Filters in Preview Dashboards

Supported in:

Add a filter

You can use filters to apply conditions on data source fields for applicable charts.

To add a filter, do the following:

  1. On the Edit Dashboard page, click the icon to add a filter.

  2. On the Manage filters window, click the icon to add a new filter.

  3. In the Field to filter field, enter a field based on which you want to filter the data. For more information on supported data sources and fields, see Supported data sources.

  4. In the Filter name field, enter a name for the filter.

  5. In the Apply to field, select charts on which the filter needs to be applied.

  6. Optional: Set a default value for the filter.

  7. Click Done to add the filter and close the Manage filters window.

Manage the global time filter

The global time filter applies to all charts, regardless of the chart's data source.

To select the charts for which the global time filter can be applied, do the following:

  1. On the Edit Dashboard page, click the icon to add a filter.

  2. On the Manage filters window, select Global time filter from the filters list.

  3. Click the toggle to ensure that the global time filter is enabled.

  4. In the Apply to field, select the charts on which the global time filter needs to be applied.

  5. In the Set default values field, set a time range over which data is viewed in either absolute or relative terms.

  6. Click Done to enable the filter and close the Manage Filters window.

Apply the filter

To apply a filter, do the following:

  1. Click Back to open the View Dashboard page, and then click the icon to view the dashboard filters.

  2. On the Dashboard filters window, select the filter you created.

  3. Enter a value for the field on which you want to filter.

  4. Click Apply. The charts for which the filter is applicable are refreshed with new data.

Apply the global time filter

When you open the View Dashboard page, the global time filter is applied on the applicable charts with the default time range.

To change the global time filter value, do the following:

  1. Click the icon.

  2. In the Global Time Filter dialog, select either past or between operator.

  3. Select the date range.

  4. Click Apply. The charts for which the global time filter is applicable are refreshed with new data.

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