使用 Storage Write API 批量加载数据

本文档介绍如何使用 BigQuery Storage Write API 将数据批量加载到 BigQuery 中。

在批量加载场景中,应用会写入数据并作为单个原子事务提交数据。使用 Storage Write API 批量加载数据时,在待处理类型下创建一个或多个流。待处理类型支持流级事务。在提交流之前,记录会缓冲在待处理状态。

对于批处理工作负载,另请考虑使用 Dataproc 通过 BigQuery 的 Apache Spark SQL 连接器来使用 Storage Write API,而不是编写自定义 Storage Write API 代码。

Storage Write API 非常适合数据流水线架构。主进程创建多个流。对于每个流,它都会分配一个工作器线程或单独的进程来写入批量数据的一部分。每个工作器都会创建与其流的连接,写入数据,并在完成写入后完成流。在所有工作器都向主进程发出成功完成的信号后,主进程将提交数据。如果工作器发生故障,则其已分配的数据部分不会显示在最终结果中,并且可以安全地重试整个工作器。在较复杂的流水线中,工作器通过报告写入主进程的最后一个偏移量来设置其进度检查点。这种方法可确保流水线具有可靠的故障恢复能力。



  1. 调用 CreateWriteStream 以在待处理类型下创建一个或多个数据流。
  2. 对于每个流,在循环中调用 AppendRows 以写入批量记录。
  3. 对于每个数据流,调用 FinalizeWriteStream。调用此方法后,您无法再向流中写入更多行。如果您在调用 FinalizeWriteStream 后调用 AppendRows,则会返回 google.rpc.Status 错误中的 StorageErrorStorageErrorCode.STREAM_FINALIZED。如需详细了解 google.rpc.Status 错误模型,请参阅错误
  4. 调用 BatchCommitWriteStreams 以提交数据流。调用此方法后,数据便可供读取。如果在提交任何数据流时出错,则会在 BatchCommitWriteStreamsResponsestream_errors 字段中返回错误。


在流完成之后但在提交之前,数据可以在缓冲区中保留最长 4 小时。待处理数据流必须在 24 小时内提交。待处理数据流缓冲区的总大小有配额限制。



如需了解如何安装和使用 BigQuery 客户端库,请参阅 BigQuery 客户端库。 如需了解详情,请参阅 BigQuery C# API 参考文档

如需向 BigQuery 进行身份验证,请设置应用默认凭据。 如需了解详情,请参阅为客户端库设置身份验证

using Google.Api.Gax.Grpc;
using Google.Cloud.BigQuery.Storage.V1;
using Google.Protobuf;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using static Google.Cloud.BigQuery.Storage.V1.AppendRowsRequest.Types;

public class AppendRowsPendingSample
    /// <summary>
    /// This code sample demonstrates how to write records in pending mode.
    /// Create a write stream, write some sample data, and commit the stream to append the rows.
    /// The CustomerRecord proto used in the sample can be seen in Resources folder and generated C# is placed in Data folder in
    /// https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/dotnet-docs-samples/tree/main/bigquery-storage/api/BigQueryStorage.Samples
    /// </summary>
    public async Task AppendRowsPendingAsync(string projectId, string datasetId, string tableId)
        BigQueryWriteClient bigQueryWriteClient = await BigQueryWriteClient.CreateAsync();
        // Initialize a write stream for the specified table.
        // When creating the stream, choose the type. Use the Pending type to wait
        // until the stream is committed before it is visible. See:
        // https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/storage/rpc/google.cloud.bigquery.storage.v1#google.cloud.bigquery.storage.v1.WriteStream.Type
        WriteStream stream = new WriteStream { Type = WriteStream.Types.Type.Pending };
        TableName tableName = TableName.FromProjectDatasetTable(projectId, datasetId, tableId);

        stream = await bigQueryWriteClient.CreateWriteStreamAsync(tableName, stream);

        // Initialize streaming call, retrieving the stream object
        BigQueryWriteClient.AppendRowsStream rowAppender = bigQueryWriteClient.AppendRows();

        // Sending requests and retrieving responses can be arbitrarily interleaved.
        // Exact sequence will depend on client/server behavior.
        // Create task to do something with responses from server.
        Task appendResultsHandlerTask = Task.Run(async () =>
            AsyncResponseStream<AppendRowsResponse> appendRowResults = rowAppender.GetResponseStream();
            while (await appendRowResults.MoveNextAsync())
                AppendRowsResponse responseItem = appendRowResults.Current;
                // Do something with responses.
                Console.WriteLine($"Appending rows resulted in: {responseItem.AppendResult}");
            // The response stream has completed.

        // List of records to be appended in the table.
        List<CustomerRecord> records = new List<CustomerRecord>
            new CustomerRecord { CustomerNumber = 1, CustomerName = "Alice" },
            new CustomerRecord { CustomerNumber = 2, CustomerName = "Bob" }

        // Create a batch of row data by appending serialized bytes to the
        // SerializedRows repeated field.
        ProtoData protoData = new ProtoData
            WriterSchema = new ProtoSchema { ProtoDescriptor = CustomerRecord.Descriptor.ToProto() },
            Rows = new ProtoRows { SerializedRows = { records.Select(r => r.ToByteString()) } }

        // Initialize the append row request.
        AppendRowsRequest appendRowRequest = new AppendRowsRequest
            WriteStreamAsWriteStreamName = stream.WriteStreamName,
            ProtoRows = protoData

        // Stream a request to the server.
        await rowAppender.WriteAsync(appendRowRequest);

        // Append a second batch of data.
        protoData = new ProtoData
            Rows = new ProtoRows { SerializedRows = { new CustomerRecord { CustomerNumber = 3, CustomerName = "Charles" }.ToByteString() } }

        // Since this is the second request, you only need to include the row data.
        // The name of the stream and protocol buffers descriptor is only needed in
        // the first request.
        appendRowRequest = new AppendRowsRequest
            // If Offset is not present, the write is performed at the current end of stream.
            ProtoRows = protoData

        await rowAppender.WriteAsync(appendRowRequest);

        // Complete writing requests to the stream.
        await rowAppender.WriteCompleteAsync();

        // Await the handler. This will complete once all server responses have been processed.
        await appendResultsHandlerTask;

        // A Pending type stream must be "finalized" before being committed. No new
        // records can be written to the stream after this method has been called.
        await bigQueryWriteClient.FinalizeWriteStreamAsync(stream.Name);
        BatchCommitWriteStreamsRequest batchCommitWriteStreamsRequest = new BatchCommitWriteStreamsRequest
            Parent = tableName.ToString(),
            WriteStreams = { stream.Name }

        BatchCommitWriteStreamsResponse batchCommitWriteStreamsResponse =
            await bigQueryWriteClient.BatchCommitWriteStreamsAsync(batchCommitWriteStreamsRequest);
        if (batchCommitWriteStreamsResponse.StreamErrors?.Count > 0)
            // Handle errors here.
            Console.WriteLine("Error committing write streams. Individual errors:");
            foreach (StorageError error in batchCommitWriteStreamsResponse.StreamErrors)
            Console.WriteLine($"Writes to stream {stream.Name} have been committed.");


如需了解如何安装和使用 BigQuery 客户端库,请参阅 BigQuery 客户端库。 如需了解详情,请参阅 BigQuery Go API 参考文档

如需向 BigQuery 进行身份验证,请设置应用默认凭据。 如需了解详情,请参阅为客户端库设置身份验证

import (


// generateExampleMessages generates a slice of serialized protobuf messages using a statically defined
// and compiled protocol buffer file, and returns the binary serialized representation.
func generateExampleMessages(numMessages int) ([][]byte, error) {
	msgs := make([][]byte, numMessages)
	for i := 0; i < numMessages; i++ {

		random := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))

		// Our example data embeds an array of structs, so we'll construct that first.
		sList := make([]*exampleproto.SampleStruct, 5)
		for i := 0; i < int(random.Int63n(5)+1); i++ {
			sList[i] = &exampleproto.SampleStruct{
				SubIntCol: proto.Int64(random.Int63()),

		m := &exampleproto.SampleData{
			BoolCol:    proto.Bool(true),
			BytesCol:   []byte("some bytes"),
			Float64Col: proto.Float64(3.14),
			Int64Col:   proto.Int64(123),
			StringCol:  proto.String("example string value"),

			// These types require special encoding/formatting to transmit.

			// DATE values are number of days since the Unix epoch.

			DateCol: proto.Int32(int32(time.Now().UnixNano() / 86400000000000)),

			// DATETIME uses the literal format.
			DatetimeCol: proto.String("2022-01-01 12:13:14.000000"),

			// GEOGRAPHY uses Well-Known-Text (WKT) format.
			GeographyCol: proto.String("POINT(-122.350220 47.649154)"),

			// NUMERIC and BIGNUMERIC can be passed as string, or more efficiently
			// using a packed byte representation.
			NumericCol:    proto.String("99999999999999999999999999999.999999999"),
			BignumericCol: proto.String("578960446186580977117854925043439539266.34992332820282019728792003956564819967"),

			// TIME also uses literal format.
			TimeCol: proto.String("12:13:14.000000"),

			// TIMESTAMP uses microseconds since Unix epoch.
			TimestampCol: proto.Int64(time.Now().UnixNano() / 1000),

			// Int64List is an array of INT64 types.
			Int64List: []int64{2, 4, 6, 8},

			// This is a required field, and thus must be present.
			RowNum: proto.Int64(23),

			// StructCol is a single nested message.
			StructCol: &exampleproto.SampleStruct{
				SubIntCol: proto.Int64(random.Int63()),

			// StructList is a repeated array of a nested message.
			StructList: sList,

		b, err := proto.Marshal(m)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("error generating message %d: %w", i, err)
		msgs[i] = b
	return msgs, nil

// appendToPendingStream demonstrates using the managedwriter package to write some example data
// to a pending stream, and then committing it to a table.
func appendToPendingStream(w io.Writer, projectID, datasetID, tableID string) error {
	// projectID := "myproject"
	// datasetID := "mydataset"
	// tableID := "mytable"

	ctx := context.Background()
	// Instantiate a managedwriter client to handle interactions with the service.
	client, err := managedwriter.NewClient(ctx, projectID)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("managedwriter.NewClient: %w", err)
	// Close the client when we exit the function.
	defer client.Close()

	// Create a new pending stream.  We'll use the stream name to construct a writer.
	pendingStream, err := client.CreateWriteStream(ctx, &storagepb.CreateWriteStreamRequest{
		Parent: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/datasets/%s/tables/%s", projectID, datasetID, tableID),
		WriteStream: &storagepb.WriteStream{
			Type: storagepb.WriteStream_PENDING,
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("CreateWriteStream: %w", err)

	// We need to communicate the descriptor of the protocol buffer message we're using, which
	// is analagous to the "schema" for the message.  Both SampleData and SampleStruct are
	// two distinct messages in the compiled proto file, so we'll use adapt.NormalizeDescriptor
	// to unify them into a single self-contained descriptor representation.
	m := &exampleproto.SampleData{}
	descriptorProto, err := adapt.NormalizeDescriptor(m.ProtoReflect().Descriptor())
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("NormalizeDescriptor: %w", err)

	// Instantiate a ManagedStream, which manages low level details like connection state and provides
	// additional features like a future-like callback for appends, etc.  NewManagedStream can also create
	// the stream on your behalf, but in this example we're being explicit about stream creation.
	managedStream, err := client.NewManagedStream(ctx, managedwriter.WithStreamName(pendingStream.GetName()),
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("NewManagedStream: %w", err)
	defer managedStream.Close()

	// First, we'll append a single row.
	rows, err := generateExampleMessages(1)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("generateExampleMessages: %w", err)

	// We'll keep track of the current offset in the stream with curOffset.
	var curOffset int64
	// We can append data asyncronously, so we'll check our appends at the end.
	var results []*managedwriter.AppendResult

	result, err := managedStream.AppendRows(ctx, rows, managedwriter.WithOffset(0))
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("AppendRows first call error: %w", err)
	results = append(results, result)

	// Advance our current offset.
	curOffset = curOffset + 1

	// This time, we'll append three more rows in a single request.
	rows, err = generateExampleMessages(3)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("generateExampleMessages: %w", err)
	result, err = managedStream.AppendRows(ctx, rows, managedwriter.WithOffset(curOffset))
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("AppendRows second call error: %w", err)
	results = append(results, result)

	// Advance our offset again.
	curOffset = curOffset + 3

	// Finally, we'll append two more rows.
	rows, err = generateExampleMessages(2)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("generateExampleMessages: %w", err)
	result, err = managedStream.AppendRows(ctx, rows, managedwriter.WithOffset(curOffset))
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("AppendRows third call error: %w", err)
	results = append(results, result)

	// Now, we'll check that our batch of three appends all completed successfully.
	// Monitoring the results could also be done out of band via a goroutine.
	for k, v := range results {
		// GetResult blocks until we receive a response from the API.
		recvOffset, err := v.GetResult(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("append %d returned error: %w", k, err)
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "Successfully appended data at offset %d.\n", recvOffset)

	// We're now done appending to this stream.  We now mark pending stream finalized, which blocks
	// further appends.
	rowCount, err := managedStream.Finalize(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error during Finalize: %w", err)

	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Stream %s finalized with %d rows.\n", managedStream.StreamName(), rowCount)

	// To commit the data to the table, we need to run a batch commit.  You can commit several streams
	// atomically as a group, but in this instance we'll only commit the single stream.
	req := &storagepb.BatchCommitWriteStreamsRequest{
		Parent:       managedwriter.TableParentFromStreamName(managedStream.StreamName()),
		WriteStreams: []string{managedStream.StreamName()},

	resp, err := client.BatchCommitWriteStreams(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("client.BatchCommit: %w", err)
	if len(resp.GetStreamErrors()) > 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("stream errors present: %v", resp.GetStreamErrors())

	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Table data committed at %s\n", resp.GetCommitTime().AsTime().Format(time.RFC3339Nano))

	return nil


如需了解如何安装和使用 BigQuery 客户端库,请参阅 BigQuery 客户端库。 如需了解详情,请参阅 BigQuery Java API 参考文档

如需向 BigQuery 进行身份验证,请设置应用默认凭据。 如需了解详情,请参阅为客户端库设置身份验证

import com.google.api.core.ApiFuture;
import com.google.api.core.ApiFutureCallback;
import com.google.api.core.ApiFutures;
import com.google.api.gax.retrying.RetrySettings;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.storage.v1.AppendRowsResponse;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.storage.v1.BatchCommitWriteStreamsRequest;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.storage.v1.BatchCommitWriteStreamsResponse;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.storage.v1.BigQueryWriteClient;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.storage.v1.CreateWriteStreamRequest;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.storage.v1.Exceptions;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.storage.v1.Exceptions.StorageException;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.storage.v1.FinalizeWriteStreamResponse;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.storage.v1.JsonStreamWriter;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.storage.v1.StorageError;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.storage.v1.TableName;
import com.google.cloud.bigquery.storage.v1.WriteStream;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.MoreExecutors;
import com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.DescriptorValidationException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Phaser;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.threeten.bp.Duration;

public class WritePendingStream {

  public static void runWritePendingStream()
      throws DescriptorValidationException, InterruptedException, IOException {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectId = "MY_PROJECT_ID";
    String datasetName = "MY_DATASET_NAME";
    String tableName = "MY_TABLE_NAME";

    writePendingStream(projectId, datasetName, tableName);

  public static void writePendingStream(String projectId, String datasetName, String tableName)
      throws DescriptorValidationException, InterruptedException, IOException {
    BigQueryWriteClient client = BigQueryWriteClient.create();
    TableName parentTable = TableName.of(projectId, datasetName, tableName);

    DataWriter writer = new DataWriter();
    // One time initialization.
    writer.initialize(parentTable, client);

    try {
      // Write two batches of fake data to the stream, each with 10 JSON records.  Data may be
      // batched up to the maximum request size:
      // https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/quotas#write-api-limits
      long offset = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        // Create a JSON object that is compatible with the table schema.
        JSONArray jsonArr = new JSONArray();
        for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
          JSONObject record = new JSONObject();
          record.put("col1", String.format("batch-record %03d-%03d", i, j));
        writer.append(jsonArr, offset);
        offset += jsonArr.length();
    } catch (ExecutionException e) {
      // If the wrapped exception is a StatusRuntimeException, check the state of the operation.
      // If the state is INTERNAL, CANCELLED, or ABORTED, you can retry. For more information, see:
      // https://grpc.github.io/grpc-java/javadoc/io/grpc/StatusRuntimeException.html
      System.out.println("Failed to append records. \n" + e);

    // Final cleanup for the stream.
    System.out.println("Appended records successfully.");

    // Once all streams are done, if all writes were successful, commit all of them in one request.
    // This example only has the one stream. If any streams failed, their workload may be
    // retried on a new stream, and then only the successful stream should be included in the
    // commit.
    BatchCommitWriteStreamsRequest commitRequest =
    BatchCommitWriteStreamsResponse commitResponse = client.batchCommitWriteStreams(commitRequest);
    // If the response does not have a commit time, it means the commit operation failed.
    if (commitResponse.hasCommitTime() == false) {
      for (StorageError err : commitResponse.getStreamErrorsList()) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error committing the streams");
    System.out.println("Appended and committed records successfully.");

  // A simple wrapper object showing how the stateful stream writer should be used.
  private static class DataWriter {

    private JsonStreamWriter streamWriter;
    // Track the number of in-flight requests to wait for all responses before shutting down.
    private final Phaser inflightRequestCount = new Phaser(1);

    private final Object lock = new Object();

    private RuntimeException error = null;

    void initialize(TableName parentTable, BigQueryWriteClient client)
        throws IOException, DescriptorValidationException, InterruptedException {
      // Initialize a write stream for the specified table.
      // For more information on WriteStream.Type, see:
      // https://googleapis.dev/java/google-cloud-bigquerystorage/latest/com/google/cloud/bigquery/storage/v1/WriteStream.Type.html
      WriteStream stream = WriteStream.newBuilder().setType(WriteStream.Type.PENDING).build();

      // Configure in-stream automatic retry settings.
      // Error codes that are immediately retried:
      // Error codes that are retried with exponential backoff:
      RetrySettings retrySettings =

      CreateWriteStreamRequest createWriteStreamRequest =
      WriteStream writeStream = client.createWriteStream(createWriteStreamRequest);

      // Use the JSON stream writer to send records in JSON format.
      // For more information about JsonStreamWriter, see:
      // https://cloud.google.com/java/docs/reference/google-cloud-bigquerystorage/latest/com.google.cloud.bigquery.storage.v1.JsonStreamWriter
      streamWriter =
          JsonStreamWriter.newBuilder(writeStream.getName(), writeStream.getTableSchema())

    public void append(JSONArray data, long offset)
        throws DescriptorValidationException, IOException, ExecutionException {
      synchronized (this.lock) {
        // If earlier appends have failed, we need to reset before continuing.
        if (this.error != null) {
          throw this.error;
      // Append asynchronously for increased throughput.
      ApiFuture<AppendRowsResponse> future = streamWriter.append(data, offset);
          future, new AppendCompleteCallback(this), MoreExecutors.directExecutor());
      // Increase the count of in-flight requests.

    public void cleanup(BigQueryWriteClient client) {
      // Wait for all in-flight requests to complete.

      // Close the connection to the server.

      // Verify that no error occurred in the stream.
      synchronized (this.lock) {
        if (this.error != null) {
          throw this.error;

      // Finalize the stream.
      FinalizeWriteStreamResponse finalizeResponse =
      System.out.println("Rows written: " + finalizeResponse.getRowCount());

    public String getStreamName() {
      return streamWriter.getStreamName();

    static class AppendCompleteCallback implements ApiFutureCallback<AppendRowsResponse> {

      private final DataWriter parent;

      public AppendCompleteCallback(DataWriter parent) {
        this.parent = parent;

      public void onSuccess(AppendRowsResponse response) {
        System.out.format("Append %d success\n", response.getAppendResult().getOffset().getValue());

      public void onFailure(Throwable throwable) {
        synchronized (this.parent.lock) {
          if (this.parent.error == null) {
            StorageException storageException = Exceptions.toStorageException(throwable);
            this.parent.error =
                (storageException != null) ? storageException : new RuntimeException(throwable);
        System.out.format("Error: %s\n", throwable.toString());

      private void done() {
        // Reduce the count of in-flight requests.


如需了解如何安装和使用 BigQuery 客户端库,请参阅 BigQuery 客户端库。 如需了解详情,请参阅 BigQuery Node.js API 参考文档

如需向 BigQuery 进行身份验证,请设置应用默认凭据。 如需了解详情,请参阅为客户端库设置身份验证

const {adapt, managedwriter} = require('@google-cloud/bigquery-storage');
const {WriterClient, Writer} = managedwriter;

const customer_record_pb = require('./customer_record_pb.js');
const {CustomerRecord} = customer_record_pb;

const protobufjs = require('protobufjs');

async function appendRowsPending() {
   * If you make updates to the customer_record.proto protocol buffers definition,
   * run:
   *   pbjs customer_record.proto -t static-module -w commonjs -o customer_record.js
   *   pbjs customer_record.proto -t json --keep-case -o customer_record.json
   * from the /samples directory to generate the customer_record module.

  // So that BigQuery knows how to parse the serialized_rows, create a
  // protocol buffer representation of your message descriptor.
  const root = protobufjs.loadSync('./customer_record.json');
  const descriptor = root.lookupType('CustomerRecord').toDescriptor('proto2');
  const protoDescriptor = adapt.normalizeDescriptor(descriptor).toJSON();

   * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following lines before running the sample.
  // projectId = 'my_project';
  // datasetId = 'my_dataset';
  // tableId = 'my_table';

  const destinationTable = `projects/${projectId}/datasets/${datasetId}/tables/${tableId}`;
  const streamType = managedwriter.PendingStream;
  const writeClient = new WriterClient({projectId});
  try {
    const writeStream = await writeClient.createWriteStreamFullResponse({
    const streamId = writeStream.name;
    console.log(`Stream created: ${streamId}`);

    const connection = await writeClient.createStreamConnection({
    const writer = new Writer({

    let serializedRows = [];
    const pendingWrites = [];

    // Row 1
    let row = {
      rowNum: 1,
      customerName: 'Octavia',

    // Row 2
    row = {
      rowNum: 2,
      customerName: 'Turing',

    // Set an offset to allow resuming this stream if the connection breaks.
    // Keep track of which requests the server has acknowledged and resume the
    // stream at the first non-acknowledged message. If the server has already
    // processed a message with that offset, it will return an ALREADY_EXISTS
    // error, which can be safely ignored.

    // The first request must always have an offset of 0.
    let offsetValue = 0;

    // Send batch.
    let pw = writer.appendRows({serializedRows}, offsetValue);

    serializedRows = [];

    // Row 3
    row = {
      rowNum: 3,
      customerName: 'Bell',

    // Offset must equal the number of rows that were previously sent.
    offsetValue = 2;

    // Send batch.
    pw = writer.appendRows({serializedRows}, offsetValue);

    const results = await Promise.all(
      pendingWrites.map(pw => pw.getResult())
    console.log('Write results:', results);

    const {rowCount} = await connection.finalize();
    console.log(`Row count: ${rowCount}`);

    const response = await writeClient.batchCommitWriteStream({
      parent: destinationTable,
      writeStreams: [streamId],

  } catch (err) {
  } finally {


此示例显示了一个包含两个字段的简单记录。如需查看展示如何发送不同数据类型(包括 STRUCT 类型)的较长示例,请参阅 GitHub 上的 append_rows_proto2 示例

如需了解如何安装和使用 BigQuery 客户端库,请参阅 BigQuery 客户端库。 如需了解详情,请参阅 BigQuery Python API 参考文档

如需向 BigQuery 进行身份验证,请设置应用默认凭据。 如需了解详情,请参阅为客户端库设置身份验证

This code sample demonstrates how to write records in pending mode
using the low-level generated client for Python.

from google.protobuf import descriptor_pb2

from google.cloud import bigquery_storage_v1
from google.cloud.bigquery_storage_v1 import types, writer

# If you update the customer_record.proto protocol buffer definition, run:
#   protoc --python_out=. customer_record.proto
# from the samples/snippets directory to generate the customer_record_pb2.py module.
from . import customer_record_pb2

def create_row_data(row_num: int, name: str):
    row = customer_record_pb2.CustomerRecord()
    row.row_num = row_num
    row.customer_name = name
    return row.SerializeToString()

def append_rows_pending(project_id: str, dataset_id: str, table_id: str):
    """Create a write stream, write some sample data, and commit the stream."""
    write_client = bigquery_storage_v1.BigQueryWriteClient()
    parent = write_client.table_path(project_id, dataset_id, table_id)
    write_stream = types.WriteStream()

    # When creating the stream, choose the type. Use the PENDING type to wait
    # until the stream is committed before it is visible. See:
    # https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/storage/rpc/google.cloud.bigquery.storage.v1#google.cloud.bigquery.storage.v1.WriteStream.Type
    write_stream.type_ = types.WriteStream.Type.PENDING
    write_stream = write_client.create_write_stream(
        parent=parent, write_stream=write_stream
    stream_name = write_stream.name

    # Create a template with fields needed for the first request.
    request_template = types.AppendRowsRequest()

    # The initial request must contain the stream name.
    request_template.write_stream = stream_name

    # So that BigQuery knows how to parse the serialized_rows, generate a
    # protocol buffer representation of your message descriptor.
    proto_schema = types.ProtoSchema()
    proto_descriptor = descriptor_pb2.DescriptorProto()
    proto_schema.proto_descriptor = proto_descriptor
    proto_data = types.AppendRowsRequest.ProtoData()
    proto_data.writer_schema = proto_schema
    request_template.proto_rows = proto_data

    # Some stream types support an unbounded number of requests. Construct an
    # AppendRowsStream to send an arbitrary number of requests to a stream.
    append_rows_stream = writer.AppendRowsStream(write_client, request_template)

    # Create a batch of row data by appending proto2 serialized bytes to the
    # serialized_rows repeated field.
    proto_rows = types.ProtoRows()
    proto_rows.serialized_rows.append(create_row_data(1, "Alice"))
    proto_rows.serialized_rows.append(create_row_data(2, "Bob"))

    # Set an offset to allow resuming this stream if the connection breaks.
    # Keep track of which requests the server has acknowledged and resume the
    # stream at the first non-acknowledged message. If the server has already
    # processed a message with that offset, it will return an ALREADY_EXISTS
    # error, which can be safely ignored.
    # The first request must always have an offset of 0.
    request = types.AppendRowsRequest()
    request.offset = 0
    proto_data = types.AppendRowsRequest.ProtoData()
    proto_data.rows = proto_rows
    request.proto_rows = proto_data

    response_future_1 = append_rows_stream.send(request)

    # Send another batch.
    proto_rows = types.ProtoRows()
    proto_rows.serialized_rows.append(create_row_data(3, "Charles"))

    # Since this is the second request, you only need to include the row data.
    # The name of the stream and protocol buffers DESCRIPTOR is only needed in
    # the first request.
    request = types.AppendRowsRequest()
    proto_data = types.AppendRowsRequest.ProtoData()
    proto_data.rows = proto_rows
    request.proto_rows = proto_data

    # Offset must equal the number of rows that were previously sent.
    request.offset = 2

    response_future_2 = append_rows_stream.send(request)


    # Shutdown background threads and close the streaming connection.

    # A PENDING type stream must be "finalized" before being committed. No new
    # records can be written to the stream after this method has been called.

    # Commit the stream you created earlier.
    batch_commit_write_streams_request = types.BatchCommitWriteStreamsRequest()
    batch_commit_write_streams_request.parent = parent
    batch_commit_write_streams_request.write_streams = [write_stream.name]

    print(f"Writes to stream: '{write_stream.name}' have been committed.")

该代码示例依赖于已编译的协议模块 customer_record_pb2.py。如需创建已编译的模块,请执行 protoc --python_out=. customer_record.proto,其中 protoc 是协议缓冲区编译器。customer_record.proto 文件定义了 Python 示例中使用的消息的格式。

// The BigQuery Storage API expects protocol buffer data to be encoded in the
// proto2 wire format. This allows it to disambiguate missing optional fields
// from default values without the need for wrapper types.
syntax = "proto2";

// Define a message type representing the rows in your table. The message
// cannot contain fields which are not present in the table.
message CustomerRecord {

  optional string customer_name = 1;

  // Use the required keyword for client-side validation of required fields.
  required int64 row_num = 2;