada model Gemma2 yang di-deploy ke endpoint Vertex AI dengan akselerator GPU.
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Java
- Python
- JavaScript
- Go
- Node JS
- Sample
Memprediksi Batch dengan Gemini menggunakan data GCS
Lakukan prediksi teks batch dengan Gemini menggunakan sumber data GCS sebagai input.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Java
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Sample
Menghapus ekstensi
Contoh kode ini menunjukkan cara menghapus ekstensi.
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Python
- Sample
Menambahkan konten gambar menggunakan inpainting berbasis mask dengan Imagen
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan model Imagen untuk pengeditan gambar berbasis mask. Tentukan area mask yang ditargetkan untuk menambahkan konten gambar.
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Java
- JavaScript
- Node JS
- Sample
Mengimpor data untuk label tunggal klasifikasi gambar
Mengimpor data untuk label tunggal klasifikasi gambar menggunakan metode import_data.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Sample
Membuat perintah untuk penyelesaian kode fungsi pengujian (AI Generatif)
Membuat perintah agar berfungsi dengan model kode penayang guna membuat saran penyelesaian kode fungsi pengujian.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Node JS
- C#
- JavaScript
- Java
- Sample
Mendapatkan file RAG
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara mendapatkan file RAG.
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Sample
Membuat pipeline pelatihan untuk tugas kustom
Membuat pipeline pelatihan untuk tugas kustom menggunakan metode create_training_pipeline.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Java
- Sample
Menghitung token untuk Gemini
Contoh kode ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan Vertex AI Generative Models API untuk menghitung jumlah token dalam perintah dan membuat konten menggunakan model Gemini.
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Python
- Go
- Sample
Mengekspor model untuk pengenalan tindakan video
Mengekspor model untuk pengenalan tindakan video menggunakan metode export_model.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Java
- Sample
Mendapatkan tugas prediksi batch
Mendapatkan tugas prediksi batch menggunakan metode get_batch_prediction_job.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Python
- JavaScript
- Java
- Node JS
- Sample
Gunakan panduan memulai untuk memahami RAG
Panduan memulai ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan RAG API.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Python
- Sample
Mendapatkan jumlah token dan karakter yang dapat ditagih untuk permintaan
Count Tokens API menampilkan jumlah token dan karakter yang dapat ditagih dari permintaan.
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Sample
Menentukan jenis respons MIME untuk Gemini API
Tentukan jenis respons MIME untuk Gemini API sehingga respons yang dihasilkan mematuhi jenis tersebut.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Go
- C#
- Java
- Python
- Sample
Membuat teks dari video
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan Gemini API untuk membuat teks dari video
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Node JS
- C#
- Java
- JavaScript
- Sample
Membuat teks dari gambar
Minta model Gemini dengan gambar dan perintah teks, lalu tampilkan teks yang dihasilkan.
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Java
- Go
- Python
- Sample
Mendapatkan model
Mendapatkan model menggunakan metode get_model.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- JavaScript
- Java
- Python
- Node JS
- Sample
Deploy model
Men-deploy model menggunakan metode deploy_model.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- JavaScript
- Python
- Java
- Node JS
- Sample
Mendapatkan cache konteks
Mendapatkan informasi tentang cache konteks tertentu, seperti waktu pembuatan dan waktu habis masa berlakunya.
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Go
- C#
- Python
- Sample
Membatalkan pipeline pelatihan
Membatalkan pipeline pelatihan menggunakan metode cancel_training_pipeline.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Java
- Sample
Membuat tugas prediksi batch untuk klasifikasi video
Membuat tugas prediksi batch untuk klasifikasi video menggunakan metode create_batch_prediction_job.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Node JS
- Java
- JavaScript
- Python
- Sample
Mengevaluasi model pembuatan teks menggunakan layanan evaluasi AI Generatif Vertex AI
Gunakan layanan evaluasi Vertex AI Gen AI untuk mengevaluasi model pembuatan untuk tugas Natural Language Processing (NLP) seperti ringkasan, terjemahan, dan menjawab pertanyaan.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Go
- Sample
Mengevaluasi performa model
Kode contoh ini menunjukkan cara mengevaluasi performa model GenAI. Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menentukan spesifikasi evaluasi, mengevaluasi model, dan mengambil metrik evaluasi.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Python
- Sample
Mendapatkan tugas kustom
Mendapatkan tugas kustom menggunakan metode get_custom_job.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Python
- JavaScript
- Node JS
- Sample
Men-deploy model untuk model terlatih kustom
Men-deploy model untuk model terlatih kustom menggunakan metode deploy_model.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Java
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Sample
Menghapus tugas pelabelan data
Menghapus tugas pelabelan data menggunakan metode delete_data_labeling_job.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Java
- Python
- Sample
Menghapus pipeline pelatihan
Menghapus pipeline pelatihan menggunakan metode delete_training_pipeline.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Java
- Sample
Mengupload model untuk menjelaskan container yang dikelola image
Mengupload model untuk menjelaskan container yang dikelola image menggunakan metode upload_model.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Sample
Mendapatkan respons gambar singkat
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan model Imagen untuk mengajukan pertanyaan dan mendapatkan jawaban tentang gambar yang diberikan.
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Java
- Node JS
- Python
- JavaScript
- Sample
Menyesuaikan Gemini menggunakan setelan kustom untuk kasus penggunaan lanjutan
Sesuaikan model AI Generatif menggunakan Penyesuaian Terpantau Vertex AI dengan parameter lanjutan.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Sample
Mengimpor kumpulan file RAG
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara mengimpor file RAG dari lokasi penyimpanan.
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Python
- Sample
Memprediksi regresi tabulasi
Mendapatkan prediksi untuk regresi tabulasi menggunakan metode prediksi.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Java
- Python
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Sample
Menghapus tugas penyesuaian hyperparameter
Menghapus tugas penyesuaian hyperparameter menggunakan metode delete_hyperparameter_tuning_job.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Sample
Menyesuaikan model penyematan menggunakan parameter yang ditentukan
Contoh kode ini menunjukkan cara menyesuaikan model penyematan menggunakan Vertex AI. Contoh ini menggunakan model terlatih dan menyesuaikannya pada set data tertentu.
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Sample
Pembuatan streaming teks interaktif dengan chatbot
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan model Gemini untuk membuat aliran teks secara interaktif.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Node JS
- Python
- JavaScript
- Sample
Menentukan nilai enum pembuatan terkontrol dalam skema JSON
Tentukan daftar nilai enum respons dalam skema JSON. Model memilih nilai enum dari nilai daftar yang ditentukan dalam skema.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Go
- Sample
Memperluas konten gambar menggunakan outpainting berbasis mask dengan Imagen
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan model Imagen untuk pengeditan gambar berbasis mask. Tentukan area mask yang ditargetkan untuk memperluas konten gambar dasar agar sesuai dengan kanvas yang lebih besar atau berukuran berbeda.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- JavaScript
- Node JS
- Python
- Java
- Sample
Membuat pipeline pelatihan untuk pelacakan objek video
Membuat pipeline pelatihan untuk pelacakan objek video menggunakan metode create_training_pipeline.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Node JS
- Java
- JavaScript
- Python
- Sample
Membuat set data
Membuat set data menggunakan metode create_dataset.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- JavaScript
- Python
- Java
- Node JS
- Sample
Membuat tugas prediksi batch untuk ekstraksi entity teks
Membuat tugas prediksi batch untuk ekstraksi entity teks menggunakan metode create_batch_prediction_job.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Java
- Python
- JavaScript
- Node JS
- Sample
Membuat pipeline pelatihan untuk pengenalan tindakan video
Membuat pipeline pelatihan untuk pengenalan tindakan video menggunakan metode create_training_pipeline.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Node JS
- Python
- Java
- JavaScript
- Sample
Mendapatkan evaluasi model
Mendapatkan evaluasi model menggunakan metode get_model_evaluation.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Python
- JavaScript
- Node JS
- Java
- Sample
Mencantumkan Tugas Penyesuaian yang Diawasi
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara membuat daftar semua tugas penyesuaian yang berjalan dan selesai dalam project.
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Sample
Membuat tugas prediksi batch untuk klasifikasi teks
Membuat tugas prediksi batch untuk klasifikasi teks menggunakan metode create_batch_prediction_job.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Python
- JavaScript
- Node JS
- Java
- Sample
Membuat Embedding dari teks menggunakan Pemrosesan batch
Contoh kode ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan model terlatih untuk membuat batch embedding untuk daftar input teks, dan menyimpannya di lokasi yang ditentukan.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Node JS
- Java
- JavaScript
- Sample
Membuat Embedding untuk Pengambilan Kode
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan model embedding teks Vertex AI untuk menghitung embedding bagi blok kode dan kueri untuk tugas pengambilan kode.
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Python
- Sample
Mengupload model
Mengupload model menggunakan metode upload_model.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Java
- JavaScript
- Node JS
- Python
- Sample
Memulihkan versi perintah
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara memulihkan versi tertentu dari perintah yang ditentukan.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Sample
Membuat teks menggunakan model Claude dari Anthropic
Gunakan Vertex AI SDK Anthropic untuk mengirim perintah ke model Claude Anthropic, lalu tampilkan teks yang dihasilkan.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Sample
Memprediksi klasifikasi gambar
Mendapatkan prediksi untuk klasifikasi gambar menggunakan metode prediksi.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Python
- Java
- Sample
Mendapatkan evaluasi model untuk klasifikasi tabulasi
Mendapatkan evaluasi model untuk klasifikasi tabulasi menggunakan metode get_model_evaluation.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Java
- Python
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Sample
Membuat tugas prediksi batch untuk pelacakan objek video
Membuat tugas prediksi batch untuk pelacakan objek video menggunakan metode create_batch_prediction_job.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Java
- Python
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Sample
Prediksi Batch dengan Gemini menggunakan data BigQuery
Lakukan prediksi teks batch dengan Gemini menggunakan sumber data BigQuery sebagai input.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Node JS
- Python
- Java
- JavaScript
- Go
- Sample
Membangun, menguji, dan men-deploy chatbot Langchain di Reasoning Engine
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara mem-build, menguji, dan men-deploy chatbot Langchain di Reasoning Engine.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Python
- Sample
Membuat konten dari data multimodal menggunakan AI Generatif
Contoh ini menunjukkan kemampuan untuk membuat konten dari kombinasi teks, gambar, dan video.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- JavaScript
- Node JS
- Python
- Java
- Sample
Menghapus tugas kustom
Menghapus tugas kustom menggunakan metode delete_custom_job.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Node JS
- Python
- JavaScript
- Sample
Meningkatkan kualitas model AI Generatif dengan Penyesuaian Terpantau Vertex AI
Menyesuaikan model Gemini secara otomatis menggunakan Vertex AI SFT (Penyesuaian yang Diawasi) Google Cloud.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Python
- Sample
Prediksi teks batch dengan model Gemini
Melakukan prediksi teks batch menggunakan model Gemini dan menampilkan lokasi output.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Python
- Go
- Sample
Membuat konten dengan panggilan fungsi
Buat konten dengan panggilan fungsi. Contoh ini menunjukkan skenario modalitas teks dengan satu fungsi dan satu perintah.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- C#
- Python
- Java
- Go
- Sample
Membuat set data untuk BigQuery tabulasi
Membuat set data untuk BigQuery berbentuk tabel menggunakan metode create_dataset.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Java
- JavaScript
- Node JS
- Python
- Sample
Prediksi teks batch dengan model terlatih sebelumnya
Melakukan prediksi teks batch menggunakan model pembuatan teks terlatih.
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Go
- Java
- Python
- Sample
Mendapatkan embedding teks (Generative AI)
Dapatkan embedding teks untuk cuplikan teks menggunakan model embedding.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- C#
- JavaScript
- Java
- Node JS
- Sample
Membuat pipeline pelatihan untuk klasifikasi video
Membuat pipeline pelatihan untuk klasifikasi video menggunakan metode create_training_pipeline.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Node JS
- Python
- JavaScript
- Java
- Sample
Mendapatkan evaluasi model untuk regresi tabulasi
Mendapatkan evaluasi model untuk regresi tabulasi menggunakan metode get_model_evaluation.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Node JS
- Java
- JavaScript
- Python
- Sample
Menghapus set data
Menghapus set data menggunakan metode delete_dataset.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Java
- Go
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Python
- Sample
Mengklasifikasikan teks dengan model bahasa besar (AI Generatif)
Melakukan tugas klasifikasi yang menetapkan class atau kategori ke teks. Anda dapat menentukan daftar kategori yang dapat dipilih atau membiarkan model memilih dari kategorinya sendiri.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Java
- C#
- Sample
Mem-build, menguji, dan men-deploy aplikasi kustom di Reasoning Engine
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara mem-build, menguji, dan men-deploy aplikasi kustom di Reasoning Engine. Panduan ini mencakup pengujian lokal aplikasi dan langkah-langkah untuk men-deploy aplikasi di Reasoning Engine.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Python
- Sample
Membatalkan tugas prediksi batch
Membatalkan tugas prediksi batch menggunakan metode cancel_batch_prediction_job.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- JavaScript
- Java
- Python
- Node JS
- Sample
Menghapus konten gambar menggunakan deteksi mask otomatis dan inpainting dengan Imagen
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan model Imagen untuk pengeditan gambar tanpa mask. Imagen otomatis mendeteksi dan membuat area mask untuk menghapus konten gambar.
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Python
- Sample
Menjalankan Ekstensi di Vertex AI
Contoh kode ini menunjukkan cara menjalankan ekstensi.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Sample
Membuat embedding untuk Gambar, Video, dan Teks
Contoh kode ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan model multimodal untuk membuat embedding data gambar, teks, dan video.
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Go
- Python
- Sample
Mengimpor data untuk label tunggal klasifikasi teks
Mengimpor data untuk label tunggal klasifikasi teks menggunakan metode import_data.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Node JS
- Java
- JavaScript
- Python
- Sample
Menetapkan label untuk permintaan AI Generatif di Vertex AI
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menetapkan label untuk permintaan AI Generatif di Vertex AI.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Sample
Membuat pipeline pelatihan untuk klasifikasi tabulasi
Membuat pipeline pelatihan untuk klasifikasi tabel menggunakan metode create_training_pipeline.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Java
- Python
- Sample
Membuat prompt untuk penyelesaian komentar kode (AI Generatif)
Membuat prompt untuk menggunakan model kode penayang guna membuat saran penyelesaian komentar kode.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- JavaScript
- Node JS
- C#
- Java
- Sample
Membuat teks streaming untuk mendeskripsikan gambar menggunakan Chat Completions API
Buat teks streaming untuk mendeskripsikan gambar menggunakan Chat Completions API, yang memungkinkan Anda mengirim permintaan ke model Vertex AI menggunakan library OpenAI.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Python
- Sample
Membatalkan tugas kustom
Membatalkan tugas kustom menggunakan metode cancel_custom_job.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Node JS
- Python
- JavaScript
- Sample
Pembuatan teks streaming
Contoh kode ini menunjukkan cara membuat teks dalam mode streaming.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Sample
Membuat teks dari gambar
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan model Gemini untuk membuat teks dari gambar. Model ini adalah model bahasa berbasis transformer skala besar yang dapat menghasilkan teks yang koheren dan informatif.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Go
- Sample
Membuat daftar model yang disesuaikan untuk Vertex LLM (AI Generatif)
Contoh kode yang menunjukkan cara mendapatkan daftar model yang disesuaikan untuk LLM Vertex
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Java
- Sample
Membuat teks dari video
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan Gemini API untuk membuat teks dari video.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Go
- Sample
Output JSON pembuatan terkontrol dengan skema yang telah ditentukan
Contoh kode ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan parameter `response_mime_type` dan `response_schema` untuk mendapatkan respons yang mengikuti format dan skema JSON yang telah Anda tentukan.
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- C#
- Java
- Go
- Python
- Sample
Menentukan dimensi Embed untuk input multimodal
Contoh kode ini menunjukkan cara menentukan dimensi penyematan yang lebih rendah untuk input teks dan gambar.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Go
- Python
- Sample
Membuat tugas pelabelan data untuk segmentasi gambar
Membuat tugas pelabelan data untuk segmentasi gambar menggunakan metode create_data_labeling_job.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Sample
Mencantumkan semua Ekstensi di Vertex AI
Kode contoh mengambil daftar semua ekstensi dalam project dan lokasi yang ditentukan.
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Sample
Menyesuaikan model dasar bahasa (Generative AI)
Menyesuaikan model dasar bahasa dengan set data penyesuaian.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Sample
Menjelaskan tabulasi
Mendapatkan penjelasan untuk tabulasi menggunakan metode penjelasan.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Sample
Menggunakan Gemini untuk mengidentifikasi momen penting dalam video YouTube
Contoh kode ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan Gemini untuk mengidentifikasi momen penting dalam video YouTube. Fungsi ini menggunakan URL video YouTube sebagai input dan menampilkan daftar momen penting beserta stempel waktunya.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Sample
Membuat tugas pelabelan data
Membuat tugas pelabelan data menggunakan metode create_data_labeling_job.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Java
- Python
- Sample
Membuat perintah untuk menghasilkan kode (AI Generatif)
Buat perintah yang dapat digunakan dengan model kode penayang guna menghasilkan kode untuk sebuah fungsi.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- C#
- Java
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Sample
Menguji perintah chat (Generative AI)
Uji perintah teks menggunakan model chat penayang.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Java
- C#
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Sample
Mengekspor model untuk klasifikasi tabulasi
Mengekspor model untuk klasifikasi tabulasi menggunakan metode export_model.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Java
- Node JS
- Python
- JavaScript
- Sample
Membuat konten teks streaming dengan Model Generatif
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan Model Generatif untuk membuat teks dalam format streaming.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Java
- Python
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Go
- Sample
Mendapatkan ekstensi tertentu berdasarkan ID
Kode contoh ini menunjukkan cara mengambil ekstensi yang ada.
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Sample
Memperbarui kredensial Open AI API secara otomatis
Contoh kode ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan class OpenAI Credentials Refresher untuk memuat ulang kredensial OpenAI API secara otomatis.
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Sample
Memprediksi analisis sentimen teks
Mendapatkan prediksi untuk analisis sentimen teks menggunakan metode prediksi.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Node JS
- Java
- JavaScript
- Sample
Membuat template perintah berparameter
Contoh kode ini menunjukkan cara mem-build template perintah berparameter untuk membuat konten dengan beberapa kumpulan variabel.
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Sample
Membuat tugas penyesuaian hyperparameter untuk paket python
Membuat tugas penyesuaian hyperparameter untuk paket python menggunakan metode create_hyperparameter_tuning_job.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Java
- Python
- Sample
Membuat set data untuk video
Membuat set data untuk video menggunakan metode create_dataset.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Python
- JavaScript
- Terraform
- Java
- Node JS
- Sample
Memperbarui masa berlaku cache konteks
Memperpanjang tanggal habis masa berlaku cache konteks sehingga cache dapat terus digunakan.
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Go
- C#
- Python
- Sample
Menjelaskan gambar
Contoh kode ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan Gemini untuk membuat deskripsi teks untuk gambar.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Python
- Sample
Mendapatkan evaluasi model untuk analisis sentimen teks
Mendapatkan evaluasi model untuk analisis sentimen teks menggunakan metode get_model_evaluation.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- JavaScript
- Node JS
- Python
- Java
- Sample
Membuat pipeline pelatihan untuk analisis sentimen teks
Membuat pipeline pelatihan untuk analisis sentimen teks menggunakan metode create_training_pipeline.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Java
- Node JS
- Python
- JavaScript
- Sample
Mencantumkan slice evaluasi model
Mencantumkan slice evaluasi model menggunakan metode list_model_evaluation_slices.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Java
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Python
- Sample
Membuat percakapan non-streaming multi-giliran dengan Vertex AI
Contoh yang menunjukkan cara menyiapkan Vertex AI SDK dan membuat percakapan non-streaming dengan tiga pesan berturut-turut yang dikirim ke model.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- JavaScript
- Node JS
- Sample
Membuat tugas pelabelan data untuk gambar
Membuat tugas pelabelan data untuk image menggunakan metode create_data_labeling_job.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Sample
Mencantumkan objek dalam gambar dalam format JSON
Output teks berformat JSON yang mencantumkan objek yang dapat diidentifikasi model dari gambar tertentu.
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Java
- Go
- C#
- Sample
Membuat pipeline pelatihan untuk deteksi objek gambar
Membuat pipeline pelatihan untuk deteksi objek gambar menggunakan metode create_training_pipeline.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- JavaScript
- Node JS
- Python
- Java
- Sample
Membuat pipeline pelatihan untuk set data pelatihan terkelola kustom
Membuat pipeline pelatihan untuk set data pelatihan yang dikelola menggunakan metode create_training_pipeline.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Java
- Sample
Membuat tugas pelabelan data untuk video
Membuat tugas pelabelan data untuk video menggunakan metode create_data_labeling_job.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Java
- Python
- Sample
Mendapatkan slice evaluasi model
Mendapatkan bagian evaluasi model menggunakan metode get_model_lifecycle_slice.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Java
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Python
- Sample
Memperbarui kredensial Open AI API menggunakan autentikasi Google Cloud
Contoh kode ini menunjukkan class utilitas yang memperbarui kredensial untuk panggilan OpenAI API menggunakan autentikasi Google Cloud. Class `OpenAI Credentials Refresher` mengambil dan memuat ulang kredensial dari Google Cloud jika diperlukan, sehingga memastikan ketersediaan kunci API yang valid untuk permintaan OpenAI terus berlanjut.
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Python
- Sample
Mengimpor data
Mengimpor data menggunakan metode import_data.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Node JS
- Python
- JavaScript
- Sample
Meringkas konten teks menggunakan AI Generatif (AI Generatif)
Meringkas konten teks menggunakan model teks penayang.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Node JS
- Java
- C#
- JavaScript
- Sample
Membuat tugas prediksi batch untuk BigQuery
Membuat tugas prediksi batch untuk BigQuery menggunakan metode create_batch_prediction_job.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Java
- Python
- Sample
Penyelesaian kode yang didukung AI
Gunakan Code Completions API untuk menyelesaikan kode berdasarkan komentar atau kode yang ditulis sebagian dengan latensi rendah.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- JavaScript
- Python
- Java
- Node JS
- Sample
Mendapatkan Mesin Penalaran menurut ID
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara mengambil resource Reasoning Engine berdasarkan ID-nya.
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Sample
Mendapatkan penyematan video dari segmen video
Contoh kode ini menunjukkan cara mengekstrak penyematan video dari segmen tertentu dalam video menggunakan model MultiModal Embedding.
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Go
- Sample
Membuat teks menggunakan cache konteks
Buat teks dengan menggunakan cache konteks yang ada.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Python
- C#
- Go
- Sample
Memprediksi model yang dilatih khusus
Mendapatkan prediksi untuk model terlatih kustom menggunakan metode prediksi.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Node JS
- Java
- JavaScript
- Python
- Sample
Menghitung dan Menghitung Token
Contoh kode ini menunjukkan cara mendapatkan jumlah token dan menghitung token untuk perintah teks.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Sample
Prediksi untuk klasifikasi tabel
Mendapatkan prediksi untuk klasifikasi tabulasi menggunakan metode prediksi.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Java
- JavaScript
- Python
- Node JS
- Sample
Membuat pipeline pelatihan untuk klasifikasi gambar
Membuat pipeline pelatihan untuk klasifikasi gambar menggunakan metode create_training_pipeline.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Java
- JavaScript
- Node JS
- Sample
Membuat tugas prediksi batch untuk pengenalan tindakan video
Membuat tugas prediksi batch untuk pengenalan tindakan video menggunakan metode create_batch_prediction_job.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Node JS
- Python
- JavaScript
- Java
- Sample
Mengevaluasi respons model terhadap referensi (kebenaran dasar) menggunakan metrik ROUGE
Contoh kode ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan Vertex AI untuk menghitung metrik ROUGE guna mengevaluasi model ringkasan teks. Tutorial ini menunjukkan cara menentukan tugas evaluasi dan menghitung skor ROUGE untuk beberapa ringkasan yang dihasilkan terhadap ringkasan referensi.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Go
- Python
- Sample
Membatalkan tugas penyesuaian hyperparameter
Membatalkan tugas penyesuaian hyperparameter menggunakan metode cancel_hyperparameter_tuning_job.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Sample
Membuat tugas prediksi batch untuk analisis sentimen teks
Membuat tugas prediksi batch untuk analisis sentimen teks menggunakan metode create_batch_prediction_job.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- JavaScript
- Java
- Python
- Node JS
- Sample
Membuat streaming konten dengan Model AI Multimodal
Contoh kode menunjukkan cara menggunakan Model AI Generatif untuk membuat teks dalam format streaming berdasarkan kombinasi input video, gambar, dan teks.
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Node JS
- Go
- JavaScript
- Java
- Python
- Sample
Menghapus model
Menghapus model menggunakan metode delete_model.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Java
- Python
- JavaScript
- Node JS
- Sample
Membuat penyematan menggunakan AI Generatif di Vertex AI
Menggunakan AI Generatif untuk membuat penyematan
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Gen AI SDK
- JavaScript
- Java
- Node JS
- Sample
Menyesuaikan model dasar bahasa (Generative AI)
Menyesuaikan model dasar bahasa dengan set data penyesuaian.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- JavaScript
- Node JS
- Sample
Mentranskripsi file audio dengan Gemini 1.5 Pro
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan file audio untuk membuat transkrip podcast dengan stempel waktu. Contoh ini hanya berfungsi dengan Gemini 1.5 Pro.
- Google Cloud
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- JavaScript
- C#
- Go
- Java
- Python
- Node JS
- Sample
Membuat Teks dengan Model Generatif
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan Model Generatif untuk membuat teks.
- Google Gen AI SDK
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- JavaScript
- Java
- Node JS
- Python
- Sample
Mendapatkan evaluasi model untuk pelacakan objek video
Mendapatkan evaluasi model untuk pelacakan objek video menggunakan metode get_model_evaluation.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Python
- Node JS
- JavaScript
- Sample
Menghapus tugas prediksi batch
Menghapus tugas prediksi batch menggunakan metode delete_batch_prediction_job.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- JavaScript
- Java
- Python
- Node JS
- Sample
Membuat teks dari gambar
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan model Gemini untuk menghasilkan teks dari gambar.
- Vertex AI
- Google Cloud
- Go
- C#
- Node JS
- Java
- JavaScript
- Sample
Gunakan model Gemini 1.0 Pro untuk pembuatan teks dengan grounding
Menghasilkan teks menggunakan model Gemini 1.0 Pro dengan grounding dari penyimpanan data Vertex AI Search atau Google Penelusuran.
- Google Cloud
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Sample
Membuat teks dari prompt multimodal
Contoh ini menunjukkan cara membuat teks dari prompt multimodal menggunakan model Gemini. Dialog terdiri dari tiga gambar dan dua perintah teks. Model ini menghasilkan respons teks yang menjelaskan gambar dan perintah teks.
- Google Cloud
- Vertex AI
- Java
- Node JS
- Go
- C#
- JavaScript
- Sample
Prompt Design - Best Practices
Master prompt engineering best practices to improve the quality of your large language model responses.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Getting Started with Grounding with Gemini in Vertex AI
Generate content grounded in your own documents and data using Vertex AI's generative text models.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Intro to Batch Predictions with the Gemini API using BigQuery input
Process large batches of multimodal requests asynchronously using the Gemini API in Vertex AI for offline model predictions.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Intro to Function Calling with the Gemini API & Python SDK
Use Gemini, Google DeepMind's multimodal generative AI model, to call functions by describing them in code and receiving matching function names in the response.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Intro to Gemini 2.0 Pro
Learn how to use Google's Gemini 2.0 Pro for coding and general knowledge tasks.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Introduction to Long Context Window with Gemini on Vertex AI
Explore the expanded context window capabilities of Gemini 1.5 LLMs for improved performance in various applications.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Intro to Gemini 2.0 Flash-Lite
Explore Gemini 2.0 Flash-Lite, a fast and cost-effective flash model, through an introductory YouTube video.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Intro to Batch Predictions with the Gemini API
Process large batches of multimodal requests asynchronously using the Gemini API in Vertex AI for offline model predictions.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Intro to Context Caching with the Gemini API
Use the Gemini API's context caching feature to store and reuse input tokens, thereby reducing redundant requests and improving efficiency.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Responsible AI with Gemini API in Vertex AI: Safety ratings and thresholds
Explore the capabilities and limitations of large language models.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Intro to Controlled Generation with the Gemini API
Explore Google DeepMind's Gemini, a family of generative AI models enabling controlled generation of structured or unstructured data for various applications.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Llama-3.1-8B model deployment to GKE using GPU
Deploy and serve Llama open models from Google DeepMind using Text Generation Inference on various GPU types for improved throughput.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Spatial understanding with Gemini 2.0
Learn object detection and spatial understanding using the Gemini API in Vertex AI.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Mistral models deployment to GKE using GPU
Deploy and serve the Mistral large language model using Google DeepMind's Text Generation Inference on various GPU types.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Evaluate your autorater with meta-evaluation
Assess the effectiveness of your large language model evaluator using meta-evaluation techniques to build a reliable task-specific evaluation framework.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Imagen 3 Image Generation
Generate high-quality images from text descriptions using Google's Imagen 3 model on Vertex AI.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Build and deploy a Hugging Face smolagent using DeepSeek-r1 on Vertex AI
Explore DeepSeek-R1 and its distilled models for advanced reasoning tasks.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Update Feature Monitor, Feature Group IAM, and Feature Group Service Agent
Configure and manage Vertex AI Feature Store feature groups, features, and monitors using service accounts.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Intro to Google Agentspace
Use Google Agentspace to centrally search and manage enterprise information using AI-powered agents.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Advanced Features
Optimize machine learning models to achieve optimal cost, throughput, and latency based on individual customer needs.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Imagen 3 Image Editing
Generate high-quality images from text descriptions using Google's Imagen 3 model on Vertex AI.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Create High Quality Visual Assets with Imagen and Gemini
Generate high-quality images from text descriptions using Imagen on Vertex AI.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Phi-4 (Deployment)
Deploy pre-built Phi-4 models using vLLM and HexLLM on Google Cloud Vertex AI to enhance serving throughput.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Handling large-scale embedding generation for Vertex AI Vector Search
Generate text and multimodal embeddings for large datasets using the Vertex AI Embeddings API and Vector Search.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - TranslationLLM Translation and Evaluation (Demo)
Use the Vertex AI Python SDK and Gen AI Evaluation Service to generate and evaluate translations, measuring quality with BLEU, MetricX, and COMET.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
BigQuery DataFrames ML: Prescription Drug Name Generation
Generate creative brand names for pharmaceutical drugs using AI.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - PaliGemma 2 (Deployment)
Deploy the PaLiGemma 2 vision-language model to a Vertex AI endpoint and use it to perform vision question answering tasks.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Hugging Face DLCs: Serving Gemma 2 with multiple LoRA adapters with Text Generation Inference (TGI) on Vertex AI
Use pre-built, optimized deep learning containers to simplify the configuration of lightweight, state-of-the-art open Gemini family models.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Cloud Run GPU Inference: Gemma 2 RAG Q&A with Ollama and LangChain
Explore GPU-accelerated AI/ML workloads on Google Cloud Run using this notebook.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Running a Gemma 2-based agentic RAG with Ollama on Vertex AI and LangGraph
Run and manage open-source large language models like Gemma 2 using Ollama.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Imagen 3 Image Editing
Run this notebook to generate images from text using Imagen 3 on Vertex AI.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Intro to Gemini 2.0 Flash
Use the Gemini 2.0 Flash multimodal generative ai model to create real-time vision and audio streaming applications.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Getting started with Gemini 2.0 in Vertex AI using REST API
Use REST API in cURL commands to interact with the Gemini 2.0 Flash model.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Llama 3.3 Finetuning
Finetune and deploy Llama 3.3 models with Vertex AI using PEFT (LoRA).
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI RAG Engine with Vertex AI Search
Demonstrate how to use Vertex AI RAG Engine with Vertex AI Search as a retrieval backend
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Q&A Chatbot with Vertex AI Search for summarized website results without advanced indexing
Query a website data store in Vertex AI Search and extract and summarize its content.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Getting Started with Gemini 2.0 Flash Thinking Mode
Demonstrate how to use Gemini 2.0 Flash Thinking mode to solve complex tasks that require multiple rounds.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Getting started with Google generative AI using the Gen AI SDK
Learn about the key features of the Google Gen AI SDK for Python
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Supervised Fine Tuning with Gemini 1.5 Flash for change detection using the Google Gen AI SDK
Fine-tune Gemini model" component Fine-tune the Gemini 1.5 Pro model for change detection task (spot differences) with the Vertex AI "Fine-tune Gemini model" component.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Advanced Diarized Transcription and Domain Specific Summarization
Train a model to transcribe and translate multilingual audio recordings.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Feature Monitoring in Vertex AI Feature Store
Learn how to use the Vertex AI SDK for Python to monitor feature data in Vertex AI Feature Store.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Scaled Video Analysis with the YouTube Data API, Gemini, and Batch Prediction
Explore how to search and analyze publicly available YouTube videos at scale, using the YouTube Data API, Vertex AI Batch Prediction with Gemini, and BigQuery.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Interactive Loan Application Assistant (Financial Services)
Use the interactive loan document to understand complex loan terms and conditions.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Intro to Generating and Executing Python Code with Gemini 2.0
Introduce the code execution capabilities of the Gemini 2.0 Flash model.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex Prompt Optimizer Notebook SDK (Preview) - Long Prompt Optimization
Use the Vertex AI prompt optimizer to optimize a long prompt for a Gemini model.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Getting started with Gemini using Vertex AI in Express Mode
Send API requests to the Gemini API in Vertex AI: - Non-streaming request - Streaming request - Function calling request
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Getting Started with the Multimodal Live API using Gen AI SDK
Learn how to use the Multimodal Live API to perform text-to-text generation and text-to-audio with the Google Gen AI SDK in Vertex AI.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Create a Spark DataFrame from an Apache Beam pipeline
Create a Spark DataFrame from an Apache Beam pipeline.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Evaluating Agents - Evaluate a LangGraph agent with Vertex AI Gen AI Evaluation
Evaluate an AI agent's performance with a suite of evaluation metrics
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Creating Marketing Assets using Gemini 2.0
Get started with the Google Gen AI SDK on Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Real-time Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) using the Multimodal Live API with Gemini 2.0
Learn to develop a real-time Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) system leveraging the Multimodal Live API.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Patents Document Understanding with Gemini 2.0
Train custom machine learning models for a Document Understanding Pipeline using AutoML.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Llama 3.3 (Deployment)
Deploy prebuilt Llama 3.3 model with vLLM on GPU, optionally with dynamic LoRA adapters.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Building a Research Multi Agent System - a Design Pattern Overview with Gemini 2.0
Learn how to use Data Fusion to build a scalable and secure data lake for your organization.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Supervised fine-tuning with Gemini 1.5 Flash for Q&A using the Google Gen AI SDK
Fine-tune the Gemini 1.5 Flash model using Vertex AI Supervised Tuning.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Getting Started with the Multimodal Live API in Vertex AI
Run this tutorial to get started with the Multimodal Live API in Vertex AI, which enables low-latency bidirectional voice and video interactions with Gemini.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Evaluating Agents - Evaluate a CrewAI agent with Vertex AI Gen AI Evaluation
Evaluate the performance of an AI agent with offline evaluation of test cases
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Hugging Face DLCs: Using Gemma for running evaluations with Vertex AI Gen AI Evaluation
Evaluate the performance of large language models with Vertex AI.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex Prompt Optimizer Notebook SDK (Preview) - Tool usage
optimize prompt template for tool usage with a Gemini model
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Evaluate a Translation Model
Use the Vertex AI Python SDK for Gen AI Evaluation Service to measure the translation quality of your LLM responses using BLEU, MetricX and COMET
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Supervised Fine Tuning with Gemini 1.5 Flash for change detection
Fine-tune Vision Model" colab template Fine-tune Gemini 1.5 Pro model for change detection task (spot differences)
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Hugging Face DLCs: Serving PaliGemma using Pytorch Inference on Vertex AI with Custom Handler
** is a TPU-based, scalable, and flexible 3D image segmentation and rendering library that supports a variety of applications. Run this notebook to deploy Verte on GCP using a Hugging Face DLC. deploy Verte on GCP using a Hugging Face DLC
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Create a multi speaker podcast with Gemini Controlled Generation & Text-to-Speech
Use the Gemini API in Vertex AI to generate an engaging multi-speaker podcast using studio voices Text-to-Speech API" notebook. Generate an engaging multi-speaker podcast using studio voices Text-to-Speech API.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
AI Agents for Engineers (Evolution of AI Agents)
Demonstrate 3 different approaches to generating essays using the Gemini API in Google AI Studio
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Advanced RAG Techniques - Vertex RAG Engine Retrieval Quality Evaluation and Hyperparameters Tuning
Learn how to evaluate retrieval quality using different metrics.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Llama 3.2 deployment to GKE using GPU
Use the Llama 3.2 model to serve inference on GPUs.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI RAG Engine with Vertex AI Feature Store
Use Vertex AI RAG Engine with Vertex AI Feature Store as a vector database.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Create and initialize a cluster
Use this notebook to create a cluster and initialize it with the pre-installed software.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Resume Generation
Generate resumes using the Gemini 1.5 Flash model and LLM prompting
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Llama 3.1 and Qwen2.5 Models Deployment
Deploy prebuilt Llama 3.1 and Qwen2.5 models with vLLM on TPU v5e.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Guess who or what app using Hugging Face Deep Learning container model on Vertex AI
Create a simple "Guess who or what" application which combines an image generation open model with Gemini to answer and represent subjects of Guess who or what riddles.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Monitor batch prediction with Gemini API
Orchestrate and monitor Gemini batch prediction jobs using Vertex AI Pipelines."
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Get Started
Generate advertising images using Gemini and Imagen 3
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Evaluate generated answers from Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) using Rapid Evaluation and Dataflow ML with Vertex AI pipelines
Build a Gen AI Model Evaluation Batch pipeline to evaluate a question-answering task with Rapid Eval API and DataflowML
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Enhance Imagen prompts with Gemini
Optimize or rewrite your image generation prompts with Gemini based on a subject, action, scene, and style, or generate enhanced prompts from an initial image.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Getting Text Embeddings on Vertex AI
Get text embeddings using a text-embedding model such as **text-embedding-005** and **text-multilingual-embedding-002**.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Get started with Chirp 2 using Speech-to-Text V2 SDK
Learn how to use Chirp 2, the latest generation of Google's multilingual ASR-specific models.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
**NVIDIA NIM on Google Cloud Vertex AI**
Create a dataproc cluster to run a machine learning model.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Stage 2: Building MVP: - 05 Evaluation with Vertex AI
Evaluate RAG system performance" notebook, evaluate RAG system performance with Vertex AI Eval
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
From API to Report: Building a Currency Analysis Agent with LangGraph and Gemini
Build an AI-powered currency analysis agent using LangGraph and the Gemini API in Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI RAG Engine with Weaviate
Use Vertex AI RAG Engine with Weaviate to build a semantic search system
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Anomaly Detection of Infrastructure Logs using Gemini and BigQuery Vector Search
Learn how to process large volumes of logs using Gemini, vector embeddings and BigQuery Vector Search for anomaly detection
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI RAG Engine with Vertex AI Vector Search
Use Vertex AI RAG Engine with Vertex AI Vector Search
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Stage 2: Building MVP: - 04 Evaluation
Evaluate the performance of your RAG system."
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Evaluating multimodal task
Evaluate multimodal tasks with custom metrics and model-based metric evaluation
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI SDK for Python: AutoML tabular training and prediction
Train and deploy a tabular classification model for online prediction with Vertex AI Python client library.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Basic prototyping of the solution with Gemini API in Vertex AI
Learn how to use the Gemini 1.5 Pro model to perform text summarization.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Stage 2: Building MVP: - 01 Data Processing
Process diverse data and generate summaries for a multimodal retrieval augmented generation (RAG) system using the Gemini API in Vertex AI.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Stage 2: Building MVP: - 02 Chunk & Embeddings
Build a simple text-based search engine using the Vertex Gemini API
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Intro to Building a Scalable and Modular RAG System with RAG Engine in Vertex AI
Use RAG Engine to improve the performance of large language models by augmenting them with access to private knowledge.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Recursion MAE Image Feature Extraction local inference
Demonstrate how to install the necessary libraries and run local inference with the Recursion MAE model in a Colab Enterprise Instance for Image Feature Extraction.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI RAG Engine with Pinecone
Use Vertex AI RAG Engine with Pinecone as a vector database
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Recursion MAE Image Feature Extraction Deployment
Deploy recursionpharma/OpenPhenom with the VMG Pytorch Inference container
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Llama 3.2 Evaluation
Evaluate text and multimodal Llama 3.2 models in Vertex AI.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Enhancing quality and explainability with Vertex AI Evaluation
Use the Vertex Gen AI Evaluation API to evaluate your large language models (LLMs) by comparing them against human performance.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Train a custom BERT model using fine-tuning
Train a custom BERT model using a fine-tuning approach
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Create a Dataflow pipeline
Use the [Dataflow SDK]( to create a Dataflow pipeline.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Build Your Own AI Podcasting Agent with LangGraph & Gemini
target="_blank">Generate an audio overview of a document</a> 🔈🔈
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Log Anomaly Detection & Investigation with Text Embeddings + BigQuery Vector Search
Learn how to use AI to analyze Cloud Audit Logs.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Stage 2: Building MVP: - 03 RAG
Build the core retrieval and generation components of a Multimodal Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) system using the Vertex Gemini API.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Hugging Face Text Generation Inference Deployment
Deploy Gemma-2-2b-it model with Text Generation Inference (TGI) from Hugging Face.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden GenAI Workshop for Flux
Deploy a model to a Vertex AI Endpoint and run online predictions for text-to-image tasks from a Gradio UI
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Migration: AutoML Video Classification
Train an AutoML video classification model and do batch prediction.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Get started with Llama 3.2 models
chat" Get started with using the OpenAI library and leverage multimodal capabilities of Llama 3.2 models as MaaS.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Prompt Guard (Deployment)
Deploy the Prompt Guard model on Vertex AI for online prediction.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Gemma 2 Finetuning
Demonstrate finetuning and deploying Gemma 2 models with Vertex AI Custom Training Job.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI SDK: Using PyTorch torchrun to simplify multi-node training with custom containers
Run multi-node distributed training on Vertex AI with Torchrun.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Hugging Face Text Embeddings Inference Deployment
Deploy a Hugging Face text-embeddings-inference model with appropriate machine specs.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Chat Completions With Streaming Playground
Interactively chat with instruction-tuned text generation models deployed on the Vertex Online Prediction endpoints.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Fill Mask
Deploy a BERT, RoBERTa, and XLM-RoBERTa model on Vertex AI"
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden + Reasoning Engine - Build, Deploy and Test Agents Using Llama 3.1 Models
Use this notebook to build a chat bot agent using Vertex AI Reasoning Engine and Llama 3.1 models.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Flux
Deploy the pre-trained Flux.1 [schnell] model on Vertex AI for online prediction.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Hugging Face Pytorch Inference Deployment
Deploy distilbert/distilbert-base-uncased-finetuned-sst-2-english with Hugging Face Pytorch Inference.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Starry Net Forecasting Pipeline
Learn how to create a Starry Net forecasting model using Vertex AI Pipelines.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Getting Started with AI21 Labs Models
Stream your AI21 Labs model responses on Vertex AI to reduce end-user latency.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Create a dataframe from a Pub/Sub topic
Create a dataframe from a Google Cloud Pub/Sub topic. """
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Llama 3.2 (Deployment)
Demonstrate how to deploy and serve prebuilt Llama 3.2 models on GPU and TPU.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Whisper Large V3 (Deployment)
Deploy prebuilt whisper large v3 and whisper large v3 turbo models to Vertex AI.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Get started with Model Garden Pipeline Templates for T5X models
modify, compile, and execute a prebuilt Vertex AI Model Garden pipeline template
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Image Segmentation on Vertex AI
Learn how to use Vertex AI to segment images with a text prompt or interactively.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Hugging Face DLCs: Fine-tuning Gemma with Transformer Reinforcement Learning (TRL) on Vertex AI
Visualize the distribution of the number of events within a time window.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Create a Photoshop Document with Image Segmentation on Vertex AI
Use the Vertex AI Image Segmentation API to segment images into different regions."
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Video Thumbnail Generation using Gemini 1.5 Pro (API & Python SDK)
to create a thumbnail video from thumbnails
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Building Search Applications with Vertex AI Search
Use the notebook to get started with Vertex AI Search.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Hugging Face DLCs: Serving Gemma with Text Generation Inference (TGI) on Vertex AI
Import data from a local file system into BigQuery.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Manage and monitor Apache Beam jobs using the Beam UI and Logging
Learn how to manage and monitor Apache Beam jobs using the Beam UI and Logging.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Getting Started with RAGAS & Vertex AI Gemini API
Evaluate your RAG pipelines with Ragas.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Getting Started with DeepEval & Vertex AI Gemini API
Use the DeepEval framework to evaluate LLMs with unit tests and metrics.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
YouTube Video Analysis with Gemini
Learn how to do direct analysis of publicly available YouTube videos with Gemini.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Summarization with Large Documents using Document AI and PaLM APIs
Summarize a short paragraph using extractive summarization.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Leverage LlamaIndex with Vertex AI Vector Search to perform question answering RAG
Create a RAG framework using LlamaIndex and Vertex AI Vector Search
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Run RAG Pipelines in BigQuery with BQML and Vector Search
Demonstrate a basic end-to-end retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) pipeline using BigQuery and BigQuery ML functions"
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Getting Started with the Vertex AI Codey APIs - Code Completion
Get started with the Vertex AI PaLM API.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Question answering with Documents using Document AI, Pandas, and PaLM
Extract structured data from documents using Document AI and PaLM.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Create a BigQuery dataset.
Create a new BigQuery dataset for storing your data.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Question Answering with Documents using LangChain 🦜️🔗 and Vertex AI Matching Engine
Implement a question answering system to show how to improve LLM's response by augmenting LLM's knowledge with external data sources.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Getting Started with Vertex AI Python SDK for Gen AI Evaluation Service
Learn how to use the Vertex AI Python SDK for Gen AI Evaluation Service
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Evaluating prompts at scale with Gemini Batch Prediction API
Use Apache Beam to perform batch ETL on Google Cloud Platform.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Get started with Generative AI evaluation service
Evaluate the performance of a large language model using Vertex AI.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Building a Weather Agent with AutoGen and Gemini
Build a weather agent using Autogen and the Gemini 1.5 Flash model on Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Multimodal Function Calling with the Gemini API & Python SDK
Learn how to use Gemini's multimodal function calling capability to predict function calls and function parameters based on various inputs like images, audio, and text.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Customize Model-based Metrics to Evaluate a Gen AI model
Learn how to customize the model-based metrics and evaluate a generative AI model using the *Vertex AI Python SDK for Gen AI Evaluation Service*.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Get started with Chirp on Google Cloud
Demonstrate how to use Chirp to convert voice to text in several languages.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Migrate from PaLM to Gemini model
Evaluate PaLM and Gemini foundation models using multiple metrics in an `EvalTask` to support decisions around migrating from one model to another.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Gen AI and LLM Security - ReAct and RAG attacks & mitigations
Learn how to load data from Google Cloud Storage into a BigQuery table.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Evaluate and Optimize Prompt Template Design for Better Results
Learn how to use the Vertex AI Python SDK for Gen AI Evaluation Service for Prompt Engineering and Prompt Evaluation.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Performing Semantic Search in BigQuery
Demonstrate how to perform semantic search in BigQuery using Vector Search
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Combining Semantic & Keyword Search: A Hybrid Search Tutorial with Vertex AI Vector Search
Use this notebook to upload an image to Google Cloud Storage and generate predictions using the Cloud AutoML Vision API.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Narrate a Multi-character Story with Text-to-Speech and Gemini
Demonstrate how to use the Text-to-Speech API to read a story with each character having a distinct voice.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Get started with Chirp 2 - Advanced features
Learn about how to use Chirp 2, the latest generation of Google's multilingual ASR-specific models, and its new features.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Supervised Fine Tuning with Gemini 1.5 Flash for Q&A
Fine-tune the Gemini 1.5 Flash model using the Vertex AI Supervised Tuning feature.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Supervised Fine Tuning with Gemini 1.5 Pro for Image Captioning
Fine-tune the Gemini 1.5 Pro Model for Vision task using Vertex AI Supervised Tuning.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Question Answering with Generative Models on Vertex AI
Evaluate a Gemini model using various metrics"
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Create a machine learning model to classify images
Create a machine learning model to perform image classification.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Using "task type" embeddings for improving RAG search quality
Create a terraform module for an AWS EKS cluster with Fargate. ""
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex Prompt Optimizer Notebook SDK (Preview)
optimize a simple prompt for a Gemini model using your own metrics
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Evaluate LLMs with AutoSxS Model Eval
Compare the performance of Google-first-party and Third-party LLMs for summarization and question answering tasks.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Building a Multi-Agent RAG Application with LangGraph and Reasoning Engine
Train a RAG model using Reasoning Engine (LangChain on Vertex AI).
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Gen AI & LLM Security for developers
Generate embeddings for a text dataset.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
LlamaIndex RAG Workflows using Gemini and Firestore
Learn how to use LlamaIndex workflows to build AI systems that go beyond simple question-answering
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Use Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) with Gemini API
Augment output from Gemini API by bringing in external knowledge using Code Retrieval Augmented Generation(RAG) pattern using Google Cloud's Generative AI github repository as external knowledge.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Analyze data from a Google Cloud Storage bucket in a Jupyter notebook.
Use a Jupyter notebook to access and analyze data from a Google Cloud Storage bucket.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex Prompt Optimizer Notebook SDK (Preview) - Custom metric
optimize a prompt for a Gemini model using your own metric
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Comparing LlamaIndex and LlamaParse for Dense Document Questioning Answering on Vertex AI
Compare different document parsing capabilities offered by LlamaIndex on a 10-Q financial document.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex Prompt Optimizer Notebook UI (Preview)
Use Vertex AI prompt optimizer to iteratively optimize prompts to suit a target model.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Evaluate Gemini with AutoSxS using custom task
Demonstrate how to use Vertex AI automatic side-by-side (AutoSxS) with custom task (translation) to evaluate the performance between Gemini on Vertex AI and PaLM API in a media newspaper company for translation scenario.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Compare Generative AI Models
Learn how to use the Vertex AI Python SDK for Gen AI Evaluation Service to score and evaluate different generative AI models.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Getting Started - Template
Develop and assess a chain - a sequence of steps that power an AI application.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Evaluate Generated Answers from Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) for Question Answering with Gen AI Evaluation Service SDK
Evaluate RAG generated answers for a question answering task using the Gen AI Evaluation Service
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Create a dataset of events in Apache Beam
Create a dataset of events in Apache Beam that contains the following information: event type, timestamp, and user ID.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Use Gen AI Evaluation SDK to Evaluate Models in Vertex AI Studio, Model Garden, and Model Registry
Analyze the sentiment of a given tweet using the VADER sentiment analyzer.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Bring your own computation-based `CustomMetric`
Learn how to use the Vertex AI Python SDK for Gen AI Evaluation Service to evaluate a generative AI model using locally-defined computation-based `CustomMetric`.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Bring-Your-Own-Autorater using `CustomMetric`
Evaluate generative AI models with your locally-defined `CustomMetric`, and use your own autorater model to perform model-based metric evaluation.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Create a BigQuery Dataflow pipeline to process Apache Beam jobs
Learn how to create and deploy a dataflow pipeline to process Apache Beam jobs using the BigQuery Dataflow API and Apache Beam SDKs.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Gen AI Evaluation Service SDK Preview-to-GA Migration Guide
Migrate from the Preview version to the latest GA version of Vertex AI Python SDK for Gen AI Evaluation Service to evaluate Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) and compare two models side-by-side (SxS)."
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Evaluate and Compare Gen AI Model Settings
evaluate and select generative ai model settings with vertex ai python sdk for gen ai evaluation service
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Evaluate Generative Model Tool Use
evaluate the Gemini model tool use quality with Vertex AI Python SDK for Gen AI Evaluation Service
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Intro to Batch Predictions with the Gemini API
Run batch prediction with the Vertex AI Gemini API.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Import structured or unstructured documents into a data store. """ Import documents into a data store
Learn how to use the Data Fusion service to query data in Google Cloud Platform services. """ Learn to query data in Google Cloud Platform services with Data Fusion
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Stable Diffusion V2.1 (Local Dreambooth Finetune)
Finetune stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1 with Dreambooth locally in a Colab notebook and test it with a local `text-2-image` prediction pipeline
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Online Prediction PSC based private endpint
Describe the steps to configure PSC based private endpoint for GKE cluster.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Get started with Llama 3.1 models
Get started with the OpenAI library and use Llama 3.1 models as MaaS for building translation chain and document question-answer."
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Gemma 2 (Deployment)
Deploy Gemma 2 models with Hex-LLM on TPU and TGI on GPU.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Online and Batch predictions using Vertex AI Feature Store (Legacy)
Learn how to store, serve, manage and share machine learning features with Vertex AI Feature Store (Legacy).
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Llama 3.1 (Deployment)
Download, deploy, and serve prebuilt Llama 3.1 models with Hex-LLM or vLLM.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Synthetic Data Generation using Llama 3.1
Generate synthetic data using the Llama 3.1 405B service API.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Evaluate Llama 3.1 models using Vertex AI AutoSxS
Evaluate Llama 3.1 models using the Vertex AI AutoSxS tool for a question-answering task
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Llama 3.1 Finetuning
knowledge distillation" are learned. Finetune and deploy Llama 3.1 models with Vertex AI using parameter efficient finetuning methods PEFT (LoRA).
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
PyTorch image classification multi-node distributed data parallel training on cpu using Vertex AI training with custom container
Create a distributed PyTorch training job using Vertex AI SDK for Python and custom containers.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Phi-3 (Deployment)
Deploy prebuilt Phi-3 models with vLLM to improve serving throughput
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Configure IAM Policy in Vertex AI Feature Store
Configure an IAM Policy to control access to resources and data stored within Vertex AI Feature Store.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Spark on Ray on Vertex AI
learn how to run Spark applications on a Ray cluster on Vertex AI using RayDP
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Fetch historical feature values
Learn how to use the Vertex AI SDK for Python to retrieve historical values from the feature data source in BigQuery.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Qwen2 (Deployment)
Deploy prebuilt Qwen2 models with vLLM to improve serving throughput.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Fetch multiple entities
Learn how to use the Vertex AI SDK for Python to fetch multiple entities (and their feature values) in real-time.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Getting Started with Mistral AI Models
Stream Mistral AI model responses to reduce end-user latency perception
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - MaMMUT
deploy MaMMUT to a Vertex AI Endpoint and make online predictions
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Model Garden RAG API
Export a Jupyter Notebook as a Google Cloud Platform AI Platform Notebook instance.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Llama Guard
Download and deploy prebuilt Llama Guard models with vLLM on GPU and safeguard LLM inputs and outputs with the Vertex Llama 3.1 API service.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Building and Deploying a LangGraph Application with Reasoning Engine in Vertex AI
Build, deploy, and test a simple LangGraph application using Reasoning Engine in Vertex AI.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Deploying a RAG Application with Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL to LangChain on Vertex AI
Build and deploy a RAG app on Vertex AI LangChain
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Deploying a RAG Application with AlloyDB to LangChain on Vertex AI
Run this notebook to learn how to use the LangChain API to create a new RAG model on Vertex AI.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Getting Started with LangChain 🦜️🔗 + Vertex AI Gemini API
Vertex AI Gemini: A Large Language Model Platform" by Google AI Learn how to use LangChain components and use cases of LangChain with the Vertex AI Gemini API.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Supervised Tuning token count and cost estimation.
Use this notebook to estimate token counts for tuning costs for tuning `gemini-1.0-pro-002`.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Imagen 3 Image Generation
Create images from text with Imagen 3 on Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Generate training dataset for Cloud Translation API NMT (Neural Machine Translation) model training
Use the Cloud Translation API to translate text dynamically through the API using a Google pre-trained, custom model, or a translation specialized large language model (LLMs).
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Product attributes extraction and detailed descriptions from images using Gemini 1.5 Pro
Build a general agent to extract different product attributes or detailed product descriptions from an image input
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Introduction to Long Context Window with Gemini on Vertex AI
Use this notebook to test the performance of Gemini LLMs with a 1 million token context window.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Building a photo recognition agent: Reasoning Engine setup
Create and configure a Google BigQuery table.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Debugging and Optimizing Agents: A Guide to Tracing in Reasoning Engine
Explore the decision-making process of your agent-based AI application using Cloud Trace.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Intro to Context Caching with the Gemini API
Use the Gemini context caching API to cache frequently used input tokens to improve performance.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Building a Gen AI RAG application with Vertex AI Feature Store and BigQuery
Build a low-latency vector search system for your Gen AI application using BigQuery Vector Search and Vertex AI Feature Store
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Evaluate LangChain
Learn how to evaluate the performance of a conversational LangChain chain using the Vertex AI Rapid Evaluation SDK.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Call Gemini by using the OpenAI Library
Learn how to call Gemini by using the OpenAI library.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Text Embedding New API
Run a code example for how to call our newly released text embedding models.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
PyTorch image classification using multi-node NCCL distributed data parallel training on CPU and Vertex AI
Create a distributed NCCL PyTorch training job using Vertex AI SDK for Python and custom containers.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Using Vertex AI Vector Search and Vertex AI embeddings for text for StackOverflow Questions
Encode text embeddings and upload them to the Vertex AI Vector Search service
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - CamP ZipNeRF (Jax) Gradio Notebook
Launch a Gradio application to train and render Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) more efficiently in jax using CamP.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Using Vertex AI Multimodal Embeddings and Vector Search
create text-to-image embeddings using the DiffusionDB dataset and the Vertex AI multimodal embeddings model
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Create Vertex AI Vector Search index
Learn how to use the Vertex AI ANN Service to find similar vectors for a large corpus.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Using Vertex AI Vector Search for StackOverflow Questions
Encode custom text embeddings using the StackOverflow dataset and the sentence-T5 model, and upload them to Vertex AI Vector Search.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Building a Multimodal Chatbot for Warranty Claims using Gemini and Vector Search in Vertex AI
Build a warranty claims chatbot that utilizes Vector Search and the Gemini API in Vertex AI in Google Cloud.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Intro to Controlled Generation with the Gemini API
Use this notebook to control the generation of text, images, and other content from a pre-trained multimodal language model.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Getting Started with NLP2SQL using dynamic RAG using
Use the Vertex AI SDK for Python to generate NLP2SQL outputs more reliably and accurately.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Code Vulnerability Scanning & Automated Remediation using Vertex AI Gemini API (Gemini Pro 1.5)
Learn how to use Gemini 1.5 Pro, a generative AI model for codebase analysis.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Getting started with Vertex AI Gemini 1.5 Flash
Run a sentiment analysis model on a text file with Vertex AI Gemini API
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Product listing generation with Gemini 1.5 Pro
Learn about the Gemini 1.5 Pro language model, which introduces a long context window of up to 1 million tokens and can seamlessly analyze large amounts of information.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Product image background generation with Gemini 1.5 Pro and Imagen 2
Use the Imagen 2 model on Vertex AI to generate images from text.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Introduction to Vertex AI Embeddings - Text & Multimodal
Explore Vertex AI Embeddings API for both Text and Multimodal (Images and Video)
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Building a DIY Multimodal Question Answering System with Vertex AI (A Beginner's Guide - Multimodal RAG)
Build a question answering system that understands both text and images using Google's Vertex AI.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Introduction to ReAct Agents with Gemini & Function Calling
Illustrate how a ReAct agent coordinates between reasoning and acting.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Building a Conversational Search Agent with Reasoning Engine and RAG on Vertex AI Search
Use this notebook to learn how to use Reasoning Engine (LangChain on Vertex AI) to build and deploy an agent reasoning framework.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Code migration from PaLM to Gemini
Migrate the Vertex AI SDK for Python from using the PaLM API to using the Gemini API.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Introduction to Vertex AI Embeddings - Text & Multimodal
Read and process the contents of a file.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Brochure Creation Tool using Imagen
Build a model to predict the sentiment of movie reviews.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Working with Parallel Function Calls and Multiple Function Responses in Gemini
Use the Gemini API to call a function from your code and get the function's return value.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Model Monitoring for Model Outside Vertex AI
Set up Vertex AI Model Monitoring V2 for your model using the Vertex AI SDK for Python
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Setup Google Cloud project
Deploy TimesFM 1.0 model on Vertex AI using CPU or GPU.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Before you begin
Finetune PaliGemma with your own data.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Before you begin
Deploy a PaliGemma model on Vertex AI.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Getting Tuned Text-Embeddings on Vertex AI
Fine-tune text embeddings to adapt the model to your specific domain or task.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - E5 Text Embedding Models
Deploy prebuilt E5 text embedding models on a Vertex AI Endpoint
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Model Monitoring for Vertex AI Custom Model Online Prediction
Set up Vertex AI Model Monitoring V2 for online predictions.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Model Monitoring for Vertex AI Custom Model Batch Prediction Job
Set up Vertex AI Model Monitoring V2 for batch predictions with the Vertex AI SDK for Python
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Distillation step-by-step
Train a small (student) model to mimic the reasoning ability of a larger (teacher) model.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Tuning and deploy a foundation model
Create and tune a data pipeline.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Question Answering with Large Documents
Build a question-answering system (or "bot") over multiple large documents so that Vertex AI PaLM API can answer any questions about the contents of those documents.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Multimodal retail recommendation: using Gemini to recommend items based on images and image reasoning
Create a multimodal recommendation system using Gemini 1.0 Pro Vision model
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Document Processing with Gemini
Learn how to process documents with Apache Beam.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Document Q&A With Retrieval Augmented Generation
Build a document understanding pipeline with Apache Beam using BigQuery, Pub/Sub and Vertex AI.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Editing with Imagen 2 on Vertex AI
Use this sample notebook to perform image editing with Imagen 2 on Vertex AI.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Responsible AI with Vertex AI Gemini API: Safety ratings and thresholds
Detect and mitigate risks of unintended and unforeseen outputs from large language models.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Using Vertex AI LLMs with data in BigQuery
Use BigQuery ML to generate text with Vertex AI LLMs (PaLM 2 for Text)
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Getting Started with the Vertex AI Codey APIs - Code Generation
Get started with code generation using Codey models
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Text Summarization of Large Documents using LangChain 🦜🔗
Summarize long documents using large language models
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Intro to Function Calling with the Gemini API & Python SDK
Learn how to call functions from Gemini, a family of generative AI models developed by Google DeepMind.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Text Extraction with Generative Models on Vertex AI
Extract text from a document using the Google Cloud Natural Language API.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Gemini: An Overview of Multimodal Use Cases
Explore multimodal use cases with Gemini 1.0 Pro Vision and the Vertex AI Gemini API.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Getting Started with the Vertex AI Gemini API with cURL
Use the Vertex AI Gemini API to generate text, images, and videos from prompts.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Question Answering with Large Documents using LangChain 🦜🔗
Build a question-answering (Q&A) system using LangChain with Vertex AI PaLM API to extract information from large documents.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Use BigQuery DataFrames with Generative AI for code generation
Generate sample code using BigQuery DataFrames and Vertex AI Generative AI.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Video Analysis with Gemini
Use this notebook to learn how to use the Google Cloud Natural Language API.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
RAG Based on Sensitive Data Protection using Faker
Anonymize PII data using Cloud DLP and Faker Library.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Text Classification with Generative Models on Vertex AI
Classify text using a generative language model
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Custom Embeddings with Vertex AI Search
Import data into Google Cloud AI Platform using BigQuery and Pub/Sub.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Sheet Music Analysis with Gemini
Extract metadata from sheet music PDFs using Gemini.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Use Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) with Codey APIs
Demonstrate how to augment output from Codey APIs by bringing in external knowledge.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Getting Started with the Gemini Pro Model
Use the Vertex AI Gemini API to generate text, images, and audio using multimodal prompts.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Small-to-big Retrieval-Augmented Generation
Create a Dataproc cluster to run Apache Beam jobs.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Analyzing movie posters in BigQuery with Gemini 1.0 Pro and Gemini 1.0 Pro Vision
Demonstrate how to use Gemini models for analysis in BigQuery.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Retrieval Augmented Generation(RAG) with AlloyDB
Learn how to migrate a PostgreSQL database to AlloyDB on Google Cloud.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Building and Deploying a Google Maps API Agent with Reasoning Engine
Use Gemini to generate function names in your code.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Bulk Question Answering with Vertex AI Search
Learn to train a custom object detection model from scratch with the TensorFlow Object Detection API.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Text Extraction with Generative Models on Vertex AI
Extract text from a pdf using Apache Tika.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Question Answering Over Documents
Learn how to use BigQuery ML to create a pipeline for predicting churn and get insights into why customers are leaving.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
SQL Code Generation on Vertex AI
Learn how to generate SQL queries using a large language model and prompt engineering.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
GenAI for Marketing - Place Logo & Text Overlays on Image
Add branded text and images to generated images using a text-to-image model and a layout transformer.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Text Summarization with Generative Models on Vertex AI
Summarize text using an extractive or abstractive model.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Ideation with Generative Models on Vertex AI
Learn how to use generative models to boost creativity and innovation.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Retrieval Augmented Generation (Using Open Source Vector Store) - Procurement Contract Analyst - Palm2 & LangChain
Use this notebook to create a user journey map for your product.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Ideation with Generative Models on Vertex AI
Learn how to use generative models to boost creativity and innovation.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Supervised Fine Tuning with Gemini for Article Summarization
Fine-tune the Gemini generative model using Vertex AI Supervised Tuning.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Text Summarization with Generative Models on Vertex AI
Summarize text using extractive or abstractive summarization techniques.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Question Answering with Generative Models on Vertex AI
Use the large language model 'LaMDA' to answer your questions.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Intro to Building and Deploying an Agent with Reasoning Engine in Vertex AI
Use the Gemini language model to generate code for a function that takes an image of a cat and returns the breed of the cat.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Augment Gemini Output with Vector Embeddings from BigQuery
Create text embeddings for publicly available abstracts from patents data and use them in our LLM search
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Getting Started with LangChain 🦜️🔗 + Vertex AI PaLM API
Create a pandas DataFrame from CSV data.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Editing with Imagen 2 and MaskMode on Vertex AI
Edit images with Imagen 2 on Vertex AI.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
SQL Code Generation on Vertex AI using LangChain 🦜🔗
Learn to generate SQL queries from natural language with prompt engineering.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Question Answering with Generative Models on Vertex AI
Use the Large Language Model (LLM) from HuggingFace to generate text based on a prompt.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Advanced Prompting for ImageGeneration Using Imagen 2
Create a data store and import structured or unstructured documents into it.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
GroceryBot, a sample grocery and recipe assistant - RAG + ReAct
Demonstrate how to use RAG and ReAct to create a conversational bot that assists a customer in their grocery shopping journey.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Analyze a codebase with the Vertex AI Gemini 1.5 Pro
Analyze an entire codebase with Gemini 1.5 Pro and prompt it with a single code file.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Document QnA using Gemini and Vertex Vector Search
Perform RAG to perform Q&A over a document filled with both text and images.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Getting Started with Chat with the Gemini Pro model
Demonstrate how to send chat prompts to the Gemini 1.0 Pro model using the Vertex AI SDK for Python and LangChain.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Getting Started with Text Embeddings + Vertex AI Vector Search
Import data from a variety of sources and formats.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Code RAG - Reuse your already created codebase to generate more code
Use this notebook to learn about Code RAG, a technique that can help boost developer productivity by suggesting reusable code snippets.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Image Generation with Imagen on Vertex AI
Generate images using text prompts with Imagen on Vertex AI.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Search - Querying Blended Data Apps and Summarization with Gemini
Create a search app with Vertex AI Search.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Text Summarization of Large Documents
Summarize a short paragraph using a variety of techniques.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Getting Started with Translation
Demonstrate how to use the Google Cloud Translation API to translate text.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Getting Started with the Vertex AI Codey APIs - Code Chat
Learn how to use Codey chat models to generate code chat conversations with the codechat-bison foundation model.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Multimodal Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) using Vertex AI Gemini API
Perform multimodal RAG where you will perform Q&A over a financial document filled with both text and images.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Working with Data Structures and Schemas in Gemini Function Calling
Create a description of a function in your code, then pass that description to a language model in a request. The response from the model includes the name of the function, its arguments, and its return type
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Visual Question Answering (VQA) with Imagen on Vertex AI
Use the Imagen on Vertex AI library to perform visual question answering on images.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Intra Knowledge QnA
Get started with the Gemini 1.0 Pro model for natural language tasks, multi-turn text and code chat, and code generation.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
ReAct (Reasoning + Acting) + Custom tool for Healthcare NL API + Gemini 1.0 Pro + Langchain
Use the GenAI medical coding model to suggest accurate medical codes for healthcare claims.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Getting Started with the Vertex AI PaLM API & Python SDK
Get started with PaLM 2, a large language model from Google AI, by completing a series of interactive coding exercises in this Colab notebook.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Generate a mock auto owner's manual using Gemini
Create a dataset with a column of the number of days between two dates.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Create a Vertex AI Datastore and Search Engine
Process your data and prepare it for analysis by filtering, sorting, and pivoting data.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Prompt Design - Best Practices
Learn how to design prompts to improve the quality of your responses.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Vector Search Quickstart
Use this notebook to train a deep learning model to identify a person from a photo.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Visualizing embedding similarity from text documents using t-SNE plots
Embed a collection of labelled documents and then plot the embeddings on a two-dimensional t-SNE plot to observe how similar documents tend to cluster together based on their embeddings.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Getting Started with Grounding with Gemini in Vertex AI
Use this notebook to learn how to ground your generative language model in your own data using Vertex AI Search.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Get started with embeddings tuning on Vertex AI
Tune text embeddings for specific domains/tasks to enhance understanding and improve retrival performance on Vertex AI.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Getting Started with Grounding in Vertex AI
Ground your large language model responses in data using Vertex AI Search.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Search with Filters & Metadata
Use this notebook to create a Vertex AI model from a BERT model and deploy it to AI Platform.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Text Classification with Generative Models on Vertex AI
Classify text into multiple categories using the PaLM 2 language model.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
BigQuery DataFrames ML: Drug Name Generation
Demonstrate an enterprise generative AI use case by generating brand names for pharmaceutical drugs.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Multimodal Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) with Gemini, Vertex AI Vector Search, and LangChain
Perform multimodal RAG with Gemini to perform Q&A over a financial document filled with both text and images.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Using Gemini in Education
Explore a variety of use cases enabled by Gemini models in the context of education.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Prompt Design - Best Practices
Learn the basics of prompt engineering with this notebook.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Context Aware Sensitive Data Detection using LangChain + Vertex AI PaLM API
Detect sensitive information in unstructured data such as call or chat transcripts.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Product Description Generator From Image
Create product descriptions from images by using the pre-trained BLIP Image Captioning model on Vertex AI for online prediction.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Synthetic Data Generation using Gemini APIs
Use the Vertex AI Gemini API to generate creative text, translate languages, and write different kinds of creative content.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
How to use the LangChain 🦜️🔗 BigQuery Data Loader
use a cloud based TPU to train a model to classify handwritten digits
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Using a Gradio app and Vertex AI for image generation
Create a Gradio app (frontend) that integrates with Imagen on Vertex AI to generate high quality images using natural language prompts.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Data Augmentation for Text Data using BigQuery DataFrames
Learn how to augment your training dataset with synthetic data using various techniques, including synonym replacement, word shuffling, and adding typos.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Create High Quality Visual Assets with Imagen and Gemini
Learn how to generate high-quality images from text descriptions with Imagen on Vertex AI.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Search and Conversation Data Store Status Checker
Use this notebook to learn how to build a machine learning model to predict the price of houses in Ames, Iowa.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Forced Function Calling with Tool Configurations in Gemini
Demonstrate forced Function Calling in the Gemini model.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
DescriptionGen: SEO-optimized product description generation for retail using LangChain 🦜🔗
Demonstrate how to use LangChain together with Vertex AI LLMs to generate product descriptions and titles from product attributes or specifications
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Using Gemini Function Calling to Get Real-Time Company News and Insights
Use the Function Calling in Gemini API to create a description of a function in your code, then pass that description to a language model in a request.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Mistral and Mixtral 8x7B Models
Deploy prebuilt Mistral and Mixtral 8x7B models in Vertex AI.
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Stable Diffusion V2.1
Demonstrate running local inference and finetuning/deploying stable-diffusion-2-1 on Vertex AI
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Stable Diffusion V1.5
Deploy a Stable Diffusion model on Vertex AI for online prediction.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Stable Diffusion XL 1.0
Deploy Stable Diffusion XL models on Vertex AI for online prediction.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI SDK: AutoML training tabular regression model for online prediction using BigQuery
Create tabular regression models and do online prediction using a Google Cloud AutoML model.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Gemma Finetuning (PEFT + TGI)
Finetune and deploy Gemma models with Vertex AI Custom Training Job.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - LLaMA2 (Deployment)
Deploy prebuilt LLaMA2 models and deploy prebuilt LLaMA2 models with vLLM to improve serving throughput.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Pipelines: Evaluating batch prediction results from AutoML video classification model
Evaluate an AutoML video classification model with Vertex AI Model Evaluation.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden Keras Stable Diffusion
Use Keras Stable Diffusion to generate images in Vertex AI Model Garden
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Code LLaMA Deployment
Deploy pretrained Code LLaMA models using vLLM with best serving throughput
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Finetune Gemma using KerasNLP and deploy to Vertex AI
Get started with Google Cloud using the Cloud Shell.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - BLIP Image Captioning
Deploy the pre-trained BLIP Image Captioning model on Vertex AI for online prediction
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Online feature serving and vector retrieval of BigQuery data with Vertex AI Feature Store
Demonstrate how to use Vertex AI Feature Store for online serving and vector retrieval of feature values in BigQuery.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Monitoring for setup for tabular models
Setup Vertex AI Model Monitoring for tabular models
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Stable Diffusion XL 1.0 (Dreambooth LoRA Finetuning)
Fine-tune a diffusion model on Vertex AI with Dreambooth LoRA
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Get started with Vertex AI Experiments
Learn how to get started with Vertex AI Experiments, and how to use Vertex AI in production.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Migration: Hyperparameter Tuning
Tune hyperparameters in a custom tabular classification TensorFlow model using the Vertex AI SDK for Python
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden: Google Proprietary Model Image Classification
Train new image classification models using Google proprietary models in Vertex AI Model Garden.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - ControlNet
Deploy the ControlNet model on Vertex AI for online prediction
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden Keras YOLOv8
Use the Keras YOLOv8 model to detect objects in images.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Tabular Workflows: Wide & Deep Pipeline
Run the Wide & Deep algorithm using Vertex AI Tabular Workflows
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - LLaMA2 (RLHF)
Tune a LLaMA2 using Vertex AI RLHF to improve its accuracy by fine-tuning it with a training dataset.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Stable Diffusion Custom Model
Serve a popular third-party stable diffusion models from on Vertex AI for online prediction.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Tabular Workflow for Forecasting
Train an AutoML model for time series forecasting using Vertex AI Tabular Workflow for Forecasting.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex SDK: AutoML training tabular classification model for online explanation
Create tabular classification models and do online prediction with explanation using a Google Cloud AutoML model.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden MediaPipe with Face Stylizer
Customize an on-device face stylizer model in Vertex AI Model Garden
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - LLava 1.5
Deploy the pre-trained Llava 1.5 model on Vertex AI for online prediction
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Pipelines: Training and batch prediction with BigQuery source and destination for a custom tabular classification model
Train and batch predict a custom tabular classification model in a Vertex AI pipeline
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Pipelines: Evaluating BatchPrediction results from a custom tabular classification model
Evaluate a custom-trained tabular classification model saved in Vertex AI Model Registry using the Vertex AI classification model evaluation component.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Build Vertex AI Experiment lineage for custom training
Learn about Vertex AI Experiments and Vertex ML Metadata to reuse code paths and simplify complex data wrangling.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Get started with Gemma on Ray on Vertex AI
Use this tutorial to learn how to use Ray on Vertex AI to fine-tune and serve Gemma on Vertex AI.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden TFVision With Image Segmentation
Use Vertex AI Model Garden to train and deploy a custom TensorFlow object detection model.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - LaMa
Deploy a prebuilt LaMa model to a Vertex Endpoint and query it.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Get started with Vertex AI Private Endpoints
Create and use Vertex AI Private Endpoint for serving models
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - JAX Vision Transformer
Finetune a JAX ViT-B16 model for image classification task on GPU and deploy them on Vertex AI for online prediction.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI - Gemma distributed tuning with LoRA on TPUv5e, serving on L4 GPU
Fine-tune and deploy a LoRA model with Vertex AI Custom Training Job.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Detectron2
Finetune detectron2 based Faster R-CNN, RetinaNet and Mask R-CNN for image detection and segmentation tasks and deploy them on Vertex AI for online prediction.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Explaining text classification with Vertex Explainable AI
Get feature attributions for a text classification model using Vertex Explainable AI.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Segment Anything Model (SAM) Serving on Vertex AI
Demonstrate using the huggingface/transformers framework to serve Segment Anything Model (SAM) models and deploy them for online prediction on Vertex AI.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Distill a model
Use the Vertex AI Distilling Step by Step method to train a smaller model that outperforms LLMs
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Pipelines: AutoML text classification pipelines using google-cloud-pipeline-components
Build an AutoML text classification workflow on Vertex AI Pipelines.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Train PyTorch model on Vertex AI with data from Cloud Storage
Create a custom training job using PyTorch and a dataset stored on Cloud Storage.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex SDK: Custom training tabular regression model for batch prediction with explainabilty
Train and deploy a custom tabular regression model for batch prediction with explanation using the Vertex AI SDK.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - InstructPix2Pix
Deploy the InstructPix2Pix model on Vertex AI for online prediction.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Custom model batch prediction with feature filtering
Train a custom tabular classification model and perform batch prediction with feature filtering.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - BLIP2
Deploy the pre-trained BLIP2 model on Vertex AI for online prediction.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Deploying Iris-detection model using FastAPI and Vertex AI custom container serving
Build a custom container to serve a scikit-learn model on Vertex AI using FastAPI.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden TFVision With Image Object Detection
Use the TFVision in Vertex AI Model Garden to train and deploy new models.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Stable Diffusion XL Turbo
Deploy a text-to-image model on Vertex AI for online prediction.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Stable Diffusion XL 1.0 - Latent Consistent Model
Deploy Stable Diffusion XL Latent Consistent Model and LCM-LoRA models on Vertex AI for online prediction.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Distributed Vertex AI Hyperparameter Tuning
Run a hyperparameter tuning job with Vertex AI Training to discover optimal hyperparameter values for an ML model.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Taxi fare prediction using the Chicago Taxi Trips dataset
Analyze, feature select, build, and deploy a taxi-fare prediction model on Vertex AI with Explainable AI.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI SDK : AutoML training image object detection model for batch prediction
Create an image object detection model using the Vertex AI SDK and do batch prediction using a Google Cloud AutoML model.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Profile model training performance using Vertex AI TensorBoard Profiler in custom training with prebuilt container
Enable the TensorFlow Profiler in Vertex AI for custom training with a prebuilt container.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Stable Diffusion V1.5 (Dreambooth+LoRA Finetuning)
Fine-tune the stable-diffusion-v1.5 model with Dreambooth and LoRA, and deploy the fine-tuned models to a Vertex AI Endpoint.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Churn prediction for game developers using Google Analytics 4 and BigQuery ML
Train and evaluate a propensity model in BigQuery ML to predict user retention on a mobile game.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Migration: AutoML Image Classification
Train and deploy an AutoML image classification model using the Vertex AI SDK for Python
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Multicontender vs Champion methodology for model deployment into production
Deploy the next version of a model into production using Vertex AI Pipeline and the multicontender vs champion method.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - CodeGemma Model (Deployment)
Deploy CodeGemma models on GPU using vLLM, the state-of-the-art open source LLM serving solution on GPU.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Explanations with TabNet models
Train a TabNet model with Vertex AI.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI SDK for Python: Custom training using Python package, managed text dataset, and TF Serving container
Create a custom model using custom python package training and serve it using tensorflow-serving container
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - PEFT
Fine-tune causal language models with performance efficient finetuning libaries (PEFT), and run inferences with containers in Vertex AI.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI SDK: Training an AutoML text sentiment analysis model for online predictions
Train and deploy an AutoML text sentiment analysis model and get online predictions from it.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Sentiment Analysis using AutoML Natural Language and Vertex AI
Perform sentiment analysis on a Stanford movie reviews dataset using AutoML Natural Language and deploy the sentiment analysis model on Vertex AI to get predictions.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Profile model training performance using Vertex AI TensorBoard Profiler
Enable Vertex AI TensorBoard profiler to debug model training performance for your custom training jobs.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI migration: AutoML image object detection
Train and deploy an AutoML object detection model in Vertex AI with Python SDK.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - LLaMA2 (Evaluation)
Evaluate LLaMA2 models with popular benchmark datasets through Vertex CustomJobs using EleutherAI's evaluation harness.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Pic2Word
Deploy pre-trained Pic2Word models in Google Cloud Vertex AI
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Instant ID
Deploy the InstantX/InstantID model to a Vertex AI Endpoint resource for online prediction.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - AutoGluon
Fine tune a PyTorch based Autogluon model for tabular data and deploy it on Vertex AI for online prediction
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI SDK: AutoML training video action recognition model for batch prediction
Create video action recognition models and do batch prediction using a Google Cloud AutoML model.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Train and deploy PyTorch models with prebuilt containers on Vertex AI
Use a pre-built Vertex AI container image to train a model.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Stable Diffusion V1.5 (LoRA Finetuning)
Finetune stable-diffusion-v1-5 model with LoRA and deploy it on Vertex AI for online prediction.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden GenAI Workshop for Instant ID
Deploy model to a Vertex AI Endpoint resource. Run online predictions for `instant-id` tasks, from the UI. Adjust the parameters, such as prompt, negative_
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI TensorBoard integration with Vertex AI Pipelines
See how to use Vertex AI TensorBoard to visualize experiments and monitor model performance.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI SDK for Python: AutoML training text entity extraction model for online prediction
Create text entity extraction models and do online prediction using a Google Cloud AutoML model.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI SDK for Python: AutoML training tabular regression model for batch prediction using BigQuery
Create tabular regression models and do batch prediction using a Google Cloud AutoML model.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Get started with Vertex AI Training for XGBoost
Train XGBoost models using Vertex AI Training
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Stable Diffusion Inpainting
Deploy runwayml/stable-diffusion-inpainting to Vertex AI for Online Prediction
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Digest and analyze data from BigQuery with Dataproc
Analyze GitHub Activity Data to explore metrics related to programming languages used in GitHub repositories.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Experiments: Custom training autologging - Local script
Run ML experiments with Vertex AI training and Vertex AI Experiments autologging integration.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI: Create, train, and deploy an AutoML text classification model
Build an AutoML text classification model on Vertex AI.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI TensorBoard custom training with custom container
Learn how to visualize your machine learning model training using Vertex AI TensorBoard
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Gemma deployment to GKE using TGI on GPU
Deploy and serve text generation inference on gpus
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - CamP ZipNeRF (Jax) Notebook
Demonstrate a jax implementation of CamP: Camera Preconditioning for Neural Radiance Fields for training and rendering NeRFs more efficiently.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Zero-Shot Text-to-Video Generation
Deploy a model on Vertex AI and run online inference for Zero-Shot Text-to-Video Generation
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - OWL-ViT
Deploy a pre-trained OWL-ViT model on Vertex AI for online image captioning.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Mixtral 8x7B Model (Deployment)
Deploy prebuilt Mixtral 8x7B models in Vertex AI.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Profile model training performance using Cloud Profiler
Enable Cloud Profiler for your custom training jobs to monitor and optimize model training performance.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Migration: Custom image classification with a pre-built training container
Train using a pre-built container and deploy a custom image classification model for online and batch prediction.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Gemma Evaluation
Evaluate pre-trained and instruction-tuned Gemma models in Vertex AI
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Training an acquisition-prediction model using Swivel, BigQuery ML and Vertex AI Pipelines
Build a Text Categorization model using DataflowPythonJobOp and BigQuery ML components on Vertex AI Pipelines.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Tabular Workflows: TabNet Pipeline
Run TabNet algorithm using Vertex AI Tabular Workflows.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden MediaPipe with image classification
Train an on-device image classification model in Vertex AI Model Garden
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI SDK: AutoML training tabular binary classification model for batch explanation
Create tabular binary classification models and do batch prediction with explanation using a Google Cloud AutoML model.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI SDK for Python: AutoML training hierarchical forecasting for batch prediction
Create hierarchical forecasting models using a Google Cloud AutoML and do batch prediction.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Get started with TensorFlow Serving with Vertex AI Prediction
Serve predictions from a Vertex AI Endpoint with TensorFlow Serving serving binary
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI: Vertex AI Migration: AutoML Text Entity Extraction
Create an AutoML Text Entity Extraction model, with a Vertex AI ncbi disease research dataset, and serve the model for batch prediction.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Stable Diffusion V2.1 (Dreambooth Finetuning)
Finetune the stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1 model with Dreambooth and deploy it on Vertex AI for online prediction.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Get started with Vertex AI Data Labeling
Get started with Vertex AI Data Labeling service.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Vicuna Models
Run local inference and deploy prebuilt Vicuna models with vLLM to improve serving throughput.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Stable Diffusion V1.5 (Dreambooth Finetuning)
Finetune stable-diffusion-v1.5 model with Dreambooth, and deploy it on Vertex AI for online prediction.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI SDK: Custom training image classification model for online prediction with explainability
Train and deploy a custom image classification model for online prediction with explanation using the Vertex AI SDK.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden MoViNet video clip classification
Demonstrate how to use MoViNet in Vertex AI Model Garden.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI migration: Custom image classification with a custom training container
Train a custom image classification model with TensorFlow and the Vertex AI SDK.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI: Track parameters and metrics for locally trained models
Track metrics and parameters for ML training jobs using Vertex AI SDK for Python.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Train a BigQuery ML ARIMA_PLUS Model using Vertex AI Tabular Workflows
Train a BigQuery ML ARIMA_PLUS forecasting model to predict monthly product sales.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI TensorBoard hyperparameter tuning with the HParams Dashboard
create a Vertex AI TensorBoard instance and visualize model training metrics
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Build a fraud detection model on Vertex AI
Build, deploy, and analyze predictions from a simple Random Forest model on a synthetic fraud transaction dataset to solve a financial fraud detection problem.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Monitoring for XGBoost models
Demonstrate how to use Vertex AI Model Monitoring for XGBoost models.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Pipelines: Evaluating batch prediction results from an AutoML Tabular classification model
Evaluate an AutoML Tabular classification model with Vertex AI Model Evaluation
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI TensorBoard custom training with prebuilt container
Learn how to visualize your machine learning experiment with Vertex AI TensorBoard.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Using the Vertex AI SDK with Large Language Models
Use the Vertex AI SDK to run Large Language Models on Vertex AI via the PaLM API.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden MoViNet video action recognition
Train new models and test trained models for video action recognition using MoViNet in Vertex AI Model Garden.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Stable Diffusion XL 1.0 - TPU v5e
Deploy a text-to-image model for online prediction on Vertex AI.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Get started with Model Garden Pipeline Templates for BERT models
Modify, compile, and execute a prebuilt Vertex AI Model Garden pipeline template with Vertex AI Pipelines.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Dolly V2
Deploy pre-trained Dolly V2 models on Vertex AI for online prediction and evaluate the models on benchmark datasets.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Feature Store (Legacy): Streaming import SDK
Demonstrate how to use streaming import at the SDK layer in Vertex AI Feature Store (Legacy).
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Get started with Vertex AI hyperparameter tuning pipeline components
Demonstrate how to use Vertex AI hyperparameter tuning pipeline components.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Falcon Instruct (PEFT)
Run inferences locally with prebuilt Falcon Instruct models, deploy prebuilt Falcon Instruct models, finetune and deploy Falcon Instruct models with performance efficient finetuning libraries (PEFT), quantizing and deploying Falcon Instruct models with GPTQ, and evaluating PEFT-finetuned Falcon Instruct models in Vertex AI.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Using Vertex AI Feature Store (Legacy) with Pandas Dataframe
Learn how to use Pandas with Vertex AI Feature Store (Legacy) using the Vertex AI SDK.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Custom training and batch prediction
Train and deploy a custom image classification model for batch prediction using the Vertex AI SDK for Python.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI SDK: Custom training image classification model for batch prediction with explainabilty
Train and deploy a custom image classification model for batch prediction with explanation using the Vertex AI SDK.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
AutoML training image object detection model for online prediction
Create an image object detection model with Vertex AI SDK and do online prediction
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Serving PyTorch image models with prebuilt containers on Vertex AI
Upload and deploy a PyTorch image model using a prebuilt serving container and make online and batch predictions.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - ViT-GPT2 Image Captioning
Deploy pre-trained ViT-GPT2 Image Captioning model on Vertex AI for online prediction.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
AutoML training text entity extraction model for batch prediction
Create text entity extraction models and do batch prediction using a Google Cloud AutoML model.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Get started with NVIDIA Triton server
Deploy a `Vertex AI Model` resource to a NVIDIA Triton Inference Server and make online predictions using Vertex AI Prediction.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - WizardCoder
Serve WizardCoder, a large pretrained language model that is capable of following complicated instructions to generate Python code.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Get started with TensorFlow serving functions with Vertex AI Raw Prediction
Use Vertex AI Raw Prediction to send raw HTTP content directly to a model deployed to a Vertex AI Endpoint
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Pipelines: Evaluating batch prediction results from custom tabular regression model
Evaluate a custom regression model using the Vertex AI regression model evaluation component.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Distributed XGBoost training with Dask
Create a distributed custom training job using XGBoost with Dask on Vertex AI.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Falcon Instruct (Quantization)
Quantize Falcon Instruct models using AutoGPTQ and deploy them to Vertex AI.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Get started with Endpoint and shared VM
Learn how to use Vertex AI for E2E MLOps on Google Cloud in production.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Stable Diffusion XL Lightning
Deploy the ByteDance/SDXL-Lightning model on Vertex AI for online prediction.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - ImageBind
Deploy prebuilt Imagebind models for online prediction in Vertex AI.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Training a TensorFlow model on BigQuery data
Train and deploy a custom tabular classification model for online prediction using the Vertex AI SDK for Python.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
SparkML with Dataproc and BigQuery
Run Apache SparkML jobs with Dataproc and BigQuery to exemplify a common machine learning pipeline use case
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - TIMM
Train and deploy PyTorch timm models on Vertex AI.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden MediaPipe with gesture recognition
Train an on-device gesture recognition model using MediaPipe Model Maker in Vertex AI Model Garden.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Experiments: Autologging
Use the Vertex AI SDK to track metrics and parameters automatically, which will help you reproduce your experiments.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Tuning a PEFT model
Tune a PEFT large-language model (LLM) and make a prediction.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Pipelines: model upload, predict, and evaluate using google-cloud-pipeline-components
Build a Vertex AI Pipelines workflow that uploads a tabular custom model, creates a BatchPredictionJob, and evaluates the model with the BatchPredictionJob results
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Monitoring for custom tabular models
Use Vertex AI Model Monitoring to monitor your custom tabular models.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Feature Store Feature View Service Agents Tutorial
Enable a dedicated service agent for a feature view in Vertex AI Feature Store.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Pipelines: AutoML text classification pipelines using google-cloud-pipeline-components
Evaluate an AutoML text classification model using Vertex AI Model Evaluation
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden MediaPipe with object detection
Train new models with MediaPipe Model Maker in Vertex AI Model Garden
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Pipelines with KFP 2.x
Demonstrate how to use Vertex AI Pipelines with KFP 2.x
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI: Track parameters and metrics for locally trained models
Track model training and evaluation metrics with Vertex AI Experiments.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - LLaMA2 (PEFT Hyperparameter Tuning)
Download prebuilt LLaMA2 models and tune LLaMA2 model hyperparameters with parameter efficient finetuning libraries (PEFT) on Vertex AI.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
AutoML training image classification model for online prediction
Get predictions from an image classification model using the Vertex AI SDK.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Private Endpoint
Create and use Vertex AI `PrivateEndpoint` resources for serving models.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Migration: Custom Scikit-Learn model with pre-built training container
Train and deploy a custom tabular classification scikit-learn model for batch prediction with Vertex AI SDK.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
AutoSxS: Evaluate a LLM in Vertex AI Model Registry against a third-party model
Evaluate the performance between a generative AI model in Vertex AI Model Registry and a third-party language model.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - LayoutML Document QA
Deploy a pre-trained LayoutML model on Vertex AI for online image captioning.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Ray on Vertex AI cluster management
Learn how to use Ray on Vertex AI SDK for cluster management.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Interactive exploratory analysis of BigQuery data in a notebook
Perform exploratory data analysis in BigQuery using Vertex AI Workbench.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI LLM Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback
Tune a large-language model using reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) on Vertex AI
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - JAX OWL-ViT v2
Serve a JAX OWL-ViT v2 model for Simple Open-Vocabulary Object Detection with Vision Transformers task and deploy them on Vertex AI for online prediction.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Get started with Vertex AI Vizier
Learn how to use Vertex AI Vizier to tune hyperparameters for a machine learning model.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Run hyperparameter tuning for a TensorFlow model
Tune your machine learning model's hyperparameters using hyperopt
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Code LLaMA Evaluation
Evaluate Code LLaMA models using EleutherAI's Language Model Evaluation Harness (lm-evaluation-harness) with Vertex CustomJob.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Pipelines: Pipelines introduction for KFP
Get started with Vertex AI Pipelines with the Kubeflow Pipelines (KFP) SDK.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Pipelines: Lightweight Python function-based components, and component I/O
Build Vertex AI Pipelines using the Kubeflow Pipelines SDK.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Custom training and online prediction
Train and deploy a custom image classification model for online prediction.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Stable Video Diffusion Img2Vid XT (Research Purpose)
Run local inference and deploy image-to-video model to Vertex AI for batch prediction
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
AutoSxS: Check autorater alignment against a human-preference dataset
Use Vertex AI automatic side-by-side (AutoSxS) to check how well the autorater aligns with the human rater.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Pipelines: pipeline control structures using the KFP SDK
Build Vertex AI Pipelines that use control structures with the Kubeflow Pipelines (KFP) SDK.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Mistral-7B (PEFT)
Finetune Mistral with QLoRa and deploy to Vertex AI endpoint.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Pipelines: Model train, upload, and deploy using Google Cloud Pipeline Components
Train a custom model using Vertex AI Pipelines and deploy it to an endpoint
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden GenAI Workshop for Image Generation (inspired by Stable Diffusion WebUI)
Start a playground based on Gradio UI for stable diffusion models.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Get started with importing a custom model evaluation to the Vertex AI Model Registry
Import a custom model evaluation to an existing Vertex AI Model Registry entry.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
AutoML training image object detection model for export to edge
Create an image object detection model to export as an Edge model using an AutoML model.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex SDK: Custom training tabular regression model for online prediction with explainabilty using get_metadata
Train and deploy a custom tabular regression model with Vertex AI SDK for online prediction with explanation.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Pipelines: AutoML Tabular pipelines using google-cloud-pipeline-components
Build an AutoML tabular classification workflow on Vertex AI Pipelines.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Pipelines: TPU model train, upload, and deploy using google-cloud-pipeline-components
Learn how to build a Vertex AI Pipelines workflow that trains a custom model using TPUs, uploads the model as a `Model` resource, creates an `Endpoint` resource, and deploys the `Model` resource to the `Endpoint` resource.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI migration: AutoML tabular binary classification
Train a tabular binary classification model and do online prediction using an AutoML model.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden MediaPipe with text classification
Train on-device text classification models in Vertex AI Model Garden
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Pipelines: Evaluating batch prediction results from AutoML Tabular regression model
Evaluate a Vertex AI AutoML Tabular regression model using model evaluation component.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Monitoring for batch prediction in AutoML image models
Use Vertex AI Model Monitoring to monitor AutoML image models.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - ZipNeRF (Pytorch) Notebook
Implement a pytorch implementation of Zip-NeRF to render Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) more efficiently.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - LLaMA3 (Deployment)
Demonstrate downloading and deploying prebuilt LLaMA3 models and deploy LLaMA3 with vLLM to improve serving throughput.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
AutoML training text sentiment analysis model for batch prediction
Create text sentiment analysis models and do batch prediction using a Google Cloud AutoML model.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI LLM and streaming prediction
Use Vertex AI LLM to make streaming predictions on large language models
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Inventory prediction on ecommerce data using Vertex AI
Build a machine learning model for inventory prediction on an ecommerce dataset
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI: Track parameters and metrics for custom training jobs
Track metrics and parameters for Vertex AI custom training jobs and perform detailed analysis
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Get started with Vertex AI Model Registry
Create and register multiple versions of a model using Vertex AI Model Registry.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Compare pipeline runs with Vertex AI Experiments
Experiment with different Vertex AI pipelines and track the runs to compare different configurations.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Pipelines: AutoML tabular regression pipelines using google-cloud-pipeline-components
Build an AutoML tabular regression workflow on Vertex AI Pipelines.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Forecasting retail demand with Vertex AI and BigQuery ML
Explore demand forecasting using a BigQuery public retail dataset
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Monitoring for custom tabular models with TensorFlow Serving container
Demonstrate how to use Vertex AI Model Monitoring for custom tabular models and a custom deployment container.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Stable Diffusion XL 1.0 - LoRA serving
Deploy stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0 with LoRA adapter to Vertex AI endpoint for text-to-image prediction.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Getting Started with Claude 3 Models
Stream your Claude responses to reduce the end-user latency perception.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - LLaMA2 (PEFT Finetuning)
Download LLaMA2 models, finetune with PEFT, and deploy the finetuned model on Vertex AI.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Get started with PyTorch on Ray on Vertex AI
Train and serve a PyTorch image classification model on Vertex AI using Ray on Vertex AI SDK.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Pipelines: AutoML image classification pipelines using google-cloud-pipeline-components
Build an AutoML image classification workflow on Vertex AI Pipelines using google_cloud_pipeline_components
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Batch Prediction with Model Monitoring
Learn how to use Model Monitoring with batch prediction requests on a deployed Vertex AI Model resource.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - LLaMA2 (Quantization)
Demonstrate downloading prebuilt LLaMA2 models, deploying prequantized LLaMA2 models with vLLM, quantizating LLaMA2 models using either AWQ or GPTQ to reduce the GPU memory requirements and then deploying these models to vLLM as well.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden TFVision With Image Classification
Use this notebook to train and deploy TFVision models in Vertex AI Model Garden.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Semantic Search using Embeddings
Learn how to implement a semantic search engine using BERT and TensorFlow.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Migration: AutoML Video Object Tracking
Train an AutoML video object tracking model and do batch prediction with the Vertex AI SDK for Python.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Falcon Instruct (PEFT Finetuning)
Finetune and deploy Falcon Instruct models with performance efficient finetuning libraries (PEFT) in Vertex AI.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - BioGPT
Demonstrate how to serve BioGPT, a large language model trained on a massive dataset of biomedical text and code.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - BiomedCLIP
Serve a biomedical vision-language foundation model that is pretrained on PMC-15M
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Hugging Face Local Inference
Run local inference with various Hugging Face transformer or diffusion models.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
PyTorch distributed training with Vertex AI Reduction Server
Train a PyTorch ResNet model on the CIFAR-10 dataset using Reduction Server on Vertex AI.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden: Google Proprietary Model Image Object Detection
Train image object detection model using Vertex AI Model Garden
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI LLM Batch Inference with RLHF-tuned Models
Use this tutorial to perform inference on RLHF-tuned OSS large-language models (LLMs) with Vertex AI.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - OpenLLaMA (PEFT)
Demonstrate running local inference, deploying, finetuning, quantizing and evaluating OpenLLaMA
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Feature Store Based LLM Grounding Tutorial
Learn how to generate embedding vectors from large language models and load them into Vertex AI Feature Store.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI - Llama2 fine-tuning with LoRA and serving on TPUv5e
Fine-tune a Llama2 7B model with LoRA using a Vertex AI Custom Training Job with a TPUv5e.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI: Track artifacts and metrics across Vertex AI Pipelines runs using Vertex ML Metadata
Track metrics and artifacts across Vertex AI Pipelines runs.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Pipelines: Metrics visualization and run comparison using the KFP SDK
Learn how to build Vertex AI Pipelines that generate model metrics and metrics visualizations, and compare pipeline runs with Kubeflow Pipelines (KFP) SDK.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Get started with Vertex AI Training for LightGBM
Train a LightGBM model using Vertex AI Training
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI: Vertex AI Migration: AutoML Text Sentiment Analysis
Create an AutoML Text Sentiment Analysis model, with a Vertex AI ncbi disease research dataset, and serve the model for batch prediction.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Challenger vs Blessed methodology for model deployment into production
Use Vertex AI Pipeline to deploy the next version of a model into production using the challenger vs blessed method.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Get started with machine management for Vertex AI Pipelines
Manage machine resources when training as a component in `Vertex AI Pipelines`
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Train a multi-class classification model for ads-targeting
Build a machine learning model for ads targeting use case
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Online feature serving and fetching of BigQuery data with Vertex AI Feature Store Optimized Serving
Demonstrate how to use Optimized online serving in Vertex AI Feature Store for serving and fetching of feature values from BigQuery.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Hyperparameter Tuning for XGBoost
Learn how to tune XGBoost hyperparameters using Vertex AI Hyperparameter Tuning.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden: Video Object Tracking with Bytetrack
Deploy a video object tracking model on Vertex AI Endpoint resource
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Falcon Evaluation
Evaluate a pre-trained or a PEFT-finetuned Falcon Instruct models in Vertex AI
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - JAX DITO
Train and serve a JAX DITO model for open-vocabulary object detection and instance segmentation tasks on Vertex AI.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Train a Prophet Model using Vertex AI Tabular Workflows
Forecast inventory needs for each product and store using Prophet model in Vertex AI Tabular Workflows
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI: Vertex AI Migration: Custom XGBoost model with pre-built training container
Train and deploy a custom tabular classification XGBoost model for batch prediction using the Vertex AI SDK for Python.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Online feature serving and fetching of BigQuery data with Vertex AI Feature Store
Demonstrate how to use Vertex AI Feature Store for online serving and fetching of feature values in BigQuery.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Bart Large CNN
Deploy the pre-trained Bart Large CNN model on Vertex AI for online prediction.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI SDK: AutoML training video classification model for batch prediction
Create video classification models and do batch prediction using a Vertex AI AutoML model.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Explaining image classification with Vertex Explainable AI
Get explanations for a model's predictions using feature attributions.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Gemma Finetuning
Finetune and deploy Gemma models with Vertex AI Custom Training Job using parameter efficient finetuning methods PEFT (LoRA)
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - OpenCLIP
Finetune openclip and deploy it on vertex ai for online prediction.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
BQML and AutoML - Experimenting with Vertex AI
Use Vertex AI Pipelines to rapidly prototype a model using both AutoML and BQML, do an evaluation comparison, for a baseline, before progressing to a custom model.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Monitoring with Explainable AI Feature Attributions
Learn how to monitor your machine learning models with Vertex AI Model Monitoring
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Mixtral-8x7B (PEFT)
Fine tune Mixtral-8x7B with QLoRa data and deploy to a Vertex AI endpoint.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Gemma (Deployment)
Deploy Gemma language models on TPU or GPU.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
AutoML Tabular Workflow pipelines
Train AutoML models using Vertex AI Tabular Workflows with different configurations.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Get started with Google Artifact Registry
Learn how to use Vertex AI with Google Artifact Registry.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - StarCoder
Deploy a pre-trained StarCoder model on Vertex AI for online prediction
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Stable Diffusion Upscaler
Deploy stabilityai/stable-diffusion-x4-upscaler model on Vertex AI for online prediction.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI SDK: AutoML tabular forecasting model for batch prediction
Create tabular forecasting models and do batch prediction using a Google Cloud AutoML model.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - JAX F-VLM
Train and serve a JAX F-VLM model for open-vocabulary object detection and instance segmentation tasks on Vertex AI
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Llama 3 Finetuning
Finetune and deploy Llama 3 models with Vertex AI using parameter efficient finetuning methods PEFT (LoRA).
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Training, tuning and deploying a PyTorch text sentiment classification model on Vertex AI
Build and deploy a text sentiment classification model by fine-tuning a pre-trained BERT model using Vertex AI and Pytorch SDK.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Custom training with custom training container and automatic registering of the model
Train a model with a custom container and automatically register the model.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Delete Outdated Experiments in Vertex AI TensorBoard
Delete old Vertex AI TensorBoard Experiments to avoid unnecessary storage costs
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex SDK: Custom training tabular regression model for online prediction with explainabilty
Train and deploy a custom tabular regression model for online prediction with explanation using the Vertex AI SDK.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI SDK for Python: AutoML Video Classification Example
Create an AutoML Video Classification Model and serve it for batch prediction.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Analysis of pricing optimization on CDM Pricing Data
Analyze pricing optimization on CDM Pricing Data using Vertex AI Workbench managed notebooks.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
AutoML training image classification model for batch prediction
Use the Vertex AI SDK to create image classification models and do batch prediction using a Google Cloud AutoML model
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Migration : AutoML Text Classification
Create an AutoML Text Classification Model, with a Vertex AI text dataset, and how to serve the model for batch prediction.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Pipelines: Custom training with pre-built Google Cloud Pipeline Components
Use Vertex AI Pipelines with pre-built Google Cloud Pipeline Components to perform custom training.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - CLIP
Deploy pre-trained CLIP model on Vertex AI for online prediction.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI SDK for Python: AutoML training video object tracking model for batch prediction
Train a video object tracking model and do batch prediction using a Google Cloud AutoML model.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - NLLB (No Language Left Behind)
Deploy the pre-trained NLLB model on Vertex AI for online prediction
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Predictive maintenance using Vertex AI
Go through a predictive maintenance usecase on industrial data using machine learning techniques, deploy the machine learning model on Vertex AI, and automate the workflow using the executor feature of Vertex AI Workbench.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Get started with Vertex AI distributed training
Train a TensorFlow model with Vertex AI distributed training.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - BLIP VQA
Deploy the pre-trained BLIP VQA model on Vertex AI for online prediction.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Falcon Instruct Deployment
Run inferences locally with prebuilt Falcon Instruct models and deploy prebuilt Falcon Instruct models in Vertex AI
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - Image Generation with MediaPipe
Customize a MediaPipe Image Generator to generate images of specific people, objects, and styles
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - ViLT VQA
Deploy pre-trained ViLT VQA model on Vertex AI for online prediction
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Get started with BigQuery datasets
Get started with BigQuery Datasets for Vertex AI for BigQuery users.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Optimizing multiple objectives with Vertex AI Vizier
Learn how to use Vertex AI Vizier multi-objective optimization.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Garden - WizardLM
Demonstrate how to serve WizardLM, a large pretrained language model that is capable of following complicated instructions.
- Vertex AI
- Generative AI on Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook
Vertex AI Model Monitoring for AutoML tabular models
Use this Vertex AI Model Monitoring tutorial to monitor AutoML tabular models.
- Vertex AI
- Python
- Notebook