Package v1 contains API Schema definitions for the iam.global.gdc.goog v1 API group
Represents a template for a global CustomRole Custom roles provide fine-grained control over user permissions, unlike predefined roles. This allows organizations to tailor access rights to their specific needs, balancing operational efficiency with security. By adhering to the principle of least privilege, custom roles significantly enhance security and protect sensitive data.
Appears in: - CustomRoleList - CustomRoleReplicaList
Field | Description |
apiVersion string |
iam.global.gdc.goog/v1 |
kind string |
CustomRole |
metadata ObjectMeta |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec CustomRoleSpec |
status CustomRoleStatus |
Contains a list of CustomRole
Field | Description |
apiVersion string |
iam.global.gdc.goog/v1 |
kind string |
CustomRoleList |
metadata ListMeta |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items CustomRole array |
Represents the data necessary to create a Custom Role
Appears in: - CustomRoleSpec
Field | Description |
scope CustomRoleScopeType |
scope of the custom role created which can either be organization or project |
roleNamespaces string array |
namespace of the role (optional) only required for role deployment if: case 1: when scope is project then it denotes the project namespaces case 2: when scope is project and roleNamespaces contain ['*'] then it denotes all project namespaces case 3: when scope is organization and deployment roleType is role not clusterRole then it denotes literal namespaces |
title string |
title is a friendly title for the role, such as "My Company Admin". |
description string |
description is a short description of the role, such as "My custom role description". |
id string |
id is the name of the role, such as "myCompanyAdmin". |
stage StageType |
stage indicates the stage of a role in the launch lifecycle which can either be [ALPHA, BETA, GA, DISABLED] |
Represents a template for a zonal CustomRole replica
Field | Description |
apiVersion string |
iam.global.gdc.goog/v1 |
kind string |
CustomRoleReplica |
metadata ObjectMeta |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec CustomRoleSpec |
status CustomRoleReplicaStatus |
Contains a list of zonal CustomRole replica resources
Field | Description |
apiVersion string |
iam.global.gdc.goog/v1 |
kind string |
CustomRoleReplicaList |
metadata ListMeta |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items CustomRole array |
Provides a status of zonal CustomRole replica
Appears in: - CustomRoleReplica - CustomRoleZoneStatus
Field | Description |
conditions Condition array |
Conditions represents the observations of this Custom role overall state |
propagatedCustomRoleName string |
Propagated custom role name for all the replicas |
Underlying type: string
Appears in: - CustomRoleMetadata
Defines the CustomRole data in the ClusterRoleTemplate
Appears in: - CustomRole - CustomRoleReplica
Field | Description |
metadata CustomRoleMetadata |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
zonalRules PolicyRule array |
globalRules PolicyRule array |
Provides the status of an CustomRoleStatus
Appears in: - CustomRole
Field | Description |
conditions Condition array |
The observations of the overall state of the resource. Known condition types: Ready. |
rollout RolloutStatus |
The current strategy used to roll out the resource to each zone. |
zones CustomRoleZoneStatus array |
The list of zone statuses where the resource is rolled out to |
propagationInfo PropagationInfo |
propagation information of converted template for global role template conversion |
CustomRoleZoneStatus provides the status of a CustomRole rolling out to a particular zone
Appears in: - CustomRoleStatus
Field | Description |
name string |
The name of the zone where the replica this status represents is in. |
rolloutStatus ZoneRolloutStatus |
The status of rolling out the replica to the zone. |
replicaStatus CustomRoleReplicaStatus |
The reconciliation status of the replica collected from the zone. Any condition within the field that has an .observedGeneration less than .rolloutStatus.replicaGeneration is out of date |
IAMRole references a predefined role in the global and/or zonal APIServer.
Appears in: - IAMRoleList
Field | Description |
apiVersion string |
iam.global.gdc.goog/v1 |
kind string |
IAMRole |
metadata ObjectMeta |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec IAMRoleSpec |
status IAMRoleStatus |
IAMRoleBinding references a global IAMRole and adds who information via Subject.
Appears in: - IAMRoleBindingList
Field | Description |
apiVersion string |
iam.global.gdc.goog/v1 |
kind string |
IAMRoleBinding |
metadata ObjectMeta |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec IAMRoleBindingSpec |
status IAMRoleBindingStatus |
Contains a list of IAMRoleBinding resources.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string |
iam.global.gdc.goog/v1 |
kind string |
IAMRoleBindingList |
metadata ListMeta |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items IAMRoleBinding array |
Provides the specification of the IAMRoleBindingSpec.
Appears in: - IAMRoleBinding
Field | Description |
roleRef RoleRef |
RoleRef contains information that points to the IAMRole being used. |
subjects Subject array |
The subjects of the global IAMRoleBinding resource. |
Provides the status of the IAMRoleBinding.
Appears in: - IAMRoleBinding
Field | Description |
conditions Condition array |
Contains a list of IAMRole resources.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string |
iam.global.gdc.goog/v1 |
kind string |
IAMRoleList |
metadata ListMeta |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items IAMRole array |
Provides the specification for IAMRole.
Appears in: - IAMRole
Field | Description |
roleRef RoleRef |
RoleRef contains information that points to the role in the global APIServer being used. |
zonalRoleRef RoleRef |
ZonalRoleRef contains information that points to the zonal role being used. |
Provides the status of the IAMRole.
Appears in: - IAMRole
Field | Description |
conditions Condition array |
Represents a configuration for an identity provider that supports OIDC or SAML.
Appears in: - IdentityProviderConfigList
Field | Description |
apiVersion string |
iam.global.gdc.goog/v1 |
kind string |
IdentityProviderConfig |
metadata ObjectMeta |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec IdentityProviderConfigSpec |
status IdentityProviderConfigStatus |
Contains a list of IdentityProviderConfig
Field | Description |
apiVersion string |
iam.global.gdc.goog/v1 |
kind string |
IdentityProviderConfigList |
metadata ListMeta |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items IdentityProviderConfig array |
Represents a configuration for an identity provider that supports OIDC or SAML.
Appears in: - IdentityProviderConfigReplicaList
Field | Description |
apiVersion string |
iam.global.gdc.goog/v1 |
kind string |
IdentityProviderConfigReplica |
metadata ObjectMeta |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec IdentityProviderConfigSpec |
status IdentityProviderConfigReplicaStatus |
Contains a list of IdentityProviderConfigReplica
Field | Description |
apiVersion string |
iam.global.gdc.goog/v1 |
kind string |
IdentityProviderConfigReplicaList |
metadata ListMeta |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items IdentityProviderConfigReplica array |
Provides the status of an IdentityProviderConfig
Appears in: - IdentityProviderConfigReplica - IdentityProviderConfigZoneStatus
Field | Description |
conditions Condition array |
Provides the specification, or desired state, of an IdentityProviderConfig
Either OIDCConfig or SAMLConfig has to be provided but not both.
Appears in: - IdentityProviderConfig - IdentityProviderConfigReplica
Field | Description |
oidc OIDCProviderConfig |
OIDC specific configuration. |
saml SAMLProviderConfig |
SAML specific configuration. |
Provides the status of an IdentityProviderConfig
Appears in: - IdentityProviderConfig
Field | Description |
conditions Condition array |
The observations of the overall state of the resource. Known condition types: Ready. |
rollout RolloutStatus |
The current strategy used to roll out the resource to each zone. |
zones IdentityProviderConfigZoneStatus array |
The list of zone statuses where the resource is rolled out to. |
IdentityProviderConfigZoneStatus provides the status of a IdentityProviderConfig rolling out to a particular zone.
Appears in: - IdentityProviderConfigStatus
Field | Description |
name string |
The name of the zone where the replica this status represents is in. |
rolloutStatus ZoneRolloutStatus |
The status of rolling out the replica to the zone. |
replicaStatus IdentityProviderConfigReplicaStatus |
The reconciliation status of the replica collected from the zone. Any condition within the field that has an .observedGeneration less than .rolloutStatus.replicaGeneration is out of date. |
Provides the information of converted role template
Appears in: - CustomRoleStatus
Field | Description |
roleName string |
name of the role |
roleType RoleType |
type of the role, it can be [role, clusterRole, projectRole, organizationRole] |
namespaces string array |
namespaces of the role where role deployment will occur |
Underlying type: string
Appears in: - PropagationInfo
Underlying type: string
Appears in: - CustomRoleMetadata
ZonalRoleBinding references a zonal Role and adds who information via Subject.
Appears in: - ZonalRoleBindingList
Field | Description |
apiVersion string |
iam.global.gdc.goog/v1 |
kind string |
ZonalRoleBinding |
metadata ObjectMeta |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec ZonalRoleBindingSpec |
status ZonalRoleBindingStatus |
Contains a list of ZonalRoleBinding resources.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string |
iam.global.gdc.goog/v1 |
kind string |
ZonalRoleBindingList |
metadata ListMeta |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items ZonalRoleBinding array |
Represents a replicated ZonalRoleBinding resource that will be synced to a particular zonal API server.
Appears in: - ZonalRoleBindingReplicaList
Field | Description |
apiVersion string |
iam.global.gdc.goog/v1 |
kind string |
ZonalRoleBindingReplica |
metadata ObjectMeta |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec ZonalRoleBindingSpec |
status ZonalRoleBindingReplicaStatus |
Contains a list of ZonalRoleBindingReplica resources.
Field | Description |
apiVersion string |
iam.global.gdc.goog/v1 |
kind string |
ZonalRoleBindingReplicaList |
metadata ListMeta |
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
items ZonalRoleBindingReplica array |
Provides the status of the ZonalRoleBindingReplica.
Appears in: - ZonalRoleBindingReplica - ZonalRoleBindingZoneStatus
Field | Description |
conditions Condition array |
propagatedName string |
PropagatedName of the ZonalRoleBinding that requires propagation in the user clusters within the organization. |
clusters ClusterStatus array |
The list of propagation statuses for the clusters for ZonalRoleBinding that requires propagation in the user clusters within the organization. |
errorStatus ErrorStatus |
The most recent errors with the observed times included. |
Provides the specification of the ZonalRoleBinding.
Appears in: - ZonalRoleBinding - ZonalRoleBindingReplica
Field | Description |
roleRef RoleRef |
RoleRef contains information that points to the zonal role being used. |
subjects Subject array |
The subjects of the global ZonalRoleBinding resource. |
Provides the status of the ZonalRoleBinding resource.
Appears in: - ZonalRoleBinding
Field | Description |
conditions Condition array |
The observations of the overall state of the resource. Known condition types: Ready. |
rollout RolloutStatus |
The current strategy used to roll out the resource to each zone. |
zones ZonalRoleBindingZoneStatus array |
The list of zone statuses where the resource is rolled out to. |
ZonalRoleBindingZoneStatus provides the status of a ZonalRoleBinding rolling out to a particular zone.
Appears in: - ZonalRoleBindingStatus
Field | Description |
name string |
The name of the zone where the replica this status represents is in. |
rolloutStatus ZoneRolloutStatus |
The status of rolling out the replica to the zone. |
replicaStatus ZonalRoleBindingReplicaStatus |
The reconciliation status of the replica collected from the zone. Any condition within the field that has an .observedGeneration less than .rolloutStatus.replicaGeneration is out of date. |