Contains API Schema definitions for the IP Address Management (IPAM) global API group.
Represents the request and allocation information of a global IP address range in CIDR format.
Appears in: - SubnetList
Field | Description |
apiVersion string |
ipam.global.gdc.goog/v1 |
kind string |
Subnet |
metadata ObjectMeta |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec SubnetSpec |
status SubnetStatus |
Represents a collection of Subnet
Field | Description |
apiVersion string |
ipam.global.gdc.goog/v1 |
kind string |
SubnetList |
metadata ListMeta |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items Subnet array |
Defines the specification of a Subnet
Appears in: - Subnet
Field | Description |
type SubnetType |
The type of the Subnet in the context of the IPAM tree architecture. |
ipv4Request SubnetRequest |
The request details for acquiring the IPv4 CIDR. |
ipv6Request SubnetRequest |
The request details for acquiring the IPv6 CIDR. |
zone string |
The name of the zone which this Subnet belongs to. If left empty, it is treated as a global only resource. |
parentReference SubnetReference |
The reference to the parent of this Subnet. This Subnet will get IP allocated from the parent if specified. The parent name must be provided if there is a parent. Namespace of the parent can only be omitted when the parent is in the same namespace as this Subnet. |
propagationStrategy ZonePropagationStrategy |
The strategy used to propagate the Subnet to zonal API server. |
Represents the status of the Subnet
Appears in: - Subnet
Field | Description |
conditions Condition array |
The observations of the overall state of the resource. Known condition types: Ready. |
ipv4Allocation SubnetAllocation |
The allocation information for the IPv4 IP addresses. |
ipv6Allocation SubnetAllocation |
The allocation information for the IPv6 IP addresses. |
childrenRefs SubnetReference array |
The references to the children which are allocated from this Subnet. This field doesn't apply to Leaf type Subnets. |