收集 Microsoft Windows AD 数据


  • 部署架构和安装步骤,以及生成 Microsoft Windows Active Directory 事件的 Chronicle 解析器支持的日志所需的任何配置。如需简要了解 Chronicle 数据注入,请参阅将数据注入到 Chronicle
  • 有关解析器如何将原始日志中的字段映射到 Chronicle Unified Data Model 字段的信息。

本文档中的信息适用于具有 WINDOWS_AD 注入标签的解析器。注入标签标识哪个解析器将原始日志数据标准化为结构化 UDM 格式。


下图演示了部署架构中用于收集 Microsoft Windows 事件并将其发送到 Chronicle 的推荐基础组件。将此信息与您的环境进行比较,以确保已安装这些组件。每个客户部署都与此表示法不同,并且可能更复杂。以下是必须满足的条件:

  • 部署架构中的所有系统都使用世界协调时间 (UTC) 时区进行配置。
  • 在每个 Microsoft Windows AD 服务器上创建并配置 Powershell 脚本以收集 USER_CONTEXT 和 ASSET_CONTEXT 数据。
  • 每个 Microsoft Windows AD 服务器上安装了 NXLog,用于将数据发送到中央 Microsoft Windows 或 Linux 服务器。
  • Chronicle 转发器安装在中央 Microsoft Windows 或 Linux 服务器上,用于将日志数据转发到 Chronicle。



Chronicle 解析器支持来自以下 Microsoft Windows 服务器版本的日志。Microsoft Windows Server 按以下版本发布:Foundation、Essentials、Standard 和 Datacenter。每个版本生成的日志事件架构没有区别。

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2019
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2016
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012

Chronicle 解析器支持 NXLog Community 或 Enterprise Edition 收集的日志。


Chronicle 解析器将解析从用户上下文资源上下文中检索的数据并对其进行标准化。它支持使用英语文本生成的日志,不支持使用非英语生成的日志。

配置 Microsoft Windows AD 服务器

在部署架构中配置 Microsoft Windows AD 服务器的步骤:

  1. 使用世界协调时间 (UTC) 时区配置所有系统。
  2. 在每个 Microsoft Windows Active Directory 服务器上,创建并配置 PowerShell 脚本以将日志数据收集到输出文件。NXLog 会读取输出文件并将数据发送到中央 Microsoft Windows 或 Linux 服务器。
  3. 创建 Powershell 脚本。请参阅以下示例。将 $OUTPUT_FILENAME 的值更改为应写入输出文件的位置。NXLog 将读取此文件。数据必须以 JSON 格式存储。将编码设置为 utf8。调用 Get-ADUserGet-ADComputer cmdlet 时,请使用 -Filter 参数,而不是 -LDAPFilter 参数。

    # Set the location where the log file will be written
    If (Test-Path -Path $OUTPUT_FILENAME) { Remove-Item -path $OUTPUT_FILENAME -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue}
    # USER_CONTEXT: Gets all Active Directory users and their properties.
    Get-ADUser -Filter * -properties samAccountName | % { Get-ADUser $_.SamAccountName -properties * | ConvertTo-JSON -compress | Out-File -encoding utf8 $OUTPUT_FILENAME -Append }
    # ASSET_CONTEXT: Gets all Active Directory assets and their properties.
    Get-ADComputer -Filter * -properties samAccountName | % { Get-ADComputer $_.SamAccountName -properties * | ConvertTo-JSON -compress | Out-File -encoding utf8 $OUTPUT_FILENAME -Append }
  4. 创建运行脚本的周期性任务,以将数据提取并写入到输出文件。

    1. 打开“任务计划程序”应用。
    2. 点击右侧面板上的“创建任务”。
    3. 输入任务的名称和说明。
    4. 选中“以最高权限运行”复选框,以确保检索所有数据。


    5. 在“触发器”标签页中,定义何时希望重复执行该任务。

    6. 在“Action”标签页中,添加新操作并提供存储脚本的文件的路径。


  5. 在每个 Microsoft Windows Active Directory 服务器上安装 NXLog 代理。该应用会将日志转发到中央 Microsoft Windows 或 Linux 服务器。按照 NXLog 文档进行操作。

  6. 为每个 NXLog 实例创建一个配置文件。使用 NXLog im_file 模块从文件中读取内容并将行解析为字段。使用 om_tcp 模块将数据转发到中央 Microsoft Windows 或 Linux 服务器。

    以下是 NXLog 配置示例。将 <hostname><port> 值替换为目标中央 Microsoft Windows 或 Linux 服务器的信息。在 <Input in_adcontext> 部分和 File 属性中,添加由 Powershell 脚本写入的输出日志文件的路径。始终设置 DirCheckIntervalPollInterval。如果未定义,则 NXLog 每 1 秒轮询一次文件。

    define ROOT C:\Program Files\nxlog
    Moduledir   %ROOT%\modules
    CacheDir    %ROOT%\data
    Pidfile     %ROOT%\data\nxlog.pid
    SpoolDir    %ROOT%\data
    LogFile     %ROOT%\data\nxlog.log
    <Input in_adcontext>
        Module im_file
        File "<Path_of_the_output_file>"
        DirCheckInterval 3600
        PollInterval 3600
    <Output out_chronicle_adcontext>
        Module  om_tcp
    <Route ad_context_to_chronicle>
        Path in_adcontext => out_chronicle_adcontext
  7. 在每个系统中启动 NXLog 服务。

配置中央 Microsoft Windows 或 Linux 服务器

如需了解如何安装和配置转发器,请参阅在 Linux 上安装和配置转发器在 Microsoft Windows 上安装和配置转发器

  1. 使用世界协调时间 (UTC) 时区配置系统。
  2. 在中央 Microsoft Windows 或 Linux 服务器上安装 Chronicle 转发器。
  3. 配置 Chronicle 转发器,以将日志发送到 Chronicle。以下是转发器配置示例。

      - syslog:
            enabled: true
            data_type: WINDOWS_AD
            batch_n_seconds: 10
            batch_n_bytes: 1048576
          connection_timeout_sec: 60

字段映射参考信息:设备日志字段到 UDM 字段

本部分介绍解析器如何将原始日志字段映射到 Unified Data Model 字段。


NXLog 字段 UDM 字段
GivenName entity.entity.user.first_name
Surname entity.entity.user.last_name
SamAccountName entity.entity.user.userid
SID.Value entity.entity.user.windows_sid
ObjectClass If the value is user,
entity.metadata.entity_type is set to USER
ObjectGuid If the ObjectGuid log field value is not empty, then the ObjectGuid log field is mapped to the entity.entity.user.product_object_id UDM field.
Else, If the objectGUID log field value is not empty, then the objectGUID log field is mapped to the entity.entity.user.product_object_id UDM field.
Else, If the ObjectGUID log field value is not empty, then the ObjectGUID log field is mapped to the entity.entity.user.product_object_id UDM field.
objectGUID If the ObjectGuid log field value is not empty, then the ObjectGuid log field is mapped to the entity.entity.user.product_object_id UDM field.
Else, If the objectGUID log field value is not empty, then the objectGUID log field is mapped to the entity.entity.user.product_object_id UDM field.
Else, If the ObjectGUID log field value is not empty, then the ObjectGUID log field is mapped to the entity.entity.user.product_object_id UDM field.
ObjectGUID If the ObjectGuid log field value is not empty, then the ObjectGuid log field is mapped to the entity.entity.user.product_object_id UDM field.
Else, If the objectGUID log field value is not empty, then the objectGUID log field is mapped to the entity.entity.user.product_object_id UDM field.
Else, If the ObjectGUID log field value is not empty, then the ObjectGUID log field is mapped to the entity.entity.user.product_object_id UDM field.
AccountExpirationDate entity.entity.user.account_expiration_time
badPwdCount entity.entity.user.attribute.label.key and entity.entity.user.attribute.label.value
CanonicalName entity.entity.administrative_domain
City entity.entity.user.personal_address.city
Company entity.entity.user.company_name
Country entity.entity.user.personal_address.country_or_region
Department entity.entity.user.department
Description entity.metadata.description
DisplayName entity.entity.user.user_display_name
EmailAddress entity.entity.user.email_addresses
EmployeeID entity.entity.user.employee_id
HomeDirectory entity.entity.file.full_path
HomePage entity.entity.url
HomePhone entity.entity.user.phone_numbers
LastBadPasswordAttempt entity.entity.user.last_bad_password_attempt_time
lastLogoff entity.entity.user.attribute.label.key and entity.entity.user.attribute.label.value
lastLogon entity.entity.user.attribute.label.key and entity.entity.user.attribute.label.value
LastLogonDate entity.entity.user.last_login_time
Manager Values for GUID, SAMAccountname, SID all mapped to different UDM fields:
- SID is stored in manager.windows_sid
- Distinguished name (i.e. value in first CN) is stored in manager.user_display_name
- GUID,SamAccountName is stored in manager.userid
MemberOf The following fields in the first occurrence of CN are set:
entity.relations.entity_type set to GROUP
entity.relations.relationship set t0 MEMBER
entity.relations.direction set to UNIDIRECTIONAL
MobilePhone entity.entity.user.phone_numbers
Office entity.entity.user.office_address.name
PasswordExpired entity.entity.user.attribute.label.key and entity.entity.user.attribute.label.value
PasswordLastSet entity.entity.user.last_password_change_time
PasswordNeverExpires entity.entity.user.attribute.label.key and entity.entity.user.attribute.label.value
PasswordNotRequired entity.entity.user.attribute.label.key and entity.entity.user.attribute.label.value
PrimaryGroup Following fields are set:
- entity.relations.entity.group.group_display_name
- entity.relations.entity_type set to GROUP
- entity.relations.relationship set to MEMBER
- entity.relations.direction set to UNIDIRECTIONAL
ServicePrincipalNames entity.entity.user.attribute.label.key and entity.entity.user.attribute.label.value
State entity.entity.user.personal_address.state
StreetAddress entity.entity.user.personal_address.name
Title entity.entity.user.title
whenCreated entity.user.attribute.creation_time
AccountLockoutTime entity.entity.user.account_lockout_time


NXLog 字段 UDM 字段
DNSHostName entity.entity.asset.hostname
SamAccountName entity.entity.asset.asset_id
SID.Value entity.entity.user.windows_sid
ObjectClass If the value is computer, entity.metadata.entity_type set to ASSET
ObjectGuid If the ObjectGuid log field value is not empty, then the ObjectGuid log field is mapped to the entity.entity.asset.product_object_id UDM field.
Else, If the ObjectGUID log field value is not empty, then the ObjectGUID log field is mapped to the entity.entity.asset.product_object_id UDM field.
ObjectGUID If the ObjectGuid log field value is not empty, then the ObjectGuid log field is mapped to the entity.entity.asset.product_object_id UDM field.
Else, If the ObjectGUID log field value is not empty, then the ObjectGUID log field is mapped to the entity.entity.asset.product_object_id UDM field.
AccountExpirationDate entity.entity.user.account_expiration_time
badPwdCount entity.entity.asset.attribute.label.key and entity.entity.asset.attribute.label.value
CanonicalName entity.entity.administrative_domain
countryCode entity.entity.asset.location.country_or_region
Description entity.entity.metadata.description
HomePage entity.entity.url
IPv4Address entity.entity.asset.ip
IPv6Address entity.entity.asset.ip
LastBadPasswordAttempt entity.entity.user.last_bad_password_attempt_time
lastLogoff entity.entity.asset.attribute.label.key and entity.entity.asset.attribute.label.value
lastLogon entity.entity.asset.attribute.label.key and entity.entity.asset.attribute.label.value
LastLogonDate entity.entity.user.last_login_time
Location entity.entity.asset.location.name
ManagedBy The following fields are set:

entity.relations.entity_type set to USER
entity.relations.relationship set to ADMINISTERS
entity.relations.direction set to UNIDIRECTIONAL
ObjectCategory entity.entity.asset.category
OperatingSystem If the name contains Windows, entity.entity.asset.platform_software.platform field is set to WINDOWS.
OperatingSystemServicePack entity.entity.asset.platform_software.platform_patch_level
OperatingSystemVersion The field entity.entity.asset.platform_software.platform_version is set to %{OperatingSystem} - %{OperatingSystemVersion}
PasswordExpired entity.entity.asset.attribute.label.key and entity.entity.asset.attribute.label.value
PasswordLastSet entity.entity.user.last_password_change_time
PasswordNeverExpires entity.entity.asset.attribute.label.key and entity.entity.asset.attribute.label.value
PasswordNotRequired entity.entity.asset.attribute.label.key and entity.entity.asset.attribute.label.value
PrimaryGroup The following fields are set:
- entity.relations.entity.group.group_display_name
- entity.relations.entity_type set to GROUP
- entity.relations.relationship set to MEMBER
- entity.relations.direction set to UNIDIRECTIONAL
ServicePrincipalNames entity.entity.asset.attribute.label.key and entity.entity.asset.attribute.label.value
whenChanged entity.entity.asset.attribute.last_update_time
whenCreated entity.entity.asset.attribute.creation_time
AccountLockoutTime entity.entity.user.account_lockout_time