Upload logs to Vertex AI TensorBoard

You can upload existing logs to your Vertex AI TensorBoard instance that were created by training locally, training outside of Vertex AI, created by a colleague, are example logs, or were created using a different Vertex AI TensorBoard instance. Logs can be shared among multiple Vertex AI TensorBoard instances.

Vertex AI TensorBoard offers Google Cloud CLI and Vertex AI SDK for Python for uploading TensorBoard logs. You can upload logs from any environment that can connect to Google Cloud.

For continuous monitoring call aiplatform.start_upload_tb_log at the beginning of the training. The SDK opens a new thread for uploading. This thread monitors for new data in the directory, and uploads it to your Vertex AI TensorBoard experiment. When training completes, call end_upload_tb_log to end the uploader thread.

Note that after calling start_upload_tb_log() your thread will kept alive even if an exception is thrown. To ensure the thread gets shut down, put any code after start_upload_tb_log() and before end_upload_tb_log() in a try statement, and call end_upload_tb_log() in finally.

Vertex AI SDK for Python

from typing import Optional

from google.cloud import aiplatform

def upload_tensorboard_log_continuously_sample(
    tensorboard_experiment_name: str,
    logdir: str,
    tensorboard_id: str,
    project: str,
    location: str,
    experiment_display_name: Optional[str] = None,
    run_name_prefix: Optional[str] = None,
    description: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:

    aiplatform.init(project=project, location=location)

    # Continuous monitoring

        print("Insert your code here")

  • tensorboard_experiment_name: The name of the TensorBoard experiment to upload to.
  • logdir: The directory location to check for TensorBoard logs.
  • tensorboard_id: The TensorBoard instance ID. If not set, the tensorboard_id in aiplatform.init is used.
  • project: Your project ID. You can find you Project ID in the Google Cloud console welcome page.
  • location: The location where your TensorBoard instance is located.
  • experiment_display_name: The display name of the experiment.
  • run_name_prefix: If present, all runs created by this invocation will have their name prefixed by this value.
  • description: A string description to assign to the experiment.

Call aiplatform.upload_tb_log to perform a one-time upload of TensorBoard logs. This uploads existing data in the logdir and then returns immediately.

Vertex AI SDK for Python

from typing import Optional

from google.cloud import aiplatform

def upload_tensorboard_log_one_time_sample(
    tensorboard_experiment_name: str,
    logdir: str,
    tensorboard_id: str,
    project: str,
    location: str,
    experiment_display_name: Optional[str] = None,
    run_name_prefix: Optional[str] = None,
    description: Optional[str] = None,
    verbosity: Optional[int] = 1,
) -> None:

    aiplatform.init(project=project, location=location)

    # one time upload

  • tensorboard_experiment_name: The name of the TensorBoard experiment.
  • logdir: The directory location to check for TensorBoard logs.
  • tensorboard_id: The TensorBoard instance ID. If not set, the tensorboard_id in aiplatform.init is used.
  • project: Your project ID. You can find these Project IDs in the Google Cloud console welcome page.
  • location: The location where your TensorBoard instance is located.
  • experiment_display_name: The display name of the experiment.
  • run_name_prefix: If present, all runs created by this invocation will have their name prefixed by this value.
  • description: A string description to assign to the experiment.
  • verbosity: Level of statistics verbosity, an integer. Supported values: 0 - No upload statistics are printed. 1 - Print upload statistics while uploading data (default).

Call aiplatform.upload_tb_log to upload TensorBoard profile logs to an experiment.

Vertex AI SDK for Python

from typing import FrozenSet

from google.cloud import aiplatform

def upload_tensorboard_profile_logs_to_experiment_sample(
    experiment_name: str,
    logdir: str,
    project: str,
    location: str,
    run_name_prefix: str,
    allowed_plugins: FrozenSet[str] = ["profile"],
) -> None:

    aiplatform.init(project=project, location=location, experiment=experiment_name)

    # one time upload

  • experiment_name: The name of the TensorBoard experiment.
  • logdir: The directory location to check for TensorBoard logs.
  • project: Your project ID. You can find these Project IDs in the Google Cloud console welcome page.
  • location: The location where your TensorBoard instance is located.
  • run_name_prefix: For profile data, this is the run prefix. The directory format within LOG_DIR should match the following:
    • /RUN_NAME_PREFIX/plugins/profile/YYYY_MM_DD_HH_SS/
  • allowed_plugins: A list of additional plugins to allow. For uploading profile data, this should include "profile"
  1. (Optional) Create a dedicated virtual environment to install the Vertex AI TensorBoard uploader Python CLI.
    source PATH/TO/VIRTUAL/ENVIRONMENT/bin/activate
    • PATH/TO/VIRTUAL/ENVIRONMENT: your dedicated virtual environment.
  2. Install the Vertex AI TensorBoard package through Vertex AI SDK.
    pip install -U pip
    pip install google-cloud-aiplatform[tensorboard]
  3. Upload TensorBoard logs
    1. Time Series and Blob Data
      tb-gcp-uploader --tensorboard_resource_name \
      --logdir=LOG_DIR \
      --experiment_name=TB_EXPERIMENT_NAME --one_shot=True
    2. Profile Data
      tb-gcp-uploader \
      --tensorboard_resource_name TENSORBOARD_RESOURCE_NAME \
      --logdir=LOG_DIR --experiment_name=TB_EXPERIMENT_NAME \
      --allowed_plugins="profile" --run_name_prefix=RUN_NAME_PREFIX \
    • TENSORBOARD_RESOURCE_NAME: The TensorBoard Resource name used to fully identify the Vertex AI TensorBoard instance.
    • LOG_DIR: The location of the event logs that resides either in the local file system or Cloud Storage
    • TB_EXPERIMENT_NAME: The name of the TensorBoard experiment, for example test-experiment.
    • RUN_NAME_PREFIX: For profile data, this is the run prefix. The directory format within LOG_DIR should match the following:
      • /RUN_NAME_PREFIX/plugins/profile/YYYY_MM_DD_HH_SS/

The uploader CLI by default runs indefinitely, monitoring changes in the LOG_DIR, and uploads newly added logs. --one_shot=True disables the behavior. Run tb-gcp-uploader --help for more information.